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The lacustrine Peterson Limestone of western Wyoming and southeastern Idaho comprises six lithofacies throughout its 20,000 km2 aerial extent. These are: (1) calcareous sandstone and shale, (2) red nodular limestone, (3) pink sandy micrite, (4) biomicrite, (5) graded silty micrite, and (6) limestone conglomerate. The first two represent floodplain deposition and paleosols, whereas the remaining are shallow nearshore and deeper lacustrine sediments.This sequence was developed in a large fresh, hardwater lake surrounded by fluvial systems and associated flood plains in a warm temperate climate. Well-oxidized sandy terrigenous rocks, together with calcareous paleosol nodules, indicate that flood-plain deposition both preceded and was concurrent with lacustrine carbonate deposition. Micrite and biomicrite formed in deeper parts of the basin while sandy and silty carbonate accumulated in shallower lake-margin areas. Less-calcareous shale units which are interbedded with deeper-water carbonate were deposited either during rapid basin subsidence and deepening of the lake center or during periods of slower carbonate precipitation. Turbidity currents and subaqueous debris flows generated along steeper lake margins, resulted in the deposition of rhythmic layers of graded silty micrite and diamictic limestone conglomerate in the deepest part of the basin. The carbonate-rich sediments comprising these two lithofacies were originally deposited on shallow lake-margin benches and subsequently were transported downslope toward the lake center.Comparison with other carbonate-precipitating lacustrine systems indicates that this lake was not like modern playas. Although no known modern lacustrine system is precisely like Lake Peterson, the flora, fauna, composition, and distribution of facies within modern temperate-region lakes most closely resemble those of the Peterson Limestone.  相似文献   
There is a general belief that hydrous minerals cannot exist on Venus under current surface conditions. This view was challenged when Johnson and Fegley (2000, Icarus 146, 301-306) showed that tremolite (Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2), a hydrous mineral, is stable against thermal decomposition at current Venus surface temperatures, e.g., 50% decomposition in 4 Ga at 740 K. To further explore hydrous mineral thermal stability on Venus, we experimentally determined the thermal decomposition kinetics of fluorine-bearing tremolite. Fluor-tremolite is thermodynamically more stable than OH-tremolite and should decompose more slowly. However how much slower was unknown. We measured the decomposition rate of fluorine-bearing tremolite and show that its decomposition is several times to greater than ten times slower than that of OH-tremolite. We also show that F-bearing tremolite is depleted in fluorine after decomposition and that fluorine is lost as a volatile species such as HF gas. If tremolite ever formed on Venus, it would probably also contain fluorine. The exceptional stability of F-bearing tremolite strengthens our conclusions that if hydrous minerals ever formed on Venus, they could still be there today.  相似文献   
Developing and implementing sustainable development strategies involve overcoming many obstacles. The experience in Bali, Indonesia, illustrates some key institutional challenges which most countries must handle to achieve sustainable development, such as realising cross-sectoral integration, combining top-down and bottom-up planning, and creating credibility for a new policy initiative. Indonesia in general and Bali in particular has, in theory, considerable capability to implement sustainable development. However, as in most countries, effective practice does not always follow from theoretical potential. Strengths and weaknesses related to institutional challenges are identified and assessed, and their general implications are considered. Some key implications are the need to develop sustainable development strategies which reflect the conditions and needs specific to the targetted region, and to address different national and regional perspectives.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal experiments in the temperature range 750–1020°C have defined the saturation behavior of zircon in crustal anatectic melts as a function of both temperature and composition. The results provide a model of zircon solubility given by: In DZrzircon/melt= ?3.80?