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We study the multi-wavelength emission features of PKS 0447-439 in the frame of the one-zone homogeneous lepto-hadronic model. In this model, we assumed that the steady power-laws with exponential cut-offs distributions of protons and electrons are injected into the source. The non-linear time-dependent kinematic equations, describing the evolution of protons, electrons and photons, are defined; these equations self-consistently involve synchrotron radiation of protons, photon-photon interaction, synchrotron radiation of electron/positron pairs, inverse Compton scattering and synchrotron self-absorption. The model is applied to reproduce the multi-wavelength spectrum of PKS 0447-439. Our results indicate that the spectral energy distribution (SED) of PKS 0447-439 can be reproduced well by the model. In particular, the GeV-TeV emission is produced by the synchrotron radiation of relativistic protons. The physically plausible solutions require the magnetic strength \(10~\text{G}\lesssim B \lesssim 100~\text{G}\). We found that the observed spectrum of PKS 0447-439 can be reproduced well by the model whether \(z = 0.16\) or \(z = 0.2\), and the acceptable upper limit of redshift is \(z=0.343\).  相似文献   
We observed Mrk 421 in V and R band using the 1.0 m telescope at Weihai Observatory of Shandong University since 2009 April to 2012 May. The available historical data in B and V band were also assembled for constructing light curves. The brightness of Mrk 421 ranges from 11.40 to 16.14 in the B band light curve, and from 11.38 to 14.56 in the V band. Analyses with the Jurkevich method and the structure function method showed a possible period of about 1.36 years for its long periodic variability. This period could be explained by a close binary black hole system (BBHS) model with a primary black hole mass of 1.70×108 M and a secondary ~(0.49–2.9)×107 M . We showed the color variability of Mrk 421, a bluer when brighter behavior during its lower state. Analyses of spectral index variations show that only a host galaxy contribution is not sufficient to explain the spectral index variations in Mrk 421, and some intrinsic mechanism is needed.  相似文献   
