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A deep-sea core over 16 m long from the crestal area of the Mediterranean Ridge has been investigated with different techniques, including quantitative micropaleontology, stable isotopes (measured on the epipelagic species Globigerinoides ruber and on the mesopelagic species Globorotalia inflata), and clay mineralogy. The resulting record of climatic fluctuations can be cross correlated to other Mediterranean cores by means of isochronous lithologies (tephra layers and sapropels). The climatic record of the Mediterranean is similar in character, phase, and chronology to the records investigated in the equatorial Pacific and in the Caribbean. Isotope stages 1 to 17 have been recognized. Cyclically repeated stagnant cycles resulting in sapropel deposition complicate both the isotopic and the faunal signal. The isotopic investigations reveal that the temperature change in the surface layers of the eastern Mediterranean was no greater than 8°C in the late “glacial” Pleistocene. The chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic interpretation of Core KS09 indicate that the mean sedimentation rate was 2.4 cm/1000 years, a value very close to the 2.5 cm/1000 years calculated for the entire Quaternary section at DSDP Site 125, also located in the crestal area of the Mediterranean Ridge in the Ionian Basin. The base of KS09 is likely to be very close to the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary dated at 0.7 my.  相似文献   
Elements involved in biogeochemical cycles undergo rapid turnover at the oxic–anoxic interface of stratified lakes. Here, the presence or absence of oxygen governs abiotic and biotic processes and rates. However, achieving a detailed sampling resolution to precisely locate the oxic–anoxic interface is difficult due to a lack of fast, drift-free sensors in the working range of 10 to a few 1,000 nmol O2 L?1. Here, we demonstrate that conventional amperometric and optical microsensors can be used to resolve submicromolar oxygen concentrations in a continuous profiling mode. The amperometric drift was drastically reduced by anoxic preconditioning. In situ offset correction in the anoxic layer and a high amplification scheme allowed for an excellent detection limit of < 10 nmol L?1. The optical microsensors also showed a similar performance with a detection limit of < 20 nmol L?1. Their drift stability allowed for a laboratory calibration in combination with a minor in situ anoxic offset correction. The two different sensor systems showed virtually identical profiles during parallel use in stratified lakes. Both sensors were able to resolve the fine-scale structure at the oxic–anoxic interface and revealed hitherto unnoticed extended zones of submicromolar oxygen concentrations even below a steep oxycline. The zones extended up to several meters and showed substantial vertical variability. These results underline the need of a precise localization of the oxic–anoxic interface on a submicromolar scale in order to constrain the relevant aerobic and anaerobic redox processes.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of WASP-10b, a new transiting extrasolar planet (ESP) discovered by the Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) Consortium and confirmed using Nordic Optical Telescope FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph and SOPHIE radial velocity data. A 3.09-d period, 29 mmag transit depth and 2.36 h duration are derived for WASP-10b using WASP and high-precision photometric observations. Simultaneous fitting to the photometric and radial velocity data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure leads to a planet radius of  1.28 R J   , a mass of  2.96 M J   and eccentricity of ≈0.06. WASP-10b is one of the more massive transiting ESPs, and we compare its characteristics to the current sample of transiting ESP, where there is currently little information for masses greater than ≈  2 M J   and non-zero eccentricities. WASP-10's host star, GSC 2752−00114 (USNO-B1.0 1214−0586164) is among the fainter stars in the WASP sample, with   V = 12.7  and a spectral type of K5. This result shows promise for future late-type dwarf star surveys.  相似文献   
Most human activities and hydrogeological information on small young volcanic islands are near the coastal area. There are almost no hydrological data from inland areas, where permanent springs and/or boreholes may be rare or nonexistent. A major concern is the excessive salinity of near-the-coast wells. Obtaining a conceptual hydrogeological model is crucial for groundwater resources development and management. Surveys of water seepages and rain for chemical and environmental isotope contents may provide information on the whole island groundwater flow conditions, in spite of remaining geological and hydrogeological uncertainties. New data from Easter Island (Isla de Pascua), in the Pacific Ocean, are considered. Whether Easter Island has a central low permeability volcanic “core” sustaining an elevated water table remains unknown. Average recharge is estimated at 300–400 mm/year, with a low salinity of 15–50 mg/L Cl. There is an apron of highly permeable volcanics that extends to the coast. The salinity of near-the-coast wells, >1,000 mg/L Cl, is marine in origin. This is the result of a thick mixing zone of island groundwater and encroached seawater, locally enhanced by upconings below pumping wells. This conceptual model explains what is observed, in the absence of inland boreholes and springs.  相似文献   