[0.85(M?1)]+12900/T where DZrzircon/melt is the concentration ratio of Zr in the stoichiometric zircon to that in the melt, T is the absolute temperature, and M is the cation ratio (Na + K + 2Ca)/(Al · Si). This solubility model is based principally upon experiments at 860°, 930°, and 1020°C, but has also been confirmed at temperatures up to 1500°C for M = 1.3. The lowest temperature experiments (750° and 800°C) yielded relatively imprecise, low solubilities, but the measured values (with assigned errors) are nevertheless in agreement with the predictions of the model.For M = 1.3 (a normal peraluminous granite), these results predict zircon solubilities ranging from ~ 100 ppm dissolved Zr at 750°C to 1330 ppm at 1020°C. Thus, in view of the substantial range of bulk Zr concentrations observed in crustal granitoids (~ 50–350 ppm), it is clear that anatectic magmas can show contrasting behavior toward zircon in the source rock. Those melts containing insufficient Zr for saturation in zircon during melting can have achieved that condition only by consuming all zircon in the source. On the other hand, melts with higher Zr contents (appropriate to saturation in zircon) must be regarded as incapable of dissolving additional zircon, whether it be located in the residual rocks or as crystals entrained in the departing melt fraction. This latter possibility is particularly interesting, inasmuch as the inability of a melt to consume zircon means that critical geochemical “indicators” contained in the undissolved zircon (e.g. heavy rare earths, Hf, U, Th, and radiogenic Pb) can equilibrate with the contacting melt only by solid-state diffusion, which may be slow relative to the time scale of the melting event.  相似文献   
Hydrogen ion irradiation of powdered igneous rocks, including Apollo rocks, has been observed in the laboratory to darken the powders and to make their optical properties similar to the Moon's. An extensive series of investigations shows that this darkening is not spurious. These results are consistent with those of other investigators, including Nash (1967). Darkening of lunar igneous rock powders by the formation of solar wind-sputtered glass films is a real process which occurs on the Moon. The time scale for darkening of undisturbed lunar soil is of the order of 50000–100000 yr. Comparison of the rates of the formation of glasses on the lunar surface by solar wind sputter-deposition, meteorite impact melting and impact vaporization-deposition indicates that these processes are of comparable importance under the present flux of meteorites. Thus the formation of glass by sputter-deposition must be regarded as a major process on the lunar surface.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   
Stichtite, a rare (14 known localities worldwide) hydrated carbonate-hydroxide of Mg and Cr with ideal formula Mg6Cr2 (OH)16 CO3 · 4H2O, occurs exclusively in Cr-rich serpentinites of ophiolites or greenstone belts. Physical properties (hardness = 1.5–2, specific gravity = 2.16–2.2, perfect basal [0001] cleavage, grain size commonly < 100 μm) resemble talc, but the mineral has an attractive purple to lilac color; chemical analyses demonstrate it to be a non-silicate. Stichtite generally occurs as irregular to rounded masses (< 1 cm – 30 cm across) and as veinlets (< 1 mm – > 2 cm wide) within serpentinite. Macroscopic and microscopic textures, such as crosscutting veinlets and stringers, demonstrate that stichtite formation invariably post-dated serpentinization. In some specimens stichtite surrounds relict grains of Cr-rich spinel; in others stichtite has completely replaced euhedral or subhedral chromites. Chemical analyses of stichtites reveal substantial substitution of Al and Fe3+ for Cr in specimens from many localities, reflecting a possible compositional continuum between stichtite and rhombohedral polymorphs hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2 (OH)16 CO3 · 4H2O) and pyroaurite (Mg6Fe2 (OH)16 CO3 · 4H2O). We report the first electron microprobe analyses of stichtites from seven localities, and summarize all available published chemical data. Stichtites very likely inherited part of their trivalent cation chemistry from precursor Cr-rich spinels, but stichtite growth apparently post-dated characteristic “ferritchromit” alteration, as demonstrated by the depletion of Al and enrichment in Fe3+ in stichtite relative to primary chromite core compositions. Stichtite appears to form by reaction between serpentine and altered chromite, during addition of substantial fluid, either as separate H2O and CO2 phases, or as a mixed volatile phase. Such reactions must involve removal of substantial SiO2, possibly by transport and remote deposition of silica by throughgoing aqueous and carbonic fluid. Received: 4 April 1996 / Accepted: 16 September 1996  相似文献   
We report measurements of Pb diffusion in both synthetic (CePO4) and natural monazites run under dry, 1-atm conditions. Powdered mixtures of prereacted CePO4 and PbZrO3 were used as the source of Pb diffusant for “in-diffusion” experiments conducted in sealed Pt capsules for durations ranging from a few hours to several weeks. Following the diffusion anneals, Pb concentration profiles were measured with Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) and supplemented by measurements with secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). In order to evaluate potential compositional effects upon Pb diffusivity and simulate diffusional Pb loss that might occur in natural systems, we also conducted “out-diffusion” experiments on Pb-bearing natural monazites. In these experiments, monazite grains were surrounded by a synthetic zircon powder to act as a “sink.” Monazites from these experiments were analyzed with SIMS. Over the temperature range 1100 to 1350°C, the Arrhenius relation determined for in-diffusion experiments on synthetic monazite is given by:
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