Many clay rocks have distinct bedding planes. Experimental studies have shown that their mechanical properties evolve with the degree of saturation (DOS), often with higher stiffness and strength after drying. For transversely isotropic rocks, the effects of saturation can differ between the bed-normal (BN) and bed-parallel (BP) directions, which gives rise to saturation-dependent stiffness and strength anisotropy. Accurate prediction of the mechanical behavior of clay rocks under partially saturated conditions requires numerical models that can capture the evolving elastic and plastic anisotropy with DOS. In this study, we present an anisotropy framework for coupled solid deformation-fluid flow in unsaturated elastoplastic media. We incorporate saturation-dependent strength anisotropy into an anisotropic modified Cam-Clay (MCC) model and consider the evolving anisotropy in both the elastic and plastic responses. The model was calibrated using experimental data from triaxial tests to demonstrate its capability in capturing strength anisotropy at various levels of saturation. Through numerical simulations, we demonstrate the role of evolving stiffness and strength anisotropy in the mechanical behavior of clay rocks. Plane strain simulations of triaxial compression tests were also conducted to demonstrate the impacts of material anisotropy and DOS on the mechanical and fluid flow responses. 相似文献
Tsunami runup and drawdown can cause liquefaction failure of coastal fine sand slopes due to the generation of high excess pore pressure and the reduction of the effective over burden pressure during the drawdown. The region immediately seaward of the initial shoreline is the most susceptible to tsunami-induced liquefaction failure because the water level drops significantly below the still water level during the set down phase of the drawdown. The objective of this work is to develop and validate a numerical model to assess the potential for tsunami-induced liquefaction failure of coastal sandy slopes. The transient pressure distribution acting on the slope due to wave runup and drawdown is computed by solving for the hybrid Boussinesq—nonlinear shallow water equations using a finite volume method. The subsurface pore water pressure and deformation fields are solved simultaneously using a finite element method. Two different soil constitutive models have been examined: a linear elastic model and a non-associative Mohr–Coulomb model. The numerical methods are validated by comparing the results with analytical models, and with experimental measurements from a large-scale laboratory study of breaking solitary waves over a planar fine sand beach. Good comparisons were observed from both the analytical and experimental validation studies. Numerical case studies are shown for a full-scale simulation of a 10-m solitary wave over a 1:15 and 1:5 sloped fine sand beach. The results show that the soil near the bed surface, particularly along the seepage face, is at risk to liquefaction failure. The depth of the seepage face increases and the width of the seepage face decreases with increasing bed slope. The rate of bed surface loading and unloading due to wave runup and drawdown, respectively, also increases with increasing bed slope. Consequently, the case with the steeper slope is more susceptible to liquefaction failure due to the higher hydraulic gradient. The analysis also suggests that the results are strongly influenced by the soil permeability and relative compressibility between the pore fluid and solid skeleton, and that a coupled solid/fluid formulation is needed for the soil solver. Finally, the results show the drawdown pore pressure response is strongly influenced by nonlinear material behavior for the full-scale simulation. 相似文献
Geomaterials such as soils and rocks can exhibit inherent anisotropy due to the preferred orientation of mineral grains and/or cracks. They can also be partially saturated with multiple types of fluids occupying the pore space. The anisotropic and unsaturated behaviors of geomaterials can be highly interdependent. Experimental studies have shown that the elastic parameters of rocks evolve with saturation. The effect of saturation has also been shown to differ between directions in transversely isotropic clay rock. This gives rise to saturation-dependent stiffness anisotropy. Similarly, permeability anisotropy can also be saturation-dependent. In this study, constitutive equations accommodating saturation-dependent stiffness and hydraulic anisotropy are presented. A linear function is used to describe the relationship between the elastic parameters and saturation, while the relative permeability–saturation relationship is characterized with a log-linear function. These equations are implemented into a hydromechanical framework to investigate the effects of saturation-dependent properties on the shrinkage behavior of clay rocks. Numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the role of saturation-dependent stiffness and hydraulic anisotropy in shrinkage behavior. The results highlight that strain anisotropy and time evolution of pore pressures are substantially influenced by saturation-dependent stiffness and hydraulic anisotropy.
