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印尼贯穿流的诊断计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用全球大洋二维的自由表面诊断模型并采用气候态Levitus(2001)温盐资料及COADS风应力资料估算印尼贯穿流及其季节变化。结果表明,南海的Karimata海峡出流量对印尼贯穿流有显著的贡献,印尼贯穿流的平均流量为16.6Sv,流量在6月最大(18.5Sv),4月最小(12.7Sv)。与其它模式结果和观测结果一致的是,Makas-sar海峡流量在7月最大(13.8Sv),1月最小(0.2Sv),其年平均流量为6.7Sv;Karimata海峡是南海南部最大的出水口,年平均流量为2.6Sv,爪哇海水在5—9月之间流入南海,其它月份南海南部水流入爪哇海;Timor海峡是印尼贯穿流最大的出口;Lombok流量的季节变化表现为半年周期。通过模拟计算结果,结合动力计算,获取了Makassar海峡经向速度的垂向结构,结果显示Makassar海峡的经向速度有明显的垂向切变,100m层次的南向速度为30—35cm.s-1。  相似文献   
为了满足海上石油作业平台安全就位的要求,使用VB 6.0开发工具以及MapX控件,集成GPS和GIS技术开发了油田作业平台安全就位服务系统。该服务系统实现了GPS数据的实时接收和作业平台运行状态(速度、方向、位置)的动态实时显示,为作业平台安全就位提供决策方案,能在保证海底管线安全的基础上辅助作业人员找到作业平台最佳停靠位置。  相似文献   
厦门文昌鱼人工繁育批量生产技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周仁杰  方琦 《台湾海峡》2007,26(1):121-128
2005年5月21日至7月6日从厦门市翔安区欧厝附近海域采集文昌鱼亲体6批共计550余尾,移入室内进行强化培育.7月16日和17日夜间,培育的亲体自然排放精卵并受精,共获得受精卵125万粒.受精卵孵化获得浮游幼体115万尾,孵化率达92.0%.孵化的幼体经25d较高密度人工培育,获得99.2万尾体长0.31~0.72cm的文昌鱼苗及未成苗浮游幼体;分苗疏养后,又经28d继续培育,存活的幼体几乎全部潜入沙层中,最终获得体长0.55~1.30cm的厦门文昌鱼潜沙苗23.2万尾,其53d育苗成活率达20.7%.这是国内外首次人工培育获得成批量的文昌鱼增养殖苗种.进而于2005年11月6日向厦门文昌鱼自然保护区实施了国内外首次的文昌鱼资源人工增殖放流.  相似文献   
通过亲贝强化营养和升温促熟培育,提早栉江珧人工育苗时间;合理控制幼虫密度,前期4~5个/mL,后期2~3个/mL,严把饵料质量关,投喂新鲜无污染的饵料,科学换水与充气,及时分级筛选等系列技术措施,克服栉江珧育苗中易发生幼虫粘连的技术难题,使育苗生产顺利进行;开展了多种附着基投放的采苗方法试验,选出了铺砂浮动网箱采苗和网袋装网片附着基和细砂吊在池中采苗2种比较理想的采苗方法,提高稚贝的附着变态率,其附着变态率达30%以上,促进稚贝的生长和成活,在1 000 m3水体中育出2 mm以上的稚贝1.096亿粒。  相似文献   
-This paper carries out the analysis of mechanics of a grip system of three-key-board hydraulictongs developed for offshore oil pipe lines which has been successfully used in oil fields in China.The mainimprovement of this system is that a lever frame structure is used in the structural design,which reducesgreatly the stresses of the major components of the oil pipe tongs.Theoretical analysis and numerical calcu-lation based on thirteen basic equations developed show that the teeth board of the tongs is not easy to slipas frequently happens to other systems and is of higher reliability.  相似文献   
日本对虾野生种群和养殖种群遗传结构的RAPD标记研究   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
于1997年4月在福建和山东青岛分别采集地虾野生种群和养殖群体的样品,采用RAPD标记技术对其遗传结构进行初步研究。用20个随机引物在野生种群和养殖群体中分别扩增出157和153条DNA片段,其中多态性段数分别为85和58条,多态性片段的比例分别为54.14%和37.91%,平均杂合度分别为0.2517和0.1343。  相似文献   
铅对日本沼虾精子超微结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用铅 ( Pb2 + )溶液的 72 h半致死浓度处理日本沼虾 ,发现日本沼虾的精子结构受到严重破坏。主要表现在精子顶体的解体、顶体及核物质的大量丢失以及精核形态的变化上 ,这种类型的精子失去了正常受精的能力 ,直接导致个体的不育 ,使自然种群繁殖率下降。虾蟹类精子结构的变化可以作为监测环境污染的重要形态学指标。  相似文献   
Nonlinear Effect of Wave Propagation in Shallow Water   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
—In this paper,a nonlinear model is presented to describe wave transformation in shallow wat-er with the zero-vorticity equation of wave-number vector and energy conservation equation.Thenonlinear effect due to an empirical dispersion relation(by Hedges)is compared with that of Dalrymple'sdispersion relation.The model is tested against the laboratory measurements for the case of a submergedelliptical shoal on a slope beach,where both refraction and diffraction are significant.The computation re-sults,compared with those obtained through linear dispersion relation.show that the nonlinear effect ofwave transformation in shallow water is important.And the empirical dispersion relation is suitable for re-searching the nonlinearity of wave in shallow water.  相似文献   
-The hydrodynamic coefficients C_d and C_m are not only dependent on the size of slender cylin-der,its location in water,KC number and Re number,but also vary with environmental conditions,i.e.,in regular waves or in irregular waves,in pure waves or in wave-current coexisting field.In this paper,thenormalization of hydrodynamic coefficients for various environmental conditions is discussed.When aproper definition of KC number and proper characteristic values of irregular waves are used,a unified re-lationship between C_d,C_m and KC number for regular waves,irregular waves,pure waves and wave-cur-rent coexisting field can be obtained.  相似文献   
Multiple-Step Predictive Control for Offshore Structures   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
—Ocean wave propagation is slow,visible and measurable,so a wave theory can be used to approxi-mately predict the imminnent wave force on an offshore structure based on measured,real-time wave elevation nearthe structure.This predictability suggests the development of a more efficient algorithm,than those that have beendeveloped for structures under wind and seismic loads,for the active vibration control of offshore structures.Thepresent study delveops a mutiple-step predictive optimal control(MPOC)algorithm that accounts for multiple-step external loading in the determibation of optimal control forces.The control efficiency of the newly developedMPOC algorithm has been investigated under both regular(single-frequency)and irregular(multiple-frequency)wave loads,and compared with that of two other well-known optimal control algorithms:classical linear optimalcontrol(CLOC)and instantaneou optimal control(IOC).  相似文献   
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