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Reynolds stress and TKE production in an estuary with a tidal bore   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report new measurements of the turbulent properties of the flow in a tidally energetic estuarine channel of almost uniform cross-section. A high-frequency (1.2 MHz), bottom-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) has been used to observe the velocity field at a sampling rate of 10 Hz in parallel with measurements of the surface elevation by tide gauges. Our data have been analysed using the Variance Method to determine turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), shear stress and TKE production over the tidal cycle with a time resolution of 60 s. During the highly energetic but brief flood period, when the surface axial velocity reaches 2 m s−1, we observed large values of stress (>2 Pa) and shear production (5 W m−3). TKE is also input through the release of energy in the bore itself which results in a brief but intense injection of energy at the bore front with large transient TKE levels (100 J m−3). Subsequent input by shear production maintains TKE levels which are generally lower (20 J m−3) than the strong peak associated with the bore for the rest of the flood. On the ebb, the flow is relatively tranquil with maximum speeds 0.5 m s−1 and peak TKE production rates of 0.1 W m−3.The flow and elevation data have also been used to estimate the energy fluxes into and out of the estuary. Short (1 h), intense energy inputs (8 MW at springs) on the flood flow are largely balanced by longer, less intense seaward energy flow on the ebb. The net energy input is found to be 0.1 MW at springs which is consistent with estimates of upstream dissipation. Peak dissipation in the bore itself may exceed the mean energy input but it is active only for a small fraction of the tidal cycle and its average contribution does not exceed 12% of total dissipation.  相似文献   
The Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming and Montana contains significant coal and coal bed natural gas (CBNG) resources. CBNG extraction requires the production of large volumes of water, much of which is discharged into existing drainages. Compared to surface waters, the CBNG produced water is high in sodium relative to calcium and magnesium, elevating the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). To mitigate the possible impact this produced water may have on the quality of surface water used for irrigation, the State of Montana passed water anti‐degradation legislation, which could affect CBNG production in Wyoming. In this study, we sought to determine the proportion of CBNG produced water discharged to tributaries that reaches the Powder River by implementing a four end‐member mixing model within a Bayesian statistical framework. The model accounts for the 87Sr/86Sr, δ13CDIC, [Sr] and [DIC] of CBNG produced water and surface water interacting with the three primary lithologies exposed in the PRB. The model estimates the relative contribution of the end members to the river water, while incorporating uncertainty associated with measurement and process error. Model results confirm that both of the tributaries associated with high CBNG activity are mostly composed of CBNG produced water (70–100%). The model indicates that up to 50% of the Powder River is composed of CBNG produced water downstream from the CBNG tributaries, decreasing with distance by dilution from non‐CBNG impacted tributaries from the point sources to ~10–20% at the Montana border. This amount of CBNG produced water does not significantly affect the SAR or electrical conductivity of the Powder River in Montana. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Sr and Nd isotopic ratios are reported from mineral separates and bulk rock samples from the Edgecumbe Volcanic Field in southeast Alaska, a suite of lavas that has developed by assimilation. Megacrysts in the basaltic unit and the rhyodacites are in isotopic equilibrium with their matrices. Because the rhyodacites developed as the result of assimilation, the assimilate must have been completely dissolved. In contrast, megacrysts in the two andesitic units are in isotopic disequilibrium with their matrix. These megacrysts must be a mixture of those inherited from the contaminant, crystals in equilibrium with the groundmass, and possibly crystals inherited from a mafic liquid.  相似文献   
Clinoamphibole from a mylonitic amphibolite exhibits microstructures characteristic of dynamic recrystallization, including porphyroclasts in a finer grained matrix of needle-shaped amphibole. The matrix amphibole defines an LS fabric and porphyroclasts have core and mantle structures with a core containing undulose to patchy extinction and (100) deformation twinning surrounded by a mantle of recrystallized grains. In addition intragranular grains also occur within the cores. TEM analyses of the porphyroclasts reveal that they contain a wide variety of lattice defects including high densities (5 × 108cm–2) of free dislocations and dislocation arrays, dissociated dislocations, stacking faults, and (100) micro-twins. TEM also shows that matrix grains and intragranular grains have relatively low defect densities, and that the intragranular new grains occur at localities in the porphyroclasts characterized by high densities of dislocations. These observations along with the chemical and orientation relationships between the recrystallized grains and porphyroclasts indicate that the new grains may have formed by heterogeneous nucleation and that further growth probably occurred by both strain assisted and chemically induced grain boundary migration or liquid film migration. This recrystallization event is interpreted to be synkinematic based on the fact that no recrystallization textures are present in the matrix grains and that the matrix grains define an LS fabric. However, the low defect densities in the matrix grains and the lack of intracrystalline strain in other phases indicate that post-kinematic recovery processes were active.  相似文献   
