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Until the 1990s fisheries were largely managed by the state. Since then, Dutch government and the sector increasingly recognized that a fishing industry cannot be managed effectively without the cooperation and participation of fishers to formulate policy and to implement and enforce laws and regulations. As a result, in the nineties, the existing neo-corporatist arrangement was replaced by a co-management system in the Dutch flatfish fishery. Co-management is often seen as leading to greater procedural legitimacy and subsequently compliance. However, constructing an effective co-management arrangement is not only a matter of building institutions but also a matter of building trust relations between the government and industry. Institutional arrangements such as co-management can contribute to these trust building processes; however, a too strong reliance on institutional arrangements can lead to distrust when new challenges are being faced and institutional arrangements fail to adapt to these changes.  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM) distribution, lignin phenol signatures, bulk elemental compositions, fluorescence indices and microbial plankton (algae, bacteria, viruses) in a temperate river floodplain system were monitored from January to November 2003. We aimed to elucidate the sources and compositions of allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter (OM) in the main channel and a representative backwater in relation to the hydrological regime. Additionally, bacterial secondary production was measured to evaluate the impact of organic carbon source on heterotrophic prokaryotic productivity. OM properties in the backwater tended to diverge from those in the main channel during phases without surface water connectivity; this was likely enhanced due to the exceptionally low river discharge in 2003. The terrestrial OM in this river floodplain system was largely derived from angiosperm leaves and grasses, as indicated by the lignin phenol composition. The lignin signatures exhibited significant seasonal changes, comparable to the seasonality of plankton-derived material. Microbially-derived material contributed significantly to POM and DOM, especially during periods of low discharge. High rates of bacterial secondary production (up to 135 μg C L(-1) d(-1)) followed algal blooms and suggested that autochthonous OM significantly supported heterotrophic microbial productivity.  相似文献   
Igneous garnets have the potential to strongly fractionate rare earth elements (REE). Yet informations on partition coefficients are very scant, and criteria for distinguishing between hydrothermal and magmatic garnets are ambiguous. To fill this gap, we present trace element and isotopic data for two types of Ca-rich garnets from phonolites (Mt. Somma-Vesuvius). Both Ca-garnet populations are different in their style and dynamics of fractionation: one population is progressively strongly depleted in HREE from core to rim, reflecting REE fractionation in the host phonolite via earlier-crystallized garnets. Such examples for extreme changes in HREE in garnets are only known for hydrothermal grandites by REE-bearing fluids. The second garnet population is homogeneous and formed in a closed system. Near-flat patterns between Sm and Lu confirm experimental data indicating lower D(Sm)/D(Lu) for Ca-rich garnets than for e.g. pyrope-rich garnets. It follows: D Grt/PhMelt for La = 0.5, Sm = 48 and Yb = 110.  相似文献   
Blood Falls, a saline subglacial discharge from the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica provides an example of the diverse physical and chemical niches available for life in the polar desert of the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Geochemical analysis of Blood Falls outflow resembles concentrated seawater remnant from the Pliocene intrusion of marine waters combined with products of weathering. The result is an iron-rich, salty seep at the terminus of Taylor Glacier, which is subject to episodic releases into permanently ice-covered Lake Bonney. Blood Falls influences thegeochemistry of Lake Bonney, and provides organic carbon and viable microbes to the lakesystem. Here we present the first data on the geobiology of Blood Falls and relate it totheevolutionary history of this unique environment. The novel geological evolution of thissubglacial environment makes Blood Falls an important site for the study of metabolic strategiesin subglacial environments and the impact of subglacial efflux on associated lake ecosystems.  相似文献   
Halogenated Very Short-lived Substances (VSLS), such as bromoform, dibromomethane and methyl iodide, are naturally produced in the oceans and are involved in ozone depletion in the troposphere and the stratosphere. The effect of climate change on the oceanic emissions of these compounds is not well quantified. Based on present-day observed global oceanic and atmospheric concentrations, and historic and future data from three CMIP5 models, past and future sea-to-air fluxes of these VSLS are calculated. The simulations are used to infer possible effects of projected changes of physical forcing on emissions in different oceanic regimes. CMIP5 model output for 1979–2100 from the historical scenario and the RCP scenarios 2.6 and 8.5 are used as input data for the emission calculations. Of the parameters that have the main influence on