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Salinization and eutrophication caused by runoff of road salt and nutrients was assessed in three kettle lakes, two (Woods and Asylum Lakes) located in urban Kalamazoo, MI, and one (Brewster Lake) in rural Hastings, MI. Profiles of dissolved O2, conductivity, pH, and temperature were measured in situ, at half meter intervals. Water samples were collected at discrete depth intervals of 1 m and analyzed for Fe(II), Mn(II), ammonium, alkalinity, Cl?, Na, Mg, K and Ca. Results of this study indicate that all three lakes are eutrophic with anoxic bottom waters. Conductivity was much greater, and Cl? levels were more than 100 times greater, in the two urban lakes compared to the rural lake, demonstrating the significant impact of road salt deicers on urban lake water chemistry.  相似文献   
We investigated whether within wetland environmental conditions or surrounding land cover measured at multiple scales were more influential in structuring regional vegetation patterns in estuarine tidal wetlands in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Surrounding land cover was characterized at the 100, 250, and 1,000 m, and watershed buffer scales. Vegetation communities were characterized by high species richness, lack of monotypic zonation, and paucity of invasive species. The number of species per site ranged between 4 and 20 (mean?±?standard deviation?=?10.2?±?3.1). Sites supported a high richness (mean richness of native species 8.7?±?2.8) and abundance of native macrophytes (mean relative abundance 85 %?±?19 %). Vegetation assemblages were dominated by a mix of grasses, sedges, and herbs with Sarcocornia pacifica and Distichlis spicata being common at sites in the oceanic zone of the estuary and Carex lyngbyei and Agrostis stolonifera being common at the fresher sites throughout the study area. The vegetation community was most strongly correlated with salinity and land cover within close proximity to the study site and less so with land cover variables at the watershed scale. Total species richness and richness of native species were negatively correlated with the amount of wetland in the buffer at all scales, while abundance of invasive species was significantly correlated to within wetland factors, including salinity and dissolved phosphorus concentrations. Landscape factors related to anthropogenic disturbances were only important at the 100-m buffer scale, with anthropogenic disturbances further from the wetland not being influential in shaping the vegetation assemblage. Our research suggests that the traditional paradigms of tidal wetland vegetation structure and environmental determinants developed in east coast US tidal wetlands might not hold true for Pacific Northwest wetlands due to their unique chemical and physical factors, necessitating further detailed study of these systems.  相似文献   
The determination of stratospheric particle microphysical properties from multiwavelength lidar, including Rayleigh and/or Raman detection, has been widely investigated. However, most lidar systems are uniwavelength operating at 532 nm. Although the information content of such lidar data is too limited to allow the retrieval of the full size distribution, the coupling of two or more uniwavelength lidar measurements probing the same moving air parcel may provide some meaningful size information. Within the ORACLE-O3 IPY project, the coordination of several ground-based lidars and the CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) space-borne lidar is planned during measurement campaigns called MATCH-PSC (Polar Stratospheric Clouds). While probing the same moving air masses, the evolution of the measured backscatter coefficient (BC) should reflect the variation of particles microphysical properties. A sensitivity study of 532 nm lidar particle backscatter to variations of particles size distribution parameters is carried out. For simplicity, the particles are assumed to be spherical (liquid) particles and the size distribution is represented with a unimodal log-normal distribution. Each of the four microphysical parameters (i.e. log-normal size distribution parameters, refractive index) are analysed separately, while the three others are remained set to constant reference values. Overall, the BC behaviour is not affected by the initial values taken as references. The total concentration (N0) is the parameter to which BC is least sensitive, whereas it is most sensitive to the refractive index (m). A 2% variation of m induces a 15% variation of the lidar BC, while the uncertainty on the BC retrieval can also reach 15%. This result underlines the importance of having both an accurate lidar inversion method and a good knowledge of the temperature for size distribution retrieval techniques. The standard deviation (σ) is the second parameter to which BC is most sensitive to. Yet, the impact of m and σ on BC variations is limited by the realistic range of their variations. The mean radius (rm) of the size distribution is thus the key parameter for BC, as it can vary several-fold. BC is most sensitive to the presence of large particles. The sensitivity of BC to rm and σ variations increases when the initial size distributions are characterized by low rm and large σ. This makes lidar more suitable to detect particles growing on background aerosols than on volcanic aerosols.  相似文献   
