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The relative orientations of various VLBI celestial reference frames are evaluated on the basis of coordinate differences of common sources. It is shown that an accuracy better than 0.001 can be achieved. Possible regional deformations in the different catalogues are investigated; they are found to reach a few 0.001 in some restricted zones. The application of these studies to the realisation of a combined celestial reference frame consistent with the BIH Terrestrial System is outlined.  相似文献   
Four pairs of visual double star clusters with the lowest mass-to-luminosity ratio have been selected among globular clusters of our Galaxy. By taking into accounts the effects of dynamical friction and compressive gravitational shocks, we conclude that the probability for the pairs to be gravitationally bound is very low.  相似文献   
Spectrophotometric observations of the eclipsing binary system Capricorni, covering the wavelength interval 3300–7300 Å, have been presented. Comparison of the standard spectral scans of Cap with the spectral scans of the stars of known spectral types and luminosity classes taken from the Breger (1976) catalogue shows that, near the phase of secondary eclipse, Cap shows the spectral-luminosity type as A8-9III. This is in agreement with the photometric findings of Srivastava (1987b). H emission is not visible convincingly, however, some irregularities are apparent, at least in two scans, around the H region.  相似文献   
The sudden and dramatic acceleration of charged particles seems to be a universal phenomenon which occurs in plasmas occupying a wide range of spatial scales. These accelerations are typically accompanied by intrusions of the energized plasma into adjacent regions of space. A physical understanding of these processes can only be obtained by carefully coordinated experimental and theoretical studies which are designed to let nature display what is happening without imposing limitations associated with existing paradigms. Studies of the Earth's magnetosphere are hampered by the lack of adequate sampling in space and time. The feature matching technique of building magnetic and electric field models can help compensate for the extreme sparseness of experimental data but many future studies will still require large numbers of spacecraft placed in carefully coordinated orbits. History shows that magnetospheric research has sometimes faltered while various attractive conjectures were explored, but that direct observations play the role of a strict teacher who has little concern for the egos of scientists. Presumably this teacher will also discard the author's pet notion: that the ignition of portions of the auroral shell in association with Earth flares results in the heating of ionospheric particles (and some particles of solar origin) that are then convected inward to form the ring current. The author, of course, hopes that at least some aspects of this notion will surive and will help lead the way to a better understanding of the Earth's neighbourhood.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   
On the basis of observational data for the absolute R and relative R/R amplitudes of variations in radius of galactic classical cepheids (55 stars from Balona and Stobie (1979) and 30 stars from Sollazzoet al. (1981)), four kinds of empirical linear relations are obtained: log(P V)–logR, logP–logR, log(P V)–log(R/R), and logP–log(R/R);P, R, and V are the pulsation periods, the mean stellar radii, and the amplitudes of light variations, respectively. Three groups of stars are considered: short-period cepheids (SPC)-with logP1.1; long-period cepheids (LPC)-with logP>1.1; and s-cepheids (sC). Both the R values and the R/R values increase withP andP V, for a given group of variables. A comparison is performed with our results obtained from data in other sources (Kurochkin, 1966; Gieren, 1982; etc.). The investigated relations can be applied for determining R and R/R of galactic classical cepheids, by using their observedP and V. All studied galactic classical cepheids have R/R<0.35, R<10R for SPC and 10R <R60R for LPC. The sC have smaller R and R/R values than other classical cepheids, at the same periods (the difference is about 2 times for R and 1.4–2.8 times for R/R); the studied sC have R/R in the range 0.025–0.075 and R in the range 1–3R (only Y Oph has R8R ).  相似文献   
We present the results of the photometric observations, in theUBVRJHKLMNQ system, of CH Cyg, made in the period 1978–1987. They have shown that from 1985 to 1987 dust condensed in its circumstellar envelope have taken place the condensation of the dust matter. In 1987 its mass and temperature were about 3×10–8 M and 800 K, respectively.  相似文献   
The radiiR and surface gravitiesg of Population I pulsating stars (89 Delta Scuti-variables and 155 classical cepheids) have been investigated. Semi-empirical period-radius (P-R) and period-gravity (P-g) relations are obtained for Delta Scuti-stars (for the four lowest modes of radial pulsations) and for classical cepheids. For Delta Scuti-stars, the uncertainties of radius and gravity estimations calculated from theP-R andP-g relations for different modes, are evaluated. There is a good agreement both between theP-R relations and between theP-g relations for Delta Scuti-stars and for classical cepheids, but a gap exists between the two types of variables. From models of Delta Scuti-stars, theoreticalP-R andP-g relations for the four lowest modes of radial pulsations are obtained, in a good agreement with the corresponding semi-empirical relations. There is an excellent agreement between the theoretical and semi-empirical period ratios of radial pulsations as derived from theP-R andP-g relations for Delta Scuti-stars. It is not necessary to take into account the colours (in addition to the periods), in order to estimate the radii and gravities of the variables under study.  相似文献   
