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防震减灾宣传是基层地震工作的重要内容之一,本文就如何有效提高防震减灾宣传工作做了初步分析,主要包括层次性和多角度性、针对性和亲和力、宣传工作细化并实施模块化管理几方面,通过事实举例和理性分析,说明模块化管理的必要性和创新性。  相似文献   
This work studies new petrological and geochemical data and zircon U-Pb ages for bimodal intrusive rocks from Xinglong region, Hainan Island. Zircon U-Pb dating yields mean 238 U/ 206 Pb ages of 238 ± 2 Ma and 234 ± 2 Ma for diabasic and granitic phases, respectively, representing the Middle Triassic emplacement. The diabase and granite bodies were formed from discrete mafic and acidic magma sources that experienced local mechanical mixing at their mutual contacts. Although SiO 2 content of intrusions is bimodal, trace element ratios indicate that both were formed in a post-orogenic extensional setting. Sr-Nd isotopic composition reflects a shared EMII type enriched mantle source component, possibly influenced by subduction-fluid metasomatism.  相似文献   
The traditional "dephase and sum" algorithms for over/under data combination estimate the ghost operator by assuming a calm sea surface. However, the real sea surface is typically rough, which invalidates the calm sea surface assumption. Hence, the traditional "dephase and sum" algorithms might produce poor-quality results in rough sea conditions. We propose an adaptive over/under data combination method, which adaptively estimates the amplitude spectrum of the ghost operator from the over/under data, and then over/under data combinations are implemented using the estimated ghost operators. A synthetic single shot gather is used to verify the performance of the proposed method in rough sea surface conditions and a real triple over/under dataset demonstrates the method performance.  相似文献   
目的:探讨CBCT在牙中牙诊断及治疗中的临床应用价值。方法:对3例经X线根尖片或曲面体层摄片发现的牙中牙病例进行CBCT扫描。利用CBCT三维重建影像,观察牙中牙的根管腔形态、内陷牙的数目和内陷牙髓腔的形状以及治疗后牙中牙内腔隙的封闭情况,并且与X线根尖片、曲面体层摄片比较。结果:CBCT能清晰显示牙中牙的根管腔形态、内陷牙的数目和内陷牙髓腔的形状以及治疗后牙中牙内腔隙的封闭情况等。结论:CBCT扫描能够全面地提供牙中牙治疗前后的影像信息,有利于牙中牙的诊断和治疗。  相似文献   
基于2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0地震灾区的房屋建筑震害调查资料, 初步分析了这次地震中建筑结构的震害特征. 结合典型建筑结构震害案例, 从抗震概念设计和抗震构造措施的角度对震害机理进行了探讨, 总结了结构抗震设计方面的经验和教训并给出了相关的建议. 分析表明, 农村自建的砖木和土木结构房屋的抗震能力普遍较差; 砖混结构和砌体-框架混合结构的抗震性能需要严格的抗震构造措施给予保证, 包括合理设置钢筋混凝土构造柱和圈梁, 合理设置承重墙的数量以及承重墙上开洞的数量和位置; 由于鞭梢效应造成的突出屋顶的楼梯间和加层的破坏需引起重视.   相似文献   
中外地震考古学的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于考古学能在历史地震的研究中做出独到贡献,地震考古学得以应运而生.中国的地震考古工作发轫于上世纪50年代,而作为一门学科,则在上世纪70年代才真正出现.国外地震考古学的实践可追溯到十九世纪,20世纪50年代,地震考古学成为一门独立的学科.国外地震考古的野外调查、发掘程序较规范,理论研究亦较深入.对国内外地震考古学进行初步比较研究看出,国内地震考古学比国外起步晚,但发展较迅速.国内地震考古学在跨学科合作上不够充分,理论方法的研究不够深入.但国内的历史文献丰富,文物古迹数量庞大,因此我国的地震考古学前景是光明的.我们应当在人才培养、国际合作、多学科合作以及重视现代地震遗存方面做出努力.  相似文献   
Impact assessment of urbanization on flood risk in the Yangtze River Delta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Yangtze River Delta region is the region with highest urbanization speed in China. In this study, 6 typical urbanization areas in Yangtze River Delta were selected as the objectives of study. Flood risk assessment index system was established based on the flood disaster formation mechanism, and analytic hierarchy process was utilized to define the weight of indices. The flood hazard, the exposure of disaster bearing body, the vulnerability of disaster bearing body and the comprehensive flood risk corresponding to three typical years in different urbanization stages, 1991, 2001 and 2006 were assessed. The results show that the flood hazard and the exposure of disaster bearing body in the 6 areas are all with an increasing trend in the process of urbanization, among which, the increasing trend of the exposure of disaster bearing body is especially obvious. Though the vulnerabilities of disaster bearing body in the 6 areas are all with decreasing trend owe to the enhancement of flood control and disaster mitigation capability, the comprehensive flood risks in the 6 areas increased as a whole, which would pose a serious threat to urban sustainable development. Finally, effective countermeasures for flood risk management of urbanization areas in Yangtze River Delta were put forward based on the assessment results.  相似文献   
