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胶州湾沧口潮间带生态学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国从30年代开始就对潮间带生态学进行过研究,动物学界前辈张玺教授领导考察团,对胶州湾进行多次考察。50年代又对我国沿海有代表性的潮间带进行调查。在这个基础上,我们在1963年8月到1964年12月连续17个月,对胶州湾沧口泥沙滩进行了逐月的潮间带生态调查。主要目的是详细地了解我国北方海区潮间带泥沙底质生态类型的生物种类组成、垂直分布和数量变动,并对某些经济种类的生物学概况进行探讨。 将我们的调查材料与张玺早期的资料作一比较就可发现,虽然经过三十多年的时间,但胶州湾沧口泥沙滩潮间带的生物种类组成和分布基本上没有多大变化,它反映了污染前自然生态的面貌。本文详细阐明沧口泥沙滩潮间带的生态结构,表现沧口滩涂自然生态平衡的本底情况。 近十多年来,随着工业的发展,近岸工厂的污水及其他污染物排放入海,沧口泥沙滩潮间带的生态结构发生了变化,某些种类的分布下移,数量减少,某些种类已绝迹。近几年来,全国开展的海岸带和海涂综合调查需要有过去的本底资料进行对比,以便对现有资源量和将来可能发生的资源变动进行估计。为此,我们把以前的调查结果整理发表,为水产养殖、环境保护和海洋生态学研究提供必要的资料。  相似文献   
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潮水盆地是印支运动后在阿拉善地块之上发育形成的中、新生代断拗山间盆地,其经历了早、中侏罗世断陷、晚侏罗世坳陷及以后的改造3大阶段。位于盆地西北部的阿右旗坳陷是其重要的次级构造单元,由于控制坳陷展布的断层有正断层、逆冲断层和反转断层等,故分为5块主要的次级构造单元断块。不同时代的坳陷在空间上存在翘倾叠合、叠合保存、部分叠合改造等干涉方式。研究阿右旗坳陷构造特征对该处矿产资源的开发有重要意义。  相似文献   
西拉沐沦河流域地处中国地貌大势三大台阶之中台阶与低台阶的过渡区。该区的中度抬升和下切,造成了西拉沐沦河流域考古文化遗址在空间上的垂向迁移;频繁的迁移也导致了考古遗址在堆积形态上主要表现为单一型,体现了不同考古文化之间“间断”的,不稳定的传承方式。位于中国地貌大势之低台阶上的汶泗流域,属自下古生代以来就十分稳定的剥蚀区,这些自然条件造成了汶泗流域遗址在堆积形态上主要表现为叠置型,考古文化在时空上,很少随着时间做空间上的改变,基本上在同一水平空间稳定不动,体现了不同考古文化之间“连续”、稳定的传承方式。两个流域的对比研究说明,不同地域、不同的自然条件,可以造成考古文化演替与传承模式的区域分异。  相似文献   
Pco2 of air and seawater samples from the East China Sea(ECS) were measured in situ in autumn, 1994,Ocean currents,terrestrial fluviation,biological activities,etc.,Pco2 char-acters in air and seawater were investigated,CO2 flux and its character in the East China Sea are discussed on the basis of the Pco2 profiles of air and seawater,It was clear that the nearshore was the source of CO2;and tht the oulter sea area was the sink of CO2; and that the shelf area of the EXS is a net sink for atmospheric CO2 in autumn.  相似文献   
崔克信 《第四纪研究》1989,9(3):243-248
庐山第四纪冰川遗迹,首由著名地质学家李四光教授于1931年发现,并以专著“冰期之庐山”于1947年公布于世。此文发表后,赞称与反对者均有人在。1983年8月,作者在庐山疗养期间,从庐山地貌及其演化观点,对此问题进行了观察,草成本文以示支持李师的冰川观点。文成之后,未遑发表,现值李师百年诞辰之际,特以此文纪念恩师培养之情。  相似文献   
平凉地区对流风暴地闪活动与环境层结因子相关性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用1997年和1998年6-8月间在甘肃平凉地区的3站闪电定位系统所取得的地闪资料与当天早晨探空资料进行了初步的统计分析。分析结果,对流风暴中地闪活动与环境层结因子之间有较好的相关性,不稳定度、余额不稳定度5℃处的环境温度、温度层结中(中层)平均相对湿度是影响对流风暴中地闪活动的重要因子,对流风暴的地闪活动可通过这些因子进行预报。  相似文献   
Small structures in coal mine working face is one of the main hidden dangers of safe and efficient production in coal mine. Currently, seismic exploration is of...  相似文献   
本文在分析西北主要构造体系特征的基础上,研究了西北构造体系的成生历史、型相演变、复合关系及其发展趋势。进而探讨了活动构造体系特征。最后提出了几点认识。其目的是为地震活动规律的研究,提供区域性地壳运动的地质背景。  相似文献   
This paper presents a three‐dimensional elastoplastic constitutive model for predicting the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. It is based on experimental results obtained from a series of controlled‐suction triaxial tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities. Hydraulic hysteresis in the water‐retention behaviour is modelled as an elastoplastic process, with the elastic part modelled by a series of scanning curves and the elastoplastic part modelled by the main drying and wetting curves. The effect of void ratio on the water‐retention behaviour is studied using data obtained from controlled‐suction wetting–drying cyclic tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities. The effect of the degree of saturation on the stress–strain‐strength behaviour and the effect of void ratio on the water‐retention behaviour are considered in the model, as is the effect of suction on the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour. The initial density dependency of the compacted soil behaviour is modelled by experimental relationships between the initial density and the corresponding yield stress and, thereby, between the initial density and the normal compression line. The model is generalized to three‐dimensional stress states by assuming that the shapes of the failure and yield surfaces in the deviatoric stress plane are given by the Matsuoka–Nakai criterion. Model predictions of the stress–strain and water‐retention behaviour are compared with those obtained from triaxial tests with different initial densities under isotropic compression, triaxial compression and triaxial extension, with or without variation in suction. The comparisons indicate that the model accurately predicts the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated compacted soils with different initial densities using the same material constant. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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