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We present a micromechanical approach based on zero-thickness interface elements for modelling advanced localization and cracking states of cemented granular materials, such as reservoir sandstones. The proposed methodology is capable of reproducing the complex behaviour of intergranular and intragranular localization, cracking, and fracturing of rock formation that leads to sanding in hydrocarbon production. The model is calibrated at the macroscale, using only a few physical parameters, by reproducing the typical behaviour of compression element tests. The model exhibits clear transition behaviour from brittle dilatant to ductile compactant behaviour with increasing confining stress. The methodology is implemented for sand production prediction analysis based on the simulation of 2D micromechanical models of hollow cylinder cross sections. The obtained results are compared well with published experimental data from hollow cylinder tests characterized by strong scale effect in the range of small perforations.  相似文献   
Deformation of granitic rocks across the brittle-ductile transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A microstructural analysis has been carried out on mylonites and mylonitic gneisses of the Eastern Peninsular Ranges Mylonite Zone, which were formed over a range of metamorphic conditions from lower greenschist to amphibolite facies. Composite planar fabrics in the form of C and S planes are found at all metamorphic grades. Fractured feldspars, kinked biotites and ductile deformation of quartz characterize the lower greenschist facies mylonites. At mid-upper greenschist grade orthoclase grains show dynamic recrystallization textures whereas plagioclase exhibits low temperature plasticity with only minor recovery. Biotite ribbons form by progressive rotation and coalescence of kink band segments to produce chevron fold patterns. At epidote-amphibolite grade and above, recovery processes and annealing recrystallization predominate in all minerals. Residual orthoclase porphyroclasts show strain-related myrmekite formation along those sides of the grains that face the instantaneous shortening direction. Myrmekite formation due to replacement reactions cannot explain this geometry. It is proposed that the myrmekites formed due to a combination of exsolution, replacement and strain-enhanced diffusion.  相似文献   
NASA’s Dawn mission observed a great variety of colored terrains on asteroid (4) Vesta during its survey with the Framing Camera (FC). Here we present a detailed study of the orange material on Vesta, which was first observed in color ratio images obtained by the FC and presents a red spectral slope. The orange material deposits can be classified into three types: (a) diffuse ejecta deposited by recent medium-size impact craters (such as Oppia), (b) lobate patches with well-defined edges (nicknamed “pumpkin patches”), and (c) ejecta rays from fresh-looking impact craters. The location of the orange diffuse ejecta from Oppia corresponds to the olivine spot nicknamed “Leslie feature” first identified by Gaffey (Gaffey, M.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 130–157) from ground-based spectral observations. The distribution of the orange material in the FC mosaic is concentrated on the equatorial region and almost exclusively outside the Rheasilvia basin. Our in-depth analysis of the composition of this material uses complementary observations from FC, the visible and infrared spectrometer (VIR), and the Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND). Several possible options for the composition of the orange material are investigated including, cumulate eucrite layer exposed during impact, metal delivered by impactor, olivine–orthopyroxene mixture and impact melt. Based on our analysis, the orange material on Vesta is unlikely to be metal or olivine (originally proposed by Gaffey (Gaffey, M.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 130–157)). Analysis of the elemental composition of Oppia ejecta blanket with GRaND suggests that its orange material has ∼25% cumulate eucrite component in a howarditic mixture, whereas two other craters with orange material in their ejecta, Octavia and Arruntia, show no sign of cumulate eucrites. Morphology and topography of the orange material in Oppia and Octavia ejecta and orange patches suggests an impact melt origin. A majority of the orange patches appear to be related to the formation of the Rheasilvia basin. Combining the interpretations from the topography, geomorphology, color and spectral parameters, and elemental abundances, the most probable analog for the orange material on Vesta is impact melt.  相似文献   
Constraining time is of critical importance to evaluating the rates and relative contributions of processes driving landscape change in sedimentary basins. The geomorphic character of the field setting guides the application of geochronologic or instrumental tools to this problem, because the viability of methods can be highly influenced by geomorphic attributes. For example, sediment yield and the linked potential for organic preservation may govern the usefulness of radiocarbon dating. Similarly, the rate of sediment transport from source to sink may determine the maturity and/or light exposure of mineral grains arriving in the delta and thus the feasibility of luminescence dating. Here, we explore the viability and quirks of dating and instrumental methods that have been applied in the Bengal Basin, and review the records that they have yielded. This immense, dynamic, and spatially variable system hosts the world's most inhabited delta. Outlining a framework for successful chronologic applications is thus of value to managing water and sediment resources for humans, here and in other populated deltas worldwide. Our review covers radiocarbon dating, luminescence dating, archaeological records and historical maps, short-lived radioisotopes, horizon markers and rod surface elevation tables, geodetic observations, and surface instrumentation. Combined, these tools can be used to reconstruct the history of the Bengal Basin from Late Pleistocene to present day. The growing variety and scope of Bengal Basin geochronology and instrumentation opens doors for research integrating basin processes across spatial and temporal scales. