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A Metallogenic Model of Gold Deposits of the Jiaodong Granite-Greenstone Belt   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
An analysis of trace elements and isotopic geochemistry suggest that the ore-forming materials of gold deposits in the Jiaodong granite-greenstone belt have multiple sources, especially the mantle source. Seismic wave, magnetic and gravity fields show that the crust-mantle structure and its coupling mechanism are the fundamental dynamic causes for the exchange and accumulation of materials and energy in the metallogenic system. Considering the evolution history of the structural setting, the tectono-metallogenic dynamics model of the area can be summarized as follows: (1) occurrence of the greenstone belt during the Archean-Proterozoic-the embryonic form of Au-source system; (2) stable tectonic setting in the Paleozoic-an intermittence in gold mineralization; (3) intensive activation and reformation of the greenstone belt in the Mesozoic-tectono-mineralization and tectono-diagensis; (4) posthumous structural activity in the Cenozoic-destruction of orebodies in the later stage. In the middle and late Ind  相似文献   
易门铜矿"镜面对称"成矿及意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在列举了大量地质依据的基础上,论证了易门铜矿区西矿带的矿床(点)分布存在“镜面对称”成矿现象,并讨论了形成这种对称分布的力学机理。这一发现无疑对矿床形成和分布具有重要的理论意义。而且,对本区和类似地区进行成矿预测及矿产勘查具有重要的实际指导意义。  相似文献   
关中活断层和地裂缝的年代学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
取该区活动断裂中的断层泥,并首次在几个断层面附近的劈理化黄土中取样测出热释光年龄。12个断层热释光年龄数据在20-240ka B P之间变化,证实中更新世晚期和晚更新世期间断层曾有一次活动,为本区断层的活动性提供了证据。本研究成果也为西安地裂缝的活断层与人工抽水双重成因提供了证据。   相似文献   
根据天然气地球化学基本理论,对柴达木盆地西部(柴西)地区天然气的地球化学特征进行分析。测试和收集该地区18个油气田及含油气构造的83个天然气样品,分析其组分和C同位素数据,结果显示,该区天然气以烃类气体为主,烃类含量介于79.24%~99.81%之间,天然气比重介于0.72~1.36之间,天然气干燥系数(C1/C2+)介于1.04~617.8之间,甲烷C同位素值介于-51.4‰~-24.2‰之间,乙烷C同位素值介于-34.2‰~-17.4‰之间。在此基础上,对该区不同构造带的天然气成因类型进行研究。研究结果表明,柴达木盆地西部地区天然气类型可划分为腐泥型气、腐殖型气、混合气3类,柴西北部天然气主要为腐泥型气和混合气,少量腐殖型气;柴西南部主要为腐泥型气,少量混合气。同时,建立了天然气成因类型的判识指标,对该区的天然气地球化学特征有了较为深入的认识,对今后的天然气勘探具有指导意义。  相似文献   
利用 2 0 0 0年兰州市城区 1km 1km网络化污染源的调查资料 ,对每一网格内影响该市的大气污染源排放量进行了分担率计算 ,结果表明 :兰州城区污染物排放量分担率呈“区域”状连片分布 ,分担率分布广 ,影响范围大 ,从整体看 ,分担率分布出现了 3个中心 ,分别出现在西固电厂南部、城关区铁路局和七里河西站一带 ,与地形走向 ,人口密度分布相一致。  相似文献   
1 地震背景 据中国地震台网( CENC)测定,2021年6月10日19时46分07秒,在云南省楚雄州双柏县发生MS5.1地震,震中(24.34°N,101.91°E),震源深度8 km.本次地震共造成楚雄州双柏县、玉溪市峨山县和易门县3个县5个乡镇不同程度受灾,2人受伤,直接经济总损失3440万元(引自云南省地震局关于双柏MS5.1地震灾害直接经济损失评估工作报告).  相似文献   
一个海气耦合模式对东亚夏季气候预测潜力的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一个具有较高分辨率的海气耦合模式SINTEX-F(Scale Interaction Experiment-Frontier Research Center for Global Change coupled GCM)的多年回报结果,评估了该海气耦合模式对东亚区域,尤其是中国地区气候异常的预测潜力.与观测实况的比较结果表明:SINTEX-F模式对夏季降水、500 hPa高度场和地表气温都有一定的预测技巧,但是相比而言降水与高度场的回报技巧要高于地表气温;而且耦合模式对东亚地区气候异常的主要空间分布和年际变化特征也有较好的预测潜力,对500 hPa高度场效果较好;对降水异常的年际变化也有一定的预测潜力,尤其是我国中部地区效果较好,但是模式预测的降水异常的幅值较观测相对偏弱;此外对我国西部的极端气候也有一定的预测潜力.  相似文献   
We present an uncertainty analysis of ecological process parameters and CO2 flux components (Reco, NEE and gross ecosystem exchange (GEE)) derived from 3 years’ continuous eddy covariance meas-urements of CO2 fluxes at subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation, Qianyanzhou of ChinaFlux. Daily-differencing approach was used to analyze the random error of CO2 fluxes measurements and bootstrapping method was used to quantify the uncertainties of three CO2 flux components. In addition, we evaluated different ...  相似文献   
A study of faults and their control of deep gas accumulations has been made on the basis of dividing fault systems in the Xujiaweizi area. The study indicates two sets of fault systems are developed vertically in the Xujiaweizi area, including a lower fault system and an upper fault system. Formed in the period of the Huoshiling Formation to Yingcheng Formation, the lower fault system consists of five fault systems including Xuxi strike-slip extensional fault system, NE-trending extensional fault system, near-EW-trending regulating fault system, Xuzhong strike-slip fault system and Xudong strike-slip fault system. Formed in the period of Qingshankou Formation to Yaojia Formation, the upper fault system was affected mainly by the boundary conditions of the lower fault system, and thus plenty of multi-directionally distributed dense fault zones were formed in the T2 reflection horizon. The Xuxi fault controlled the formation and distribution of Shahezi coal-measure source rocks, and Xuzhong and Xudong faults controlled the formation and distribution of volcanic reservoirs of Y1 Member and Y3 Member, respectively. In the forming period of the upper fault system, the Xuzhong fault was of successive strong activities and directly connected gas source rock reservoirs and volcanic reservoirs, so it is a strongly-charged direct gas source fault. The volcanic reservoir development zones of good physical properties that may be found near the Xuzhong fault are the favorable target zones for the next exploration of deep gas accumulations in Xujiaweizi area.  相似文献   
煤层气在煤储层中的扩散及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
煤层气在煤储层中的扩散是指从煤基质孔隙表面上解吸的煤层气运移到割理系统的主要过程。发生扩散的前提条件是气体浓度差的出现,衡量扩散能力大小的重要参数是扩散系数。前者为由解吸速度、解吸气量和煤层气产量、井孔压力降等因素控制的动态参数,而后者为主要受扩散物质性质、扩散介质特征、扩散系统的温度、压力和孔隙结构形态等因素影响的静态参数。煤层气在煤储层中的扩散量与煤层气浓度差和扩散系数呈正比关系。  相似文献   
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