Liouville's theorem for radiation, of which the generalized étendue is a consequence, implies 2 d2 d2 A = constant along the ray path, where is the refractive index and d2 and d2 A are the ranges, respectively, of solid angle and of area that define a ray (actually a bundle of rays). Implications of this concept on the propagation of radio waves from the actual to the apparent source in the solar corona (i.e., the scatter image of the true source) are discussed. The implications for sources of fundamental plasma radiation include: (1)The observed solid angle (defining the directivity) and apparent area A of the source are compatible with Liouville's theorem only if the apparent source (the scatter image of the true source) corresponds to the envelope of subsources with a small filling factor f. (2) The brightness temperature T Bof the actual source is greater than that of the apparent source by f -1. (3) For sources of fundamental plasma radiation the factor f is very small ( 10-2). (4) A long-standing discrepancy between the observed low value of T B at meter/decameter wavelengths for the quiet Sun and the known coronal temperature may be resolved by noting that the implied coronal temperature is given by T B f and that the factor f must be significantly less than unity.A brief discussion is included of the relation between Liouville's theorem, the generalized étendue, Milne's laws, occupation numbers, extension in phase, and suppression of emission by a medium with refractive index unequal to unity.  相似文献   
We develop an automatic, computer controlled procedure to select and to analyze the Network Bright Points (NBPs) on solar images. These have been obtained at the Sac Peak Vacuum Tower Telescope by means of the Universal Birefringent Filter and Zeiss H filters, tuned, respectively, along the profiles of the H, Mg-b1, Na-D2, and H lines.A structure is identified as an NBP if at the wavelength H- 1.5 A its maximum intensity is greater than I + 3 and its area is greater than 1.5 arc sec2 at I + 1.5, where I is the mean value and the standard deviation of the intensity distribution on the image. Each detected NBP is then searched and confirmed in all the remaining 31 images at different wavelengths.For each NBP several parameters are measured (position, area, mean and maximum contrast, Dopplergram velocity, compactness, and so on) and some identification constraints are applied.The statistical analysis of the various parameter distributions, for NBPs present within an active region and its surroundings, shows that two types of NBPs can be identified according to the value of their mean contrast C min the H- 1.5 Å image (C m 0.1 type I, C m> 0.1 type II). The type I NBPs (all occurring on the boundaries of the supergranular network) appear to be much more frequent (180/26) than the type II ones.The size A of type I NBPs is less than 1.0 arc sec for H/H wings but of the order of 1.2 arc sec for Na-D2 and Mg-bl. The mean contrast C m is around the value of 10% along the Na-D2 and Mg-bl profiles and of 20% along the H/H wings.The C m - A scatter diagrams show, for the photospheric radiation (h < 100 km), a narrow range of variability for C min correspondence with a wide range for A. For radiation orginated at higher levels (h > 200 km), the C m- A scatter diagrams seem to indicate, even if with a large variance, that the highest C m's tend to correspond to the highest A values.The mean Doppler shift is close to zero for Na-D2 and Mg-bl lines but negative (downward motion) for H and H lines.The type II NBPs tends to be preferentially located in the neighbourhood of small, compact sunspots and their detectability is almost constant through all the 4 studied line profiles. No conclusions can be derived on the mean size, contrast and Doppler shift values because their distributions are too dispersed. The only positive information is that its C m- A scatter diagram, in H and H wings, indicates a wide range of variability for C m in correspondence with very narrow range of variability for A.  相似文献   
A survey of the 4(04)-3(03) and 1(01)-0(00) transitions of HOCO+ has been made toward several molecular clouds. The HOCO+ molecule was not observed in any sources except Sgr B2 and Sgr A. The 5(05)-4(04) and 4(14)-3(13) transitions were also detected toward Sgr B2. The results indicate that gas phase CO2 is not a major carbon reservoir in typical molecular clouds. In Sgr B2, the HOCO+ antenna temperature exhibits a peak approximately 2' north of the Sgr B2 central position (Sgr B2[M]) and the 4(04)-3(03) line emission is extended over a approximately 10' x 10' region. The column density of HOCO+ at the northern peak in Sgr B2 is approximately 3 x 10(14) cm-2, and the fractional abundance relative to H2 > or = 3 x 10(-10), which is about 2 orders of magnitude greater than recent predictions of quiescent cloud ion-molecule chemistry.  相似文献   
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