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中国城市群空间结构的稳定性分析 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
应用中心地理论,引入中心性指数和分形网络维数等方法以及GIS格网化技术,按照交通原则,即K =4作为参照系,采用2004年基础数据,对由160个地级市和700多个县级市构成的28个城市群及其空间结构的稳定性进行了定量测度。结果显示:① 中心性指数越大的城市群,其空间结构稳定性越强;② 中心性指数越大,与中心地结构相似性程度越高,空间稳定性越强;③ 网络维数越大,城市群空间结构稳定性越强;④ 点列数越长的城市群空间结构稳定性越强;⑤ 依据中心性指数大小,可将中国城市群划分为单核分割型、单核偏离型、单核集中型、双核平衡型和双核偏离型共5大类型;⑥ 根据半升梯形模糊隶属度函数模拟结果,将中国城市群空间结构稳定性划分为强稳定型、较强稳定型、中等稳定型、弱稳定型和不稳定型共5个等级;⑦ 根据不同等级的城市群个数,认为中国城市群空间结构的稳定性相对较差。本文最后提出了技术应用、参数选择等方面存在的问题以及未来研究的重点。 相似文献
京津冀城市群协同发展的理论基础与规律性分析 总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10
推动京津冀城市群协同发展既是一项国家重大战略,又是一个复杂的长期博弈过程,需要遵循科学理论,尊重科学规律,推动京津冀城市群实现共同繁荣昌盛、共享蓝天白云、共担发展风险、共建世界都会的战略目标。本文从理论上提出了京津冀城市群协同发展的科学理论基础与科学规律。认为推进京津冀城市群协同发展应以协同论、博弈论、耗散结构理论和突变论作为科学理论基础,其中协同论为核心理论。京津冀城市群的协同发展过程是一个博弈、协同、突变、再博弈、再协同、再突变的非线性螺旋式上升过程,每一次博弈—协同—突变过程,都将城市群的协同发展推向更高级协同阶段,并呈现出阶段性规律。具体包括协助阶段、协作阶段、协调阶段、协合阶段、协同阶段、协振阶段、一体化阶段和同城化阶段共8大阶段。进一步分析认为,京津冀城市群协同发展的真正内涵是推动城市群实现规划协同、交通协同、产业协同、城乡协同、市场协同、科技协同、金融协同、信息协同、生态协同和环境协同,建设协同发展共同体。本文成果旨在为京津冀协同发展提供科学基础和理论依据。 相似文献
Urbanization and eco-environment coupling is a research hotspot.Dynamic simulation of urbanization and eco-environment coupling needs to be improved because the processes of coupling are complex and statistical methods are limited.Systems science and cross-scale coupling allow us to define the coupled urbanization and eco-environment system as an open complex giant system with multiple feedback loops.We review the current state of dynamic simulation of urbanization and eco-environment coupling and find that:(1)The use of dynamic simulation is an increasing trend,the relevant theory is being developed,and modeling processes are being improved;(2)Dynamic simulation technology has become diversified,refined,intelligent and integrated;(3)Simulation is mainly performed for three aspects of the coupling,multiple regions and multiple elements,local coupling and telecoupling,and regional synergy.However,we also found some shortcomings:(1)Basic theories are inadequately developed and insufficiently integrated;(2)The methods of unifying systems and sharing data are behind the times;(3)Coupling relations and the dynamic characteristics of the main driving elements are not fully understood or completely identified.Additionally,simulation of telecoupling does not quantify parameters and is not systemically unified,and therefore cannot be used to represent spatial synergy.In the future,we must promote communication between research networks,technology integration and data sharing to identify the processes governing change in coupled relations and in the main driving elements in urban agglomerations.Finally,we must build decision support systems to plan and ensure regional sustainable urbanization. 相似文献
中国城市群紧凑度的综合测度分析 总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24
城市群紧凑度是指在城市群形成与发育过程中; 所体现出的城市(城镇)、产业、资源、 资金、交通、技术、人才等物质实体按照一定的经济技术联系在空间上的集中程度; 包括城 市群产业紧凑度、城市群空间紧凑度和城市群交通紧凑度等类型。适度的紧凑度是城市群综 合效益最大化的集中体现; 城市群紧凑度过高、过低都不利于城市群的健康发展。从产业、 空间和交通三大视角入手; 通过构建城市群紧凑度的综合测度模型; 对选取的23 个城市群紧 凑程度进行分析后认为; 中国城市群紧凑度总体不高; 且空间差异性大; 根据这种差异; 采用聚类分析法可将中国城市群综合紧凑度划分为高度紧凑、紧凑、中度紧凑、低度紧凑和不紧凑(分散) 5 个等级。城市群综合紧凑度呈现出由东向西、由南向北逐渐降低的分异态势。 城市群综合紧凑度与城市群发育程度呈现出高度的正相关性。如何科学调控城市群紧凑程度; 紧凑程度达到一种什么样的标准才是最佳选择; 这是本文研究中试图回答的问题。该研究为 我国城市群的形成与发育; 为建设资源节约型城市群、环境友好型城市群、生态型城市群和 高效型城市群提供定量的决策依据; 为推动我国城市群的适度集聚和健康发展奠定科学基础。 相似文献