Formic and acetic acids occurred in atmospheric condensate with concentrations similar to rainwater collected in Wilmington, North Carolina, during the sampling period from June to October of 1990. Atmospheric concentrations of these acids (calculated from the condensate concentrations) were higher in continental versus maritime air masses. Concentrations of formic and acetic acids were correlated with each other in both condensate and air. Traffic was a source of acetic acid and of bisulfite to atmospheric condensate in this study.  相似文献   
Porphyroclasts of relatively strong minerals in mylonites commonly have an internal monoclinic shape symmetry defined by tails of dynamically recrystallized material. The geometry of a porphyroclast and its tails, called a ‘porhyroclast system’, can serve as a valuable indicator of the sense of vorticity. Porphyroclast systems have been divided into σ- and δ-types on the basis of the geometry of the tails. σ-Types have wedge-shaped recrystallized tails whose median lines lie on opposite sides of a reference plane parallel to the tails and containing the symmetry axis for the system. σ-Types are further subdivided into a σa-types, in which the porphyroclast is isolated in a relatively homogeneous matrix, and σb-types, in which the porphyroclast system is associated with a shear band foliation in the matrix. δ-Types typically have narrow recrystallized tails whose median lines cross the reference plane adjacent to the porphyroclast. Consequently, embayments of matrix material occur adjacent to the porphyroclasts and the tails display characteristic bends.A porphyroclast system in a mylonite develops when the relatively weak dynamically recrystallized grain aggregate in the porphyroclast mantle changes its shape due to non-coaxial flow in the adjacent matrix. This behaviour has been modelled in shear box experiments. Passive marker lines around rigid cylinders embedded in silicone putty were subjected to simple shear. The experiments were modified to simulate a change in recrystallization rate (R) with respect to rate of deformation (γ) by decreasing the diameter of the rigid cylinder during deformation at variable rates. The ratio R/γ appears to be one of the most important factors in determining which porphyroclast system will develop. At high R/γ values, flow of recrystallized material away from the porphyroclast is continuously appended by the production of new grains and wedge-shaped σa-type tails develop. At low R/γ values, relatively few new grains are added to the tails which become thinned and deflected by drag due to the spinning motion of the porphyroclast. In addition, most porphyroclast systems at low shear strains are of σa-type or lack monoclinic symmetry, whereas δ-types are only developed at high shear strain values. Complex porphyroclast systems, characterized by two generations of tails, are observed in many of the natural and model shear zones studied and may form due to fluctuating R/γ. Conditions that allow isolated σa- and δ-type porphyroclast systems to be used as sense of vorticity indicators are: the systems should have a monoclinic shape symmetry; matrix grain size should be small with respect to porphyroclast size; matrix fabric should be homogeneous; deformation history should be simple, and observations should be made on sections normal to the inferred bulk vorticity vector for the mylonite.  相似文献   
On 3 December 1987, the supply ship Nella Dan ran aground at Macquarie Island (54°29′S, 158°58′E) releasing about 270 000 I of oil, mostly light marine diesel, into the sea. At the time of the incident, many marine invertebrates were washed up dead along 2 km of shoreline. Twelve months later, the shore community was investigated using 1. algal and invertebrate populations of the littoral and sublittoral rocky shore, and 2. the invertebrate communities living in the holdfasts of the giant kelp Durvillaea antarctica, which were collected for later examination. Investigations were undertaken at both affected and control locations. Analyses of differences in community structure involved nested ANOVA and multidimensional scaling techniques. On the rocky substrate, the effect of the spill was restricted to some biota of the lower littoral and sublittoral zones—particularly echinoderms and the patellid limpet Nacella macquariensis. There were differences in cover for some algal species between locations. Within the kelp holdfasts, communities were dominated by peracarid crustaceans at control locations and by polychaetes (particularly the opportunistic groups—capitellids, cirratulids and spionids) at oil-affected locations.

