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Arsenic is a prevalent contaminant at US Superfund sites where remediation by pump and treat systems is often complicated by slow desorption of As from Fe and Al (hydr)oxides in aquifer solids. Chemical amendments that either compete with As for sorption sites or dissolve Fe and Al (hydr)oxides can increase As mobility and improve pump and treat remediation efficiency. The goal of this work was to determine optimal amendments for improving pump and treat at As contaminated sites such as the Vineland Chemical Co. Superfund site in southern New Jersey. Extraction and column experiments were performed using As contaminated aquifer solids (81 ± 1 mg/kg), site groundwater, and either phosphate (NaH2PO4·H2O) or oxalic acid (C2H2O4·2H2O). In extraction experiments, phosphate mobilized between 11% and 94% of As from the aquifer solids depending on phosphate concentration and extraction time (1 mM–1 M; 1–24 h) and oxalic acid mobilized between 38% and 102% depending on oxalic acid concentration and extraction time (1–400 mM; 1–24 h). In column experiments, phosphate additions induced more As mobilization in the first few pore volumes but oxalic acid was more effective at mobilizing As overall and at lower amendment concentrations. At the end of the laboratory column experiments, 48% of As had been mobilized from the aquifer sediments with 100 mM phosphate and 88% had been mobilized with 10 mM oxalic acid compared with 5% with ambient groundwater alone. Furthermore, simple extrapolations based on pore volumes suggest that chemical treatments could lower the time necessary for clean up at the Vineland site from 600 a with ambient groundwater alone to potentially as little as 4 a with 10 mM oxalic acid.  相似文献   
Westphalian B (Duckmantian) alluvial Coal Measures along the Northumberland coast, NE England, comprise coal-capped coarsening-upward crevasse-splay sequences of shale, siltstone and sandstone, interbedded with a number of major distributary channel sandbodies, including the Table Rocks Sandstone. Lithofacies, architectural analysis and outcrop geometries divide the Table Rocks Sandstone into flaggy sandstone, massive sandstone, heterolithic, and mudstone facies associations, each comprising up to 7 lithofacies types. The three sandy facies associations are characterised by lenticular bed geometries on different scales producing a hierarchy of lensoid packages and associated bounding surfaces, all showing typical offset stacking patterns: (1) lenses, represent individual lenticular cross-bed sets, bounded by 1st order surfaces; (2) packages of lenses, called lens clusters are bounded by 2nd order surfaces, and are the basic architectural building block of the sandy facies associations; and (3) vertically stacked lens clusters called amalgamated lens clusters, bounded by 3rd order surfaces. The Table Rocks sandbody has a laterally extensive, irregular, lobate subsurface plan geometry, it displays a radial palaeocurrent pattern with 180° dispersion, and it forms part of a 14-m thick coarsening-upward regressive sequence. It is interpreted as a composite, lobate crevasse-splay delta system that prograded into a shallow interdistributary fresh to brackish water lake up to 14 m deep. The shallow lake water, fluvial input, and extensive development of traction structures such as cross-bedding and ripple cross-lamination suggests a friction-dominated delta, in which the four facies associations can be interpreted in terms of discrete elements of the mouth bar environment. The flaggy sandstone facies association represents the main, axial part of the mouth bar system, the erosively based massive sandstone facies association major subaqeous distributary channels, the lithologically more variable heterolithic facies association the medial mouth bar, and the mudstone facies association the distal mouth bar fringe and prodelta. Within this environmental setting amalgamated lens clusters are interpreted as small, discrete mouth bar sand lobes, whose offset, imbricate stacking pattern reflects channel spacing and bifurcation, the rate of channel shifting, or shallow depths and lack of accommodation space. Thus, lens clusters are interpreted as discrete growth elements of the mouth bar sand lobes, and lenses as individual bedforms making up these growth elements. Because of the high rate of channel shifting, lack of extensive erosion of the mouth bar lobes, and deposition of low discharge fines, the lobes retained much of their original depositional geometry, thereby providing advantageous gradients for offset deposition and stacking of adjacent sand lobes. Although the delta complex was maintained by frequent crevassing from the feeder channel, and by subsidence due to contemporaneous compaction and/or local tectonism, it was deeply incised on two occasions by subaqeous channels in response to high magnitude floods or falling lake level.  相似文献   
