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TheLg wave consists of the superposition ofS waves supercritically reflected, and thus trapped, in the crust. This mode of propagation explains the strong amplitude of this phase and the large distance range in which it is observed. The numerical simulation leads to successful comparison between observed seismograms in stable continental areas and synthetics computed for simple standard crustal models. In regions with strong lateral variations, the influence of large-scale heterogeneities on theLg amplitude is not yet clearly established in terms of the geometrical characteristics of the crustal structure.The analysis of the decay of amplitude ofLg with epicentral distance allows the evaluation of the quality factor ofS waves in the crust. The results obtained show the same trends as codaQ: a clear correlation with the tectonic activity of the region considered, both for the value ofQ at 1 Hz and for its frequency dependence, suggesting that scattering plays a prominent part among the processes that cause the attenuation.The coda ofLg is made up of scatteredS waves. The study of the spatial attenuation of the coda indicated that a large part of the arrivals that compose the coda propagate asLg. The relative amplitude of the coda is larger at sites located on sediments because, in these conditions, a part ofLg energy can be converted locally into lower order surface modes.  相似文献   
We first present a summary of recent results on coda interpretation. We emphasize the observation of the stabilization of P to S energy ratio indicating the modal equipartition of the wavefield. This property clearly shows that the coda waves are in the regime of multiple scattering. Numerical solutions of the elastic radiative transfer equation are used to illustrate the evolution of the wave-field towards P-to-S energy stabilization, and asymptotically to complete isotropy. The energy properties of the coda have been widely studied but the phase properties have often been neglected. The recently observed coherent backscattering enhancement, an expression of the so-called `weak localization', demonstrates that interference effects still persist for multiple diffracted waves. Another manifestation of the persistence of the phase is the possibility to reconstruct the Green function between two stations by averaging the cross correlation of coda waves produced by distant earthquakes and recorded at those two stations. This reconstruction is directly related to the properties of reciprocity and time reversal of any wavefield. Using broadband seismic coda waves, we show that the dominant phases of the Green function in the band 2 s–10 s, namely fundamental mode Rayleigh and Love waves, are reconstructed. We analyze the time symmetry of the cross correlation and show how the level of symmetry evolves with the isotropization of the diffuse field with lapse time. Similarly we investigate the correlation in continuous ambient noise records. Whereas the randomness of the coda results from multiple scattering by randomly distributed scatterers, we assume that the seismic noise is random mostly because of the distribution of sources at the surface of the Earth. Surface waves can be extracted from long time series. The dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves are deduced from the correlations. On paths where measurements from earthquake data are also available, we show that they are in good agreement with those deduced from noise correlation. The measurement of velocities from correlation of noise along paths crossing different crustal structures opens the way for a `passive imaging' of the Earth's structure.  相似文献   
The analysis of the Irpinia earthquake of 3 April 1996 (ML = 4.9), based on strong motion and short period local data, shows that it was a normal faulting event located within the epicentral area of the MS 6.9, 1980, earthquake. It was located at 40.67° N and 15.42° E at a depth of 8 km. The local magnitude (4.9) has been computed from the VBB stations of the MedNet network. The moment magnitude is Mw = 5.1 and the seismic moment estimated from the ground acceleration spectra is 5.0 1023 dyne cm. Spectral analysis of the strong motion recordings yields a Brune stress drop of 111 bars and a corner frequency of 1 Hz. The source radius associated to these values of seismic moment and stress drop is 1.3 km. The focal mechanism has two nodal planes having strike 297°, dip 74°, rake 290° and strike 64°, dip 25° and rake 220°, respectively. A fault plane solution with strike 295° ± 5°, dip 70° ± 5°, and rake 280° ± 10° is consistent with the S-wave polarization computed from the strong motion data recorded at Rionero in Vulture. We discuss the geometry and the dimensions of the fault which ruptured during the 1996 mainshock, its location and the aftershock distribution with respect to the rupture history of the 1980 Irpinia earthquake. The distribution of seismicity and the fault geometry of the 1996 earthquake suggest that the region between the two faults that ruptured during the first subevents of the 1980 event cannot be considered as a strong barrier (high strength zone), as it might be thought looking at the source model and at the sequence of historical earthquakes revealed by paleoseismological investigations.  相似文献   
