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In the context of current and future microwave surveys mainly dedicated to the accurate mapping of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), mm and sub-mm emissions from Solar System will represent a potential source of contamination as well as an opportunity for new Solar System studies. In particular, the forthcoming ESA Planck mission will be able to observe the point-like thermal emission from planets and some large asteroids as well as the diffused Zodiacal Light Emission (ZLE). After a brief introduction to the field, we focus on the identification of Solar System discrete objects in the Planck time ordered data.  相似文献   
Riassunto L'A., partendo dal principio che un sistema di osservazioni di diversa precisione è riducibile a un sistema di osservazioni di uguale precisione, propone una nuova formula per la valutazione dell'errore medio dell'unità di peso. Tale formula non si annulla nel caso di misure che, pur essendo di peso diverso, sono uguali fra loro. — Nella seconda parte l'A. avanza l'ipotesi che un aspetto geometrico della compensazione di misure miste sia quello di trasformare una figura in un'altra, soddisfacente prefissate condizioni, con un minimo di deformazione; ritiene che tale minimo possa anche non essere dato da una combinazione lineare dei quadrati degli errori lineari e angolari.
Summary Basing himself on the principle that a system of observations of different precision may be reduced to a system of observations of the same precision, the Author proposes a new formula for a valuation of the standard error of the weight unit. Such formula is not nullified in case of measurements which, though of different weights, are equal. — In the second part the Author puts forward the hypothesis that a geometric aspect of the compensation of different kinds of measures, is of transforming a figure, wich satisfies given conditions, into another by the least deformation. He believes that such least deformation may be obtained without making a linear combination of linear and angular squared errors.
The relation between rainfall and the discharge from two springs, located at the base of different karst massifs in southern Italy, is investigated by cross-correlation analyses. Data are derived from a continuous time window of 13 years. The input signal involves multiple rainfall time series (cumulative rainfall over varying time windows), while the time series of daily spring discharges are used as the output signal. Analyses were first conducted on the unprocessed data and then on data for which linear trends and seasonal components had been removed, the latter by a spectral analysis. Analyses contributed to the investigation of the time required for water to flow through the karst aquifers at the two sites. Long time intervals of the cumulative rainfall (>60 days) appear to be the main component affecting the spring discharge hydrographs; shorter time intervals seem to be related to quick-flow paths. Some statistics about the linear regression and the meaning of the cross-correlation analysis are discussed. Cross-correlation analysis can provide strong support for identification of the main rainfall contribution and the travel time through the main infiltration pathways in aquifers.  相似文献   
Density, biomass and community structure of macrofauna were estimated together with several sediment characteristics at seven stations ranging from 208 m to 4460 m water depth along the OMEX transect in the Goban Spur area (NE Atlantic) during three seasons (October 1993, May 1994, and August 1995). Median grain size decreased with increasing water depth and showed no differences between the seasons. The percentages of organic carbon and total nitrogen were highest at mid-slope depths (1000 to 1500 m), and were significantly higher in August at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1500 m. The C:N ratio in the surface layer amounted to 7 to 8 in May, 10 to 12 in August and 14 to 17 in October at all stations (except the deepest at 4460 m, where it was 11 in May and August), indicating arrival of fresh phytodetritus in May, and therefore seasonality in food input to the benthos. Densities of macrofauna decreased exponentially with increasing water depth. Significantly higher densities of macrofauna were found in May at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1500 m. These differences were mainly due to high numbers of postlarvae of echinoids at the shallowest station and ophiuroids at the deeper stations. Biomass values also decreased with increasing water depth, but biomass was relatively high at the 1000 m station and low at 1500 m, due to relatively high and low mean weights of the individual macrofaunal specimens. No significant differences in biomass were found between the seasons. Respiration was high (15 to 20 mgC·m−2·d−1) in May at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1000 m and low (1–3 mg C·m−2·d−1) at the deeper part. At the shallowest stations to a depth of 1000 m respiration was highest in May, at the mid-slope stations (1400–2200 m) it was highest in August, whereas the deepest stations (3600 to 4500 m) did not show any differences in respiration rates. In conclusion; seasonal variation in organic input is reflected in denstiy, community structure and activity of the macrofauna along the continental slope in the NE Atlantic.  相似文献   
It is useful to differentiate between thrust belts that are related to east(E)-dipping or west(W)-dipping subduction. More precisely, these either follow or resist the overall ‘eastward’ mantle flow detected by the hot-spot reference frame. Because of the overall ‘westward’ drift of the lithosphere we find in E-dipping subduction that the basal decollement underlying the eastern plate reaches the surface and involves deep crustal rocks. With W-dipping subduction, however, we find that the basal decollement of the eastern plate is warped as well as subducted. Consequently thrust belts related to E- (or NE-) dipping subduction show conspicuous structural and morphologic relief, involve deep crustal rocks, and are associated with shallow foredeeps. On the other hand, thrust belts related to W- (or SW-) dipping subduction show relatively low structural and morphological relief, involve only shallow upper crustal rocks and are associated with deep foredeeps as well as back-arc extension. The accretionary wedge-foredeep-back-arc basin association is visualized as an overall eastward propagating tectonic wave. The accretionary wedge forms in the frontal parts and generally below sea-level. This is followed by forward migrating extension that cuts the earlier accretionary wedge. Typically such a system occurs in the context of overall W-dipping subduction and is characterized by an arcuate shape (e.g. Carpathians, Apennines, Barbados, etc.). Along the branches of the arc external transpression and internal transtension co-exist but with different sense (i.e. sinistral transpression contrasting with dextral transtension). We also observe that with W-dipping subduction the tangent to a pre- deformation marker is descending into the foredeep at an angle in the range of 1–10° while with E-(or NE-)dipping subduction the same marker would rise towards the hinterland with typical angles of about 5–10°. Foredeep subsidence is mainly controlled by the load of the thrust sheets in thrust belts due to E-(or NE-)dipping subduction and by the roll-back of the subduction hinge in accretionary wedges due to W-dipping subduction. Subsidence or uplift rates in the foredeeps and accretionary wedges related to the two different types of subduction are very different, providing different P-T-t paths in the two geodynamic realms. The present shape and structure of the thrust belts belonging to one of these two general types may help us in reconstructing the location of thinned lithosphere and basin evolution in the past.  相似文献   
Riassunto Si espone, attraverso la risoluzione di due problemi, un procedimento di carattere generale per la determinazione di proiezioni cartografiche della sfera, secondo il principio che a determinate linee sulla sfera corrispondano linee di prefissata equazione sulla carta. I problemi trattati sono i seguenti: 1) Determinare l'equazione di una carta a meridiani rettilinei e convergenti in cui le lossodromie siano rappresentate con linee rette. 2) Ricercare se esistono altre proiezioni, oltre la centrografica prospettica, che trasformano i cerchi massimi in rette.
