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A study of new material of Cylindroporella ? lusitanica Ramalho, 1970, from the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) strata of Portugal identified features not observed previously. This includes the pattern of its laterals, including the gametophores. The algal body plan is unique and justifies the taxonomic reassessment of this species and the introduction of Barattoloporellopsis n. gen. Furthermore this species is most likely a primitive Dasycladaceae, a “missing link” between the modern ones (starting from the Cretaceous times) and their Jurassic ancestors.  相似文献   
Double sandbar systems are common morphological features along sandy, wave‐dominated, micro‐ to meso‐tidal coastlines. In the companion paper, we demonstrated how various alongshore inner‐bar rip‐channel patterns can develop through morphological coupling to an alongshore‐variable outer bar. The simulated coupling patterns are, however, scarcely observed in the field. Instead, inner‐bar rip channels more often possess remarkably smaller and more variable alongshore length scales, suggesting that coupling mechanisms do not play a substantial role in the overall double‐sandbar dynamics. Here we use a numerical model to show that the relative importance of self‐organization and morphological coupling changes in favour of the latter with an increase in waterdepth variability along the outer‐bar crest. Furthermore, we find that the typical alongshore variability in inner‐bar rip‐channel scale is indicative of a mixture of self‐organization and morphological coupling rather than self‐organization alone. Morphological coupling may thus be more important to understanding and predicting the evolution of inner‐bar rip channels than previously envisaged. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Polish Lowlands, located southwest of the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone, within Trans-European Suture Zone, were affected by bimodal, but dominantly...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Detaillierte kleintektonische Untersuchungen in Querschlägen auf 5 Tiefbau-Sohlen sowie einiger Bohrkerne und übertage-Aufschlüsse lassen die Konstruktion eines entsprechend genauen Querprofils (Tafel 1) zu. Der Faltenwurf ist ziemlich disharmonisch, offenbar im wesentlichen durch zahlreiche über- und Aufschiebungen bedingt; das gleiche gilt auch für die örtlich konstruierten Faltenspiegel 1. Ordnung. Der Vergenzgrad — abzulesen an der Neigung der Faltenachsen-Flächen bzw. der Schieferung — schwankt erheblich, und zwar zwischen 0 und ± 45 NW. Harnischmylonite und andere Verquarzungen treten vor allem im Zusammenhang mit über- und Aufschiebungen auf; sie scheinen z. T. auch mitgefaltet zu sein und damit eine langfristige bzw. wiederholte Durchbewegung des »Gebirges« anzudeuten.Das Querprofil wird räumlich ergänzt durch einen Horizontalschnitt auf der 4. Sohle mit einer darin eingezeichneten Längsprofil-Serie (Tafel 2).Die offensichtlich recht komplizierte innere Tektonik der Grube »Rosit« wird sodann in Beziehung zu bekannten Strukturen des Taunus zwischen Rhein und Idsteiner Senke gebracht. Offenbar besteht über dem südlichen Mittelrhein ein tektonisches Hoch.
Detailed local explorations of structural features (tectonic analysis) in cross-galaries of 5 underground levels, of some coredrillings and outcrops allow the construction of a corresponding detailed tectonical cross-section (Table 1). The fold structures are rather disharmonious what seems to be caused at all by numerous low-angle and high-angle reverse resp. thrust faults; this disharmony is indicated too by locally constructed fold envelopes. The degree of vergence — given by the dipping of axial planes or cleavages (vertical = 0) — differs in a considerable way from 0 to ± 45 NW. Laminated and slickensided quartz-layers and other quartz-formations seems to be connected at all with thrusts resp. reverse faults. Partly they appear ± folded what indicates a long or repeated deformation of rocks.The cross-section is completed 3-dimensionally by a horizontal section in the 4. level and by a series of longitudinal resp. striking sections (Table 2).Finally the obviously very complicated local features in the mine are brought in relations to the known structures of the Taunus between Rhine and Idsteiner Senke (depression of Idstein). It seems to exist an uplift in the southern part of the middle-Rhine.

Résumé L'application des méthodes structurales à petite échelle dans les travers-bancs de 5 étages souterrains, ainsi que sur quelques carottes et affleurements, a permis de construire une coupe transversale assez précise (Table 1). Le plissement est relativement disharmonique, disposition qui semble causée surtout par des failles de chevauchement et des charriages; cette disharmonie apparaÎt également dans les surfaces-enveloppes des plis qui ont été construites en quelques endroits. Le degré de vergence — indiqué par la pente des plans axiaux des plis, qui correspond à la schistosité (0 = vertical) — varie dans une large mesure depuis 0 jusque ±45 vers le Nord-Ouest. Des veines de quartz à stries de glissement, ainsi que d'autres accidents quartzeux, semblent pouvoir Être mis en relation avec les failles susdites; ces veines apparaissent partiellement plissées, ce qui indique des mouvements tectoniques de longue durée, ou des mouvements répétés.En vue d'une meilleure représentation tridimensionnelle, la coupe transversale est complétée par une coupe horizontale du 4me étage souterrain accompagnée d'une série de coupes longitudinales (Table 2).Les structures à petite échelle de la mine Rosit, qui sont en fait assez compliquées, sont mises en relation avec les structures connues dans le Taunus entre le Rhin et la dépression d'Idstein. Il semble exister une surélévation tectonique dans la partie méridionale du Rhin moyen.

- ( ). , . Jimramovské Paseky. - , , - .
Zusammenfassung Zunächst wird die offenbar überragende Bedeutung der Diagonal-Störungen in den untersuchten Dachschiefer-Gruben dargelegt. Es ergeben sich ferner sehr spitzwinklig zum tektonischen Streichen verlaufende Drehverschiebungen, die zur gleichartigen Verformung führen, wie auch die örtlich festgestellten Auf- und Überschiebungen sowie Schieferung und Faltung (gleiche Deformationsellipse). — Die Schieferung führt in extremen Fällen zu einer fast völligen Umschichtung (tektonische Mischung).In einem Querprofil des Faltenspiegels zwischen Hunsrück und SE-Eifel kommt besonders die Moselmulde (Form und Schichtmächtigkeiten) zur Darstellung.  相似文献   
Through their consumption behavior, households are responsible for 72% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, they are key actors in reaching the 1.5 °C goal under the Paris Agreement. However, the possible contribution and position of households in climate policies is neither well understood, nor do households receive sufficiently high priority in current climate policy strategies. This paper investigates how behavioral change can achieve a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in European high-income countries. It uses theoretical thinking and some core results from the HOPE research project, which investigated household preferences for reducing emissions in four European cities in France, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The paper makes five major points: First, car and plane mobility, meat and dairy consumption, as well as heating are the most dominant components of household footprints. Second, household living situations (demographics, size of home) greatly influence the household potential to reduce their footprint, even more than country or city location. Third, household decisions can be sequential and temporally dynamic, shifting through different phases such as childhood, adulthood, and illness. Fourth, short term voluntary efforts will not be sufficient by themselves to reach the drastic reductions needed to achieve the 1.5 °C goal; instead, households need a regulatory framework supporting their behavioral changes. Fifth, there is a mismatch between the roles and responsibilities conveyed by current climate policies and household perceptions of responsibility. We then conclude with further recommendations for research and policy.  相似文献   
We present a new list of 156 M, C or emission line stars discovered on objective-prism plates taken at Haute Provence Observatory. The good spectra are classified by means of criteria used in previous publications, principally from the ratio of TiO bands.  相似文献   
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