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Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Archipelago, Southern Italy) experienced an increase in its volcanic activity from late December 2012 to March 2013, when it produced several lava overflows, major Strombolian explosions, crater-wall collapses pyroclastic density currents and intense spatter activity. An analysis of the displacement of the NE portion of the summit crater terrace and the unstable NW flank of the volcano (Sciara del Fuoco depression) has been performed with a ground-based interferometric synthetic aperture radar (GBInSAR) by dividing the monitored part of the volcano into five sectors, three in the summit vents region and two in the Sciara del Fuoco. Changes in the displacement rate were observed in sectors 2 and 3. Field and thermal surveys revealed the presence of an alignment of fumaroles confirming the existence of an area of structural discontinuity between sectors 2 and 3. High displacement rates in sector 2 are interpreted to indicate the increase in the magmastatic pressure within the shallow plumbing systems, related to the rise of the magma level within the conduits, while increased displacement rates in sector 3 are connected to the lateral expansion of the shallow plumbing system. The increases and decreases in the displacement rate registered by the GBInSAR system in the upper part of the volcano have been used as a proxy for changes in the pressure conditions in the shallow plumbing system of Stromboli volcano and hence to forecast the occurrence of phases of higher-intensity volcanic activity.  相似文献   
Using a calibrated bio-optical model we determined that the optical water quality conditions in several nitrogen-impaired embayments and in one unimpaired system were within the range of values known to support eelgrass growth. We also used the model to identify a range of light requirements for eelgrass (Zostera marina). Higher eelgrass light requirements, expressed as a percentage of surface-incident irradiance, corresponded with higher sediment organic matter content. These results corroborated findings by previous studies which indicate a generalized relationship: seagrasses growing in turbid conditions with poorer water and sediment quality have higher light requirements than those growing in less degraded conditions. The mechanistic reason for the variation in light requirements is still not completely explained and cannot be attributed to a single independent variable. Varying light requirement have important implications for eelgrass protection and should be considered when setting restoration targets for eelgrass in water quality and nitrogen remediation programs.  相似文献   
The pyroclastic deposits of Etna have been correlated over the whole volcanic edifice for the first time, allowing the construction of a continuous record of tephra-producing events, which extends from approximately 100 ka to the Present. In this interval, five main periods of explosive activity have been identified: (a) ~100-ka strombolian to subplinian activity; (b) 80- to 100-ka plinian benmoreitic activity; (c) 16- to 80-ka strombolian to subplinian from basaltic to mugearitic activity; (d) 15.5- to 15-ka plinian benmoreitic activity accompanying the caldera-forming eruptions of the Ellittico Volcano; and (e) the most recent 13-ka basaltic explosive activity of strombolian and subplinian type of the present edifice that also includes the 122-B.C. plinian eruption. This study results in a semi-quantitative and in some cases quantitative definition of the intensity and chronology of the explosive activity at Etna. Moreover, this work gives a new significance to the volcanic hazards of Etna, a volcano generally considered to be the site of gentle effusive eruptions.  相似文献   
Abstract. During the austral summer 1993 – 94, microalgal density and biomass were investigated in the sea ice, in the underlying water column, in the melt water and during the formation of the sea ice. Of the 96 taxa identified, 59 were diatoms and 32 were dinoflagellates. Among the remaining five species, Pseudopleurochloris antarctica  was very abundant both in the sea ice and in the ice-free waters. Cell densities and biomass of microalgae were higher in the bottom of the sea ice and during the formation of the ice than in the seawater, and diatoms were the dominant group at higher microalgal biomass. Among these, Entomoneis kufferathii , Chaetoceros dichaeta and Fragilariopsis species were the most common taxa.  相似文献   
The recognized ecological importance of Posidonia oceanica, the most important seagrass of the Mediterranean Sea, makes it crucial to assess the state of health of its meadows, discriminating natural from anthropogenic impacts. In this paper, the hydrodynamic conditions at the upper limit of P. oceanica meadows along the Ligurian coast (NW Mediterranean Sea) were investigated. A relationship between the distance of the upper limit of the meadow from the shoreline and the morphodynamic domain of the beach (i.e. distinctive types of beach produced by the topography, wave climate and sediment composition) was found. A zonation of the state of the shallow portions of the meadows down the submerged beach profile was identified. Zone a, from the shoreline to the breaking limit, is naturally critical for the development of the meadow. Zone b, from the breaking limit to the closure depth, is subjected to natural and human impacts. Zone c, below the closure depth, is little influenced by coastal dynamics. This study quantifies for the first time how much the status of the shallow portions of P. oceanica meadows is dependent on coastal dynamics, which is important for their proper management.  相似文献   