Summary Here is explained, through the solution of two problems, a procedure for the determination of the cartographic projections of the sphere, according to the principle that lines of a forfixed equation on paper correspond to determined lines on the sphere. Here are the problems in question: 1) To determine the equation of a rectilineal and convergent meridian lined paper in which the loxodromies are represented by straight lines. 2) To point out if there are other projections, besides the perspective centrographic one, turning maximum circles into straight lines.
A new record of absolute palaeointensity was obtained from drill core Scientific Observation Hole 1 (SOH1) on Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. Kilauea’s high eruption rate resulted in a relatively continuous record and stratigraphic constraints preserved the chronological order. Three hundred and sixty samples were studied with the Thellier-Thellier technique, which gave 195 successful palaeointensity and 271 successful inclination determinations. Three geomagnetic excursions were observed, which exhibited intensity reductions of about 50%. Initial age control from K-Ar and Ar/Ar dating only constrained the total age between 20 and 120 ka. The final age model was obtained by stretching the SOH1 record relative to other Hawaiian palaeomagnetic data. This gave an age range of 0-45 ka for the flows and identified the excursions as the Hilina Pali, Mono Lake and Laschamp events. The SOH1 record of the Hilina Pali event is the most detailed ever, incorporating data from around 40 flows. This age model suggests that Kilauea had a burst of activity at the SOH1 site around 20 ka. All available data was combined to form a composite record of palaeointensity and inclination on Hawaii for 0-45 ka.  相似文献   
We evaluate the expected level of foreground contamination to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarised radiation, focusing on the diffuse emission from our own Galaxy. In particular, we perform a first attempt to simulate an all sky template of polarised emission from thermal dust. This study indicates that the foreground contamination to CMB B-modes is likely to be relevant on all frequencies, and even at high Galactic latitudes. We review the recent developments in the design of data analysis techniques dedicated to the separation of CMB and foreground emissions in multi-frequency observations, exploiting their statistical independence. We argue that the high quality and detail of the present CMB observations represent an almost ideal statistical dataset where these algorithms can operate with excellent performance. We explicitly show that the recovery of CMB B-modes is possible even if they are well below the foreground level, working at the arcminute resolution at an almost null computational cost. This capability well represents the great potentiality of these new data analysis techniques, which should be seriously taken into account for implementation in present and future CMB observations.  相似文献   
In the standard model of cosmic structure formation, dark matter haloes form by gravitational instability. The process is hierarchical: smaller systems collapse earlier, and later merge to form larger haloes. The galaxy clusters, hosted by the largest dark matter haloes, are at the top of this hierarchy and representing the largest as well as the last structures formed in the Universe, while the smaller and first haloes are those Earth-sized dark subhaloes that have been both predicted by theoretical considerations and found in numerical simulations, though there do not exist any observational hints of their existence. The probability that a halo of mass m at redshift z will be part of a larger halo of mass M at the present time can be described in the frame of the extended Press & Schecter theory making use of the progenitor (conditional) mass function. Using the progenitor mass function, we calculate analytically, at redshift zero, the distribution of subhaloes in mass, formation epoch and rarity of the peak of the density field at the formation epoch. That is done for a Milky Way size system, assuming both a spherical and an ellipsoidal collapse model. Our calculation assumes that small progenitors do not lose mass due to dynamical processes after entering the parent halo, and that they do not interact with other subhaloes. For a Λ cold dark matter power spectrum, we obtain a subhalo mass function  d n /d m   proportional to   m −α  with a model-independent  α∼ 2  . Assuming that the dark matter is a weakly interacting massive particle, the inferred distributions are used to test the feasibility of an indirect detection in the γ-ray energy band of such a population of subhaloes with a Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope like satellite.  相似文献   
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