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由于弹性波逆时偏移更符合实际情况,而且转换波的成像结果有更高的分辨率,因此弹性波逆时偏移越来越受到重视。然而,弹性波逆时偏移需要多波多分量数据,为了减少成像结果中的串扰假象,在逆时偏移过程中进行P波和S波分解就变得非常必要。结合基于向量的激发振幅成像条件,我们把基于解耦传播的波场分解方法应用到弹性波逆时偏移中,并对比了其在各向同性介质和横向各向同性(VTI)介质中的应用效果。结果说明,该方法可以在各向同性介质中完全分解P波和S波,并保留波场的向量信息。虽然在VTI介质中有较小的分解残余,但是该分解残余不会在逆时偏移结果中产生明显的串扰;因此,这种波场分解方法可以应用于各向同性介质和VTI介质弹性波逆时偏移。该方法是在时间空间域实现的,可以在波场传播过程中直接对P波和S波进行分离,应用方便,计算效率高。与利用Helmholtz分解的弹性波逆时偏移相比,该方法避免了在PS波成像结果中的极性反转问题。在复杂Hess VTI模型的逆时偏移结果中,高速岩体和断层的成像清晰,甚至是两个低速薄夹层也能较好成像;这说明该方法对复杂介质具有较好的适应性。PS波成像结果中的各向异性体成像清晰,说明各向异性介质弹性波逆时偏移可以对传统逆时偏移不能很好成像的构造进行成像。  相似文献   
Drawing upon theory from the field of urban political ecology, we analyse a major strategic water plan for Melbourne, Australia—the Sustainable water strategy for the Central Region, published in 2006. We assess the extent to which the strategy identified and addressed ecological sustainability in terms of: cultural frames; ecological context; social equity; and engagement processes. We identify that the strategy's framing of water was largely separate from its social and ecological context. This framing resulted in the importance of issues such as environmental flows, social equity and cultural values being diminished, thus avoiding the inevitable confrontation with environmental limits needed to ensure long-term ecological sustainability. Our analysis shows that the discursive dominance of economics limited the response to persuasive scientific arguments for greater ecological consideration in the strategy. Our findings suggest that broadening engagement with the diverse ways in which water is valued is likely to contribute to more equitable and ecologically sustainable water futures.  相似文献   
本文总结了钙华体次生有机体系中生物群落特征和界面结晶行为,根据生物在碳酸盐沉积中的角色,将钙华体中次生有机体系的界面结晶矿化类型分为生物控制矿化沉积和生物诱导矿化沉积。分述了碳酸钙沉积矿化相关的五种生物代谢活动,讨论了生物胞外聚合物(EPS)对碳酸钙矿物晶型和形貌的影响。针对目前钙华研究中存在的问题,今后应深入研究生物体主要构成元素、生物小分子和生物体内部组织在钙华形成或退化中的作用,进一步厘清钙华体与次生有机体系的多界面溶化方式,为钙华保护修复及钙华退化治理措施提供科学依据。   相似文献   
为探讨高强钢筋增强UHPC-NC组合柱抗震性能,基于大型有限元程序ABAQUS,结合UHPC、NC和高强钢筋材料本构关系,校准损伤塑性模型中相关参数,建立高强钢筋增强UHPC-NC组合柱抗震有限元模型。通过与3个NC柱和3个UHPC柱拟静力试验结果对比,验证分析模型的有效性。在此基础上,进一步探讨轴压比、纵筋直径、纵筋强度、箍筋间距和UHPC高度等敏感参数对高强钢筋增强UHPC-NC组合柱抗震性能的影响。结果表明,高强钢筋增强UHPC-NC组合柱位移延性系数随轴压比、纵筋直径和箍筋间距的增大而降低,随纵筋强度和UHPC高度的增加表现出先增大后逐渐平缓的趋势,合适的UHPC替换高度能充分发挥高强钢筋和UHPC材料特性并取得良好的经济性。  相似文献   
尉氏县地热资源开发尚处于起步阶段,为适应大规模地热资源开发需求,当前急需探明该区地热资源赋存情况。研究区位于太康隆起次级构造单元中部鼻状构造带及尉氏—薛店次凹带结合部位,本文通过尉氏县城西部所采集的220个大地电磁测深点的二维及三维反演工作,结合二维反射地震剖面,分析了研究区地层、断裂展布构造,并对地热资源远景区进行了预测。维性分析结果表明研究区主构造走向为北西向,二维及三维大地电磁测深反演结果表明研究区4 km以浅地层由上到下可分为四层:新近系—第四系、三叠系、石炭系—二叠系、寒武系—奥陶系;综合二维反射地震及大地电磁测深资料,剖面位置处可识别出三条正断层。选择断裂带周边或穿过断裂带钻井,对水量有一定保证。  相似文献   
鄂西地区二叠系发育孤峰组、吴家坪组和大隆组三套黑色岩系,为页岩气探勘新主力层系,其沉积背景、沉积环境及时空分布却不尽一致.本次在前人的研究基础上,通过野外剖面和最新的钻井资料综合分析,对该地区二叠系孤峰组—大隆组沉积演化进行了深入解剖,并通过岩相古地理图约束了富有机质页岩的空间分布特征,旨在为鄂西地区二叠系页岩气地质调查和选区评价提供基础资料.研究认为,鄂西地区孤峰组主要发育盆地相碳质硅质泥岩,局部地区发育外缓坡相富有机质泥质灰岩;吴家坪组炭山湾段主要发育潮坪相泥质粉砂岩夹煤层,并在利川地区发育陆棚相的碳质硅质泥岩;吴家坪组灰岩段主要为内缓坡相的生屑泥晶灰岩.大隆组主要发育盆地相碳质硅质泥岩,其次为外缓坡相富有机质泥质灰岩,利川见天坝可见发育内缓坡边缘点礁.综合前人对各层位研究的页岩气参数认为,鄂西地区孤峰组和大隆组具有有机质含量高(>2%)、厚度大(>20 m)、脆性矿物含量高(>60%)等形成页岩气的基本地质条件,深水盆地相为有利相带;吴家坪组炭山湾段潮坪相的黑色泥岩较薄(<10 m),连续性差,但利川地区吴家坪组炭山湾段深水陆棚相黑色泥岩厚度较大(~30 m),为潜在的页岩气勘探区域.  相似文献   
The article analyzes patterns in the distribution of manufacturing job losses that have been certified as trade‐induced by the U.S. Department of Labor. Spatial patterns in the likelihood of job loss are examined in the United States for the period from 1994 to 2002, with particular emphasis on county‐level patterns in New England. The findings demonstrate that the pattern of losses was correlated with measures of economic vitality and competitiveness including per capita income, educational attainment, occupational structure, and inventiveness. These results suggest that trade‐induced deindustrialization is borne most heavily by places ill‐equipped to compete in a more open, integrated international economy.  相似文献   
