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Landslides generate enormous volumes of sediment in mountainous watersheds; however, quantifying the downstream transport of landslide‐derived sediment remains a challenge. Landslide erosion and sediment delivery to the Shihmen Reservoir watershed in Taiwan was estimated using empirical landslide frequency–area and volume–area relationships, empirical landslide runout models, and the Hydrological Simulation Program‐ FORTRAN (HSPF). Landslide erosion rates ranged from 0.4 mm yr‐1 to 2.2 mm yr‐1 during the period 1986–2003, but increased to 7.9 mm yr‐1 following Typhoon Aere in 2004. The percentage of landslide sediment delivered to streams decreased from 78% during the period 1986–1997 to 55% in 2004. Although the delivery ratio was lower, the volume of landslide sediment delivered to streams was 2.81 × 106 Mg yr‐1 in 1986–1997 and 8.60 × 106 Mg yr‐1 in 2004. Model simulations indicate that only a small proportion of the landslide material was delivered downstream. An average of 13% of the landslide material delivered to rivers was moved downstream during the period 1986–1997. In 2004, the period including Typhoon Aere, the annual fluvial sediment yield accounted for approximately 23% of the landslide material delivered to streams. In general, the transfer of sediment in the fluvial system in the Shihmen Reservoir watershed is dominantly transport limited. The imbalance between sediment supply and transport capacity has resulted in a considerable quantity of landslide material remaining in the upper‐stream regions of the watershed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
根据对蒋家沟泥石流源地的崩塌、滑坡、散流坡,在旱季与雨季不同时段,降雨入渗后的土壤含水状况观测,以及泉水季节性变化,详细分析了泥石流源地崩塌、滑坡、散流坡土体的应力应变特性对降雨的响应过程差异.在雨季滑坡临空面和滑坡体内的土体含水量分别为6.67%、4.8%,滑坡活动主要是通过前缘剪出口崩塌方式补给下方沟床.崩塌体由于土体结构极为松散,在雨季该土体含水量通常高达8.85%~16%,使其土体的抗剪强度(C、φ)处于极限应力状态,一旦遇到降雨浸润和冲刷,迅速触变液化,转化为高浓度泥石流的侵蚀产沙过程.  相似文献   
罗利川  梁杏  周宏  谢凯  陈标典 《中国岩溶》2018,37(3):450-461
结合1∶5万水文地质调查,对香溪河岩溶流域溶洞特征进行了探究,统计其溶洞的规模、形态、发育地层、发育方向及分布高程,结果表明:该区洞穴规模中等,受岩性的控制,溶洞的发育表现出对碳酸盐岩岩组类型的选择性,其中寒武-奥陶系地层溶洞发育程度最高;溶洞的发育方向多为北北东和北北西向,与区域构造线一致,同时受本区构造运动间歇性抬升的影响,溶洞集中发育于4个高程区;从溶洞发育的构造部位来看,溶洞主要分布在宽缓向斜的东南翼及向斜核部,平面分布表现出分带性;该区溶洞多发育至早期就停止进一步发育,其规模、类型、分布特征等与鄂西南地区溶洞均存在差异。   相似文献   
洪阿实 《华南地震》1990,10(3):71-76
通过在地震活动区对有关地质体的K—Ar、Ar—Ar、FT、TL、~(14)C、ESR、U系等同位素年代学、地下水及其释放气体的D/H、~(13)C/~(12)C、~(18)O/~(16)O等稳定同位素以及He、Ar等稀有气体同位素的研究,可获得有关新构造运动的时间序列、断层运动的时间、地质体热历史以及地下断层流体运动的许多重要信息。因而,同位素地球化学已逐渐在研究地震成因机制以及监测预报地震中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
一次地中海气旋发展的分析和诊断   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
彭新东  丑纪范 《高原气象》1993,12(3):274-282
Direct climate responses to dust shortwave and longwave radiative forcing (RF) are studied using the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3). The simulated RF at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is-0.45 W m-2 in the solar spectrum and +0.09 W m-2 in the thermal spectrum on a global average. The magnitude of surface RF is larger than the TOA forcing, with global mean shortwave forcing of-1.76 W m-2 and longwave forcing of +0.31 W m-2 . As a result, dust aerosol causes the absorption of 1.1 W m-2 in t...  相似文献   
