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考虑桩顶冠梁效应的水泥土挡墙变形计算方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以m法为基础,建立了考虑桩顶冠梁效应的挡墙变形计算模型,给出了计算公式。工程实例表明:该方法预测挡墙变形是可行的。  相似文献   
智慧城市建设和地理信息共享化是当前GIS应用发展的主要方向.数据是信息共享的基础,在中国,共享平台建设已相对比较成熟,而马来西亚砂拉越州,在地理信息的集成管理上仍存在较大的问题,地理信息共享度低,建立基础地理信息共享平台尤为重要.本文以地理信息采集为重点,采用ESB企业总线技术建立砂拉越州政府地理信息共享平台,定义一整套数据库建设标准、数据服务标准以及应用接口标准,以标准来规范共享平台的建设,集成测绘数据管理、道路管理等应用系统,完善数据更新体系,实现地理信息的共享和资源的合理利用.  相似文献   
Ma  Siyuan  Wei  Jiangbo  Xu  Chong  Shao  Xiaoyi  Xu  Shiyang  Chai  Shaofeng  Cui  Yulong 《Natural Hazards》2020,104(1):1125-1140
Natural Hazards - This work attempted to reveal the geometric and kinematic characteristics of a loess landslide that occurred at Zaoling, southern Shanxi Province, China, on March 15, 2019. Based...  相似文献   
In estuaries, the morphology of inland and offshore areas usually evolves synergistically. This study examines the decadal link between longitudinal changes in morphology of branching channels and movement of the offshore depo-center (where sediment deposition rate is maximum) of the Yangtze River estuary, under intense human interference. Integrated data analysis is provided on morphology, runoff discharge, and ebb partition ratio from 1950 to 2017. Channel-volume reductions and change rates between isobaths in branching channels reflect the impact of estuarine engineering projects. Ebb partition ratio and duration of discharge ≥ 60 000 m3 s-1 act as proxies for the water excavating force in branching channels and runoff intensity. It is found that deposition occurs in the lower/upper sub-reaches (or further downstream/upstream channels) of the inland north/south branching channels, and the offshore depo-center moves southward or southeastward, as runoff intensity grows; the reverse occurs as runoff intensity declines. This is because the horizontal circumfluence in the Yangtze estuary rotates clockwise as ebb partition ratios of the north/south branching channels increase/decrease for increasing runoff, and conversely rotates anticlockwise for decreasing runoff. Land reclamation activities, the Deepwater Channel Project, and the Qingcaosha Reservoir have impacted greatly on longitudinal changes of morphology in the North Branch and the South Passage and on ebb partition ratio variations in the North/South Channel and the North/South Passage. Dam-induced runoff flattening has enhanced deposition in the upper/lower sub-reaches of the north/south branching channels and caused northward movement of the offshore depo-center, except in areas affected by estuarine engineering projects. Dam-induced longitudinal evolution of branching channel morphology and offshore depo-center movement will likely persist in the future, given the ongoing construction of large cascade dams in the upper Yangtze and the completion of major projects in the Yangtze estuary. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Chen  Huan-Huan  Qi  Yiquan  Wang  Yuntao  Chai  Fei 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(11):1387-1399

Fourteen years (September 2002 to August 2016) of high-resolution satellite observations of sea surface temperature (SST) data are used to describe the frontal pattern and frontogenesis on the southeastern continental shelf of Brazil. The daily SST fronts are obtained using an edge-detection algorithm, and the monthly frontal probability (FP) is subsequently calculated. High SST FPs are mainly distributed along the coast and decrease with distance from the coastline. The results from empirical orthogonal function (EOF) decompositions reveal strong seasonal variability of the coastal SST FP with maximum (minimum) in the astral summer (winter). Wind plays an important role in driving the frontal activities, and high FPs are accompanied by strong alongshore wind stress and wind stress curl. This is particularly true during the summer, when the total transport induced by the alongshore component of upwelling-favorable winds and the wind stress curl reaches the annual maximum. The fronts are influenced by multiple factors other than wind forcing, such as the orientation of the coastline, the seafloor topography, and the meandering of the Brazil Current. As a result, there is a slight difference between the seasonality of the SST fronts and the wind, and their relationship was varying with spatial locations. The impact of the air-sea interaction is further investigated in the frontal zone, and large coupling coefficients are found between the crosswind (downwind) SST gradients and the wind stress curl (divergence). The analysis of the SST fronts and wind leads to a better understanding of the dynamics and frontogenesis off the southeastern continental shelf of Brazil, and the results can be used to further understand the air-sea coupling process at regional level.