On 1 June 2005, the prototype Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT) flew on a high altitude balloon from Fort Sumner, New Mexico. NCT is a balloon-borne soft γ-ray (0.2–10 MeV) telescope for studying astrophysical sources of nuclear line emission and γ-ray polarization. Our program is designed to develop and test technologies and analysis techniques crucial for the Advanced Compton Telescope; however, our detector design and configuration is also well matched to the focal plane requirements for focusing Laue lenses. The NCT prototype utilizes two, 3D imaging germanium detectors (GeDs) in a novel, ultra-compact design optimized for nuclear line emission in the 0.5–2 MeV range. Our prototype flight provides a critical test of the novel detector technologies, analysis techniques, and background rejection procedures developed for high resolution Compton telescopes.  相似文献   
Continuous data acquisition from current meters and other sensors deployed in the surf zone makes special demands on the capabilities of systems. This paper describes a new system that allows continuous digital recording of data at 10 Hz, with the simultaneous processing of the data to estimate statistical moments. This new design uses a real-time multitasking operating system in a client-server model to achieve the objective of continuous operation while maintaining a robust distributed system. This paper explores some of the alternatives and then details the hardware and software design of the new system. Data collected during the Duck94 field experiment are presented as examples of the capabilities of the new system  相似文献   
Climate observations and model simulations are producing vast amounts of array-based spatiotemporal data. Efficient processing of these data is essential for assessing global challenges such as climate change, natural disasters, and diseases. This is challenging not only because of the large data volume, but also because of the intrinsic high-dimensional nature of geoscience data. To tackle this challenge, we propose a spatiotemporal indexing approach to efficiently manage and process big climate data with MapReduce in a highly scalable environment. Using this approach, big climate data are directly stored in a Hadoop Distributed File System in its original, native file format. A spatiotemporal index is built to bridge the logical array-based data model and the physical data layout, which enables fast data retrieval when performing spatiotemporal queries. Based on the index, a data-partitioning algorithm is applied to enable MapReduce to achieve high data locality, as well as balancing the workload. The proposed indexing approach is evaluated using the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) climate reanalysis dataset. The experimental results show that the index can significantly accelerate querying and processing (~10× speedup compared to the baseline test using the same computing cluster), while keeping the index-to-data ratio small (0.0328%). The applicability of the indexing approach is demonstrated by a climate anomaly detection deployed on a NASA Hadoop cluster. This approach is also able to support efficient processing of general array-based spatiotemporal data in various geoscience domains without special configuration on a Hadoop cluster.  相似文献   
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