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The páramo is a neotropical alpine ecosystem that covers more than 75,000 km2 of the northern Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Peru. It provides important environmental services: more than 10 million people in the Andean highlands benefit from the water supply and regulation function, which is attributed to the volcanic soils that underlie the ecosystem. The soils are also major carbon sinks of global significance. Severe land use changes and soil degradation threaten both the hydrology and carbon sink function. Nevertheless, soil genesis and properties in the páramo is rather poorly understood, nor are their ecological functions well documented. The impact of the geomorphology of the páramo on soil genesis was studied in the rio Paute basin, south Ecuador. Two toposequences were described and analysed. In each toposequence, four pedons were selected representing summit, backslope, undrained plain situation, and valley bottom positions in the landscape. The soils are classified as Hydric Andosols in the World Reference Base for Soil Resources and Epiaquands or Hydrudands in Soil Taxonomy. They are very acidic and have a high organic matter content, high P deficiency, and Al toxicity. Their water content ranges from 2.64 g g− 1 at saturation, down to 1.24 g g− 1 at wilting point, resulting in a large water storage capacity. Two major soil forming processes are identified: (1) volcanic ash deposition and (2) accumulation of organic carbon. Volcanic ash deposits may vary in depth as a result of regional geomorphological factors such as parent material, orientation, slope, and altitude. Organic carbon accumulation is an interaction of both waterlogging, which depends on the position in the landscape, and the formation of organometallic complexes with Al and Fe released during volcanic ash breakdown. Despite the high variability in parent material and topography, the soil is characterised by a notable homogeneity in physico-chemical properties. Statistical analysis reveals that only topographic location has a slight but significant influence on soil pH as well as the organic matter content, saturated conductivity and water retention at high pressure. Finally, the exceptional properties of these soils provide useful insights to improve classification of the Andosols reference group of the FAO World reference Base for Soil Resources.  相似文献   
Since the 1980s, there have been continuous increases in the coverage of marine protected areas (MPAs) in China, and a total of 158 MPAs have been declared. The MPA system in China is characterized by (1) decentralised designation and management with reduced control from the central government; (2) a dominance of de jure fully protected MPAs that are often implemented as de facto multiple-use areas; and (3) a lack of objective evaluation processes. To improve China's MPA system requires an appropriate integration of fully protected and multiple-use MPAs, and an approach that balances the advantages of top-down and bottom-up approaches.  相似文献   
It is widely recognised that palaeobathymetry is a key control on the distribution of turbidite deposits. Thus, the utilisation of palaeobathymetric surfaces as an input for numerical turbidity current modelling offers a potentially powerful method to predict the distribution of deep marine sands in ancient (subsurface or outcrop) successions. Such an approach has been tested on an Aptian turbidite deposit from the Buchan Graben, UK Central North Sea, where modelled sand distributions could be quality controlled against available well data.  相似文献   
Six synoptic samplings of nutrient concentrations of the water column and point-source inputs (rivers, sewage treatment plants) were conducted in the Seekonk-Providence River region of Narragansett Bay. Concentrations of nutrients (NH4 +, NO2 ?+NO3 ?, PO4 ?3, dissolved silicon, particulate N, particulate C) were predicted using a conservative, two-layer box model in order to assess the relative influence of external inputs and internal processes on observed concentrations. Although most nutrients were clearly affected by processes internal to the system, external input and mixing explained most of the variability in and absolute magnitude of observed concentrations, especially for dissolved constituents. In the bay as a whole, two functionally distinct regions can now be identified: the Seekonk-Providence River, where dissolved nutrient concentrations are externally controlled and lower Narragansett Bay where internal processes regulate the behavior of nutrients. A preliminary nitrogen budget suggests that the Seekonk-Providence River exports some 95% of the nitrogen entering the system via point sources and bottom water from upper Narragansett Bay.  相似文献   
The levels of lead, cadmium, copper, nickel and zinc were determined in the roadside topsoil in Osogbo, Nigeria, with the view to determining the effect of traffic density and vehicular contribution to the soil heavy metal burden. The levels of the metals at the high density roads were significantly higher than the corresponding levels at the medium and low traffic density roads. The average levels of Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn in all road locations at a distance of 5 m from the roads were 68.74ᆶ.82, 0.60ǂ.31, 21.19ᆟ.34, 8.38DŽ.40, and 42.45ᆥ.68 mg/kg, respectively. Pb, Cd, and Cu were of average levels of 92.07ᆩ.25, 0.76ǂ.35 and 27.69 mg/kg, respectively at a distance of 5 m from the road at high traffic density roads, while the levels of Ni and Zn averaged 9.65DŽ.61 and 56.27ᆟ.58 mg/kg, respectively. There was a rapid decrease in the level of the metals with distance, with the metal levels at a distance of 50 m from the road almost reaching the natural background levels of the metals at the control sites. The levels of the metals were also determined at the four major motor parks and at the seven mechanic workshop settlements. The levels of the metals at the motor parks and mechanic workshops were far above the levels at the control sites. The levels of Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn at the motor parks were 519ᇝ.0, 3.6ǂ.8, 37.9ᆠ.5, 17.3dž.6 and 71.9ᆟ.3 mg/kg, respectively, with the levels of Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn at the mechanic workshops averaging 729.57뀶.93, 4.59ǃ.01, 116.6ᆮ.8, 30.21Nj.40, and 88.74ᆰ.11 mg/kg, respectively.  相似文献   
