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Summary The primary scattering of atmospheric haze is computed by modification of an approximative method evolved byde Bary, basing on skylight measurements carried out on the Musalla, a mountain of 3000 m height in Bulgaria, at various altitudes of the sun and in different horizontal circles at a wavelength of 450 nm. This measured total radiation is reduced by the radiation induced by the scattering at molecules as well as by secondary or multiple scattering at turbidity aerosol. The single scattering of the atmospheric haze thus computed is discussed for various assumed Linke turbidity factors.The concluding deductions relate to a comparison of haze scattering functions with theoretical scattering functions, the results attained agreeing closely with superimposed logarithmic Gaussian distributions and only partly with the scattering functions computed byBullrich. These deductions prove optically the increase of larger particles (r 00.64 m) during forenoon. The analysis of the scattering functions conductes to a shortage of particles withr 0=0.2 m in agreement with other investigations.
Zusammenfassung In Abwandlung einer vonde Bary angegebenen Approximationsmethode wird die Primärstreuung des atmosphärischen Dunstes berechnet. Zugrundegelegt werden Himmelsllichtmessungen, die auf dem etwa 3000 m hohen Mus Alla in Bulgarien bei verschiedenen Sonnenhöhen und in verschiedenen Horizontalkreisen bei einer Wellenlänge von 450 nm durchgeführt wurden. Von dieser gemessenen Gesamtstrahlung werden die Anteile substrahiert, die durch Streuung an Molekülen sowie durch zwei-oder mehrfache Streuung an Trübungsaerosol hervorgerufen werden. Die so berechnete Einfachstreuung des atmosphärischen Dunstes wird für verschiednee angenommene Linke'sche Trübungsfaktoren diskutiert.Abschließend werden die Dunststreufunktionen mit theoretischen Streufunktionen verglichen, wobei eine gute Übereinstimmung mit überlagerten logarithmischen Gauß-Verteilungen und nur teilweise mit vonBullrich berechneten Streufunktionen erzielt wurde. Es kann dabei optisch die Zunahme großer Teilchen (r 00,64 m) im Laufe des Vormittags gezeigt werden. Die Analyse der Streufunktionen führt zu einem Fehlen von Teilchen mitr 0=0,2 m in Übereinstimmung mit anderen Untersuchungen.
In this paper an extension of existing multilaminate soil models is presented, which can account for inherent and stress‐induced cross‐anisotropic elasticity in the small strain range and its dependency on the load history. In the multilaminate framework, material behaviour is formulated on a number of local planes in each stress point, and the macroscopic response of the material is obtained by integration of the local contributions. Strain‐induced anisotropy, which adds to the stiffness anisotropy inherently present in the material, is therefore intrinsically taken into account. Micro–macro relations between local parameters on plane level and global parameters on macroscopic level are obtained by the spectral decomposition of the global elastic compliance matrix. The model is implemented into a finite‐element code, and model predictions are compared with experimental data of triaxial tests on different soils involving small and large load cycles. The importance of cross‐anisotropic elasticity within the small strain range for predicting ground deformations in geotechnical boundary value problems is discussed at the example of an excavation problem. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Lake Afourgagh sediment record and facies successions provide an outstanding example of environmentally controlled carbonate sedimentation. Afourgagh is a small, shallow permanent lake located in the Middle‐Atlas Mountains in Morocco in a karstic context. It is fed by ground waters that are relatively enriched in Mg resulting from the leaching of the Jurassic dolomitic bedrock of the catchment. This eutrophic lake is episodically restricted and characterized by alkaline waters with a fluctuating high Mg/Ca ratio. The maximum extension of the Holocene shoreline coincides with evidence of a lake stabilization level corresponding to the outflow of the lake through a wadi. Lakeshore terrace sediments deposited on an alluvial fan siltstone during the past ca 2500 cal yr bp comprise four main facies: a littoral crust, palaeosols, palustrine silts and charophyte tufas, which reflect different environments from the shoreline toward the deeper water. In the more distal parts, the charophyte tufas display a well‐expressed lamination punctuated by the development of microstromatolites on algae thalli. The mineralogical composition of the carbonates is linked to the facies. While the charophyte tufas are characterized by a relatively high content in aragonite, in addition to low‐Mg calcite, the littoral crust is mainly composed of magnesite. This pattern is related to the evolving chemistry of water due to the influence of charophyte proliferation during dry summers. Calcium‐carbonate precipitation on algae thalli (both bioinduced and microbially mediated) progressively induces an increase in the Mg/Ca ratio of the lake water, while the capillary evaporation of shallow ground waters causes precipitation of a magnesite precursor on the shoreline, producing magnesite during early diagenesis. This effect is characteristic of two episodes: part of the Roman Warm Period and the beginning of the Dark Age Cold Period. The carbonate mineralogy of the different depositional sequences at Afourgagh indicates lake‐level and water‐chemistry fluctuations under a climatic influence. Therefore, among other regional records, the Lake Afourgagh sedimentary record provides useful evidence for reconstructing these environmental changes.  相似文献   