In the Appalachian thrust belt in Alabama, thrust sheets of Paleozoic strata generally strike northeastward and are imbricated northwestward; four transverse zones cross the regional strike of the thrust belt. The large-scale Pell City thrust sheet ends southwestward at an oblique lateral ramp within the Harpersville transverse zone, where the leading edge of the thrust sheet (the Pell City fault) curves abruptly 55° counterclockwise. The northwest-striking segment of the Pell City fault conforms to the geometry of an oblique lateral ramp in the footwall. Furthermore, the Pell City fault cuts up section in the hanging wall southwestward toward the transverse zone, indicating a hanging-wall lateral ramp emplaced over the footwall oblique lateral ramp.In the hanging wall adjacent to the northwest-trending segment of the Pell City fault, a pervasive train of upright, isoclinal folds (with 50% apparent shortening) trends N15°W, oblique to the regional translation direction. The fold train is limited to the southwestern part of the Pell City thrust sheet; farther northeast, the regional northeasterly strike prevails. The isoclinal folds in the hanging wall indicate contractional crowding perpendicular to the footwall oblique lateral ramp.  相似文献   
Identifying differential population structure within metacommunities is key toward describing the mechanisms that maintain biodiversity in natural systems. At both local and regional scales on the North American Atlantic coast, we assessed phylogeographic and genetic diversity patterns of six common salt marsh invertebrates using equivalent sampling schemes and sequence data from the same mitochondrial locus. In general, our results suggest little genetic structure across four previously sampled biogeographic regions and a slight increase in genetic diversity from northern to southern areas; however, two of the species (Geukensia demissa and Uca pugilator) exhibited significant differentiation between the northernmost populations and other regions, consistent with a number of previous studies. Although the minimal genetic structure recovered in this community is consistent with expectations based on the larval life history of the species examined, confirmation of this result suggests that latitudinal shifts in ecological interactions in salt marsh systems are environmentally driven, rather than due to heritable adaptation.  相似文献   
Joint application of the Mo isotope paleoredox proxy and Re-Os deposition-age geochronometer to euxinic black shales has potential for tracing the evolution of ocean redox chemistry over geological time. Here, we report new Re-Os and Mo isotope data for the Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation (Roper Group) and Paleoproterozoic Wollogorang Formation (Tawallah Group), McArthur Basin, northern Australia. New Re-Os ages of 1361 ± 21 Ma (2σ, n = 14, mean square of weighted deviates [MSWD] = 1.3, Model 1) and 1417 ± 29 Ma (2σ, n = 12, MSWD = 1.3, Model 1) constrain the depositional age of the Velkerri Formation and its contained biomarkers, as well as acritarchs and microfossils from the Roper Group. Black shales from the upper Velkerri Formation have high Mo abundances (105-119 ppm) and degree of pyritization [DOP] values (0.90-0.92) implying quantitative conversion of molybdate (MoO42−) to thiomolybdate (MoS42−) in overlying bottom waters. The average δ97/95Mo (0.72 ± 0.10‰, 2σ, n = 6) of these shales is consistent with previous data, but represents a significantly more precise determination for global seawater δ97/95Mo at 1.4 Ga. This value is lighter than present-day seawater by ∼0.85‰ and reflects expanded strongly euxinic deep ocean conditions ([H2S]aq > 11 μM) relative to oxic, suboxic, and weakly/intermittently euxinic ([H2S]aq < 11 μM) marine deposition in the 1.4 Ga oceans. Mass-balance modelling suggests Mo removal into strongly euxinic and oxic sediments may have comprised 30-70% and less than 15%, respectively, of the oceanic Mo sink at 1.4 Ga as opposed to 5% and 35% today, respectively.The Re-Os radioisotope system in organic-rich shales serves as a test for post-depositional alteration that could affect the usefulness of paleoredox tracers such as Mo stable isotopes. Re-Os isotope data for the Wollogorang Formation black shales are scattered and yield a highly imprecise date of 1359 ± 150 Ma (2σ, n = 21, MSWD = 85, Model 3). This age is younger than U-Pb zircon ages from interbedded tuffs that constrain the age of deposition at ca. 1730 Ma. In conjunction with previous petrological, geochemical, and paleomagnetic data, the Re-Os isotope data suggest hydrothermal fluid flow through the Wollogorang Formation, possibly associated with formation of the ca. 1640 Ma McArthur River Pb-Zn-Ag sedimentary exhalative deposit, resulted in post-depositional mobilization of Re and Os. Based on the degree of deviation of the Re-Os data from a 1730 Ma reference line, open-system behavior of Re and Os was greatest near the base of the black shale unit. Wollogorang Formation black shales are enriched in Mo (41-58 ppm), but are characterized by variable δ97/95Mo (0.3-0.8‰) and DOP (0.57-0.92). The lightest δ97/95Mo values occur near the base of the black shale unit. Based on the Re-Os systematics, hydrothermal fluids have probably overprinted the authigenic δ97/95Mo signature in those shales. However, the heaviest δ97/95Mo values in the Wollogorang Formation come from stratigraphically higher shales, and are similar to those observed for the Velkerri Formation, and thus may reflect seawater δ97/95Mo at 1.73 Ga.  相似文献   
