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Michael N. Josselyn Gregor M. Cailliet Thomas M. Niesen Robert Cowen Ann C. Hurley Judith Connor Sandra Hawes 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1983,17(4):447-465
Submarine canyons may be particularly important in the transport process of drift seagrasses and seaweeds from highly productive shallow lagoon areas to deeper water. We studied the composition, export, and faunal utilization of shallow, nearshore benthic vegetation as it was transported to offshore areas via the Salt River submarine canyon on the island of St Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The study was conducted using a saturation diving system (NULS-1: Hydrolab) during two missions in April and August, 1980. Using bottom drifters deployed in Salt River Bay and the submarine canyon, we recorded net benthic current flow up to 2 cm s?1 moving out of the lagoon and down the canyon to deeper water. Using bottom nets set up at the canyon head and at the 29 m isobar, and from transect surveys and drift clump samples, we determined drift plant export rates and drift clump biomass and species composition. The dominant drift plants were Thalassia testudinum and Syringodium filiforme and algae in the genera Dictyota, Dictyopterus, and Diloplus. During the second mission, the seagrass Halophila decipiens became more abundant, both in the drift and in large patches along the canyon floor. In both missions, more drift was collected in the nets during high wind conditions than during calmer days. Calculated turnover times ranged from 0·01 to 4·4 days for algae in the order Dictyotales and 4·4 to 18 days for Thalassia blades. Total exported biomass of drift vegetation varied between 1·4 to 65·1 kg wet wt day?1. Samples of drift vegetation contained mostly juvenile forms of both invertebrates and fishes, but in relatively low numbers. Faunal numbers were most strongly related to rate of drift movement. 相似文献
New techniques in rock mass classification: application to welded tuffs at the Nevada Yucca Mountain
Summary Many rock mass classification systems exist to assist the engineer in assessing the rock support requirements for underground design. On-going research in this area is directed at attempting to utilize the fractal dimension and the acoustic emission response of the tuffs at the Nevada Yucca Mountain to further aid in rock mass classification. Acoustic emission response is shown to be correlated with the porosity of the sample. Engineering behaviour of the rock varies dramatically with porosity; events and peak amplitude offer a means to distinguish between fracture porosity and pore porosity and consequently the engineering behaviour of the rock. Fractal dimension is used to characterize the roughness of fracture surfaces. Two fractal dimension calculation methods, one based on the semi-variogram for the surface and the other based on the use of dividers, are applied for this purpose. The divider method is shown to resolve deviation from a straight line; the semi-variogram method is shown to identify statistical similarity to various types of noise.Nomenclature
fractal dimension
acoustic emission
b-value determined from log(frequency) against log(amplitude) plots
- (h)
semi-variogram function
lag distance for semi-variogram function
an exponent term related to fractal dimension asD=2 –H 相似文献
Lisa J. Molofsky Stephen D. Richardson Anthony W. Gorody Fred Baldassare June A. Black Thomas E. McHugh John A. Connor 《Ground water》2016,54(5):669-680
Analysis of dissolved light hydrocarbon gas concentrations (primarily methane and ethane) in water supply wells is commonly used to establish conditions before and after drilling in areas of shale gas and oil extraction. Several methods are currently used to collect samples for dissolved gas analysis from water supply wells; however, the reliability of results obtained from these methods has not been quantified. This study compares dissolved methane and ethane concentrations measured in groundwater samples collected using three sampling methods employed in pre‐ and post‐drill sampling programs in the Appalachian Basin. These include an open‐system collection method where 40 mL volatile organic analysis (VOA) vials are filled directly while in contact with the atmosphere (Direct‐Fill VOA) and two alternative methods: (1) a semi‐closed system method whereby 40 mL VOA vials are filled while inverted under a head of water (Inverted VOA) and (2) a relatively new (2013) closed system method in which the sample is collected without direct contact with purge water or the atmosphere (IsoFlask®). This study reveals that, in the absence of effervescence, the difference in methane concentrations between the three sampling methods was relatively small. However, when methane concentrations equaled or exceeded 20 mg/L (the approximate concentration at which effervescence occurs in the study area), IsoFlask® (closed system) samples yielded significantly higher methane concentrations than Direct‐Fill VOA (open system) samples, and Inverted VOA (semi‐closed system) samples yielded lower concentrations. These results suggest that open and semi‐closed system sample collection methods are adequate for non‐effervescing samples. However, the use of a closed system collection method provides the most accurate means for the measurement of dissolved hydrocarbon gases under all conditions. 相似文献
Thomas E. McHugh Poonam R. Kulkarni Charles J. Newell John A. Connor Sanjay Garg 《Ground water》2014,52(6):898-907
Quantifying the overall progress in remediation of contaminated groundwater has been a significant challenge. We utilized the GeoTracker database to evaluate the progress in groundwater remediation from 2001 to 2011 at over 12,000 sites in California with contaminated groundwater. This paper presents an analysis of analytical results from over 2.1 million groundwater samples representing at least $100 million in laboratory analytical costs. Overall, the evaluation of monitoring data shows a large decrease in groundwater concentrations of gasoline constituents. For benzene, half of the sites showed a decrease in concentration of 85% or more. For methyl tert‐butyl ether (MTBE), this decrease was 96% and for TBE, 87%. At remediation sites in California, the median source attenuation rate was 0.18/year for benzene and 0.36/year for MTBE, corresponding to half‐lives of 3.9 and 1.9 years, respectively. Attenuation rates were positive (i.e., decreasing concentration) for benzene at 76% of sites and for MTBE at 85% of sites. An evaluation of sites with active remediation technologies suggests differences in technology effectiveness. The median attenuation rates for benzene and MTBE are higher at sites with soil vapor extraction or air sparging compared with sites without these technologies. In contrast, there was little difference in attenuation rates at sites with or without soil excavation, dual phase extraction, or in situ enhanced biodegradation. The evaluation of remediation technologies, however, did not evaluate whether specific systems were well designed or implemented and did not control for potential differences in other site factors, such as soil type. 相似文献
Freshwater inflow: Science, policy, management 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Paul A. Montagna Merryl Alber Peter Doering Michael S. Connor 《Estuaries and Coasts》2002,25(6):1243-1245
The papers in this special issue were presented in a special session during the 2001 biennial conference of the Estuarine Research Federation held in St. Pete Beach, Florida. The session, “Freshwater inflow: Science, policy and management,” was focused on issues related to reduced freshwater inflow to estuaries. The session brought together scientists, managers, and regulators, and included presentations on the estimation of freshwater input to estuaries, development of ecological indicators to assess changes in inflow, management strategies used to set freshwater requirements, and experiences with the reintroduction of freshwater to restore inflow. 相似文献
Michael E. Jackson Chuck Meertens Oivind Ruud Spencer Reeder Warren Gallaher Chris Rocken 《GPS Solutions》2002,5(4):10-19
The University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO) Boulder Facility is assessing Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) technology for
near real-time transmission of GPS data from a remote receiver to a central processing facility. The study is motivated by
the need for a robust, cost-effective data communications solutions to transfer GPS data from remote sites where no other
communication alternatives exist. Future large-scale plate boundary deformation initiatives using spatially dense networks
of GPS will require receivers to be located where the science dictates, and not the power or communications infrastructure.
