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基于加权Voronoi图的北京市湿地功能分区研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地功能分区是城市湿地生态系统健康恢复、管理改善,以及资源可持续利用的重要前提。本文以北京湿地为例,利用客观赋权的主成分分析法对湿地生态服务功能进行综合评价;并结合空间分析中的Voronoi图空间分区方法,通过利用牛顿-断裂点模型确定属性权重的主要步骤,构建基于加权Voronoi图的城市湿地功能分区模型,开展"自下而上"定量化的北京湿地功能分区研究。结果表明:(1)北京湿地功能综合评价中,密云水库湿地的功能综合值最大,表明该湿地生态服务功能作用最重要。(2)北京湿地功能分区分为三级框架,其中包括4个一级核心湿地功能区、15个二级核心湿地功能区、43个三级核心湿地单元。(3)湿地资源功能价值量与湿地斑块空间关系的相结合,实现了属性和空间双重距离约束的湿地功能分区,促进了湿地生态系统服务价值评估在决策管理中的深入应用,为城市湿地功能区划提供技术支持。  相似文献   
阐述了声波测试的方法和过程,通过在岩体中声波的传播速度,建立开裂岩体厚度与劣化程度的数学模型。结果表明,开裂岩体厚度小于30 mm时,强度损失较大;开裂岩体厚度大于30 mm时,强度基本保持不变,为今后花山岩画的保护提供科学可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   
To plan undeveloped optimal routes between Asia and Europe via the Arctic Northeast Passages using a 3D geographic information system (GIS), voyage paths are simulated in a 3D visual form. This ensures that the distances are calculated accurately, and that other voyage data such as water depths, sea ice distribution, and seashore topology are also easily deciphered, giving a more direct and clear demonstration compared to simplified presentations on an Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS). This article also implements a higher-geometry maze router in ice zone areas to obtain the optimal path in relation to safety and costs. This article compares the optimal Arctic Northeast Passages with traditional routes through the Suez Canal for dynamic analyses of the cost efficiency (including time costs, fuel costs, and other factors) of travel between major ports in Asia and Europe. The average benefit assessment is around 30–45% in a bulk carrier comparison. Thus, a 3D GIS can easily obtain and demonstrate safe navigation routes, providing a very convenient tool for initial planning.  相似文献   
碳循环与全球岩溶   总被引:75,自引:4,他引:75       下载免费PDF全文
从地球系统科学来看,岩溶作用是在碳循环及与其相耦联的水循环、钙循环系统中碳酸盐岩的被溶蚀或沉积,而各种岩溶形态就是这个复杂的循环系统的运动在碳酸盐岩上留下的轨迹。岩溶地球化学及其一系列捕捉碳、水、钙循环的行踪的野外工作方法,为把地球系统科学的学术思想引入岩溶研究起了桥梁作用,揭示了许多重要的岩溶现象的形成机理及全球的分布规律。  相似文献   
Pre-processing traditional navigation signals in global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers includes the conversion of an analog-to-digital sample and acquisition following the basic principle of Nyquist sampling theory. This condition inevitably increases the system computation time and cost of a modern wideband receiver. In recent years, the compressive sensing (CS) approach has been proven to effectively reduce the number of measurement samples required for digital signal acquisition systems. This method gives new potential to this modern design. In this study, a modified compressive sensing algorithm for the acquisition of a GNSS signal that is contaminated by an interfering signal is presented. The proposed method attempts to combine CS demodulation and the subspace projecting method to enhance GNSS signal acquisition performance with interference present. First, the received signal is sub-sampled and aliased from a compressive sampling process. This operation maintains the restricted isometry property (RIP) condition of the second sampling process using a Toeplitz-structured sensing matrix, which replaces a conventional random sensing matrix. The matrix ensures that distances between desired signals on the set of sparse space are not influenced by the sampling process. Next, the interference is eliminated through the orthogonal feature between the interference signal and the desired signal using the subspace projecting method. This also preserves the