总结了近年来我国煤田物探与矿井物探技术的6大突出进展,即三维地震应用领域不断扩大、地震资料精细处理与动态解释得到推广、地震勘探正在实现从构造勘探向岩性勘探的跨越、地面瞬变电磁技术得到广泛应用、矿井物探技术重新得到重视、以“嵌入式”服务为标志的煤矿安全生产地质保障模式出现了可喜创新等;通过与国内外同类技术发展水平的对比分析,找出了我们存在的差距,提出了加快我国煤炭物探技术发展的对策与建议,并对今后煤炭物探技术与装备的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   
We report paleomagnetic results from the Late Carboniferous-Late Permian strata in eastern Tibet (China), and aim to clarify the tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the northern Qiangtang-Qamdo block, which is the key to the study of plate boundary between the Gondwanaland and the Eurasia during the late Paleozoic. Two hundred and nineteen samples-including limestone, muddy siltstone, basalt, lava, and tuff-were collected at 24 sites in the Upper Carboniferous and Middle-Upper Permian successions. A systematic study of rock magnetism and paleomagnetism yields three reliable paleomagnetic pole positions. Both hematite and magnetite occurred in the Late Carboniferous limestone samples. The demagnetization curve shows a characteristic double-component, with the remanent magnetization (ChRM) exhibiting a positive polarity (negative inclination). In the Late Permian limestone, tuff, and basalt, magnetic information were recorded primarily in magnetite, although a small fraction of them was found in hematite in basalt. The demagnetization curve illustrates a double or single component, with the ChRM showing a negative polarity (positive inclination), which has passed the classic fold test successfully. The single polarity features of the ChRM directions of the Late Carboniferous and Middle-Late Permian rocks are respectively related to the Kiaman positive and reversed polarities under the stratigraphic coordinates. This, in turn, indicates that both ChRMs directions represent the original remanence directions. By comparison with the previously published paleomagnetic results from the late Paleozoic rocks in the northern Qiangtang Range, we suggest that: (1) Qamdo and northern Qiangtang block were independent of each other during the Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian periods. The north Lancangjiang ocean basin between the two blocks may have closed before the Middle Permian and been involved in the continent-continent collision stage in the Late Permian-Early Triassic periods. (2) The northern Qiangtang-Qamdo Block paleogeographically was situated at low to intermediate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere in the Late Carboniferous-Late Permian periods, and began to displace northward in the Early Triassic, with an amount of more than 5000 km northward transport from its current location.  相似文献   
When the synthetic aperture focusing technology (SAFT) is used for the detection of the concrete, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and detection depth are not satisfactory. Therefore, the application of SAFT is usually limited. In this paper, we propose an improved SAFT technique for the detection of concrete based on the pulse compression technique used in the Radar domain. The proposed method first transmits a linear frequency modulation (LFM) signal, and then compresses the echo signal using the matched filtering method, after which a compressed signal with a narrower main lobe and higher SNR is obtained. With our improved SAFT, the compressed signals are manipulated in the imaging process and the image contrast is improved. Results show that the SNR is improved and the imaging resolution is guaranteed compared with the conventional short-pulse method. From theoretical and experimental results, we show that the proposed method can suppress noise and improve imaging contrast, and can also be used to detect multiple defects in concrete.  相似文献   
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