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An integrated Markov Chain and Cellular Automata modelling (CA MARKOV), multicriteria evaluation techniques have been applied to produce transition probability. The unsupervised method was employed to classify the satellite images of year 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015 to meet the magnitude of LULC change. Results showing the spatial pattern of the sub-basin is largely influenced by the biophysical and socio-economic drivers leading to growth of agricultural lands and built-up area in the basin. Simulated plausible future LULC changes for 2025 which is based on a CA MARKOV that integrates Markovian transition probabilities computed from satellite-derived LULC maps and a CA contiguity spatial filter (5 × 5). Further, the fragmentation analysis was performed to check the fragmentation scenario in the year 2025. The result for year 2025 with reasonably good accuracy will be useful to the planners, policy- and decision-makers.  相似文献   
Group II xenoliths, corresponding to the lithology of dunite, wehrlite to olivine clinopyroxenite and olivine websterite to websterite, occur in Pleisto-Holocene alkali basalts from Jeju Island, South Korea. The large grain size (up to 5?mm), moderate mg# [=100?×?Mg/(Mg?+?Fetotal) atomic ratio] of olivine (79–82) and pyroxenes (77–83), and absence of metamorphic textural features indicate that they are cumulates of igneous origin. Based on textural features, mineral equilibria and major and trace element variations, it can be inferred that the studied xenoliths were crystallized from basaltic melts enriched in incompatible trace elements and belong to the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. They appear to have been emplaced near the present Moho, an estimated 5–8?kbars beneath Jeju Island. Consolidation of cumulates was followed by infiltration of silica-enriched metasomatic melt, producing secondary orthopyroxenes at the expense of olivine. The metasomatic agent appears to have been a silica-enriched residual melt evolved from an initially slightly silica-undersaturated alkali basalt to silica-saturated compositions by fractional crystallization under relatively high pressure conditions. The result of this study indicates that relatively young olivine-bearing cumulates could have been metasomatized by a silica-enriched melt within underplates, suggesting that silica enrichment can occur in intraplate Moho-related rocks as well as in the upper mantle of the subarc area.  相似文献   
The evolution of a carbonated nephelinitic magma can be followed by the study of a statistically significant number of melt inclusions, entrapped in co-precipitated perovskite, nepheline and magnetite in a clinopyroxene- and nepheline-rich rock (afrikandite) from Kerimasi volcano (Tanzania). Temperatures are estimated to be 1,100°C for the early stage of the melt evolution of the magma, which formed the rock. During evolution, the magma became enriched in CaO, depleted in SiO2 and Al2O3, resulting in immiscibility at ~1,050°C and crustal pressures (0.5–1 GPa) with the formation of three fluid-saturated melts: an alkali- and MgO-bearing, CaO- and FeO-rich silicate melt; an alkali- and F-bearing, CaO- and P2O5-rich carbonate melt; and a Cu–Fe sulfide melt. The sulfide and the carbonate melt could be physically separated from their silicate parent and form a Cu–Fe–S ore and a carbonatite rock. The separated carbonate melt could initially crystallize calciocarbonatite and ultimately become alkali rich in composition and similar to natrocarbonatite, demonstrating an evolution from nephelinite to natrocarbonatite through Ca-rich carbonatite magma. The distribution of major elements between perovskite-hosted coexisting immiscible silicate and carbonate melts shows strong partitioning of Ca, P and F relative to FeT, Si, Al, Mn, Ti and Mg in the carbonate melt, suggesting that immiscibility occurred at crustal pressures and plays a significant role in explaining the dominance of calciocarbonatites (sövites) relative to dolomitic or sideritic carbonatites. Our data suggest that Cu–Fe–S compositions are characteristic of immiscible sulfide melts originating from the parental silicate melts of alkaline silicate–carbonatite complexes.  相似文献   
Csaba  Szabó  Károly  Hidas  Enik&#;  Bali  Zoltán  Zajacz  István  Kovács  Kyounghee  Yang  Tibor  Guzmics  Kálmán  Török 《Island Arc》2009,18(2):375-400