Regional inequality is a core issue in geography,and it can be measured by several approaches and indexes.However,the global inequality measures can not reflect regional characteristics in terms of spatiality and non-mobility,as well as correctly explore regional inequality in particular directions.Although conventional between-group inequality indexes can measure the inequality in particular directions,they can not reflect the reversals of regional patterns and changes of within-group patterns.Therefore,we set forth a new approach to measure regional inequality in particular directions,which is applicable to geographic field.Based on grouping,we established a new index to measure regional inequality in particular directions named Particular Direction Inequality index(PDI index),which is comprised of between-group inequality of all data and between-group average gap.It can reflect regional spatiality and non-mobility,judge the main direction of regional inequality,and capture the changes and reversals of regional patterns.We used the PDI index to measure the changes of regional inequality from 1952 to 2009 in China.The results show that:1) the main direction of China’s regional inequality was between coastal areas and inland areas;the increasing extent of inequality between coastal areas and inland areas was higher than the global inequality;2) the PDI index can measure the between-region average gap,and is more sensitive to evolution of within-region patterns;3) the inequality between the northern China and the southern China has been decreasing from 1952 to 2009 and was reversed in 1994 and 1995. 相似文献
Mega-urban agglomerations are strategic core areas for national economic development and the main regions of new urbanization. They also have important roles in shifting the global economic center of gravity to China. However, the development of mega-urban agglomerations has triggered the interactive coercion between resources and the eco-environment. The interactive coupled effects between urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations represent frontier and high-priority research topics in the field of Earth system science over the next decade. In this paper, we carried out systematic theoretical analysis of the interactive coupling mechanisms and coercing effects between urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations. In detail, we analyzed the nonlinear-coupled relationships and the coupling characteristics between natural and human elements in mega-urban agglomerations. We also investigated the interactive coercion intensities between internal and external elements, and the mechanisms and patterns of local couplings and telecouplings in mega-urban agglomeration systems, which are affected by key internal and external control elements. In addition, we proposed the interactive coupling theory on urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations. Furthermore, we established a spatiotemporal dynamic coupling model with multi-element, multi-scale, multi-scenario, multi-module and multi-agent integrations, which can be used to develop an intelligent decision support system for sustainable development of mega-urban agglomerations. In general, our research may provide theoretical guidance and method support to solve problems related to mega-urban agglomerations and maintain their sustainable development. 相似文献
地理科学与资源科学智库建设在地理科学与资源科学发展及学科建设中具有非常重要的战略地位。中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所建所80年来,地理科学与资源科学智库为传播人类文明、保障国家资源安全和持续利用、维护国家和全球可持续发展做出了重大贡献。本文回顾了80年来、尤其是2000年以来地理资源所在高端智库建设方面取得的辉煌成就,以时间为主线,总结了智库建设的重点领域及特色方向,包括综合科学考察与资源环境承载力评价、国家重大区划与规划、国情分析与区域可持续发展、新型城镇化与城市群建设、精准扶贫与乡村振兴、生态文明体制改革与美丽中国建设、“一带一路”建设与国家安全、生态环境保护与科技防灾减灾等方面研究和决策服务;提出要继续瞄准国家发展战略需求,继续提升智库建设在研究所发展与学科建设的战略地位、围绕国家“两个一百年”奋斗目标、对标SDGs实现国家可持续发展目标建好智库,围绕美丽中国与生态文明制度建设、国家重大区域发展战略和应急重大事件建好智库,强化地理模拟技术和智能化技术对智库建设的技术支撑,以智库建设推动地理科学与资源科学建设。力争通过5~10年努力,把研究所建成最具影响力的国家高端智库,成为生产智库产品和支撑国家发展决策的中坚力量。 相似文献
智慧低碳城镇是城市健康可持续发展研究的热点和前沿。本文利用文献计量方法和通过对相关文献资料的回顾,梳理总结了智慧低碳城镇的研究概况、含义、测度方法和指标体系、应用实践、基本模式和主要政策。结果表明:智慧低碳城镇研究尚处于初期起步阶段,虽然众多应用实践已进入规划、试点和示范阶段,政策支持也不断充足完善,但迄今尚无确切统一的定义,缺乏通用性和权威性的指标体系,发展机制和模式研究较少。因此,未来应在明晰基本含义的基础上,构建适用的测度评价体系,并注重相应的动力机制、模式路径和模拟优化调控研究,为城市的健康可持续发展提供科学依据。 相似文献