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Photometric data covering 1994–2009, obtained at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory or retrieved from the ASAS and SuperWASP catalogs, were used to analyze the brightness variations of the rapidly rotating star V833 Tau, whose activity level is close to saturation. Combined with previously published results, these data represent for the first time all stages in the development of the star’s 19- year activity cycle. The photometric period and rotational-modulation amplitude for different epochs are determined, and the qualitative pattern of the spots is considered. The photometric period is close to the orbital period, but always exceeds it, indicating that surface inhomogeneities are located far from the equatorial plane. With the high spottedness of the star, reaching 28% at the cycle maximum, the rotationalmodulation amplitude is 0.05?0.1 m , and increases during the growth and decline phases of the 19-year cycle. The rotational modulation is due to spots with higher latitudes than in the case of the Sun, and concentrating on active longitudes.  相似文献   
Lithological, sedimentological, mineralogical and faunal analyses of twenty cores from the western Peloponnesus margin and adjacent Matapan Trench permit the origin of the sediments and the processes of sedimentation to be defined in some detail.Except for the ash layers derived from the Ischian Province, the major part of the sediment is local in origin (Peloponnesus). Analyses of heavy, light and clay minerals enable three main provinces to be distinguished. Each of these provinces includes one or more slope basins and a portion of trench, without lateral connection between them and mixing of inputs.The diversity and complexity of sedimentary structures, the granulometric characters, the mixed fauna (molluscs and ostracods) and the variability of rates of sedimentation all testify to the prevalence of reworking phenomena and gravitative processes.These data confirm and elaborate on the model of sedimentation deduced from seismic studies in which sediments are successively trapped, released by the slope basins and transferred via channels and canyons towards the underlying trench basins. This “cascade feeding” appears characteristics of this subductive sedimentary environment.  相似文献   
The results of observations of the chemical composition of precipitation in the Russian Arctic in 2007-2015 are summarized including the data from NP-35 drifting ice station obtained in 2007-2008 in the framework of the joint program of Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory. The qualitative and quantitative difference in the chemical composition of precipitation in the Atlantic, Siberian, and Pacific sectors of the Russian Arctic is revealed. It is found that the concentration of microelements (heavy metals) in precipitation at NP-35 ice station did not exceed 12% of total ions at the lowest mineralization. The comparative analysis is presented of the concentration of sulfate ions in precipitation in Norilsk and at NP-35 ice stations.  相似文献   
Pillow talk     
Three distinct types of pillows and pillow lava sequences with different modes of origin have been recognized in the extrusive sequences comprising the upper parts of ophiolite complexes that represent the mafic portion of the floor of an Early Cretaceous back-arc basin in southern Chile. One type of pillow formed by non-explosive submarine effusion. A second type formed by magmatic intrusion into pre-existing aquagene tuff formed by explosive eruption. The third type of pillow occurs within dikes, forming pillowed dikes, possibly as a result of vapor streaming within a cooling dike. Where studied in southern Chile, aquagene tuffs and intrusive pillows decrease and water-lain pillows increase in relative abundance from north to south. This variation corresponds with a north-to-south decrease in both the relative volume of extrusives to extensional dikes and the range and volume of differentiated rocks, suggesting a southward increase in rate of extension relative to rate of magma supply within the spreading ridges at which the ophiolites formed. In the northern part of the original basin where the rate of extension was small relative to the rate of magma supply, magma remained in magma chambers longer, resulting in a greater range and volume of differentiated rocks. The larger volume of more differentiated, cooler and more viscous magmas, in conjunction with the likelihood of more violent eruption of volatile-rich differentiates, may have been responsible for the large volume of aquagene tuff in the northern part of the original basin. These observations in southern Chile suggest that ophiolites which contain a great abundance of aquagene tuffs and intrusive pillow lavas formed in tectonic environments in which the rate of extension was small relative to the rate of magma supply (island arcs, embryonic marginal basins). Ophiolites with predominantly water-lain pillowed and massive lavas formed in tectonic environments in which the rate of extension was large relative to the rate of magma supply (mid-ocean ridges, mature back-arc basins). Thus geologic field data may supplement geochemical data as a tool in distinguishing the original igneous-tectonic environments in which ophiolites originate.