2016年5月和8月浒苔暴发前后,分别对日照近岸海域浒苔暴发区进行了两个航次的浮游植物断面调查。两个航次中,硅藻都占据了调查海域浮游植物组成的主导地位,在种类数上和细胞丰度值上都占了较大的比例。8月航次细胞丰度明显高于5月航次,这与调查海域的历次调查结果相一致。应用PRIMER软件中的单变量分析得到群落种数(S)、丰富度(d)、香农-威纳指数(Shannon-Weaner index)(H′)和均匀度(J),从多样性指数分析可以看出,5月航次的生物多样性优于8月航次,5月航次调查海域浮游植物种类数量和空间分布都较均匀。两个航次中出现的优势种存在较大差别。  相似文献   
The Maoling gold deposit is located in the southwestern part of the Liaodong rift, NE China, and has estimated reserves of 25 t. In this paper we present the results of an investigation into the geochronology and geodynamic mechanisms of igneous activity and metallogenesis within the Maoling gold deposit. New zircon U–Pb age data, biotite 40Ar/39Ar age data, whole‐rock geochemistry, and Hf isotopic analyses are presented in order to constrain the petrogenesis and mineralization of the deposit. Zircon U–Pb dating of the Wolongquan biotite monzogranite and Maoling biotite granite yielded mean ages of 194.0 ± 1.1 Ma and 196.1 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively. All the granites are characteristically high‐K calc‐alkaline, enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, and depleted in high field strength elements, which is consistent with the geochemical characteristics of arc‐type magmas. The Hf isotope characteristics indicate that the granites formed by partial melting of early Paleoproterozoic crustal material. In addition, biotite 40Ar/39Ar dating indicates that the Maoling gold deposit formed at 188.9 ± 1.2 Ma, implying that the mineralization was related to both the granite intrusions. Taking into account previous data on S–Pb–O–H isotopes and our new age data, the Maoling deposit can be classified as an intrusion‐related gold deposit. Taking into account the geology of the study area and adjacent regions, we propose that the Maoling gold deposit and its associated granitic intrusions formed in a geodynamic setting that was dominated by subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent.  相似文献   
A three-level nested Regional Ocean Modeling System was used to examine the seasonal evolution of the Copper River (CR) plume and how it influences the along- and across-shore transport in the northern Gulf of Alaska (NGoA). A passive tracer was introduced in the model to delineate the growth and decay of the plume and to diagnose the spread of the CR discharge in the shelf, into Prince William Sound (PWS) and offshore. Furthermore, a model experiment with doubled discharge was conducted to investigate potential impacts of accelerated glacier melt in future climate scenarios. The 2010 and 2011 simulation revealed that the upstream (eastward) transport in the NGoA is negligible. About 60 % of the passive tracer released in the CR discharge is transported southwestward on the shelf, while another one third goes into PWS with close to 60 % of which exiting PWS to the shelf from Montague Strait. The rest few percent is transported across the shelf break and exported to the GoA basin. The downstream transport and the transport into PWS are strongly regulated by the downwelling-favorable wind, while the offshore transport is related to the accumulation of plume water in the shelf, frontal instability, and the Alaskan Stream. It takes weeks in spring for the buoyancy to accumulate so that a bulge forms outside of the CR estuary. The absence of strong storms as in the summer of 2010 allows the bulge continue growing to trigger frontal instability. These frontal features can interact with the Alaskan Stream to induce transport pulses across the shelf break. Alternatively as in 2011, a downwelling-favorable wind event in early August (near the peak discharge) accelerates the southwestward coastal current and produces an intense downstream transport event. Both processes result in fast drains of the buoyancy and the plume content, thereby rapid disintegration of the plume in the shelf. The plume in the doubled discharge case can be two to three times in size, which affects not only the magnitude but also the timing of certain transport events. In particular, the offshore transport increases by several folds because the plume appears to be more easily entrained by the seaward flow along the side of Hinchinbrook Canyon.  相似文献   
设计了一种基于百度地图JavaScript API的自动气象站监控系统,系统页面通过区域重绘、图标定制、要素切换等效果直观显示自动气象站的状态及实时数据,极大地方便了用户对自动气象站的监控。通过AJAX技术请求远程SQL数据库获取站点状态数据及气象数据,避免了Baidu Maps的不断加载而导致页面速度较慢的问题,并使用百度地图第3方类函数扩展监控页面显示效果。该设计已成功应用于广东省气象台站大气综合监测业务共享集群平台中。  相似文献   
China’s transition from a planned economy to a market economy has resulted in many changes in its urban structure and society and provided an opportunity for a quasi-longitudinal case study on the relationship between the built environment and activity-travel behavior.This paper draws upon data from an activity diary survey conducted in Beijing in 2007.The survey sample comprised 652 residents living in Danwei(work unit),commodity housing,and affordable housing neighborhoods.On the basis of the three-dimensional geo-visualization analysis of the space-time path and statistical multivariate regression models of daily travel and leisure time,it was found that both residential spatial factors and socio-demographics influence residents’ daily behaviors.The findings show that Danwei residents have less daily travel time than those who live in commodity housing,but people living in affordable housing endure the longest travel time.Daily leisure time is associated more with individual attributes.We argue that although China’s transition is currently gradual,the Danwei system may continue to play significant roles in daily life,and it might provide a valuable model for neighborhood spatial planning.  相似文献   
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