In recent decades, China has undergone an impressive development, which has produced increasing human pressures including coastal degradation. Bohai Bay, located in the west of the Bohai Sea (north of China), has been affected by various human pressures, including waste water discharges, land reclamation and oil exploitation. To monitor the effects of these pressures on this ecosystem, benthic macroinvertebrates and environmental variables (dissolved oxygen, nutrients, metals, etc.) were sampled in 2009 and 2011. To assess the ecological status of the benthic communities, the AZTI Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and multivariate‐AMBI (M‐AMBI) were used, including both density and biomass in the calculation. This is the first research in which M‐AMBI based on biomass (M‐bAMBI) is applied. Both methods showed that the nearshore areas, especially close to the Haihe and Jiyun estuaries, were affected by human pressures, with a clear gradient of decreasing impacts offshore. The ecological status as assessed using density and biomass was quite similar. Significant relationships were also found between both methods and environmental variables. The use of AMBI and M‐AMBI, based upon density and biomass, in assessing the ecological status of water bodies in China seems to be promising. 相似文献
Recreational boats are constantly undergoing modifications and improvements in design, construction materials, and equipment. The boat builder mission is supply customers with a product with better quality, safety and onboard comfort. Onboard comfort should be evaluated along several points. Seakeeping is especially critical on long trips or operations in regions where harsh sea conditions occur. Over the years much attention has been given to boat behavior underway at sea. Recently onboard noise level has become a significant element of comfort and navigation safety. With high onboard noise a boater is unable to detect other boat whistles, horns and calls for help. This becomes a critical problem when sailing in fog and at night. Maintaining the internal noise level within limits is important. In order to address this noise problem, the paper presents a review of existing guidelines and the authors' proposal for Boat Noise Evaluation (BNE) procedure for recreational powerboats. This procedure has been used in a number of boat trials. The use of this procedure is discussed along with representative boat noise level results and a comparison with the acceptable values for passenger comfort and safety. 相似文献
The coastal evolution of the El Abalario area (Huelva, southern Spain) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene is reinterpreted after a refinement of the available geochronology by means of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. New data come from the analysis of soft sediment deformation, palaeosols, geomorphological mapping, and published seismic surveys on the onshore and offshore Gulf of Cadiz.The present structure of El Abalario dome resulted from the complex interaction of littoral-catchment processes and sea-level changes upon an emergent coastal plain, conditioned by the upwarping of the underlying Pliocene–Pleistocene prograding deltaic sequence. Upwarping is probably related to escape of over-pressurized fluids, accompanied by dewatering, prior to (?) and during OIS (Oxygen Isotopic Stage) 5. Continued upwarping produced the large NW–SE gravitational fault of Torre del Loro (TLF) in the southwestern flank of the dome, roughly parallel to the present coastline during OIS 5–OIS 4. The resulting escarpment favoured the accumulation of aeolian sand dunes (units U1, U2, and U3) from OIS 5 to early OIS 1. Unit U1 (OIS 5) ends upwards in a supersurface with a thick weathering profile that suggests moist and temperate climatic conditions. Unit U2 accumulated mainly during OIS 4 and OIS 3 with prevailing W/E winds. The supersurface between U2 and U3 records a part of OIS 2, with relative low sea level. Sedimentation of unit U3 took place during the Last Deglaciation (radiocarbon and OSL ages) with prevailing W/SW winds, under a temperate moist climate, that became more arid towards the top (Holocene). A major supersurface with an iron crust-like layer (SsFe) developed during the Holocene Climatic Optimum (OIS 1) under wetter and more temperate conditions than before, fossilizing the TLF. The supersurface is covered by younger aeolian dunes (U4, U5, U6, and U7) transported by W–SW winds since the Late Neolithic–Chalcolithic cultural period (5.0 ky cal BP). 相似文献
Eutrophication in marine ecosystems is an important problem that requires an accurate assessment. Although Basque estuaries (northern Spain) have historically been under high anthropogenic pressure, no specific eutrophication assessment method had been applied in these waters. In this study, a method employed in the Basque Country (BC) to assess the ??risk of failing to achieve good ecological status?? under the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) was adapted to exclusively assess the risk of eutrophication. This method is based on the driver?Cpressure?Cstate?Cimpact?Cresponse approach. The results from this method (called WFD-BC method) were compared to the results from Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status (ASSETS; a specific method developed in the US to assess estuarine trophic status in a pressure?Cstate?Cresponse approach). The nutrient pressure was better characterized with the WFD-BC method due to the local hydrographic conditions (i.e., small and river-influenced estuaries) that were not well accommodated by the ASSETS method. In contrast, the WFD-BC results for assessment of state generally reflected worse conditions than the results from the ASSETS method due to the different indicators employed and the way these are integrated in the WFD-BC method. Overall, the WFD-BC method showed a good potential to assess eutrophication. However, to improve it, a lower weight for the benthos and macroalgae is recommended for evaluating state. 相似文献
A large bow wave forms when blunt-shaped vessels like self-propelled jack-up crane vessels (liftboats) operate at high speeds. Above a critical speed, this bow wave spills over the bow causing swamping. To investigate this phenomena, towing tank tests of a 1/25 scale model liftboat hull were done over a speed range of 3–8 kn. The test showed above 4 kn the bow wave formed and the vessel trimmed by the bow. At speeds above 8 kn the bow wave spilled over the bow (swamping). To cancel this critical bow wave a vertical bow plate was fitted ahead of the liftboat bow. This bow plate reduced the bow wave formation and achieved a 10–15% reduction in the towing resistance. The wave cancellation bow plate can reduce the liftboat power or increase its liftboat speed and operating range. 相似文献
This investigation employs 3D, variably saturated subsurface flow simulation to examine hysteretic effects upon the hydrologic
response used to drive unsaturated slope stability assessments at the Coos Bay 1 (CB1) experimental catchment in the Oregon
Coast Range, USA. Slope stability is evaluated using the relatively simple infinite slope model for unsaturated soils driven
by simulated pore-water pressures for an intense storm that triggered a slope failure at CB1 on 18 November 1996. Simulations
employing both hysteretic and non-hysteretic soil–water retention curves indicate that using either the drying soil–water
retention curve or an intermediate soil–water retention curve that attempts to average the wetting and drying retention curves
underestimates the near-surface hydrologic response and subsequently the potential for slope failure. If hysteresis cannot
be considered in the hydrologic simulation, the wetting soil–water retention curve, which is seldom measured, should be used
for more physically based slope stability assessment. Without considering hysteresis or using the wetting soil–water retention
curve, the potential for landsliding in unsaturated materials may be underestimated and a slope failure could occur when simulations
predict stability. 相似文献