Estimating the hydrological regime of ungauged catchments in the Himalayan region is challenging due to a lack of sufficient monitoring stations. In this paper, the spatial transferability of the model parameters of the process‐oriented J2000 hydrological model was investigated in 2 glaciated subcatchments of the Koshi river basin in eastern Nepal. The catchments have a high degree of similarity with respect to their static landscape features. The model was first calibrated (1986–1991) and validated (1992–1997) in the Dudh Koshi subcatchment. The calibrated and validated model parameters were then transferred to the nearby Tamor catchment (2001–2009). Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses were carried out for both subcatchments to discover the sensitivity range of the parameters in the two catchments. The model represented the overall hydrograph well in both subcatchments, including baseflow, rising and falling limbs; however, the peak flows were underestimated. The efficiency results according to both Nash–Sutcliffe (ENS) and the coefficient of determination (r2) were above 0.84 in both catchments (1986–1997 in Dudh Koshi and 2001–2009 in Tamor). The ranking of the parameters in respect to their sensitivity matched well for both catchments while taking ENS and log Nash–Sutcliffe (LNS) efficiencies into account. However, there were some differences in sensitivity to ENS and LNS for moderately and less‐sensitive parameters, although the majority (13 out of 16 for ENS and 16 out of 16 for LNS) had a sensitivity response in a similar range. The generalized uncertainty likelihood estimation results suggest that the parameter uncertainty are most of the time within the range and the ensemble mean matches very good (ENS: 0.84) with observed discharge. The results indicate that transfer of the J2000 parameters to a neighbouring catchment in the Himalayan region with similar physiographic landscape characteristics is viable. This indicates the possibility of applying a calibrated process‐based J2000 model to other ungauged catchments in the Himalayan region, which could provide important insights into the hydrological system dynamics and provide much needed information to support water resources planning and management.  相似文献   
Abstract— Argentine Pampean sediments represent a nearly continuous record of deposition since the late Miocene (~10 Ma). Previous studies described five localized concentrations of vesicular impact glasses from the Holocene to late Pliocene. Two more occurrences from the late Miocene are reported here: one near Chasicó (CH) with an 40Ar/39Ar age of 9.24 ± 0.09 Ma, and the other near Bahía Blanca (BB) with an age of 5.28 ± 0.04 Ma. In contrast with andesitic and dacitic impact glasses from other localities in the Pampas, the CH and BB glasses are more mafic. They also exhibit higher degrees of melting with relatively few xenoycrysts but extensive quench crystals. In addition to evidence for extreme heating (>1700 °C), shock features are observed (e.g., planar deformation features [PDFs] and diaplectic quartz and feldspar) in impact glasses from both deposits. Geochemical analyses reveal unusually high levels of Ba (~7700 ppm) in some samples, which is consistent with an interpretation that these impacts excavated marine sequences known to be at depth. These two new impact glass occurrences raise to seven the number of late Cenozoic impacts for which there is evidence preserved in the Pampean sediments. This seemingly high number of significant impacts over a 106 km2 area in a time span of 10 Myr is consistent with the number of bolides larger than 100 m expected to enter the atmosphere but is contrary to calculated survival rates following atmospheric disruption. The Pampean record suggests, therefore, that either atmospheric entry models need to be reconsidered or that the Earth has received an enhanced flux of impactors during portions of the late Cenozoic. Evidence for the resulting collisions may be best preserved and revealed in rare dissected regions of continuous, low‐energy deposition such as the Pampas. Additionally, the rare earth element (REE) concentrations of the target sediments and impact melts associated with the Chasicó event resemble the HNa/K australites of similar age. This suggests the possibility that those enigmatic tektites could have originated as high‐angle, distal ejecta from an impact in Argentina, thereby accounting for their rarity and notable chemical and physical differences from other Australasian impact glasses.  相似文献   