In this paper we present a detailed textural and geochemical study of two equigranular textured amphibole-bearing spinel lherzolite xenoliths from Szigliget, Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF, western Hungary) containing abundant primary silicate melt inclusions (SMIs) in clinopyroxene rims and secondary SMIs in orthopyroxene (and rarely spinel) along healed fractures. The SMIs are dominantly composed of silicate glass and CO2-rich bubbles. Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene are zoned in both studied xenoliths, especially with respect to Fe, Mg, Na, and Al contents. Cores of clinopyroxenes in both xenoliths show trace element distribution close to primitive mantle. Rims of clinopyroxenes are enriched in Th, U, light rare earth elements (LREEs) and medium REEs (MREEs). Amphiboles in the Szg08 xenolith exhibit elevated Rb, Ba, Nb, Ta, LREE, and MREE contents. The composition of silicate glass in the SMIs covers a wide range from the basaltic trachyandesite and andesite to phonolitic compositions. The glasses are particularly rich in P2O5. Both primary and secondary SMIs are strongly enriched in incompatible trace elements (mostly U, Th, La, Zr) and display a slight negative Hf anomaly. The development of zoned pyroxenes, as well as the entrapment of primary SMIs in the clinopyroxene rims, happened after partial melting and subsequent crystallization of clinopyroxenes, most probably due to an interaction between hot volatile-bearing evolved melt and mantle wall-rocks. This silicate melt filled microfractures in orthopyroxenes (and rarely spinels) resulting in secondary SMIs.  相似文献   
An active hydrological cycle has been added to the EPIC general circulation model (GCM) for planetary applications, with a special emphasis on Jupiter. Scientists have suspected for decades that clouds, and in particular latent heating, strongly influence Jupiter's atmospheric dynamics and this research provides a tool to investigate this phenomenon. Components of the model have been adapted for the planetary setting from recently published Earth microphysics schemes. The behavior of the cloud model is investigated in two steps. First, we explore in detail the runtime properties of a nominal model, and second, through sensitivity tests we determine how the full microphysics and selected components of the scheme affect the formation and evolution of clouds and precipitation. Results from our one-dimensional (vertical) simulations match expectations based on thermochemical models about the vertical positioning of ammonia and water clouds, and the nature of precipitation. Using (two-dimensional) meridional plane simulations, we investigate the latitudinal variation of clouds. We conclude that the zonal-wind structure under the visible cloud deck strongly affects the position of the cloud bases, also that the atmospheric dynamics modifies the resulting cloud structure that we can determine in 1D models. We describe in detail an equatorial storm system observed in our 2D simulations. We also show that simplification of our microphysics scheme would improperly simulate large-scale weather phenomena on Jupiter. We support future laboratory tests and in situ measurements that would improve the cloud parameterization scheme and would also add more constraints on the global distribution of condensibles and on the zonal wind-structure. The complete computer program resulting from this research can be downloaded as open-source software from NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) Atmospheres node.  相似文献   
Peridotite xenoliths with a broad range of textures provides evidence for consistent microstructural evolution in a vertical transect of the shallow lithospheric mantle (35–55 km depth) beneath the Persani Mountains, SE Carpathians, Romania, due to ongoing plate convergence in the Carpathian Arc nearby. The recrystallized grain size, crystal preferred orientations strength, and resulting seismic anisotropy vary continuously and display a strong correlation to equilibrium temperatures, suggesting a continuous change in deformation conditions with depth. The shallowmost xenoliths have microstructures typical of high stress deformation, marked by strong recrystallization to fine grain sizes, which results in weak crystal preferred orientations and anisotropy. The deepest xenoliths have coarse-grained porphyroclastic microstructures and strong crystal preferred orientations. Replacive orthopyroxene structures, consuming olivine, and high H2O concentrations in the pyroxenes are observed in some xenoliths indicating limited percolation of fluids or volatile-rich melts. Despite the high stress deformation and high H2O contents in some of the studied xenoliths, analysis of olivine crystallographic orientations indicates that [100] slip systems, rather than “wet” [001] accommodate most of the deformation in all samples. Seismic anisotropy estimated from the measured olivine and pyroxene crystal preferred orientations suggests that the strike-parallel fast SKS polarization directions and ~ 1 s delay times measured in the SE Carpathians are likely the consequence of convergence-driven belt-parallel flow in the lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   