以传统地震环境噪声面波成像方法研究地壳速度结构时,在一些极端的地形条件下,结果与真实结构会存在较大偏差.我们以地震波场三维正演模拟为基础,提出了一种地形校正方法.我们保留了传统噪声面波成像简单的两步反演法,在面波层析成像和一维速度结构反演的基础上,通过地震波场三维模拟近似估计地形和散射波场的影响,并据此校正瑞利波频散曲线,最终反演得到校正地形影响的S波速度结构.理论测试与在实际观测数据上的应用都证明了校正方法的有效性,同时也显示了地形校正的必要性.  相似文献   
Seismic experiments were conducted in Mexico City in order to determine the dynamic characteristics of the soft clay layer present at the surface in the lake bed zone. In-situ measurements of Vp, Vs, Qp and Qs were performed in the Texcoco lake area. Qs values ranging from 8 to 60 have been found from the surface down to 30 m depth, while Vs values are between 30 and 115 m/s for the same depths. These relatively low Q values support the idea that surface waves generated at the edges of the Mexico basin cannot propagate very far in the structure. During this study, the elastic characteristics of the surficial basalt layers outcropping in the hill zone have also been investigated. Very low P-wave velocity values (500–800 m/s) have been found in the basalt. In the hill zone where basalts are interbedded with soil, numerical modeling has shown that such low values can only be partially explained by the relation between wavelength and basalt thickness and that other mechanisms, like fracturation, must be involved.  相似文献   
High-altitude lake sediments are often used as archives for environmental changes and their chemical and isotopic compositions provide significant constraints on natural and anthropogenic long-term changes that have occurred in their catchment area. Here, trace-element concentrations and Pb isotopes are presented for two sedimentary cores from Lake Blanc Huez in the French Alps, to trace the impact of climate changes and human activities over the Holocene. Lead and Ag contents are very high and clearly dominated by input from a Pb–Ag vein located a few meters from the lakeshore, a vein that also buffers the Pb isotopes. Mining of this vein in medieval times is recorded in the corresponding lake sediments with high Ag content coupled with high Pb/U ratio. These chemical characteristics can be used to constrain the major Holocene climate changes. Significant advances of glaciers next to the lake produced sediments with Ag and Pb concentration peaks and high Pb/U ratios due to accelerated erosion of the Pb–Ag vein, similar to the effects of the medieval mining. In contrast, reduced glacier activity led to the formation of organic-rich sediments with high U and As contents and low Pb/U ratios. More generally, the observed combination of chemical changes could be used elsewhere to decipher environmental changes over long periods of time.  相似文献   
Array analysis is performed on surface waves recorded in the French Alps using a small‐aperture (25 km) temporary array of six broad‐band stations. The analysis shows that both Rayleigh and Love waves deviate relative to the great‐circle path. The deviations are particularly strong, up to 30°, between 20 and 40 s period. To interpret these observations, we first study the effect of large‐scale structures using ray tracing in a smooth, laterally heterogeneous model of the Earth. Second, we evaluate the local effect by considering a model for the French Alps including strong lateral heterogeneities around the array that were not taken into account in the ray tracing. By combining these two possible causes of the observed deviations, we propose an explanation for the general trend in the observed deviations. Finally, we show that by taking into account azimuthal deviations, phase velocities measured at a regional scale can be significantly improved.  相似文献   
The western Alboran Sea contains three morphostructural domains: continental margins, structural highs, and basins, some with diapirs. Seven sequences from Tortonian to upper Quaternary, identified on airgun profiles, record a distinct set of depositional events. The tectonic evolution was influenced by the relative movement of the African and Iberian plates. Connections through the Atlantic/Mediterranean gateways and global sea level oscillations are recorded as major unconformities in the depositional record. A Neogene change in tectonic character from transtensional to transpressional regimes is postulated on the basis of changes in the regional stress field orientation.  相似文献   
The northern Alboran Ridge margin depicts fault-bounded, structural blocks tilted downward to the basins. Post-Messinian sequences fill depressions on these blocks with thick depositional wedges thinning basinward. A change in the stress field after the Early Pliocene produced structural inversions and generalized uplifting of the Alboran Ridge from the Late Pliocene to Recent time.  相似文献   
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