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The goal of this work is to determine the spectroscopic properties of sulfate in martian soil analogs over the wavelength range 0.3 to 25 μm (which is relevant to existing and planned remotely sensed data sets for Mars). Sulfate is an abundant component of martian soil (up to 9% SO3 by weight) and apparently exists as a particulate in the soil but also as a cement. Although previous studies have addressed the spectroscopic identity of sulfates on Mars, none have used laboratory mixtures of materials with sulfates at the abundances measured by landed spacecraft, nor have any works considered the effect of salt-cementation on spectral properties of soil materials. For this work we created mixtures of a palagonitic soil (JSC Mars-1) and sulfates (MgSO4 and CaSO4·2H2O). The effects of cementation were determined and separated from the effects of packing and hydration by measuring the samples as loose powders, packed powders, cemented materials, and disaggregated materials. The results show that the presence of particulate sulfate is best observed in the 4-5 μm region. Soils cemented with sulfate exhibit a pronounced restrahlen band between 8 and 9 μm as well as well-defined absorptions in the 4-5 μm region. Cementation effects are distinct from packing effects and disaggregation of cemented samples rapidly diminishes the strength of the restrahlen bands. The results of this study show that sulfate in loose materials is more detectable in the near infrared (4-5 μm) than in the thermal infrared (8-9 μm). However, cemented materials are easily distinguished from loose mixtures in the thermal infrared because of the high values of their absorption coefficient in this region. Together these results suggest that both wavelength regions are important for determining the spatial extent and physical form of sulfates on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   
Remineralization Ratios in the Subtropical North Pacific Gyre   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on a new mixing model of two end-members, the water column remineralization ratios of P/N/Corg - O2 = 1/13 ± 1/135 ± 18/170 ± 9 are obtained for the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) data set at station ALOHA. The traditional Redfield ratios of P/N/Corg/–O2 = 1/16/106/138 have standard deviations of more than 50%, when they are based on the average composition of phytoplankton. Apparently, the remineralization processes in the water column have smoothed out the observed large variability of plankton compositions. A new molar formula for the remineralized plankton may be written as 135H280O105N13P or C25(CH2O)101(CH4)9(NH3)13(H3PO4). Oxidation of this formula results inC25(CH2O)101(CH4)9(NH3)13(H3PO4) + 170O2 135CO2 + 132H2O + 13NO3 - + H2PO4 - + 14H+.For comparison, remineralization using Redfield's formula gives:(CH2O)106(NH3)16(H3PO4) + 138O2 106CO2 + 122H2O + 16NO3 -+ H2PO4 - + 17H+  相似文献   
A paleoseismological study of the medieval Kamenka fortress in the northern part of the Issyk-Kul Lake depression, northern Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, revealed an oblique slip thrust fault scarp offsetting the fortification walls. This 700 m long scarp is not related to the 1911 Kebin Earthquake (Ms 8.2) fault scarps which are widespread in the region. As analysis of stratigraphy in a paleoseismic trench and archaeological evidence reveal, it can be assigned to a major twelfth century a.d. earthquake which produced up to 4 m of oblique slip thrusting antithetic to that of the nearby dominant faults. The inferred surface rupturing earthquake apparently caused the fortress destruction and was likely the primary reason for its abandonment, not the Mongolian–Tatar invasions as previously thought.  相似文献   
This paper highlights an analytical method based on mass measurement that can be used to directly quantify 129I in groundwater samples at concentrations below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) without the need for sample pre-concentration or extraction. Samples were analyzed on a Perkin Elmer ELAN DRC II ICP-MS after minimal dilution using O2 as the reaction gas. Analysis of continuing calibration verification standards indicated that the dynamic reaction cell (DRC) mode could be used for quantitative analysis of 129I in samples below the MCL (0.0057 ng/mL or 1 pCi/L). The low analytical detection limit of 129I analysis in the DRC mode coupled with minimal sample dilution (1.02x) resulted in a final estimated quantification limit of 0.0051 ng/mL. Subsequent analysis of three groundwater samples containing 129I resulted in fully quantitative results in the DRC mode, and spike recovery analyses performed on all three samples confirmed that the groundwater matrix did not adversely impact the analysis of 129I in the DRC mode. This analytical approach has been proven to be a cost-effective, high-throughput technique for the direct, quantitative analysis of 129I in groundwater samples at environmentally relevant concentrations that reach below the current MCL.  相似文献   
Hypoxic events in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, during the summer of 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bottom water hypoxic events were observed in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island during the summer of 2001 using a towed sensor, vertical casts at fixed stations, and continuous monitoring buoys. This combination of approaches allowed for both extensive spatial and temporal sampling. Oxygen concentrations below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) acute hypoxia criterion of 2.3 mg l?1 were observed in the northern parts of Narragansett Bay, including the Providence River. We estimate 39% of the area of the Providence River was affected by acute hypoxia between July and September 2001. All other regions experienced only small areas of acute hypoxia (<5%), and no acute hypoxia was observed from Quonset Point south. The area encompassing oxygen concentrations below the EPA chronic hypoxia criterion of 4.8 mg l?1 was much more extensive in the upper half of Narragansett Bay, sometimes covering the majority of the region, though it is unclear whether exposure to concentrations below this criterion persisted long enough to significantly affect marine species in these areas. Vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen typically exhibited a mid water oxygen minimum near the pycnocline, followed by a slight increase in oxygen with depth. The surface waters above the pycnocline were typically supersaturated with oxygen. The northern portions of the Bay where the most extensive hypoxia was observed corresponded to the regions with both the greatest thermohaline stratification, the highest nutrient inputs, and the highest primary productivity.  相似文献   
