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In the Proterozoic Schist Belt of Nigeria, lenticular bodies of metabasites and meta-ultramafics are frequently intercalated within staurolite bearing metapelitic schists. Such a metamorphosed mafic-ultramafic complex is particularly well exposed in the Mokuro riverbed between the towns of Ife and Ilesha. These outcrops display contact relationships with the surrounding metasediments, as well as between the individual mafic and ultramafic rock types. The most common mafic rocks are indistinctly layered amphibolites, accompanied by apatite rich amphibolites and massive amphibolites, in part rich in ilmenite and pyrrhotite. Among the generally massive ultramafic rocks, nearly monomineralic amphibole rocks predominate, while chlorite-amphibole, talc-chlorite-amphibole and talc bearing olivine-chlorite-amphibole rocks occur in subordinate amounts.Field, textural and geochemical evidence suggest that the mafic-ultramafic complex derived from a thick, structurally differentiated basaltic sill that contained doleritic portions in its interior. Slow cooling rates in these inner parts enabled crystal settling with the formation of ultramafic cumulates. Due to the enrichment of volatiles during the crystallisation process, higher amounts of apatite and sulphides, as well as late magmatic amphibole, were formed in parts of the mafic-ultramafic body.Mineral assemblages in the mafic-ultramafic complex testify to a metamorphic overprint under amphibolite-facies conditions. Thermodynamic modelling in the system CMFASH leads to an estimated P–T range of 1.5–3 kbar and 550–620°C for the metamorphic peak assemblage talc-olivine-chlorite-Ca amphibole-orthoamphibole.  相似文献   
The Bleikvassli massive sulfide ore deposit is hosted by Proterozoic pelitic, quartzofeldspathic, and amphibolitic rocks of the Uppermost Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Staurolite-garnet-biotite and kyanite-staurolite-biotite assemblages indicate that metamorphism reached the kyanite zone of the amphibolite facies. Geothermobarometry was conducted on rocks in and around the deposit using a variety of silicate and sulfide calibrations. Temperature determinations are most reliant on the garnet-biotite exchange reaction, with analyses obtained from 259 garnet rims and adjacent biotite. Results from nine calibrations of the garnet-biotite geothermometer are considered, but compositional limitations of many calibrations involving high Ca and Mn contents in garnet and AlVI and Ti in biotite make many of the coexisting mineral pairs unsuitable. Average temperatures calculated from the two calibrations that most closely address the garnet-biotite compositions observed at Bleikvassli are 584 °C ± 49 °C and 570 °C ± 40 °C. The application of two calibrations of the garnet-staurolite geothermometer on a limited number of samples yields 581 °C ± 2 °C and 589 °C ± 12 °C, assuming a H2O=0.84, based upon calculations of the modal proportions of gaseous species. Pressure determinations are less constrained. Phengite and plagioclase-biotite-garnet-muscovite geobarometers give average pressures of approximately 5.0 kbar and 8.5 ± 1.2 kbar, respectively. Pressures obtained from the sphalerite-hexagonal pyrrhotite-pyrite barometer average 7.7 ± 1.0 kbar. In consideration of these results, the peak metamorphic conditions at the Bleikvassli deposit are estimated to be 580 °C and 8 kbar. Received: 18 June 1997 / Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   
In a survey in Greece from 1987 to 2000 hepatotoxic cyanobacterial blooms were observed in 9 out of 33 freshwaters. Microcystins (MCYSTs) were detected by HPLC in 7 of these lakes, and the total MCYST concentration per scum dry weight ranged from 50.3 to 1638 ± 464 μg g—1. Cyanobacterial genera (Microcystis, Anabaena, Anabaenopsis, Aphanizomenon, Cylindrospermopsis) with known toxin producing taxa were present in 31 freshwaters. From our data and a review of the literature, it would appear that Mediterranean countries are more likely 1) to have toxic cyanobacterial blooms consisting of Microcystis spp. and 2) to have higher intracellular MCYST concentrations. A case study in Lake Kastoria is used to highlight seasonal patterns of cyanobacterial and MCYST‐LR occurrence and to assess cyanotoxin risk. Cyanobacterial biovolume was high (> 11 μL L—1) throughout the year and was in excess of Guidance Level 2 (10 μL L—1) proposed by WHO for recreational waters and Alert Level 2 for drinking water. Further, surface water samples from April to November exceeded Guidance Level 3, with the potential for acute cyanobacterial poisoning. Intracellular MCYST‐LR concentrations (max 3186 μg L—1) exceeded the WHO guideline for drinking water (1 μg L—1) from September to November with a high risk of adverse health effects. Preliminary evidence indicates that in 3 lakes microcystins are accumulated in some aquatic organisms. Generally, a high risk level can be deduced from the data for the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   
