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We review the contribution of integral field spectroscopy (IFS) to pre-main-sequence star studies. These studies are mostly synoptic in nature reflecting the use of this technique in addressing difficult and complex objects. Physical diagnostics were derived from IFS data such as (atomic, molecular) gas excitation and pre-shock densities, gas morphology and spectra from close binaries. Models for the sources are directly tested: shock models (planar, bow-shock) and magneto-hydrodynamics jet models.Future contributions to the field are addressed. Surveys of mass loss across age and mass spectrum and in the nearby Orion Nebula cluster emerge as the most scientifically promising.  相似文献   
Non periodic ordered sequences obtained by production rules in formal grammars are applied to the analysis of the multi-periodicity of the δ-Scuti type variable star V784 Cas. An artificial light curve for V784 Cas is generated by a non deterministic derivation in a context-sensitive grammar by concatenation of two sinusoidal fragments following certain word sequences. The two basic building blocks represent temporal segments in a golden ratio and the number of long and short segments in a word are also in a golden ratio.  相似文献   
Five common placolith-bearing coccolithophorid algae—Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Coccolithus pelagicus, Calcidiscus leptoporus, Umbilicosphaera sibogae (var. sibogae and var. foliosa), and Emiliania huxleyi—were cultured to investigate controls on Sr partitioning in coccolith calcite. For identical temperature and media composition, Sr partitioning varies by more than 30% in exponential phase cultures of the five species and is linearly related to rates of calcite production/cell (ρ=0.91). Exponential phase culture experiments with three strains of C. leptoporus and six strains of G. oceanica at varying temperatures show variations in Sr partitioning of 20% and 30%, respectively. With C. leptoporus, Sr partitioning is equally correlated with temperature and calcification rate (ρ=0.8), which themselves are highly correlated; the slope of the relationship between DSr and calcification rate is comparable to that observed in all species at constant temperature. However, in G. oceanica, increased temperature appears to enhance Sr incorporation by up to 2% to 1.6% °C−1 in the range of 15 to 30 °C. The strong influence of calcification rate on Sr partitioning may be useful for inferring past variations in coccolithophorid productivity from Sr partitioning in coccolith sediments if the influence of temperature on Sr partitioning can be resolved. Because the relationship between calcite production and Sr partitioning is linear, a proportional change in calcification should be expressed much more strongly in the Sr/Ca ratio of large species with rapid calcite production than in smaller species, which produce calcite more slowly. Consequently, it may be possible to separate temperature and calcification influences on coccolith Sr/Ca by separately analyzing Sr/Ca in species that produce calcite rapidly and those that produce calcite slowly, if both undergo comparable relative changes in calcification rates.  相似文献   
Fractured rock aquifers cover much of Earth's surface and are important mountain sites for groundwater recharge but are poorly understood. To investigate groundwater systematics of a fractured-dominated aquifer in Baja California Sur, Mexico, we examined the spatial patterns of aquifer recharge and connectivity using the geochemistry of springs. We evaluate a range of geochemical data within the context of two endmember hypotheses describing spatial recharge patterns and fracture connectivity. Hypothesis 1 is that the aquifer system is segmented, and springs are fed by local recharge. Hypothesis 2 is that the aquifer system is well connected, with dominant recharge occurring in the higher elevations. The study site is a small <15 km2 catchment. Thirty-four distinct springs and two wells were identified in the study area, and 24 of these sites were sampled for geochemical analyses along an elevation gradient and canyon transect. These analyses included major ion composition, trace element and strontium isotopes, δ18O and δ2H isotopes, radiocarbon, and tritium. δ18O and δ2H isotopes suggest that the precipitation feeding the groundwater system has at least two distinct sources. Carbon isotopes showed a change along the canyon transect, suggesting that shorter flowpaths feed springs in the top of the transect, and longer flowpaths discharge near the bottom. Geochemical interpretations support a combination of the two proposed hypotheses. Understanding of the connectivity and provenance of these springs is significant as they are the primary source of water for the communities that inhabit this region and may be impacted by changes in recharge and use.  相似文献   
We study the dynamic evolution of the time series describing the plage regions areas observed daily at the Observatório Astronómico da Universidade de Coimbra, in each one of the solar hemispheres during solar cycles 21?–?23. The classical ARMA model has proven to be insufficient to describe the time variations seen in the data because of the strong conditional variability. We found that the data are well fitted by ARMA mixed with power-δ TGARCH error models. The power index δ is non-integer; this property has recently been introduced in the literature on time-series analyses and indicates the presence of strong volatility and long memory in the data series. We also detected dynamic asymmetry in the plage region areas observed in the two hemispheres when two different temporal models were obtained to fit them. The finding of a dynamic asymmetry is also supported by the dynamic evolution of the daily difference (north–south) time series, which is significantly different from white noise. This statistical modeling of time series, taking into account new and different characteristics of the solar activity, will be very useful in subsequent forecast developments.  相似文献   
Satellite image studies and recent in situ sampling have identified conspicuous phytoplankton blooms during spring and summer along the Patagonia shelf-break front. The magnitudes and spectral characteristics of light absorption by total particulate matter (phytoplankton and detritus) and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) have been determined by spectrophotometry in that region for spring 2006 and late summer 2007 seasons. In spring, phytoplankton absorption was the dominant optical component of light absorption (60–85%), and CDOM showed variable and important contributions in summer (10–90%). However, there was a lack of correlation between phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll-a concentration or [chl a]) and the non-algal compartment in both periods. A statistically significant difference was found between the two periods with respect to the CDOM spectral shape parameter (Scdom), with means of 0.015 (spring) and 0.012 nm?1 (summer). Nonetheless, the mean Scdm values, which describe the slope of detritus plus CDOM spectra, did not differ between the periods (average of 0.013 nm?1). Phytoplankton absorption values in this work showed deviations from mean parameterizations in previous studies, with respect to [chl a], as well as between the two study periods. In spring, despite the microplankton dominance, high specific absorption values and large dispersion were found (a*ph(440)=0.04±0.03 m2 mg [chl a]?1), which could be attributed to an important influence of photo-protector accessory pigments. In summer, deviations from general trends, with values of a*ph(440) even higher (0.09±0.02 m2 mg [chl a]?1), were due to the dominance of small cell sizes and also to accessory pigments. These results highlight the difficulty in deriving robust relationships between chlorophyll concentration and phytoplankton absorption coefficients regardless of the season period. The validity of a size parameter (Sf) derived from the absorption spectra has been demonstrated and was shown to describe the size structure of phytoplankton populations, independently of pigment concentration, with mean values of 0.41 in spring and 0.72 in summer. Our results emphasize the need for specific parameterization for the study region and seasonal sampling approach in order to model the inherent optical properties from water reflectance signatures.  相似文献   
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