The communities have recently been re-surveyed (in the summer of 1994–1995) to assist in the interpretation of the results and to gauge the extent of recovery of the affected biota.  相似文献   

We present a 16-month record of ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), total reactive nitrogen (NOy), sulphur dioxide (SO2), methane (CH4), C2 – C8 non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), C1 – C2 halocarbons, and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) measured at a southern China coastal site. The study aimed to establish/update seasonal profiles of chemically active trace gases and pollution tracers in subtropical Asia and to characterize the composition of the `background' atmosphere over the South China Sea (SCS) and of pollution outflow from the industrialized Pearl River Delta (PRD) region and southern China. Most of the measured trace gases of anthropogenic origin exhibited a winter maximum and a summer minimum, while O3 showed a maximum in autumn which is in contrast to the seasonal behavior of O3 in rural eastern China and in many mid-latitude remote locations in the western Pacific. The data were segregated into two groups representing the SCS background air and the outflow of regional continental pollution (PRD plus southern China), based on CO mixing ratios and meteorological conditions. NMHCs and halocarbon data were further analyzed to examine the relationships between their variability and atmospheric lifetime and to elucidate the extent of atmospheric processing in the sampled air parcels. The trace gas variability (S) versus lifetime (τ) relationship, defined by the power law, Slnx = Aτb, (where X is the trace gas mixing ratio) gives a fit parameter A of 1.39 and exponent b of 0.42 for SCS air, and A of 2.86 and b of 0.31 for the regional continental air masses. An examination of ln[n-butane]/ln[ethane] versus ln[propane]/ln[ethane] indicates that their relative abundance was dominated by mixing as opposed to photochemistry in both SCS and regional outflow air masses. The very low ratios of ethyne/CO, propane/ethane and toluene/benzene suggest that the SCS air mass has undergone intense atmospheric processing since these gases were released into the atmosphere. Compared to the results from other polluted rural sites and from urban areas, the large values of these species in the outflow of PRD/southern China suggest source(s) emitting higher levels of ethyne, benzene, and toluene, relative to light alkanes. These chemical characteristics could be unique indicators of anthropogenic emissions from southern China.  相似文献   
Past studies consistently indicate measurable local associations between alcohol distribution and the incidence of violence. These results, coupled with measurements of spatial correlation, reveal the importance of spatial analysis in the study of the interaction of alcohol and violence. While studies increasingly incorporate spatial correlation among model residuals to improve precision and reduce bias, to date, most analyses assume associations that are constant and independent of location, an assumption coming under increasing scrutiny in the quantitative geography literature. In this paper, we review and contrast two approaches for the estimation of and inference for spatially heterogeneous effects (i.e., associative factors whose impacts on the outcome of interest vary throughout geographic space). Specifically, we provide an in-depth comparison of “geographically weighted regression” models (allowing covariate effects to vary in space but only allowing relatively ad hoc inference) with “variable coefficient” models (allowing varying effects via spatial random fields and providing model-based estimation and inference, but requiring more advanced computational techniques). We compare the approaches with respect to underlying conceptual structures, computational implementation, and inferential output. We apply both approaches to violent crime, illegal drug arrest, and alcohol distribution data from Houston, Texas and compare results in light of the differing methodological structures of the two approaches.  相似文献   
Data on present-day heat flow, subsidence history, and paleotemperature for the Sacramento Delta region, California, have been employed to constrain a numerical model of tectonic subsidence and thermal evolution of forearc basins. The model assumes an oceanic basement with an initial thermal profile dependent on its age subjected to refrigeration caused by a subducting slab. Subsidence in the Sacramento Delta region appears to be close to that expected for a forearc basin underlain by normal oceanic lithosphere of age 150 Ma, demonstrating that effects from both the initial thermal profile and the subduction process are necessary and sufficient. Subsidence at the eastern and northern borders of the Sacramento Valley is considerably less, approximating subsidence expected from the dynamics of the subduction zone alone. These results, together with other geophysical data, show that Sacramento Delta lithosphere, being thinner and having undergone deeper subsidence, must differ from lithosphere of the transitional type under other parts of the Sacramento Valley. Thermal modeling allows evaluation of the rheological properties of the lithosphere. Strength diagrams based on our thermal model show that, even under relatively slow deformation (10−17 s−1), the upper part of the delta crystalline crust (down to 20–22 km) can fail in brittle fashion, which is in agreement with deeper earthquake occurrence. Hypocentral depths of earthquakes under the Sacramento Delta region extend to nearly 20 km, whereas, in the Coast Ranges to the west, depths are typically less than 12–15 km. The greater width of the seismogenic zone in this area raises the possibility that, for fault segments of comparable length, earthquakes of somewhat greater magnitude might occur than in the Coast Ranges to the west. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   
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