The combined Rhone and Aare Glaciers presumably reached their last glacial maximum (LGM) extent on the Swiss Plateau prior to 24 ka. Two well-preserved, less extensive moraine stades, the Gurten and Bern Stade, document the last deglaciation of the Aare Valley, yet age constraints are very scarce. In order to establish a more robust chronology for the glacial/deglacial history of the Aare Valley, we applied 10Be surface exposure dating on eleven boulders from the Gurten and Bern Stade. Several exposure ages are of Holocene age and likely document post-depositional processes, including boulder toppling and quarrying. The remaining exposure ages, however yield oldest ages of 20.7 ± 2.2 ka for the Gurten Stade and 19.0 ± 2.0 ka for the Bern Stade. Our results are in good agreement with published chronologies from other sites in the Alps.  相似文献   
The Sabzevar ophiolites mark the Neotethys suture in east-north-central Iran. The Sabzevar metamorphic rocks, as part of the Cretaceous Sabzevar ophiolitic complex, consist of blueschist, amphibolite and greenschist. The Sabzevar blueschists contain sodic amphibole, epidote, phengite, calcite ± omphacite ± quartz. The epidote amphibolite is composed of sodic-calcic amphibole, epidote, albite, phengite, quartz ± omphacite, ilmenite and titanite. The greenschist contains chlorite, plagioclase and pyrite, as main minerals. Thermobarometry of a blueschist yields a pressure of 13–15.5 kbar at temperatures of 420–500 °C. Peak metamorphic temperature/depth ratios were low (~12 °C/km), consistent with metamorphism in a subduction zone. The presence of epidote in the blueschist shows that the rocks were metamorphosed entirely within the epidote stability field. Amphibole schist samples experienced pressures of 5–7 kbar and temperatures between 450 and 550 °C. The presence of chlorite, actinolite, biotite and titanite indicate greenschist facies metamorphism. Chlorite, albite and biotite replacing garnet or glaucophane suggests temperatures of >300 °C for greenschist facies. The formation of high-pressure metamorphic rocks is related to north-east-dipping subduction of the Neotethys oceanic crust and subsequent closure during lower Eocene between the Central Iranian Micro-continent and Eurasia (North Iran).  相似文献   
Excavations were made in the colluvial deposits of seven kettleholes in a sandy esker at Kuttanen, northwestern Finnish Lapland. The Holocene history of forest fires and the associated colluvial activity initiated on the slopes of the kettleholes were reconstructed based on 131 radiocarbon dates from charcoal layers. These dates were supplemented by luminescence dating of colluvial sand layers. The first forest fires occurred ~9000 years ago following the immigration of Pinus sylvestris about 1000 years after deglaciation. Evidence of forest fires and colluvial activity increased with the density of the pine forest, reaching a maximum during the Holocene Thermal Maximum between ~8000 and 4000 cal. a BP, declining thereafter to a minimum in the last ~500 years. This multimillennial‐scale pattern corresponds with forest fires being triggered by lightning strikes during the warmest summer weather of the Holocene, which also produced heavy rain and slope wash from convective storms. The 50 forest fires identified over the Holocene indicate a long cycle in fire frequency of 1 in ~200 years, which appears to reflect the average successional recovery time of the forest. Complex interactions amongst vegetation, fire and climate may account for little or no association between 23 centennial‐ to millennial‐scale clusters of forest fires/colluvial events and Holocene temperature or precipitation anomalies. Buried podzols indicate five phases of soil formation and hence low levels of landscape disturbance. The kettleholes and their colluvial deposits therefore provide a unique geo‐ecological archive that has led to new insights into the geo‐ecological interactions that affect environmental change in the sub‐arctic landscape.  相似文献   
Dendrochronology for the last 1400 years in eastern Tibet   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Twentyfour tree-ring chronologies of various tree-species(Picea, Abies, Larix, Juniperus) from sites near the upper timberline in eastern Tibet were established, the longest one dating back to 620 A.D. A new classification of pointer intervals is presented, distinguishing between different kinds of signatures in a tree-ring series and amount of growth change in relation to the previous year. The various types of signatures can be related to meteorological events like cold winters and summers, summer drought or to recreation reactions after years of reduced growth. The distribution pattern and type of pointer intervals combined with ring width variation enables the detection of periods of favourable or unfavourable growth conditions with regard to climate history. Based on far-distance correlations and signature analysis regions of similar tree-growth are mapped out.  相似文献   
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