Accurate upward continuation of gravity anomalies supports future precision, free-inertial navigation systems, since the latter cannot by themselves sense the gravitational field and thus require appropriate gravity compensation. This compensation is in the form of horizontal gravity components. An analysis of the model errors in upward continuation using derivatives of the standard Pizzetti integral solution (spherical approximation) shows that discretization of the data and truncation of the integral are the major sources of error in the predicted horizontal components of the gravity disturbance. The irregular shape of the data boundary, even the relatively rough topography of a simulated mountainous region, has only secondary effect, except when the data resolution is very high (small discretization error). Other errors due to spherical approximation are even less important. The analysis excluded all measurement errors in the gravity anomaly data in order to quantify just the model errors. Based on a consistent gravity field/topographic surface simulation, upward continuation errors in the derivatives of the Pizzetti integral to mean altitudes of about 3,000 and 1,500 m above the mean surface ranged from less than 1 mGal (standard deviation) to less than 2 mGal (standard deviation), respectively, in the case of 2 arcmin data resolution. Least-squares collocation performs better than this, but may require significantly greater computational resources.  相似文献   
For the 1980–2003 period, we analyzed the relationship between crop yield and three climatic variables (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, and precipitation) for 12 major Californian crops: wine grapes, lettuce, almonds, strawberries, table grapes, hay, oranges, cotton, tomatoes, walnuts, avocados, and pistachios. The months and climatic variables of greatest importance to each crop were used to develop regressions relating yield to climatic conditions. For most crops, fairly simple equations using only 2–3 variables explained more than two-thirds of observed yield variance. The types of variables and months identified suggest that relatively poorly understood processes such as crop infection, pollination, and dormancy may be important mechanisms by which climate influences crop yield. Recent climatic trends have had mixed effects on crop yields, with orange and walnut yields aided, avocado yields hurt, and most crops little affected by recent climatic trends. Yield-climate relationships can provide a foundation for forecasting crop production within a year and for projecting the impact of future climate changes.  相似文献   
Seagrasses are indicators of ecosystem state because they are sensitive to variations in water composition and clarity resulting from watershed-level impacts. A simulation model designed to studyZostera marina (eelgrass) habitat dynamics in a variable littoral zone environment was used to address the potential ecological responses to eutrophication in lower Chesapeake Bay. The adjacent channel boundary environment is a source of dissolved and particulate materials to the littoral zone. In the simulations, concentrations of key water quality variables in the adjacent estuarine channel boundary were either halved or doubled relative to the base case to investigate light versus nitrogen effects. The role of the seagrass meadow in littoral zone carbon and nitrogen dynamics was evaluated when meadow size was changed in the model. Particulate and dissolved organic carbon accounted for 83% of the submarine light attenuation in the seagrass meadow. In all model runs, the water column concentrations of chlorophylla and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) were below the habitat criteria proposed as critical to seagrass survival. Eelgrass community production was carefully regulated by the interactive effects of light, nitrogen, and grazing on epiphyte growth. Increased eelgrass coverage in the littoral zone led to a simulated doubling of ecosystem primary production but reduced the fraction of production by planktonic and sediment microalgae. The simulation model presented here demonstrated the importance of material input from the channel in littoral zone biogeochemical dynamics. Submarine ligh regulated primary production more strongly than inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the model. External DIN concentrations influenced seagrass survival indirectly: enrichment stimulated growth of epiphytes and phytoplankton and promoted shading of the seagras leaf. The model was based upon a unimpacted ecosystem and deteriorated water quality negatively influenced primary production greater than the increases triggered by improved condition. Increased material loading to the littoral zone reduced submarine light availability, increased phytoplankton production, lowered ecosystem production, and reduced subtidal vegetated habitat. This simulation model of the estuarine littoral zone model combines hydrodynamics, biogeochemical sources and sinks, and living resources in order to better understand structure, function, and change in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Echelle spectra have been obtained of the Ca  II H and K lines for a sample of metal-poor subdwarf stars as well as for a number of nearby Population I dwarfs selected from among those included in the Mount Wilson HK survey. The main conclusion of this paper is that Ca  II H- and K-line emission does occur among subdwarfs. It is particularly notable among those subdwarfs with colours of B − V ≥0.75; all such stars observed exhibit chromospheric emission, although emission is observed among some subdwarfs bluer than this colour. The Ca  II K emission profile in most subdwarfs exhibits an asymmetry of V / R >1, similar to that seen in the integrated light of the solar disc. Two quantitative indicators of the contrast between the peaks in the emission profile and the neighbouring photospheric line profile are introduced. Measurements of these indicators show that the level of Ca  II emission among the subdwarfs is similar to that among low-activity Population I dwarfs.  相似文献   
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