Structural parameters and thermodynamic properties of strontianite — witherite solid solutions have been studied by X-ray powder diffraction, heat flux Calvet calorimetry and cation-exchange equilibria technique. X-ray study of the synthetic samples have shown linear and quadratic (for c-parameter) composition dependencies of the lattice constants in the carbonate solid solution. The thermodynamic energy parameters demonstrate the non-ideal character of strontianite — witherite solid solutions. Enthalpies of solution of the samples have been measured in 2PbO*B2O3 at 973 K. The new data on the enthalpy of formation H f,298.15 0 of SrCO3 and BaCO3 were obtained: -1231.4±3.2 and -1209.9±5.8 kJ*mol-1 respectively. The enthalpy of mixing of the solid solution was found to be positive and asymmetric with maximum at XBa (carbonate)=0.35. The composition dependence of the enthalpy of mixing may be described by two — parametric Margules model equation: H mix=X BaX Sr[(4.40±3.91)X Ba+(28.13±3.91)X Sr] kJmol–1 Cation-exchange reactions between carbonates and aqueous SrCl2-BaCl2 supercritical solutions (fluids) were carried out at 973 and 1073 K and 2 kbar. Calculated Margules model parameters of the excess free energy are: for orthorhombic carbonate solid solutions W Sr=W Ba=11.51±0.40 kJmol–1 (973 K) and W Sr=W Ba=12.09±0.95 kJmol (1073 K) for trigonal carbonate solid solutions W Sr=W Ba=13.55±0.40 kJmol (1073 K).  相似文献   
Payment for ecosystem services (PES) has become an increasingly popular means of ecosystem conservation. Opportunity cost is an important factor to increase the investment efficiency of PES projects. However, the distribution of opportunity cost is usually unclear in mountainous regions due to the obvious environment changes. In this study, we developed a framework to assess the distribution of agricultural opportunity costs in mountainous regions and applied this method to Baoxing County, a typical mountainous county in Sichuan Province of southwest China. Planting suitability of 17 crops was assessed based on agricultural statistics and natural conditions data within a GIS environment. Agricultural opportunity cost was quantified with a weighted summation of farmers’ willingness to cultivate and each crop’s opportunity cost. Finally, specific agricultural opportunity cost was obtained according to the spatial areas of the protection programs and land use status. The results showed that agricultural opportunity costs of PES in Baoxing County were estimated to be more than $30 million, with a mean of 400.85 $/ha. Agricultural opportunity costs in mountainous regions displayed some obvious spatial variation and areas with lower agricultural opportunity costs could be selected as priority areas for PES. Our findings revealed that the planting suitability evaluation can make agricultural opportunity costs mapping more reasonable. It will be helpful for the PES programs implementation in mountainous regions.  相似文献   