For other applications, such as determining rapid GPS orbits and time transfer, there is a push toward reducing the latency
in GPS data used to produce GPS data products and differential corrections (Talaya & Bosch, 1999; Jackson, Meertens, & Rocken,
2000; Muellerschoen, Bar-Sever, Bertiger, & Stowers, 2001), and to support upcoming Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) missions requiring
low latency, 1-s GPS data. In this paper we evaluate two Ku-band systems, the Nanometrics Libra VSAT and the StarBand 2-way
satellite Internet VSAT. The Nanometrics system test results show that continuous, 1-s GPS data can be streamed from multiple
remote stations within the VSAT footprint, quality checked, and delivered for processing with a <2.5-s latency (mean 1.2 s)
and a 99.8% reliability. Benefits of the Nanometrics system include global coverage, control of bandwidth allocation and data
hub, and the low power draw of the system. Negatives include the cost of hub and remote infrastructure and the need to negotiate
landing rights issues on a country-by-country basis. The UNAVCO Facility currently operates a Nanometrics hub and three remote
VSAT systems.
The StarBand system showed 98.9% reliability with a maximum latency of 10.2 s (mean latency 1.7 s) for 1-Hz GPS data and an
average uplink speed of 31.7 kbps. Benefits of the StarBand system include the cost and small profile of the remote antenna.
Negatives include coverage limited to coterminous United States and the high power draw of remote systems. ? 2002 Wiley Periodicals,
Inc. 相似文献
In the United States fish wastes can be ocean dumped without an Ocean Dumping Permit if the wastes contain no additives (flocculating or preserving agents, etc.). Fish wastes are currently ocean dumped off American Samoa, Louisiana and Puerto Rico. Fish wastes are characteristically high in proteins, fats, dissolved and suspended organic materials. Water quality parameters affected by these wastes are biochemical oxygen demand, total dissolved solids, chemical oxygen demand, oil and grease, pH, and turbidity. Other key factors include organic and nutrient enrichment, the attractant of undesirable predator species (i.e. sharks) and the natural oxygen regeneration processes. 相似文献
Studies published in the late 1990s and early 2000s identified the presence of exceptionally long methyl tert‐butyl ether (MTBE) plumes (more than 600 m or 2000 feet) in groundwater and have been cited in technical literature as characteristic of MTBE plumes. However, the scientific literature is incomplete in regard to the subsequent behavior and fate of these MTBE plumes over the past decade. To address this gap, this issue paper compiles recent groundwater monitoring records for nine exceptional plumes that were identified in prior studies. These nine sites exhibited maximum historical MTBE groundwater plume lengths ranging from 820 m (2700 feet) to 3200 m (10,500 feet) in length, exceeding the lengths of 99% of MTBE plumes, as characterized in multiple surveys at underground storage tank sites across the United States. Groundwater monitoring data compiled in our review demonstrate that these MTBE plumes have decreased in length over the past decade, with five of the nine plumes exhibiting decreases of 75% or more compared to their historical maximum lengths. MTBE concentrations within these plumes have decreased by 93% to 100%, with two of the nine sites showing significant decreases (98% and 99%) such that the regulatory authority has subsequently designated the site as requiring no further action. 相似文献
The organochlorine contamination history of the Mersey estuary, UK, revealed by analysis of sediment cores from salt marshes 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sediment profiles in the Banks, Ince and Widnes Warth salt marshes in Northwest England contain a mappable record of historic pollution. For persistent organochlorine compounds this stretches back over 90 years. The PCB and HCH profiles can be successfully rationalised by dating methods, and they can be related to the dates of initial production and subsequent withdrawal from use of these chemicals as a result of restrictive environmental legislation. HCB has a more complex pollution profile as it has been manufactured in Northwest England, both deliberately as a pesticide and accidentally as a by-product of several chlorination processes, dating back to the start of the 20th century. The concentrations of degradation products of DDT are relatively constant through the sediment profile and are dominated by op'- and pp'-DDD with only minor contributions from the most toxic species, pp'-DDT. The quantities of these compounds resident in the reservoir of pollutants under these marshes have been calculated, and have fallen progressively in the last 30-50 years. 相似文献