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of finite brittle strain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on simulations of present-day climate (1961–1990) and future climate conditions (2071–2100, Special Report on Emissions Scenario A2) over the Caspian sea basin with a regional climate model (RCM) nested in time-slice general circulation model (GCM) simulations. We also calculate changes (A2 scenario minus present-day) in Caspian sea level (CSL) in response to changes in the simulated hydrologic budget of the basin. For the present-day run, both the GCM and RCM show a good performance in reproducing the water budget of the basin and the magnitude of multi-decadal changes in CSL. Compared to present-day climate, in the A2 scenario experiment we find an increase in cold season precipitation and an increase in temperature and evaporation, both over land and over the Caspian sea. We also find a large decrease of CSL in the A2 scenario run compared to the present-day run. This is due to increased evaporation loss from the basin (particularly over the sea) exceeding increased cold season precipitation over the basin. Our results suggest that the CSL might undergo large changes under future climate change, leading to potentially devastating consequences for the economy and environment of the region.  相似文献   
Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory and Special Astrophysical Observatory, Academy of Sciences. Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 67–75, July–August, 1991.  相似文献   
The sediment cores of 20 cm length collected from 31 to 83 m range of water depth from the inner shelf of Bay of Bengal west of “Swatch of No Ground” were analyzed for grain size, organic carbon, total nitrogen, calcium carbonate and clay mineralogy. Grain size analysis revealed that the sediment size decreases from west to east within the study area indicating a possible direction of transport towards east parallel to the coast. The grain size also decreases with increasing water depth, i.e. north to south, indicating sediment contribution to the area of study from Hooghly and other local rivers. In the cores studied, illite was the dominant clay mineral which seems to be a product of glacial weathering under arid conditions with its source being the Himalayan region. The organic carbon content was low in the sediments and was attributed to low plankton production or intense oxidation processes. Low calcium carbonate percentage also supports the view of a low productivity in this region. Organic carbon increases gradually from west to east indicating its association with finer sediments and also indicates transport due to currents which drift the organic carbon away before it settles down within the sediments. Higher values relatively closer to the coast in the eastern side indicate additional contribution from Sunderban mangroves. The C/N ratio obtained indicates mixed source of terrestrial and marine for the organic matter in the sediments. Sedimentation rates available for deltaic plains and shelves off Bangladesh when adopted for the present area revealed that a 20 cm long sediment column was deposited in around 10 years. In most of the cores studied, a change in the trend of sediment components and organic carbon was observed at around 10 cm where grain size increases and organic carbon decreases towards the surface inferring that during the last 5 years, possible floods during NE monsoon or due to melting of ice in Himalaya are responsible for releasing additional water and material which brought a change in hydrodynamic conditions. The surface depletion of organic carbon indicates its dilution by the addition of coarser materials.  相似文献   
Spatial and depth-wise distribution of sediment components, organic carbon and selected metals (Fe, Mn, Al, Ni, Cr, Co, Zn and Pb) is studied across upper and middle tidal flats from lower and middle estuarine regions of Kundalika Estuary, central west coast of India. Silt and clay form the major components in lower and middle estuary, respectively. Sand, silt, clay and organic carbon showed band-type distribution along the estuary. The sediment deposition over the years took place in varying hydrodynamic conditions in lower and middle estuarine regions. Upper flats of the lower estuary represent mud while middle flats of the lower estuary facilitated the deposition of sandy mud. Correlation results indicated the importance of clay and organic carbon in removal and trapping of metals at lower and middle estuary, respectively. Factor analysis indicated that the distribution of metals is largely controlled by Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides and organic carbon. The middle flats of the lower estuary showed an anthropogenic source for Ni, Cr and Co while middle flats of the middle estuary showed a mainly lithogenic source.  相似文献   
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