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The probability that γ-ray bursts may be generated by the infall of comet-like objects on the neutron stars, as recently proposed by Harwit and Salpeter (1973), is reexamined. Although hypothetical cometary clouds around the parent star may survive the supernova outburst virtually untouched, the frequency of γ-outbursts due to the comet impact on the neutron star or white dwarf is only about 10?3 of the observed occurrence. A considerably higher rate of comets passing per year at critical periastron distance must be assumed if the γ-ray outbursts are to be due to the collision of coments with compact stars.  相似文献   
There are many aspects of observational evidence that cometary nuclei have irregular or nonspherical shape. The triaxial figure of the Halley's Comet nucleus is a well known fact. Therefore, the nucleus shape plays a significant role in consideration of the formation and evolution of comets and several attempts have been made to explain their nonsphericity. These studies were mainly based on the random-walk schemes for the aggregation processes. Although some results indeed lead to irregularities and deviation from sphericity, the spherical or irregular shape seem to be prevailing results. On the other hand the triaxial figure can be formed by the tidal and rotational forces. Thus, the assumption that the shape of the cometary nucleus due to some of these effects is in principle acceptable. In here assumed scenario already evolved cometary nucleus is situated as a satellite in the gravitation field of a planetary-like body. Since the rigidity of the nucleus is low, it may be easily transferred in the state of a synchronous satellite and in its shape could be imprinted the dynamical effects from this epoch. Here presented results indicate, that such a possibility should be seriously considered. The theory of this process is applied to the nucleus of comet Halley. It is shown, that the nucleus might be synchronously orbiting around a planetary-like hypothetical body with a period of 0.7 days. The minimal bulk tensile strength of the cometary material of about 102 N m–2 is estimated.  相似文献   
The paper presents a new method of the estimation of spatial variations of the magnetic field and superthermal electron distribution in solar cm-radio burst sources. The method is based on minimization of the difference between the theoretical and observed radio fluxes and on the analysis of several burst spectra recorded in different moments of time. Several solar cm-radio bursts are analyzed by this method. It is found that the measure of the spatial variations of the superthermal electron distribution in the radio source is always larger than that for the magnetic field.  相似文献   
We report exceptional fireball activity of the Orionid meteor shower in 2006. During four nights in October 2006 the autonomous fireball observatories of the Czech part of the European Fireball Network (EN) recorded 48 fireballs belonging to the Orionids. This is significantly more than the total number of Orionids recorded during about five decades long continuous operation of the EN. Based on precise multi-station photographic and radiometric data we present accurate atmospheric trajectories, heliocentric orbits, light curves and basic physical properties of 10 Orionid fireballs with atmospheric trajectories that were long enough and, with one exception, were observed from at least three stations. Seven were recorded in within a 2-h interval in the night of 20/21 October. Their basic parameters such as radiant positions and heliocentric orbits are very similar. This high fireball activity originated from a very compact geocentric radiant defined by α = 95.10° ± 0.10° and δ = 15.50° ± 0.06°. These fireballs most likely belonged to a distinct filament of larger meteoroids trapped in 1:5 resonance with Jupiter. From detailed light curves and basic fireball classification we found that these meteoroids appertain to the weakest component of interplanetary matter.  相似文献   
The aim in the article is to conceptualize the general foundations of research on the importance of regional symbolism in the process of region and regional identity formation. The article is founded on a critical analysis of works pertaining not only to the field of the new regional geography, but also to the field of regional marketing and/or branding, sociology, and semiology. The authors focus on meanings attributed to symbols and symbolism in literature, and observe which elements are viewed as regional symbols and how these symbols contribute to the process of regional development and institutionalization, especially in the formation of its symbolic shape. They examine the thematic and theoretical grounds, looking at identity, regional identity, and regional institutionalization. Next, regional symbols are defined and classified according to their types and forms, and their importance in the process of regional formation and institutionalization is discussed. The results show that symbols of any type can play an important role in a region’s marketing, and become the key image associated with a region. The authors conclude that regional symbols are a significant feature of the formation of a region and its identity, both outwardly (the external image of a region) and inwardly (concerning the inhabitants’ relationships with their region).  相似文献   