文章利用2012年冬季南海西北部的航次探空资料,研究了寒潮过程和海洋锋面对大气波导特征演变的共同影响。文中观测发现,航次期间的大气波导以悬空波导为主,平均波底高度约738.64m,平均厚度约185.17m,平均强度10.21M单位。观测前期,天气形势稳定,东北季风较弱,在锋面暖水区一侧的悬空波导较为深厚,且高度较低。其主要成因是大气边界层顶部925hPa至850hPa高度左右存在深厚的逆温层,且具有显著的日变化特征。航次中期的寒潮过程导致东北季风大幅增强,使得大气边界层顶部的逆温层被破坏,从而导致悬空波导显著变薄变弱。而锋面冷水区一侧,低水温抑制湍流发展导致大气修正折射率(M)的负梯度扰动较弱,较难形成稳定且有一定强度的波导层,且无显著日变化。但当东南暖湿气流覆盖锋面冷水区上空时,容易形成较稳定的表面波导。  相似文献   
天山造山带自新元古代以来,经历了漫长而复杂的俯冲增生造山作用和陆内构造活化过程,属于典型的复合型造山带。基于近年研究进展,本文对伊犁、境内外中天山和南天山构造带前寒武纪基底、古生代沉积序列、多期陆缘弧岩浆岩和构造缝合带的变形变质特征、形成环境和年代学等进行了总结分析,梳理了天山古生代增生造山作用中的三次重要构造转换事件及其地质记录。① 伊犁南北两缘、中天山、南天山和塔里木北缘,均发育中奥陶世—志留纪的大陆弧岩浆作用,伊犁北缘、南天山 塔里木北部早古生代沉积环境发生显著变化,表明天山 塔里木北缘在中—晚奥陶世发生了从被动陆缘向活动陆缘的转换。② 伊犁南、北两缘和中天山的早古生代岩层在晚志留世—早泥盆世普遍发生了强烈的韧性变形和角闪岩相变质作用,其上不整合覆盖有弱变形未变质的晚泥盆世—石炭纪火山 沉积地层;该区域不整合是哈萨克斯坦微大陆拼合事件在研究区的构造响应,也标志着准噶尔洋和南天山洋的俯冲方式在泥盆纪发生了由前进式(东太平洋型)向后撤式(西太平洋型)的构造转换,导致伊犁和中天山在晚泥盆世—石炭纪经历了伸展背景下的大陆弧岩浆作用,在南天山 塔里木北缘则形成了一系列弧后有限洋盆。③ 天山各构造单元及其边界缝合带中普遍发育晚石炭世逆冲推覆构造和二叠纪走滑韧性剪切带、晚石炭世—早二叠世滑塌堆积和二叠纪后造山岩浆岩,指示晚石炭世—早二叠世发生了由汇聚造山向陆内构造的转换。这些构造转换事件是认识古亚洲洋各分支洋盆从初始俯冲、俯冲方式转换到俯冲终结过程的基础,也是探讨增生造山动力学的关键。  相似文献   
石英阴极发光在火成岩研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阴极发光是一种研究火成岩石英显微生长结构的有效技术方法。文章以甲玛斑岩铜矿床中岩体样品分析为例,简要介绍了光学显微镜阴极发光(OM-CL)和扫描电镜阴极发光(SEM-CL)两种图片的特点,并综述了石英阴极发光在火成岩研究中的应用。阴极发光所显示出的火成岩石英中的生长形式和蚀变结构反映了岩浆的结晶历史。相对稳定的以蓝色阴极发光为主的斑晶区域主要与石英中Ti含量的变化有关,它反映了结晶作用的温度。由于在岩浆演化过程中,与铝、锂、钾、锗、硼、铁、磷相比,钛更加相容,因此随着岩浆分异程度的加深,火成岩中铝/钛逐渐升高。石英阴极发光不仅能显示岩浆早期及岩浆晚期的各种结构,如生长环带、重熔表面、溶蚀湾等,还反映了许多次生结构,如显微裂隙等。这些现象在光学显微镜下难以观察区分。晶体的显微结构提供了熔体来源和演化的重要信息。将石英结构和熔融包裹体与微量元素研究相结合反映了岩浆演化详细的PTt轨迹,它是富硅酸盐岩浆演化过程中物理-化学条件改变的敏感指示剂。  相似文献   
用盐酸提取赤泥和石灰石的混合料后,通过邻二氮菲分光光度法测定提取液中铁含量,进而求得混合料中氧化铁的质量分数,以此来衡量混匀度。结果表明,该法与重铬酸钾法比较,精密度和准确度均无显著性差异,测定混匀度的相对误差在±2%,且方法简便、快速、准确、对环境友好,可用于生产实时监控。  相似文献   
张君  李长安  孙习林 《地质论评》2013,59(3):537-543
通过对乌江河漫滩现代沉积物中碎屑磷灰石裂变径迹年代学分析,得到3个峰值年龄:P1--5.9Ma;P2--27.6Ma;P3--82.3Ma。分析认为,各峰值年龄分布主要受阶段性的构造活动影响,并与中—新生代以来乌江流域发生的重大构造事件的时限相吻合,指示裂变径迹年龄峰值记录了云贵高原东部中—新生代以来构造演化的重大事件。其中,P3峰值年龄主要受控于晚白垩世隆升作用,P2峰值年龄主要受晚渐新世缓慢隆升和断裂构造作用控制,P1峰值年龄主要受控于中—上新世之交发生的区域性构造抬升作用。P1峰值年龄的颗粒数占总颗粒数比重最大,高达40.7%,指示在5.9Ma发生了大规模的区域性构造隆升事件,在如此大规模的地表抬升运动和气候变化的共同作用下,河流的侵蚀能力得到增强,乌江流域的深切河谷地貌应该形成于5.9Ma以后。  相似文献   
构造蚀变体(SBT)是沉积作用、构造作用和热液蚀变的综合产物。SBT作为黔西南地区金、锑、萤石等矿产的重要就位空间,金锑矿成矿与其密切相关。近年在黔西南地区发现了丰富的金资源量,关键在于SBT体系的提出及与之为核心的成矿模式的建立和应用。本文应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)分析了黔西南台地相区典型矿床的SBT样品,揭示稀土元素的地球化学特征。结果表明,不同矿区SBT的ΣREE=49.55×10~(-6)~271.72×10~(-6),含量变化较大,LREE/HREE=5.62~13.59,轻重稀土分馏明显,轻稀土富集;SBT对北美页岩和CI球粒陨石标准化配分模式图均表现为轻稀土富集的右倾型、\"四分组\"效应明显、强烈热液作用,为同一体系的产物;大厂至戈塘一线显示高的正铕异常,推测有两个方向含矿热液在此汇聚。本文系统对比了黔西南地区SBT稀土元素地球化学特征,反映该区成矿流体来源及演化,为本区微细浸染型金矿的成矿预测提供了依据。  相似文献   
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