The late Quaternary stratigraphy and geochronology of San Mateo and Las Flores Creeks indicates that both streams, which drain into the Pacific Ocean along the southern California coast, had a synchronous landscape history. Both San Mateo and Las Flores Creeks cut deep valleys during the late Pleistocene in response to the worldwide drop in sea level. A long period of aggradation followed as sea level rose to its present position during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Around 500 years ago, the channels of both streams downcut into their respective floodplains creating a prominent terrace (T-2). This was followed by renewed deposition and later channel incision which created a second terrace (T-1). These channel changes are probably the result of a complex response of the fluvial system to major flooding during the late Holocene. The geologic history of these drainages provides a framework that can be used to assess the buried archaeological record along the coast and evaluate regional prehistoric settlement patterns. Based on this study, the post-4000 B.P. valley floor archaeological record along the southern California coast will be more complete and accessible, resulting in a better understanding of the spatial distribution of sites. On the other hand, the pre-4000 B.P. valley floor record lies deeply buried and inaccessible to researchers, which results in a distortion of settlement patterns before 4000 B.P. Finally, examination of post-4000 B.P. sites in the alluvium of San Mateo and Las Flores creeks yielded a pattern of large sites that were occupied extensively for multiple seasons and had considerable evidence of marine exploitation. These findings are contrary to models of cultural development along this portion of the southern California coast. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Boundaries of densely populated areas can approach with time to old subsurface repositories of radioactive waste due to growth of settlement territories. P  相似文献   
In this paper the development of a large-scale gravitational deformation involving the eastern lateral moraine of the Athabasca Glacier in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada, is described. Interpretation and analysis of sequential aerial photographs indicates that a 540-m-wide segment of the eastern lateral moraine began to deform in the early 1950s; however, significant movement only began in the late 1960s. Since then, the moraine has undergone progressive gravitational deformation leading to a network of fractures, bulging, and the development of a large gap in the moraine crest. Geographic information system analysis of topographic changes between 1967 and 2006 indicates that the displaced volume of the moraine is approximately 9.0 × 105 m3. In the last 39 years, the moraine crest has displaced 55 m (1.4 m yr−1) down towards the glacier. The development of slope instability is linked to a combination of debuttressing from recent glacier recession, deformation of the moraine, as well as the movement of a large, mobile, debris-mantled slope impinging the upslope margin of the lateral moraine. This case study illustrates the importance of glacial conditioning and local geomorphological factors in creating conditions for large-scale moraine instability in recently deglacierized alpine basins.  相似文献   
The Vazante Group consists of Precambrian carbonate-dominated platform deposits that extend along more than 300 km in the external zone of the Brasilia Fold Belt of the São Francisco Basin in east central Brazil. The sequence is about 4.8 km thick and contains a preserved glaciomarine diamictite unit (containing dropstone) at the top and a lower diamictite unit at the bottom. Previous C- and Sr-isotope profiles suggested the correlation of the upper diamictite unit with the “Sturtian” glacial event (ca. 750–643 Ma). However, new Re–Os isotope data from the shales associated with the upper diamictites yield radiometric age estimates between 993 ± 46 and 1100 ± 77 Ma. U–Pb measurements on a suite of clear euhedral zircon crystals that were separated from the same shales associated with the upper diamictite and from the arkosic sandstone above the lower diamictite yield ages as young as 988 ± 15 and 1000 ± 25 Ma, respectively. Based on the Re–Os and U–Pb ages, the best age estimate of the Vazante Group is constrained to be 1000–1100 Ma and thus the two diamictite units are not correlative with the Sturtian glaciation(s) but most likely are records of glacial events that occurred during the late Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   
Assessment of lightning-related fatality and injury risk in Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article summarizes research completed to assess the risk of lightning-related injuries and fatalities in Canada. Although lightning mortality has declined significantly over the past century, it remains a common meteorological hazard that regularly kills and injures. Based on an analysis of media reports, vital statistics, hospital admission and emergency room visit records, and fire loss data, the authors estimate that on average about 9–10 lightning-related deaths and 92–164 injuries occur each year in Canada. The distribution of casualties reflects current provincial population and cloud-to-ground lightning densities. Consistent with similar studies in other developed nations, most lightning-related fatalities and injuries in Canada occur during the June-August summer season, coincident with peak lightning, and during the Thursday-Saturday period, most likely related to higher rates of participation in outdoor activities. The majority of victims are male, less than 46 years old, and engaged in outdoor recreational activities when injured or killed in a lightning incident. Media reports used in the study were found to underestimate both lightning mortality (36%) and morbidity (20–600%).
Brian MillsEmail:
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