The article overviews the most important changes in the internal urban structure of Prague since 1989. Post-communist urban development has been influenced by government-directed reforms of political and economic system, internationalisation and globalisation, public policies favouring unregulated market development, economic restructuring in terms of deindustrialisation and growth of producer services, and increasing social differentiation. The three most transparent processes of urban change in Prague have been (1) commercialisation of the historical core; (2) revitalisation of some inner city neighbourhoods; and (3) residential and commercial suburbanisation in the outer city. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Banská?tiavnica ore district is in the central zone of the largest stratovolcano in the Central Slovakia Neogene Volcanic Field, which is situated at the inner side of the Carpathian arc over the Hercynian basement with the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary cover. Volcanic rocks of the High-K orogenic suite are of the Badenian through Pannonian age (16.5–8.5?Ma). Their petrogenesis is closely related to subduction of flysch belt oceanic basement underneath the advancing Carpathian arc and to back-arc extension processes. The stratovolcano includes a large caldera 20?km in diameter and a late-stage resurgent horst in its centre, exposing a basement and extensive subvolcanic intrusive complex. The following stages have been recognized in the evolution of the stratovolcano: (1)?formation of a large pyroxene/hornblende-pyroxene andesite stratovolcano; (2)?denudation, emplacement of a diorite intrusion; (3) emplacement of a large granodiorite bell-jar pluton within the basement; (4) emplacement of granodiorite/quartz-diorite porphyry stocks and dyke clusters around the pluton; (5) caldera subsidence and its filling by biotite-hornblende andesite volcanics, emplacement of quartz-diorite porphyry sills and dykes at the subvolcanic level; (6)?renewed activity of andesites from dispersed centres on slopes of the volcano; (7) uplift of a resurgent horst accompanied by rhyolite volcanics and granite porphyry dykes. The following types of ore deposits (mineralizations) have been identified in the Banská?tiavnica ore district: 1. Quartz-pyrophyllite-pyrite high-sulphidation system at ?obov, related to the diorite intrusion. 2. Magnetite skarn deposits and occurrences?at contacts of the granodiorite pluton with Mesozoic carbonate rocks. Magnetite ores occur as lenses in the calcic skarns. 3.?Stockwork/disseminated base metal deposit along an irregular network of fractures in apical parts of the granodiorite pluton and in remnants of basement rocks. Mineral paragenesis is simple, with leading sphalerite and galena and minor chalcopyrite and pyrite. In overlying andesites the mineralization is accompanied by metasomatic quartzites and argillites with pyrophyllite, kaolinite, illite and pyrite. 4. Porphyry/skarn copper deposits and occurrences related to granodiorite/quartz-diorite porphyry dyke clusters and stocks around the granodiorite intrusion. The mineralized zone is represented by accumulations of chalcopyrite in exo- and endo-skarns, usually of the magnesian type affected by serpentinization. Besides chalcopyrite, pyrhotite, minor bornite, chalcosite, tennantite and magnetite, rare molybdenite and gold are present. The alteration pattern around productive intrusions includes an external zone of propylitization, a zone of argillitic alteration (kaolinite – illite – pyrite) and an internal zone of phyllic alteration (quartz – sericite – pyrite). Biotitization is rare and limited to porphyry intrusions. 5. Intrusion related “mesothermal” gold deposit in an andesitic environment just above the granodiorite intrusion. Gold of high fineness with base metal mineralization is contained in brecciated and/or banded quartz veins of subhorizontal orientation, parallel to the surface of granodiorite pluton. At least the first phase of mineralization is older than quartz-diorite porphyry sills, which separate granodiorite and blocks of mineralized andesite. 6. Hot spring type advanced argillic systems in the caldera filling. Silicites and opalites accompanied by kaolinite, alunite and pyrite grade downward into smectite dominated argillites. 7. Vein type epithermal precious/base metal deposits and occurrences as a result of the long lasting interaction among structural evolution of the resurgent horst and evolving hydrothermal system, extensive intrusive complex and deep seated siliceous magma chamber serving as heat and magmatic fluid source. Three types of epithermal veins occur in a zonal arrangement: (a) base metal veins ± Au with transition to Cu?±?Bi mineralization at depth in the east/central part of the horst, (b)?Ag – Au veins with minor base metal mineralization and (c) Au – Ag veins located at marginal faults of the horst. Isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen in hydrothermal fluids indicate mixing of magmatic and meteoric component (with generally increasing proportion of meteoric component towards younger mineralization periods?). Veins are accompanied by zones of silicification, adularization and sericitization, indicating a low sulphidation environment. 8.?Replacement base metal mineralization of a limited extent in the Mesozoic carbonate rocks next to sulphide rich epithermal base metal veins.  相似文献   
High-latitude dust (HLD) depositions on four glaciers of James Ross Island (the Ulu Peninsula) were analysed. The deposition rate on the selected glaciers varies from 11.8 to 64.0 g m−2, which is one order of magnitude higher compared to the glaciers in Antarctica or elsewhere in the world. A strong negative relationship between the sediment amount and altitude of a sampling site was found. This is most likely caused by the higher availability of aeolian material in the atmospheric boundary layer. General southerly and south-westerly wind directions over the Ulu Peninsula – with exceptions based on local terrain configuration – help to explain the significantly lower level of sediment deposition on San Jose Glacier and the high level on Triangular Glacier. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrophotometry was used to estimate the relative proportions of the main and trace (lithophile) elements in the sediment samples. Both the sediment amount and the XRF results are analysed in a depth profile at each locality and compared among the glaciers, suggesting long-range transport of fine mineral material from outside James Ross Island. The distribution of aeolian sediment among the glaciers corresponds well with the prevailing wind direction on the Ulu Peninsula. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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