Magmatism-related localized deformation in the mantle: a case study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A deformed composite peridotite-pyroxenite xenolith in Pliocene alkali basalts from the Pannonian Basin (Szentbékkálla, Bakony—Balaton Highland Volcanic Field) has been studied in detail. A narrow shear zone of intense deformation marked by porphyroclast elongation and recrystallization runs along the peridotite-pyroxenite contact. The xenolith contains a large volume of euhedral olivine neoblasts and tablet grains of olivine away from the shear zone interpreted as products of annealing and recrystallization in the presence of grain boundary fluid. Estimates of the time required for growth of recrystallized olivine grains suggest that the annealing took place in situ in the mantle and not during transport of the xenolith in the basalt magma. The grain boundary fluid present during recrystallization was a vapor rich silicate-melt different from the host basaltic melt that entrained the xenolith. This study demonstrates that high-stress deformation zones and associated fluid-assisted recrystallization, which are common features in kimberlite mantle xenoliths, also occur in some mantle xenoliths from alkali basalts. The suggested high-stress deformation zones in the mantle beneath the Pannonian Basin may be produced by paleoseismic events in the lithosphere associated with faulting related to the ascent of basalt magma.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs
Csaba SzabóEmail: Phone: +36-1-2090555Fax: +36-1-3812108
The present study aims to investigate the relationships between several soil parameters (texture, organic matter and CaCO3 content) and the threshold wind velocity and erodibility of different soil types. Our aim was to determine the role of these soil parameters play in soil loss due to wind erosion and also to statistically evaluate these correlations. The erodibility studies were carried out in wind tunnel experiments, and the resulting data were analysed with multiple regression analysis and the Kruskal-Wallis test. We found that both the threshold wind speed and the erodibility of soils were mostly determined by silt fraction (0.05–0.02 mm), while sand fractions had a lesser effect on it. Our experiences with organic matter and CaCO3 similar, i.e. in spite of their correlation with the erosion, their contribution was not significant in the multivariate regression model. Consequently, based on mechanical composition of soils, one can predict threshold wind velocity and erodibility of soils.  相似文献   
Rocking stones, balanced in counter-intuitive positions, have always intrigued geologists. In our paper, we explain this phenomenon based on high-precision scans of pebbles which exhibit similar behavior. We construct their convex hull and the heteroclinic graph carrying their equilibrium points. By systematic simplification of the arising Morse–Smale complex in a one-parameter process, we demonstrate that equilibria occur typically in highly localized groups (flocks), the number of the latter being reliably observed and determined by hand experiments. Both local and global (micro and macro) equilibria can be either stable or unstable. Most commonly, rocks and pebbles are balanced on stable local equilibria belonging to stable flocks. However, it is possible to balance a convex body on a stable local equilibrium belonging to an unstable flock and this is the intriguing mechanical scenario corresponding to rocking stones. Since outside observers can only reliably perceive flocks, the last described situation will appear counter-intuitive. A comparison between computer experiments and hand experiments reveals that the latter are consistent, that is, the flocks can be reliably counted and the pebble classification system proposed in our previous work is robustly applicable. We also find an interesting logarithmic relationship between the flatness of pebbles and the average number of global equilibrium points, indicating a close relationship between classical shape categories and the new classification system.  相似文献   
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