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Periphyton standing crop is often measured as chlorophyll a but there is increasing interest in using visual assessments of periphyton cover. Visual methods are rapid and require no sample analysis, but can be regarded as subjective with high inter-operator variability. We investigated variability in periphyton standing crop across operators, rivers and time, as determined visually and from chlorophyll a measurements. We found that visual assessments (comprising percentage cover estimates of up to eight periphyton categories) distinguished sites and occasions as effectively as chlorophyll a. Furthermore, an estimate of chlorophyll a could be derived from the visual assessments. Because our surveys were conducted in only three rivers, general applicability of the derivation of estimated chlorophyll a from the visual assessments warrants further investigation. The current recommendation of 20 views was sufficient for realistic visual assessments of average cover. Overall, our results indicated that inter-operator variability in visual assessments need not be a major concern, given adequate training. 相似文献
Magnetically enhanced coagulation of very small iron grains 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Laboratory experiments, in which very small (approximately 20 nm) grains are produced in the presence of a magnetic field on the order of 100 Gauss in a low-pressure hydrogen atmosphere, have demonstrated that such smokes can become permanently magnetized. We show that magnetization results in an enormous enhancement in the coagulation efficiency of such materials even in the absence of external magnetic fields. Small iron grains should have been produced in the solar nebula by thermal processing of preexisting interstellar grains. If such processing occurred via high-energy electromagnetic events then the resultant magnetized grains could have triggered the formation of centimeter- to meter-sized protoplanetessimals by acting as "nets" capable of sweeping up nonconductive silicates suspended in the gas. It is possible that the presence of conductive fractal aggregates observed in modern-day protostellar disks could be explained by the enhanced coagulation efficiency of very small magnetized iron particles. 相似文献
J. L. Caswell Jiyune Yi R. S. Booth D. M. Cragg 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,313(3):599-616
From a search of more than 80 southern class II methanol maser sites, we report measurements of 22 masers at 107.0 GHz and four at 156.6 GHz, mostly new discoveries. Class II sites, recognized by their strong emission at the 6.6-GHz methanol transition, are indirect indicators of new-born massive stars, and several hundred have been documented; only a handful of these had previously been found to exhibit maser emission at the 107.0- or 156.6-GHz transition. The present survey increases the number of known 107.0-GHz masers to 25, providing a sufficiently large sample to assess their general properties. For the stronger ones, our position measurements confirm that, to an accuracy of 5 arcsec, they coincide with the dominant maser emission at 6.6 GHz. Intensity variations exceeding 50 per cent have occurred in some 107.0-GHz maser features that we observed in both 1996 October and 1998 June.
We find that masers are rare at the 156.6-GHz transition. Two new detections increase the total now known to four. Each 156.6-GHz maser is substantially weaker than its corresponding 107.0-GHz maser. Despite the scarcity of masers, our 156.6-GHz spectra at most observed sites show emission, but apparently of a quasi-thermal variety; it is usually accompanied by somewhat weaker thermal emission at 107.0 GHz, and the intensity ratio of the transitions allows us to begin exploration of the physical characteristics of the small molecular clouds (diameter less than 60 mpc) at these sites. The thermal emission thus provides estimates of the environmental conditions that are needed to support strong masing from spots that are apparently embedded within these clouds. 相似文献
We find that masers are rare at the 156.6-GHz transition. Two new detections increase the total now known to four. Each 156.6-GHz maser is substantially weaker than its corresponding 107.0-GHz maser. Despite the scarcity of masers, our 156.6-GHz spectra at most observed sites show emission, but apparently of a quasi-thermal variety; it is usually accompanied by somewhat weaker thermal emission at 107.0 GHz, and the intensity ratio of the transitions allows us to begin exploration of the physical characteristics of the small molecular clouds (diameter less than 60 mpc) at these sites. The thermal emission thus provides estimates of the environmental conditions that are needed to support strong masing from spots that are apparently embedded within these clouds. 相似文献
The maser site OH 323.459−0.079 has been studied using the Long Baseline Array of the Australia Telescope National Facility. Simultaneous observations of the 1665- and 1667-MHz hydroxyl ground-state transitions yielded a series of maps at a velocity spacing of 0.18 km s−1 , in both senses of circular polarization, with tenth-arcsec spatial resolution. Many small-diameter maser spots were detected within a 2-arcsec region. Pairs of spots with the same position, but with right- and left-hand circular polarization offset in frequency, reveal Zeeman splitting. Six pairs were found, and in four cases, the pairs at 1667 and 1665 MHz mutually corroborate the derived values of magnetic field and (central) kinematic velocity. Over the whole site, magnetic field estimates range from +1.47 to +4.13 mG with a median value of +2.5 mG. The excited state of OH at 6035 MHz also displays Zeeman pairs revealing a similar magnetic field, and we show that the most prominent of these pairs coincides with the most prominent pair at 1665 and 1667 MHz.