Sediments from the Aquia aquifer in coastal Maryland were collected as part of a larger study of As in the Aquia groundwater flow system where As concentration are reported to reach levels as high as 1072 nmol kg−1, (i.e., ∼80 μg/L). To test whether As release is microbially mediated by reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxides/oxyhydroxides within the aquifer sediments, the Aquia aquifer sediment samples were employed in a series of microcosm experiments. The microcosm experiments consisted of sterilized serum bottles prepared with aquifer sediments and sterilized (i.e., autoclaved), artificial groundwater using four experimental conditions and one control condition. The four experimental conditions included the following scenarios: (1) aerobic; (2) anaerobic; (3) anaerobic + acetate; and (4) anaerobic + acetate + AQDS (anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid). AQDS acts as an electron shuttle. The control condition contained sterilized aquifer sediments kept under anaerobic conditions with an addition of AQDS. Over the course of the 27 day microcosm experiments, dissolved As in the unamended (aerobic and anaerobic) microcosms remained constant at around ∼28 nmol kg−1 (2 μg/L). With the addition of acetate, the amount of As released to the solution approximately doubled reaching ∼51 nmol kg−1 (3.8 μg/L). For microcosm experiments amended with acetate and AQDS, the dissolved As concentrations exceeded 75 nmol kg−1 (5.6 μg/L). The As concentrations in the acetate and acetate + AQDS amended microcosms are of similar orders of magnitude to As concentrations in groundwaters from the aquifer sediment sampling site (127-170 nmol kg−1). Arsenic concentrations in the sterilized control experiments were generally less than 15 nmol kg−1 (1.1 μg/L), which is interpreted to be the amount of As released from Aquia aquifer sediments owing to abiotic, surface exchange processes. Iron concentrations released to solution in each of the microcosm experiments were higher and more variable than the As concentrations, but generally exhibited similar trends to the As concentrations. Specifically, the acetate and acetate + AQDS amended microcosm typically exhibited the highest Fe concentrations (up to 1725 and 6566 nmol kg−1, respectively). The increase in both As and Fe in the artificial groundwater solutions in these amended microcosm experiments strongly suggests that microbes within the Aquia aquifer sediments mobilize As from the sediment substrate to the groundwaters via Fe(III) reduction.  相似文献   
We assessed amounts, composition, and trends of marine debris for the U.S. Pacific Coast and Hawai'i using National Marine Debris Monitoring Program data. Hawai'i had the highest debris loads; the North Pacific Coast region had the lowest debris loads. The Southern California Bight region had the highest land-based debris loads. Debris loads decreased over time for all source categories in all regions except for land-based and general-source loads in the North Pacific Coast region, which were unchanged. General-source debris comprised 30-40% of the items in all regions. Larger local populations were associated with higher land-based debris loads across regions; the effect declined at higher population levels. Upwelling affected deposition of ocean-based and general-source debris loads but not land-based loads along the Pacific Coast. LNSO decreased debris loads for both land-based and ocean-based debris but not general-source debris in Hawai'i, a more complex climate-ocean effect than had previously been found.  相似文献   
Salinity has a major effect on water users in the Colorado River Basin, estimated to cause almost $300 million per year in economic damages. The Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program implements and manages projects to reduce salinity loads, investing millions of dollars per year in irrigation upgrades, canal projects, and other mitigation strategies. To inform and improve mitigation efforts, there is a need to better understand sources of salinity to streams and how salinity has changed over time. This study explores salinity in the baseflow fraction of streamflow, assessing whether groundwater is a significant contributor of dissolved solids to streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB). Chemical hydrograph separation was used to estimate baseflow discharge and baseflow dissolved solids loads at stream gages (n = 69) across the UCRB. On average, it is estimated that 89% of dissolved solids loads originate from the baseflow fraction of streamflow, indicating that subsurface transport processes play a dominant role