Analysis of water flow pathways from hillslopes to streams is essential for the optimal protection of water resources as well as for ecohydrological studies. This study addresses runoff generation processes at a hillslope and near‐stream shallow groundwater system in the Black Forest Mountains, southwestern Germany. The changing spatial and temporal flow patterns during differing hydrological situations were examined using a combined hydraulic and hydrochemical approach. Groundwater levels at 10 wells, discharge at a near‐stream saturated area, and several natural tracers (deuterium, dissolved silica, and major anions and cations) were observed at different locations during high and low flows. The importance of the groundwater component during flood formation was clearly demonstrated: its contribution was about 80% during a double peak flood event at the saturated area. In addition, a rapid change of the shallow groundwater levels was observed along two transects of groundwater wells in the floodplain. This led to an enhanced groundwater discharge into the saturated area located at the end of one study transect. The amount of groundwater additionally activated during the event was about 30% of total discharge recorded at the outlet of the saturated area. Two alternative hypotheses are discussed to explain this phenomenon: the establishment of locally confined conditions and the development of a pressure wave (hypothesis A), or the significant change of the three‐dimensional groundwater flow lines that caused a large increase of the groundwater catchment at the saturated area during the investigated event (hypothesis B). Even if the exact flow paths and mechanisms could not be clearly identified, the importance of rapid responding hillslope groundwater was undoubtedly demonstrated by a combination of tracer and hydrometric methods. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— The El'gygytgyn impact structure is about 18 km in diameter and is located in the central part of Chukotka, arctic Russia. The crater was formed in volcanic rock strata of Cretaceous age, which include lava and tuffs of rhyolites, dacites, and andesites. A mid‐Pliocene age of the crater was previously determined by fission track (3.45 ± 0.15 Ma) and 40Ar/39Ar dating (3.58 ± 0.04 Ma). The ejecta layer around the crater is completely eroded. Shock‐metamorphosed volcanic rocks, impact melt rocks, and bomb‐shaped impact glasses occur in lacustrine terraces but have been redeposited after the impact event. Clasts of volcanic rocks, which range in composition from rhyolite to dacite, represent all stages of shock metamorphism, including selective melting and formation of homogeneous impact melt. Four stages of shocked volcanic rocks were identified: stage I (≤35 GPa; lava and tuff contain weakly to strongly shocked quartz and feldspar clasts with abundant PFs and PDFs; coesite and stishovite occur as well), stage II (35–45 GPa; quartz and feldspar are converted to diaplectic glass; coesite but no stishovite), stage III (45–55 GPa; partly melted volcanic rocks; common diaplectic quartz glass; feldspar is melted), and stage IV (>55 GPa; melt rocks and glasses). Two main types of impact melt rocks occur in the crater: 1) impact melt rocks and impact melt breccias (containing abundant fragments of shocked volcanic rocks) that were probably derived from (now eroded) impact melt flows on the crater walls, and 2) aerodynamically shaped impact melt glass “bombs” composed of homogeneous glass. The composition of the glasses is almost identical to that of rhyolites from the uppermost part of the target. Cobalt, Ni, and Ir abundances in the impact glasses and melt rocks are not or only slightly enriched compared to the volcanic target rocks; only the Cr abundances show a distinct enrichment, which points toward an achondritic projectile. However, the present data do not allow one to unambiguously identify a meteoritic component in the El'gygytgyn impact melt rocks.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments have been conducted to study the effects of various rain properties on sand detachment resulting from raindrop impact. Splash cups were exposed to simulated rainfall intensities ranging between 10 and 140 mm h−1. The detached sand was collected and weighed whereas rain intensity, equivalent drop diameter and fall velocity of raindrops were measured with an optical spectro‐pluviometer (OSP). The properties of the simulated rain (i.e. median volume diameter and kinetic energy) were compared with those observed in natural conditions. Statistical analyses have been undertaken in order to evaluate which rain variable best predicts the mass of sand detached. Linear and non‐linear correlations between the mass of detached sediment and the product of drop size (d) by drop velocity (v), i.e. DαVβ, with values of α varying between 1 and 6 and β between 0 and 3, have been computed. The results indicate that the coefficient of determination (R2) for α ranging between 3 and 5 and β lower or equal to 2 are satisfying. Although kinetic energy (D3V2) described splash detachment relatively well, the product of momentum by drop diameter (D4V) was slightly superior in describing splash detachment. Therefore, the momentum multiplied by the drop diameter is recommended as the best rain variable to describe splash detachment. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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