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The unusually strong typhoons and heavy rainfalls occurred recently in Taiwan have caused major landslides in many reservoir catch basins. The debris from these landslides eventually settled in the reservoir and turned into mud. From soil mechanics point of view, the mud immediately in front of the dam where the reservoir is usually the deepest is a very young, normally consolidated or under-consolidated fine-grained soil. The engineering properties of the reservoir mud are important parameters in the planning and design of schemes to remove the mud. Yet, our knowledge in this regard is very limited. For some of the major reservoirs in Taiwan, the mud is often under more than 40 m of water. How to conduct effective geotechnical site characterization under these circumstances is a challenge. The authors developed techniques to incorporate differential pressure measurements in flat dilatometer (ΔDMT) and piezo-penetrometer (ΔPu) tests to facilitate in situ measurements under water in a reservoir. A series of field ΔDMT and ΔPu tests along with representative soil sampling were conducted at Tsengwen Reservoir in southern Taiwan. The paper describes the techniques of ΔDMT and ΔPu tests, interpretation of available test data to obtain the engineering properties of the reservoir mud, and discusses implications in the future site characterization of reservoir mud.  相似文献   
Long filamentary structures composed of chains of denser clumps fan out from the high mass star-forming KL core region in OMC-1. We present a high resolution VLA NH3 study of the structure, kinematics, and temperature of the region over a large, multi-field scale. The region appears to contain multiple superimposed cloud components. Clumps along the filaments may be the result of instabilities and fragmentation; some show fast velocity gradients. Sheaths around the clumps along the filaments are heated. This is possibly the result of external radiation or of interaction with high velocity outflows from young stellar objects in OMC-1.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the excess pore‐air and pore‐water pressure dissipations and the average degree of consolidation in the 2D plane strain consolidation of an unsaturated soil stratum using eigenfunction expansion and Laplace transformation techniques. In this study, the application of a constant external loading on a soil surface is assumed to immediately generate uniformly or linearly distributed initial excess pore pressures. The general solutions consisting of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are first proposed. The Laplace transform is then applied to convert the time variable t in partial differential equations into the Laplace complex argument s. Once the domain is obtained, a simplified set of equations with variable s can be achieved. The final analytical solutions can be computed by taking a Laplace inverse. The proposed equations predict the two‐dimensional consolidation behaviour of an unsaturated soil stratum capturing the uniformly and linearly distributed initial excess pore pressures. This study investigates the effects of isotropic and anisotropic permeability conditions on variations of excess pore pressures and the average degree of consolidation. Additionally, isochrones of excess pore pressures along vertical and horizontal directions are presented. It is found that the initial distribution of pore pressures, varying with depth, results in considerable effects on the pore‐water pressure dissipation rate whilst it has insignificant effects on the excess pore‐air pressure dissipation rate. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
I summarize the main observational properties of low-luminosity AGNs in nearby galaxies to argue that they are the high-mass analogs of black hole X-ray binaries in the “low/hard” state. The principal characteristics of low-state AGNs can be accommodated with a scenario in which the central engine is comprised of three components: an optically thick, geometrically accretion disk with a truncated inner radius, a radiatively inefficient flow, and a compact jet.  相似文献   
This paper is based on a facilitated Workshop and Roundtable Discussion of key issues in sediment toxicology and ecological risk assessment (ERA) as applied to sediments that was held at the Conference on Dredged Material Management: Options and Environmental Considerations. The issues addressed included how toxicity is defined and perceived, how it is measured, and how it should be used within the context of ERA to support management decisions. The following conclusions were reached regarding scientific considerations of these issues. Toxicity is a measure of hazard and not a risk per se. Thus, toxicity testing is a means but not the end to understand risks of sediments. Toxicity testing cannot presently be replaced by chemical analyses to define hazard. Toxicity test organisms need to be appropriate to the problem being addressed, and the results put into context relative to both reference and baseline comparisons to understand hazard. Use of toxicity tests in sediment ERAs requires appropriate endpoints and risk hypotheses, considering ecological not just statistical significance, and recognizing that hazard does not equate to risk. Toxicity should be linked to population and community response to support decision-making, assessing possible genotypic adaptations that can influence risk estimates, and addressing uncertainty. Additionally, several key scientific issues were identified to improve future sediment ERAs, including the need to improve basic understanding of ecological mechanisms and processes, recognition of variability in the assessment process, and an improved focus and ability to assess risks to populations and communities.  相似文献   
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