McNearney Lake is an acidic (pH=4.4) lake in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with low acid neutralizing capacity (ANC=-38 eq L-1) and high SO inf4 sup2- and aluminium concentrations. Oligotrophy is indicated by high Secchi transparency and by low chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen concentrations. The lake water is currently acidic because base cations are supplied to the lake water at a low rate and because SO inf4 sup2- from atmospheric deposition was not appreciably retained by the lake sediments or watershed and was present in the water column.This interdisciplinary paleolimnological study indicates that McNearney Lake is naturally acidic and has been so since at least 4000 years B.P., as determined from inferred-pH techniques based on contemporary diatom-pH relationships. Predicted pH values ranged from 4.7 to 5.0 over the 4000-year stratigraphy. Considerable shifts in species composition and abundance were observed in diatom stratigraphy, but present-day distributions indicate that all abundant taxa most frequently occur under acidic conditions, suggesting that factors other than pH are responsible for the shifts. The diatom-inferred pH technique as applied to McNearney Lake has too large an uncertainly and is not sensitive enough to determine the subtle recent changes in lakewater pH expected from changes in atmospheric deposition because: (1) McNearney Lake has the lowest pH in the contemporary diatom data set in the region and confidence intervals for pH predictions increase at the extremes of regressions; (2) other factors in addition to pH may be responsible for the diatom species distribution in the lake and in the entire northern Great Lakes region; (3) McNearney Lake has a well-buffered pH as a consequence of its low pH and high aluminium concentrations and is not expected to exhibit a large pH change as a result of changes in atmospheric deposition; and (4) atmospheric deposition in the region is modest and would not cause a pH shift large enough to be discernable in McNearney Lake.Elevated atmospheric deposition is indicated in recent sediments by Pb, V, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation rates and to a lesser extent by those of Cu and Zn; however, these accumulation rates are substantially lower than those observed for acidified lakes in the northeastern United States. Although atmospheric loadings of materials associated with fossil fuel combustion have recently increased to McNearney Lake and apparently are continuing, the present study of the diatom subfossil record does not indicate a distinct, recent acidification (pH decrease).Order of the first two authors is alphabetical  相似文献   
During the Spacelab 2 mission, the NRL High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) obtained a time-series of broad-band ultraviolet images of macrospicules at the solar limb inside a polar coronal hole with a temporal resolution of 20 and 60 s. The properties of the macrospicules observed in the Spacelab data are measured and compared with the properties reported for EUV macrospicules observed during Skylab (Bohlin et al., 1975; Withbroe et al., 1976). There is a general agreement between the data sets but several differences. Because of the higher temporal resolution of the Spacelab data, it is possible to see macrospicules with shorter lifetimes than seen during Skylab, as well as variations on faster timescales. The largest (30–60) and fastest (150 km s -1) macrospicules seen during Skylab were not found in the Spacelab observations. The Spacelab data support the conclusion that many macrospicules decay by simply fading away.  相似文献   
Vitrinite from the Devonian Gramscatho Beds at Pendower in southwestern Cornwall displays optical properties which indicate an extremely high rank (meta-anthracite). Despite this high rank, wood structures are clearly evident in polished sections between crossed polars. Some coke is present and this feature, together with the optical properties of the main vitrinite mass, suggests that relatively high temperatures (probably in excess of 350°C), were associated with the metamorphism of the host rocks. Reflectivity measurements on oriented blocks show that the vitrinite is optically biaxial, which conflicts with the widely accepted view that vitrinites are negative uniaxial materials.  相似文献   
Our ability to accurately predict the response of forests in eastern North America to future climatic change is limited by our knowledge of how different tree species respond to climate. When the climatic response of eastern hemlock is modeled across its range, we find that the assumed climatic response used in simulation models is not sufficient to explain how this species is presently responding to climate. This is also the case for red spruce growing in the northern Appalachian Mountains. Consequently, simulations of future change to forests that include eastern hemlock and red spruce may need to be improved. We suspect that similar findings will be made when other tree species are studied in detail using tree-ring analysis. If so, our present understanding of how individual tree species respond to climate may not be adequate for accurately predicting future changes to these forests. Tree-ring analysis can increase our understanding of how climate affects tree growth in eastern North America and, hence, provide the knowledge necessary to produce more accurate predictions.  相似文献   
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