Petrographic and geochemical features of a suite of eclogite xenoliths from the Rietfontein kimberlite that erupted through probable Proterozoic crust west of the Kaapvaal Craton in the far Northern Cape region of South Africa, are described. Group II eclogites dominate the suite both texturally and chemically, but can be subdivided into bimineralic, opx-bearing and kyanite-bearing groups. Temperature estimates from different geothermometers range from 700 to 1,000°C, indicating derivation from relatively shallow mantle depths. Orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites are inferred to originate from depths of 85 to 115 km and lie close to the average cratonic thermal profile for southern Africa. These uppermost mantle temperatures during the late Cretaceous provide evidence for equilibration of the off-craton lithosphere to craton-like thermal conditions following Namaqua-Natal orogenesis. The kyanite eclogites are distinct from the remaining eclogites in terms of both major and trace element compositions and their lesser degree of alteration. Garnets are richer in Ca, and are Cr-depleted relative to garnets from the bimineralic and opx-bearing eclogites, which tend to be more magnesian. Clinopyroxenes from the kyanite eclogites are more sodic, with higher Al2O3 and lower MgO contents than the bimineralic and opx-bearing eclogites. LREE-depletion, positive Sr and Eu anomalies, and the Al-rich, Si-poor bulk composition suggest a plagioclase-rich, probably troctolitic protolith for the kyanite eclogites. In contrast, the major and trace element bulk compositions of the high-MgO bimineralic and orthopyroxene-bearing eclogites are consistent with gabbroic or pyroxenitic precursors, or high-pressure cumulates, rather than mafic to ultramafic lavas. δ18O values for garnets do not deviate significantly from typical mantle values. The observations reported do not discriminate unambiguously between continental and oceanic origins for the various eclogite components in the mantle lithosphere of this region.  相似文献   
A fully automated system measuring C2–C6 hydrocarbon concentrations and vertical gradients was installed at Harvard Forest in Petersham, Massachusetts, using a gas chromatograph with dual flame ionization detectors and cryogenic sample preconcentration. Measurements were made simultaneously at two heights above the forest canopy at forty five minute intervals, continuously from July 1992 to the present. Data for concentration gradients were combined with CO2 flux measured by eddy correlation to determine the rates of production of biogenic hydrocarbons by the forest.  相似文献   
The mesoscale weather prediction model ’Lokal-Modell’ (LM) of the Deutscher Wetterdienst is applied to the situation of an Arctic cold air outbreak in the Fram Strait region in April 1998. Observations are available from a flight along 50E carried out during the ARTIST campaign. Initial and time-dependent boundary data for the simulation are taken from a larger scale operational model system. Using the standard configuration of LM, the simulation reproduced the propagation of cold air and the characteristic structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) in fair agreement with the observations. However, a detailed comparison revealed three basic problems. Firstly, there is evidence that the available data on sea-ice conditions were insufficient approximations to the true state for several reasons. A modification of the sea-ice data towards observations revealed that parts of the discrepancies were due to the original sea-ice data. Secondly, a control run with the model in its standard configuration shows an insufficient warming of the ABL downstream of the ice edge due to underestimation of surface heat fluxes. A simple modification of the approach for the scalar roughness length resulted in the strongest benefit, while comparative studies showed only a slight sensitivity to different types of parametrisation of turbulent mixing or the inclusion of an additional moist convection parametrisation. Thirdly, in all the simulations the deepening of the convective ABL downstream of the ice edge is weaker than observed. This may be partly due to the thermal stratification above the ABL in the analysis data, which is more stable than observed; but it may also be a hint to the fact that processes near the inversion are insufficiently parametrised in mesoscale models with resolutions as used in LM. The simulated cloud layer in the convective ABL is similar to that observed with respect to condensate content, a sharply defined cloud top, a diffuse lower bound, and continuous light precipitation.  相似文献   
The Machinga meteorite fell in the Southern Province of Malawi on January 22, 1981, at approximately 1000 hours local time. The fall site is about 7.5 km SW of Machinga and has the co-ordinates 15° 12′44″ S., 35°14′32″ E. A single crusted mass weighing 93.2 kg was recovered. The Machinga meteorite is an L6 chondrite with olivine Fa24.5 and orthopyroxene Fs21.1. The silicates have a granular texture and the stone has been shocked.  相似文献   
We identify eight   z > 1  radio sources undetected at 850 μm but robustly detected at 70 μm, confirming that they represent ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with hotter dust temperatures  (〈 T d〉= 52 ± 10 K)  than submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) at similar luminosities and redshifts. These galaxies share many properties with SMGs: ultraviolet spectra consistent with starbursts, high stellar masses and radio luminosities. We can attribute their radio emission to star formation since high-resolution Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) radio maps show extended emission regions (with characteristic radii of 2–3 kpc), which are unlikely to be generated by active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity. These observations provide the first direct confirmation of hot, dusty ULIRGs which are missed by current submillimetre surveys. They have significant implications for future observations from the Herschel Space Observatory and Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA2), which will select high-redshift luminous galaxies with less selection biases.  相似文献   
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