in delivering dissolved solids to streams in the UCRB. A statistical trend analysis using weighted regressions on time, discharge, and season was used to evaluate changes in baseflow dissolved solids loads in streams (n = 27) from 1986 to 2011. Decreasing trends in baseflow dissolved solids loads were observed at 63% of streams. At the three most downstream sites, Green River at Green River, UT, Colorado River at Cisco, UT, and the San Juan River near Bluff, UT, baseflow dissolved solids loads decreased by a combined 823,000 metric tons (mT), which is approximately 69% of projected basin‐scale decreases in total dissolved solids loads as a result of salinity control efforts. Decreasing trends in baseflow dissolved solids loads suggest that salinity mitigation projects, landscape changes, and/or climate are reducing dissolved solids transported to streams through the subsurface. Notably, the pace and extent of decreases in baseflow dissolved solids loads declined during the most recent decade; average decreasing loads during the 2000s (28,200 mT) were only 54% of average decreasing loads in the 1990s (51,700 mT).  相似文献   
Broad-band P - and S -waves from earthquakes in South America recorded at Californian network stations are analysed to image lateral variations of the D"-discontinuity beneath the Cocos plate. We apply two array processing methods to the data set: a simplified migration method to the P -wave data set and a double-array method to both the P - and S -wave data sets, allowing us to compare results from the two methods. The double-array method images a dipping reflector at a depth range from 2650 to 2700 km in the southern part of the study area. We observe a step-like topography of 100 km to a shallower reflector at about 2600 km depth to the north, as well as evidence for a second (deeper) reflector at a depth range from 2700 to 2750 km in the north. Results from the simplified migration agree well with those from the double-array method, similarly locating a large step in reflector depth in a similar location (about 2650 km depth in the south and about 2550 km in the north) as well as the additional deeper reflector at the depth of about 2750 km in the north. Waveform modelling of the reflected waves from both methods suggests a positive velocity contrast for S waves, but a negative velocity contrast for P waves for the upper reflector in agreement with predictions from mineral physical calculations for a post-perovskite phase transition. The data also show some evidence for the existence of another deeper reflector that could indicate a double intersection of the geotherm with the post-perovskite stability field, that is, the back-transformation of post-perovskite to perovskite close to the core–mantle boundary.  相似文献   
This study undertakes a multi‐disciplinary approach (sedimentology, carbon isotopes, magnetic susceptibility and thickness distribution) to improve understanding of a major Palaeozoic carbonate platform, the Frasnian platform of Belgium. These combined techniques are used to reconstruct the platform history, which evolved in two main steps. During the first phase, the basin was strongly influenced by faulting, producing notable thickness and facies variations, with open ocean conditions, with good water circulation and no/or limited barrier reef. The second phase of platform development was less influenced by differential subsidence, as indicated by homogeneous facies distribution. However, this platform developed under restricted waters, with low circulation which is likely related to the development of a barrier reef.  相似文献   
Abstract— Presolar grains are small samples of stardust that can be found at low abundances in some of the most unaltered types of extraterrestrial materials. While earlier laboratory studies of stardust mainly focused on grain types that can be extracted from bulk meteorites by acid dissolution techniques, such as silicon carbide and graphite, recent analyses of presolar silicates rely on isotope imaging searches for locating these grains in situ. Since presolar silicates are generally less than a micrometer in diameter and represent at best only a few hundred ppm of their host materials (e.g., primitive meteorites or interplanetary dust particles), locating and studying these particles can be analytically challenging. Recently, we began using scanning Auger spectroscopy for the in situ elemental characterization of presolar silicate grains as a complement to NanoSIMS isotopic studies for obtaining spatially matched compositional data. Auger spectroscopy is a well‐established analytical technique for elemental characterizations in the material sciences, but has not been widely used in geological applications. We discuss the application of this technique to sub‐micrometer sized silicate grains and address practical issues such as sample preparation, measurement settings, spatial resolution, data processing, and elemental quantification.  相似文献   
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