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根据年代和考古遗址的空间分布,对河西走廊东部民勤三角城、金昌三角城,新疆的奎玉克协海尔古城,以及中亚的Kyzyl tepa古城的年代、形状、筑造方式等做了对比,并分析了不同时期的古城址和同区域的考古文化遗址之间的空间关系.结果 表明,这3个地区的古城址大致形成于相近的时代,且都是就地取材,充分利用原始的地势而筑城.城墙...  相似文献   
On Shikoku Island, which is one of the four main islands of Japan, a large number of large-scale crystalline schist landslides have been revealed and are being monitored by an observation system. Seasonal heavy rainfall is the most active meteorological factor that can threaten the stability of this kind of site-specific landslide. In this paper, on the basis of the study of the rainfall-related behavior of a typical crystalline schist landslide, the Zentoku landslide, by analyzing the precisely and continuously observed piezometric and movement data, a method was developed to quantitatively assess the effect of heavy rainfall on a large-scale landslide. The results indicated that heavy rainfall-induced landslide displacement shows good correlation with the variation of groundwater levels. Variations of groundwater level have been simulated with the use of a tank model. The simulation using this model permits the change in water levels for future rainfall events to be predicted. By combining the predicted results with the empirical relation between displacements and water levels, rainfall-induced landslide movement during extreme rainfall events can be estimated in advance. The effect of heavy rainfall on sliding behavior can be quantified in terms of the change in displacement. Thus warning information or advisories for the local residents can be provided.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of crude oil contamination on community assemblages of meiofauna and nematodes after exposure to total petroleum hydrocarbons in the laboratory. We administered a seawater solution that had been contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbons to seven treatment groups at different concentrations, while the control group received uncontaminated filtered seawater. The average density of total meiofauna in the experimental microcosms diluted with 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 4% contaminated seawater was higher than the density in the control. The average density of total meiofauna in the 8%, 15%, and 20% microcosms was lower than the density in the control. The density of nematodes was similar to that of the total meiofauna. Cluster analysis divided the microcosms into group 1 (control, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 4% microcosms) and group 2 (8%, 15%, and 20% microcosms). However, SIMPROF analysis showed no significant difference between the two groups (p > 0.05). Bolbolaimus spp. (37.1%) were dominant among the nematodes. Cluster analysis showed similar results for nematode and meiofaunal communities. The total meiofaunal density, nematode density, and number of Bolbolaimus spp. individuals were significantly negatively associated with the concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons (Spearman correlation coefficients, p < 0.05). Within the nematodes, epistrate feeders (group 2A: 46%) were the most abundant trophic group. Among the treatment groups, the abundance of group 2A increased in low-concentration microcosms and decreased in high-concentration microcosms. Thus, our findings provide information on the effects of oil pollution on meiofauna in the intertidal zones of sandy beaches.  相似文献   