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Human‐induced changes to the channel and 18·6 km2 catchment of Second Creek, in Knox County, Tennessee (USA), have included deliberate channel realignment, channelization of some reaches in culverts or cement‐lined channels, the addition of coarse particles, and intentional and unintentional changes in catchment hydrology. Field observations and measurements made between 1997 and 2001 showed active adjustment of the stream channel. Channel bank erosion is the dominant adjustment, but aggradation also occurs. One change following urbanization is an increase in bed particle size due to the addition of particles of anthropogenic origin. Such particles constitute 2–21 per cent of particles sampled at eight sites along the stream, and their D50 exceeds the D50 of natural particles at five of the sites. The downstream portion of the catchment has been urbanized for more than 150 years, but urbanizing activity has continued throughout the catchment, occurring not as a discrete perturbation, but as a set of disturbances with varying spatial and temporal scales. Spatial patterns of erosion and deposition in the channel are complex and do not show an upstream–downstream trend. Effective, although unintended, decoupling of the most manipulated reaches has hindered the propagation of changes in channel morphology and channel materials in this urbanized stream system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper, we address the question of energy leakage from turbulence to internal waves (IWs) in the oceanic mixed layer (OML). If this leakage is substantial, then not only does this have profound implications as far as the dynamics of the OML is concerned, but it also means that the equation for the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) used in OML models must include an appropriate sink term, and traditional models must be modified accordingly. Through comparison with the experimental data on grid-generated turbulence in a stably stratified fluid, we show that a conventional two-equation turbulence model without any IW sink term can explain these observations quite well, provided that the fluctuating motions that persist long after the decay of grid-generated turbulence are interpreted as being due to IW motions generated by the initial passage of the grid through the stably stratified fluid and not during turbulence decay. We conclude that there is no need to postulate an IW sink term in the TKE equation, and conventional models suffice to model mixing in the OML.  相似文献   
The concentrations of major and trace inorganic elements in a succession of Permian coals from the Gunnedah Basin, New South Wales, have been determined by X-ray fluorescence techniques applied to both whole-coal and high-temperature ash samples. The results have been evaluated in the light of quantitative data on the minerals in the same coals, determined from X-ray diffraction study of whole-coal samples using a Rietveld-based interpretation program ( ™), to determine relationships of the trace elements in the coals to the mineral species present. Comparison of the chemical composition of the coal ash interpreted from the quantitative mineralogical study to the actual ash composition determined by XRF analysis shows a high degree of consistency, confirming the validity of the XRD interpretations for the Gunnedah Basin materials. Quartz, illite and other minerals of detrital origin dominate the coals in the upper part of the sequence, whereas authigenic kaolinite is abundant in coals from the lower part of the Permian succession. These minerals are all reduced in abundance, however, and pyrite is a dominant constituent, in coals formed under marine influence at several stratigraphic levels. Calcite and dolomite occur as cleat and fracture infillings, mostly in seams near the top and bottom of the sequence. The potassium-bearing minerals in the detrital fraction are associated with significant concentrations of rubidium, and the authigenic kaolinite with relatively high proportions of titanium. Zirconium is also abundant, with associated P and Hf, in the Gunnedah Basin coal seams. Relationships exhibited by Ti, Zr, Nd and Y are consistent with derivation of the original sediment admixed with the seams from an acid volcanic source. Pyrite in the coals is associated with high concentrations of arsenic and minor proportions of thallium; no other element commonly associated with sulphides in coals, however, appears to occur in significant proportions with the pyrite in the sample suite. Small concentrations of Cl present in the coal are inversely related to the pyrite content, and appear to represent ion-exchange components associated with the organic matter. Strontium and barium are strongly associated with the cleat-filling carbonate minerals. Ge and Ga appear to be related to each other and to the coal's organic matter. Cr and V are also related to each other, as are Ce, La, Nd and Pr, but none of these show any relationship to the organic matter or a particular mineral component.  相似文献   
Although end member compositional variability is quite common, most quantitative mass balance procedures cannot accommodate this variability in a systematic manner. By rearranging the traditional mass balance relations, a series of equations can be derived to account for such heterogeneity. While this approach can be applied ton-component systems, the results are difficult to represent graphically. Accordingly, the procedure is most useful for two- and three-component systems. For two components, the concentration of an element in a mixture is: and the isotopic signature is: where pm, hm and 1 refer to parental magma, hybrid magma and component 1, respectively, X is the proportion of parental magma, C is concentration, is isotopic ratio, and the concentration of the denominator isotope in the particular isotopic ratio of interest. These equations describe straight lines, termed isoproportional or IP lines, of fixed mixing proportion in the CpmC1 concentration or planes. Only those IP lines intersecting the rectangle defined by observed end member compositions represent viable mixing proportions. For three-component systems, the mass balance equations are: and: where Y is now the proportion of component 1 and the proportion of component 2, Z, is simply 1 − XY. Using major, trace and rare earth element as well as isotopic data, a region of the X-Y plane representing possible mixing combinations can be defined. Due to the compositional variability of most magmatic end members, this new mass balance procedure should be applicable to a diverse range of petrologic problems. This procedure has been applied to three different petrologic processes: Aleutian parental magma genesis, assimilation/contamination, and crust-mantle differentiation.  相似文献   
正1.Overview The 12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate(WAMC),formerly known as the Antarctic Meteorological Observation,Modeling,and Forecasting(AMOMF)Workshop(AMOMFW),was held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR)in Boulder,Colorado,USA on 26–28 June 2017.The annual workshop dates from 2006,and recent meetings have been the 10th AMOMF Workshop held in 2015 in Cambridge,United Kingdom(Colwell et al.,2016)and the  相似文献   
Recent observations in the Sea of Japan show evidence of convection to a depth of roughly 1000 m in the winter of 2000, situated along the polar front. Numerical simulations have shown that this deep mixing is associated with both ageostrophic frontal circulations and pre-existing larger-scale downwelling regimes. The downwelling regimes appear to be a result of interactions between frontal meandering and deep circulation in this basin over bottom topography anomalies. The coupling between the frontal dynamics and the deep circulation are explored by analogy to atmospheric frontal circulations through the semigeostrophic Sawyer–Eliassen equation, solved numerically for the case of the Sea of Japan. As in the atmospheric case, a vertical coupling between the upper and lower circulations can produce a localized region of downwelling that can be conducive to deeper mixing than that forced solely from surface fluxes.  相似文献   
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