We also compared the morphology and kinematics at 1665 and 1667 MHz with those of maser emission from the excited state of OH at 6035 MHz and from methanol at 6668 MHz. All three varieties of masers appear intermingled, and associated with an ultracompact H ii region. In many respects we find that OH 323.459−0.079 is similar to W3(OH), one of the few other maser sites yet studied in comparable detail. 相似文献
We also compared the morphology and kinematics at 1665 and 1667 MHz with those of maser emission from the excited state of OH at 6035 MHz and from methanol at 6668 MHz. All three varieties of masers appear intermingled, and associated with an ultracompact H ii region. In many respects we find that OH 323.459−0.079 is similar to W3(OH), one of the few other maser sites yet studied in comparable detail. 相似文献
Similarities in the marine fauna found off the coasts of southern Madagascar and KwaZulu-Natal Province (KZN), South Africa, led to the development of the ‘suitcase project,’ with the aim of establishing whether eddies that form off southern Madagascar may package and transport biological material across the Mozambique Channel, facilitating connectivity and gene flow. Meroplankton (larval stages of fishes and benthic invertebrates) were collected on the Madagascan shelf and along a transect through a cyclonic eddy in the Mozambique Channel. The samples were analysed using microscopy and DNA barcoding, seeking to identify species known to be common to both the southeast coast of Madagascar and the east coast of South Africa and thereby to reveal potential indicators of connectivity between these regions. The greatest zooplankton biovolume in the upper 200 m occurred on the shelf, followed by in the western part of the eddy and in the region outside the eddy to the west, and was lowest in the region outside the eddy to the east. The meroplankton were dominated by taxa of coastal origin and these were also most abundant on the shelf and in the western part of the eddy, with the lowest abundances in the region outside the eddy to the east. The findings show greater zooplankton biovolumes and larval abundances and the presence of reef-associated larval assemblages on the Madagascan shelf and along the transect through the cyclonic eddy, providing support for the suitcase hypothesis that planktonic organisms are entrained within eddies as they propagate south-westwards of the Madagascan shelf. 相似文献
J. A. Green J. L. Caswell G. A. Fuller A. Avison S. L. Breen K. Brooks M. G. Burton A. Chrysostomou J. Cox P. J. Diamond S. P. Ellingsen M. D. Gray M. G. Hoare M. R. W. Masheder N. M. McClure-Griffiths M. Pestalozzi C. Phillips L. Quinn M. A. Thompson M. A. Voronkov A. Walsh D. Ward-Thompson D. Wong-McSweeney J. A. Yates R. J. Cohen † 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,392(2):783-794
A new seven-beam 6–7 GHz receiver has been built to survey the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds for newly forming high-mass stars that are pinpointed by strong methanol maser emission at 6668 MHz. The receiver was jointly constructed by Jodrell Bank Observatory (JBO) and the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) and allows simultaneous coverage at 6668 and 6035 MHz. It was successfully commissioned at Parkes in 2006 January and is now being used to conduct the Parkes–Jodrell multibeam maser survey of the Milky Way. This will be the first systematic survey of the entire Galactic plane for masers of not only 6668-MHz methanol, but also 6035-MHz excited-state hydroxyl. The survey is two orders of magnitude faster than most previous systematic surveys and has an rms noise level of ∼0.17 Jy. This paper describes the observational strategy, techniques and reduction procedures of the Galactic and Magellanic Cloud surveys, together with deeper, pointed, follow-up observations and complementary observations with other instruments. It also includes an estimate of the survey detection efficiency. The 111 d of observations with the Parkes telescope have so far yielded >800 methanol sources, of which ∼350 are new discoveries. The whole project will provide the first comprehensive Galaxy-wide catalogue of 6668-MHz and 6035-MHz masers. 相似文献
Caswell JA 《Marine pollution bulletin》2006,53(10-12):650-656
Reducing marine-based public health risk requires strict control of several attributes of seafood products, often including location and conditions of catch or aquaculture, processing, and handling throughout the supply chain. Buyers likely will also be interested in other attributes of these products such as eco-friendliness or taste. Development of markets for improved safety, as well as for other quality attributes, requires an effective certification and tracking of these attributes as well as their communication to buyers. Several challenges must be met if labeling, particularly consumer labeling, is to support the development of markets for improved seafood safety. 相似文献
UM Scharler MJ Ayers AM de Lecea M Pretorius ST Fennessy JA Huggett 《African Journal of Marine Science》2016,38(1):S193-S203
Riverine influences on nearshore oceanic habitats often have detrimental consequences leading to algal blooms and hypoxia. In oligo- to mesotrophic systems, however, nutrient delivery via rivers may stimulate production and even be a vital source of nutrients, as may nutrient supplements from upwelling. We investigated the nutrient content (C, N, P) and stoichiometry of sediment, and several pelagic, benthopelagic and benthic species in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight, a narrow shelf area on the south-east coast of South Africa, bordering the Agulhas Current. Three suggested nutrient sources to the bight are the Thukela River in the central region of the bight, upwelling in the northern part and a semi-permanent eddy (Durban Eddy) in the southern part. Elemental content of the various groups studied showed significantly higher values for most groups at the site near the Thukela River. C:P and N:P were highest in the southern part of the bight, and lowest near the Thukela Mouth or at Richards Bay in the north, indicating the latter were the P-richer sites. Sediment organic matter showed lowest elemental content, as expected, and zooplankton stoichiometry was highest compared to all other biotic groups. Environmental heterogeneity played a greater role in organismal C, N and P content and stoichiometry compared to phylogeny, with the exception of the differences in C:P and N:P of zooplankton. From this bight-wide study, the higher elemental content and lower ratios at the Thukela Mouth site supported previous findings of the importance of coastal nutrient sources to the bight ecosystem. Reductions in river flow for water use in the catchment areas may therefore have negative consequences for the productivity of the entire ecosystem. 相似文献