On Shikoku Island, which is one of the four main islands of Japan, a large number of large-scale crystalline schist landslides have been revealed and are being monitored by an observation system. Seasonal heavy rainfall is the most active meteorological factor that can threaten the stability of this kind of site-specific landslide. In this paper, on the basis of the study of the rainfall-related behavior of a typical crystalline schist landslide, the Zentoku landslide, by analyzing the precisely and continuously observed piezometric and movement data, a method was developed to quantitatively assess the effect of heavy rainfall on a large-scale landslide. The results indicated that heavy rainfall-induced landslide displacement shows good correlation with the variation of groundwater levels. Variations of groundwater level have been simulated with the use of a tank model. The simulation using this model permits the change in water levels for future rainfall events to be predicted. By combining the predicted results with the empirical relation between displacements and water levels, rainfall-induced landslide movement during extreme rainfall events can be estimated in advance. The effect of heavy rainfall on sliding behavior can be quantified in terms of the change in displacement. Thus warning information or advisories for the local residents can be provided.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of crude oil contamination on community assemblages of meiofauna and nematodes after exposure to total petroleum hydrocarbons in the laboratory. We administered a seawater solution that had been contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbons to seven treatment groups at different concentrations, while the control group received uncontaminated filtered seawater. The average density of total meiofauna in the experimental microcosms diluted with 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 4% contaminated seawater was higher than the density in the control. The average density of total meiofauna in the 8%, 15%, and 20% microcosms was lower than the density in the control. The density of nematodes was similar to that of the total meiofauna. Cluster analysis divided the microcosms into group 1 (control, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 4% microcosms) and group 2 (8%, 15%, and 20% microcosms). However, SIMPROF analysis showed no significant difference between the two groups (p > 0.05). Bolbolaimus spp. (37.1%) were dominant among the nematodes. Cluster analysis showed similar results for nematode and meiofaunal communities. The total meiofaunal density, nematode density, and number of Bolbolaimus spp. individuals were significantly negatively associated with the concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons (Spearman correlation coefficients, p < 0.05). Within the nematodes, epistrate feeders (group 2A: 46%) were the most abundant trophic group. Among the treatment groups, the abundance of group 2A increased in low-concentration microcosms and decreased in high-concentration microcosms. Thus, our findings provide information on the effects of oil pollution on meiofauna in the intertidal zones of sandy beaches.  相似文献   
粤东深澳湾养殖区域异养细菌和弧菌的动态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查于2007年1月至2008年12月进行,对异养细菌和弧菌丰度的时间和空间分布开展了相关的研究,结果显示深澳养殖海湾水体中以上2种被调查菌类的丰度全年变化范围分别为1.20×105―1.27×108cfu·L-1和1.00×103―3.90×105cfu·L-1;底质中的丰度变化范围分别为2.73×104―4.06×107cfu·g-1和3.25×102―7.23×104cfu·g-1.从时间上来看,营养盐类与异养细菌的相关性要强于温度、盐度、pH值和溶氧等物理因素的相关性;而弧菌与物理因素的相关性要强于与营养盐类的相关性.从空间分布来看水体环境的变化要比底质的大,水体中经常出现异养细菌和弧菌丰度的剧烈变化,变化程度也远远高于底质中细菌的变化.而且不同的养殖活动也会很明显地影响异养细菌和弧菌的丰度:S3站位水体中异养细菌的丰度比底质中的高;S5站位的底质中异养细菌和弧菌的丰度都是较高的.龙须菜的养殖可以很明显地改善底质环境,特别是降低底质中对养殖和水质环境有很大负面影响的生物和非生物因子如硫化物和弧菌等.  相似文献   
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