RIP of the projecting matrix to ensure that the original structure of the linear projection of the signal is preserved. After this, an iterative least-square method is utilized to recover the correlator output from the reception samples taken by the CS demodulator. In addition, the signal detection performance in the presence of co-channel interference using a CS demodulator is analyzed and evaluated. Finally, the relationships between signal detection probability, compressive factor and signal bandwidth are also illustrated. Several numerical results are presented to verify the theory.  相似文献   
蟒岭地区西部地处秦岭腹心,位于不同构造单位结合处,构造变动剧烈,岩浆活动频繁,多数矿产与中酸性岩体息息相关。综合物探工作通过地面高精度磁测、激发极化法和高精度重力测量三种地球物理综合测量方法,开展了研究区的磁场、重力场、极化率和电阻率的分布特征研究。深入分析了地质和地球物理特征的异同,并结合物性工作总结了中酸性岩体与地层的差异,了解了深部隐伏岩体的信息,圈定了岩体在地表的位置,推断出地下深层空间的地质结构,为进一步查找岩体以及其他与之有关的工程勘查活动提供借鉴,为该地区及类似地质背景下隐伏岩体定位预测提供了可靠的方法。  相似文献   
A new ootype collected from the Upper Cretaceous Lijiacun Formation in the Shangdan Basin, Shaanxi Province is described in this paper. Based on general external shape, size, eggshell thickness and honeycomb‐like eggshell microstructure, eggs are referable to the oofamily Faveoloolithidae. Compared with other members of Faveoloolithidae, specimens described in this paper show special characteristics: adjacent pores are usually separated by two eggshell units between which often develop interspaces; columnar eggshell units are relatively closely arranged in radial view. According to these characteristics, we erect a new oogenus and a new oospecies: Duovallumoolithus shangdanensis oogen. et oosp. nov. The new discovery expands the diversity of Faveoloolithidae.  相似文献   
Major,trace and rare earth element(REE) concentrations of Late Triassic sediments(finegrained sandstones and mudstones) from Hongcan Well 1 in the NE part of the Songpan-Ganzi Basin, western China,are used to reveal weathering,provenance and tectonic setting of inferred source areas. The Chemical Index of Alteration(CIA) reflects a low to moderate degree of chemical weathering in a cool and somewhat dry climate,and an A-CN-K plot suggests an older upper continental crust provenance dominated by felsic to intermediate igneous rocks of average tonalite composition.Based on the various geochemical tectonic setting discrimination diagrams,the Late Triassic sediments are inferred to have been deposited in a back-arc basin situated between an active continental margin(the Kunlun-Qinling Fold Belt) and a continental island arc(the Yidun Island Arc).The Triassic sediments in the study area underwent a rapid erosion and burial in a proximal slope-basin environment by the petrographic data. while the published flow directions of Triassic lurbidites in the Aba-Zoige region was not supported Yidun volcanic arc source.Therefore,we suggest that the Kunlun-Qinling tcrrane is most likely to have supplied source materials to the northeast part of the Songpan-Ganzi Basin during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   
通过地质、地球化学及同位素年代学等方法,研究总结了东天山觉罗塔格地区金矿的基本特征和各类型金矿间的相互关系。发现该区的中深成热液金矿(包括韧性剪切带型及岩浆热液型)和浅成热液金矿分带相邻产出;前者受康古尔—黄山缝合线为主体的推覆隆起带控制,后者受推覆带后侧的石英滩—雅满苏同碰撞伸展带(喜马拉雅型伸展带)控制;成矿时代相互对应,都形成于碰撞造山期(295~244 Ma)。将这样的两个矿带统称为成对金矿带。  相似文献   
综合利用震后应急流动台阵和青海台网部分固定台站观测数据,采用多震相走时层析成像方法,对玉树震区地壳三维速度结构和玉树Ms7.1级地震余震震源位置参数进行了联合反演,获得了研究区上地壳三维速度结构图像和余震序列重新定位结果.结果显示:玉树Ms7.1级地震余震整体沿北西向玉树-甘孜断裂呈条带状分布,长约120 km;以隆宝镇为界,呈现两段不同的分布特征;震区上地壳速度分布存在横向非均匀性;沉积层厚约6~7 km,壳内存在厚约为7~8 km的低速层;地震多发生于低速层上方即高、低速过渡区域,区内多条断裂走向与高低速过渡带一致.  相似文献   
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