粤东深澳湾养殖区域异养细菌和弧菌的动态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查于2007年1月至2008年12月进行,对异养细菌和弧菌丰度的时间和空间分布开展了相关的研究,结果显示深澳养殖海湾水体中以上2种被调查菌类的丰度全年变化范围分别为1.20×105―1.27×108cfu·L-1和1.00×103―3.90×105cfu·L-1;底质中的丰度变化范围分别为2.73×104―4.06×107cfu·g-1和3.25×102―7.23×104cfu·g-1.从时间上来看,营养盐类与异养细菌的相关性要强于温度、盐度、pH值和溶氧等物理因素的相关性;而弧菌与物理因素的相关性要强于与营养盐类的相关性.从空间分布来看水体环境的变化要比底质的大,水体中经常出现异养细菌和弧菌丰度的剧烈变化,变化程度也远远高于底质中细菌的变化.而且不同的养殖活动也会很明显地影响异养细菌和弧菌的丰度:S3站位水体中异养细菌的丰度比底质中的高;S5站位的底质中异养细菌和弧菌的丰度都是较高的.龙须菜的养殖可以很明显地改善底质环境,特别是降低底质中对养殖和水质环境有很大负面影响的生物和非生物因子如硫化物和弧菌等.  相似文献   
Based on monitored data from 840 samples, we assessed the spatial and temporal variability of groundwater salinization in the Tarim River lower reaches combining classical statistics and geostatistics. Results show that total dissolved solids (TDS) is significantly correlated with other related ions, such as Na+, Mg2+, Ca2-, C1- and K+. TDS and underground water level have characteristics of spatial autocorrelation, both of which present the isotropic characteristic and con- form to the spherical model in each year from 2001-2009. TDS is basically greater than 1 g/L but less than 2 g/L in the Tarim River lower reaches, which indicates that salt stagnation pollution is more serious. The most serious salinization (3 g/L 〈 TDS _〈 35 g/L) contaminated area is mainly in the middle and lower part of the study area.  相似文献   
鉴于当前遥感图像矢量化效率普遍不高,提出了一种遥感聚合图像的快速拓扑矢量化方法。该方法对聚合图像中的聚合对象进行唯一性标号,并将这个标号作为属性赋予生成的矢量多边形,通过矢量多边形的标号间映射关系便可以快速建立复杂岛屿多边形的拓扑包含关系。试验表明,该方法能够精确地完成斑块对象边界追踪及复杂岛屿多边形处理,并显著提高矢量化的速度。  相似文献   
康健  毕秀国  刘超 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):491-494
采用随机固热耦合数学模型及有限元分析方法,仅将热膨胀系数和热传导系数作为随机变量,在正态和韦泊两种随机分布下,采用平面应变模型,对热应力引起的岩石热破裂的变化进行了详细研究,模拟了岩石热破裂的整个过程,揭示了概率分布形式、分布参数m对岩石热破裂的影响,讨论了岩石热破裂与时间t的关系,温度与参数m的关系,温度与时间的变化规律,并研究了热破裂率随时间和温度的变化规律。  相似文献   
旨在分析城市不动产登记的服务效率及影响因素,为机构整治提供针对性建议。界定了以公众满意度为效率测度,以拥挤程度、等待时长、程序繁度和办理方式等为指标的外部评价框架;设计了公众舆情的网络采集和服务效率指标计算及特征分析方法。对2015年3月至2017年9月间,涉及25个省区的108个城市的479条不动产登记相关网络新闻分析可知,北京、上海、青岛等城市在拥挤程度、等待时长方面的舆情指数较高,需要利用互联网拓展增加登记办理入口以减缓供需矛盾;程序繁琐和办理方式复杂是影响郑州、石家庄、广州等城市不动产登记效率评价的主要因素,应优化登记流程、改进平台技术;城市等级规模、房地产调控政策影响舆情指数,城市不动产登记机构应做好与之配套的应急措施。  相似文献   
采用染色薄片鉴定、阴极发光显微镜观察、微量元素分析、碳氧稳定同位素测定及包体侧温等手段,对塔里木盆地巴楚断隆区寒武系和奥陶系白云岩的特征及成因进行了研究,共划分出四种类型的白云岩:①泥粉晶白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)平均为3-10,Sr含量高(>300×10-6 ),m(Sr)/m(Ba)>>1,?13C值较高(-1‰-+1‰),18O值较低(-5‰--8‰),沉积环境为潮上带云坪,为准同生作用阶段潮上萨布哈白云化作用形成。②含雾心亮边白云石的细晶白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1-2),Sr含量中等(100×10-6-200×10-6),m(Sr)/m(Ba) >1,?13C值在-2‰左右,18O值低,在-7‰左右,沉积环境为开阔台地浅滩,为准同生或早期成岩作用阶段回流渗透白云化作用形成。③含明亮白云石晶体及钙质残余的钙质白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1左右),Sr含量最低(100×10-6左右),m(Sr)/m(Ba) < 1,?13C值最低(-1‰--3‰),?18O值较低(-6‰左右),沉积环境为灰坪、云坪及开阔台地,为准同生或早期成岩作用阶段混合水白云化作用形成。④砂糖状白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1-2),Sr含量低(<100×10-6),m(Sr)/m(Ba)<1,?13C值较高(-1‰-+3‰),18O值较低(-5‰--8‰),沉积环境多为浅滩,为晚期成岩作用阶段埋藏白云化作用形成。  相似文献   
锚板基础是一类在海工系泊系统中广泛应用的锚固基础,其特点是具有较高的承载力和稳定性。锚板的承载能力是基础设计的重要参考因素,而承载能力与土体的性质密切相关。现有关于锚板承载力的研究多集中在单一均质土层中,而对层状土尤其是上硬下软这类层状土体中的承载特性认识不足。基于数值分析,综合考虑层状土的分层性质,对锚板基础在硬黏-软黏层状土体及砂土-软黏土复合土体中的承载特性展开研究,分析锚板埋深、土层抗剪强度比、层厚比及土体性质等关键因素对锚板周围土体破坏模式和承载力的影响。结果表明:在硬黏-软黏土体中,随着抗剪强度比、层厚比的增加,极限承载力均显著增加;在砂土-软黏土体中,极限承载力同样随着层厚比的增加而增加,当下层软黏土中的锚板破坏进入局部破坏后,层厚比对承载力的影响逐渐减弱。研究可以为上硬下软层状土中锚板基础的承载力确定提供计算方法和理论参考。  相似文献   
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