the sea-to-air fluxes, the global sea surface temperatures show a steady increase during the twenty-first century, while the projected changes of sea surface wind speed is very small. The calculated emissions based on the historical CMIP5 model runs (1979–2005) increased over the 26 year period and agree well with the emissions based on ERA-Interim data. The future sea-to-air fluxes of VSLS generally increase during the twenty-first century under the assumption of constant concentration fields in the ocean and atmosphere. The multi-model mean global emissions of bromoform increase by 29.4% (9.0%) between 1986 and 2005 and 2081–2100 under RCP 8.5 (2.6) and dibromomethane and methyl iodide emissions increase by 23.3% (6.4%) and 5.5% (1.5%), respectively. Uncertainties of the future emission estimates, driven by ongoing environmental changes such as changing oceanic productivity (not considered in this study) are discussed.  相似文献   
Observations made on 8 and 9 May 1988 by aircraft and two ships in and around the marginal ice zone of the Fram Strait during on-ice air flow under cloudy and cloud-free conditions are presented.The thermodynamic modification of the air mass moving from the open water to the ice over horizontal distances of 100–300 km is only a few tenth of a degree for temperature and a few tenth of a gram per kilogram for specific humidity. This is due to the small temperature differences between sea and ice surfaces. During the day, the ice surface is even warmer than the sea surface. The stably stratified 200–400 m deep boundary layer is often topped by a moisture inversion leading to downward fluxes of sensible as well as latent heat.The radiation and energy balance at the surface are measured as functions of ice cover, cloud cover and sun elevation angle. The net radiationR Nis the dominating term of the energy budget. During the day, the difference ofR Nbetween clear and overcast sky is only a few W/m2 over ice, but 100–200 W/m2 over water. During the night,R Nover ice is more sensitive to cloud cover.The kinematic structure is characterized by strong shears of the longitudinal and the transversal wind component. The profile of the latter one shows an inflection point near the top of the boundary layer. Dynamically-driven roll circulations are numerically separated from the mean flow. The secondary flow patterns have wavelengths of about 1 km and contribute substantially to the total variances and covariances.  相似文献   
A statistical downscaling approach is applied to the output of five different global climate model simulations driven by twenty-first century future scenarios of greenhouse gas concentrations. The contribution of sea-level pressure (SLP) and precipitation changes to regional future winter sea-level changes is estimated for four Baltic sea-level stations by establishing statistical relationships between sea level as predictand and large-scale climate fields as predictors. Using SLP as predictor for the central and eastern Baltic Sea level stations, three climate models lead to statistically significant twenty-first century future trends in the range of the order of 1–2 mm/year. Using precipitation as predictor for the stations in the southern Baltic coast all five models lead to statistically significant trends with a range of the order of 0.4 mm/year. These numbers are smaller, but of the order of magnitude as the predicted global sea-level rise.  相似文献   
The stable carbon isotopic ratios (δ13C) of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) of gas-rich fluid inclusions hosted in fracture-fill mineralization from the southern part of the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany have been measured online using a crushing device interfaced to an isotopic ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). The data reveal that CH4 trapped in inclusions seems to be derived from different source rocks with different organic matter types. The δ13C values of CH4 in inclusions in quartz hosted by Carboniferous rocks range between −25 and −19‰, suggesting high-maturity coals as the source of methane. Methane in fluid inclusions in minerals hosted by Mesozoic strata has more negative carbon isotope ratios (−45 to −31‰) and appears to represent primary cracking products from type II kerogens, i.e., marine shales. There is a positive correlation between increasing homogenization temperatures of aqueous fluid inclusions and less negative δ13C(CH4) values of in co-genetic gas inclusions probably indicating different mtaturity of the potential source rocks at the time the fluids were released. The CO2 isotopic composition of CH4-CO2-bearing inclusions shows slight negative or even positive δ13C values indicating an inorganic source (e.g., water-rock interaction and dissolution of detrital, marine calcite) for CO2 in inclusions. We conclude that the δ13C isotopic ratios of CH4-CO2-bearing fluid inclusions can be used to trace migration pathways, sources of gases, and alteration processes. Furthermore, the δ13C values of methane can be used to estimate the maturity of the rocks from which it was sourced. Results presented here are further supported by organic geochemical analysis of surface bitumens which coexist with the gas inclusion-rich fracture-fill mineralization and confirm the isotopic interpretations with respect to fluid source, type and maturity.  相似文献   
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