The objective of this work is to characterize the concentrations of selected trace elements (V, Mn, Ni, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Se, As, Mo, Cd, Pb, U) in diverse nearshore (50 m), coastal (1.5 km) and seawater well environments within the Hawaiian Archipelago using robust analytical methods that are appropriate for metals analyses in seawater. The sampling sites include locations having varying type, quality and quantity of freshwater input. In most coastal and nearshore cases, the trace element concentrations approximate values characteristic of offshore waters. Concentrations of trace elements in coastal waters that were enriched through either urban or agricultural inputs declined sharply within a short distance from shore; this is taken to indicate the predominant importance of physical mixing/advective processes along with particle scavenging in these dynamic areas. Trace element levels in seawater wells did not evidence any concentration trends consistent with island age suggesting little or no impact of island weathering on metal concentrations; concentration differences among wells appeared to be more dependent on well depth, redox conditions, and/or salinity. Sampling also targeted nearshore locales where ciguatera fish poisoning is prominent because of suggested linkages between trace element concentrations and aberrant dinoflagellate growth. Nearshore stations where ciguatera is prevalent failed to show clearly different trace element levels except for two prominent locales which showed elevated Mn and Fe concentrations.  相似文献   
Precious corals represent peculiar substrata for several species of boring sponges that exploit their carbonatic scleraxis, strongly decreasing their commercial value. Here we describe a new species of the genus Alectona from Japan recorded in a colony of Paracorallium japonicum (Kishinouye, 1903). The spicular complement of the new species consists of diactinal spicules covered by mushroom-like tubercles, often modified into styloid forms, and fusiform amphiasters with two or sometimes four verticils, each generally made up of six short tubercled rays. A complete survey of the literature on boring sponges recorded in precious corals in the Mediterranean Sea and Pacific Ocean indicates that the species of the family Alectonidae are the most strictly associated to this kind of substratum. Their world distribution, in fact, partially or totally overlap that of their coral hosts.  相似文献   
Observations, mostly from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology (ISCCP), are used to assess clouds and radiative fluxes in the EC-Earth general circulation model, when forced by prescribed observed sea surface temperatures. An ISCCP instrument simulator is employed to consistently compare model outputs with satellite observations. The use of a satellite simulator is shown to be imperative for model evaluation. EC-Earth exhibits the largest cloud biases in the tropics. It generally underestimates the total cloud cover but overestimates the optically thick clouds, with the net result that clouds exert an overly strong cooling effect in the model. Every cloud type has its own source of bias. The magnitude of the cooling due to the shortwave cloud radiative effect ( \(\mid \hbox {SWCRE}\mid\) ) is underestimated for the stratiform low-clouds, because the model simulates too few of them. In contrast, \(\mid \hbox {SWCRE}\mid\) is overestimated for trade wind cumulus clouds, because in the model these are too thick. The clouds in the deep convection regions also lead to overestimate the \(\mid \hbox {SWCRE}\mid\) . These clouds are generally too thick and there are too few mid and high thin clouds. These biases are consistent with the positive precipitation bias and the overly strong mass flux for deep convective plumes. Potential sources for the various cloud biases in the model are discussed.  相似文献   
One of the main tools used to study the dynamic response of structural systems is certainly the Fourier Transform. This tool is very useful and reliable to investigating the response of a stationary system, i.e. a generic system that does not changes its characteristics over time. Conversely, the Fourier Transform is no longer reliable if the main goal is to study the evolution of the dynamic response of a system whose features rapidly vary with time. To this regard, several mathematical tools were developed to analyze time-variable dynamic responses. Soil and buildings, subject to transient forcing such as an earthquake, may change their characteristics over time with the initiation of nonlinear phenomena. This paper proposes a new methodology to approach the study of non-stationary response of soil and buildings: a band-variable filter based on S-Transform. In fact, with the possibility of changing the bandwidth of each filtering window over time, it becomes possible to extract from a generic record only the response of the system focusing on the variation of individual modes of vibration. Practically, it is possible to extract from a generic non-stationary signal only the phase of interest. The paper starts from examples and applications on synthetic signals, then examines possible applications to the study of the non-stationary response of soil and buildings. The last application focuses on the possibility to evaluate the mode shapes over time for both numerical and scaled model subjected to strong motion inputs.  相似文献   
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