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Governments and development organisations consider the involvement of poor forest managers in global value chains and markets as a most promising approach for resolving the social and environmental challenges of the Amazon. This paper intends to provide a clearer picture about opportunities and potentials of this market-approach, by analysing integrated forest based development initiatives in the Bolivian, Brazilian, Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon. Findings suggest that the externally promoted initiatives seldom correspond to local realities and that they suffer from limited financial viability due to competitive disadvantages of locals in comparison to more capitalized actors. Success stories remain isolated without replication, and depend on external support for continuation. Only a limited number of families provided with privileged support have been able to overcome the technical, institutional and financial hurdles and to benefit from existing market opportunities. In some cases, interventions have generated conflicts and even weakened social organisation. Instead of simply copying the mistakes of the past regarding the emerging markets for environmental services, it is deemed essential to question the current market focus and search for alternatives placing greater emphasis on the interests, cultures and capacities of local people. 相似文献
Martino Calvo Claudia Giordano Roberto Battiston Paolo de Bernardis Benno Margesin Silvia Masi Alessandro Monfardini 《Experimental Astronomy》2010,28(2-3):185-194
We describe the design, optimization, electrical and optical tests of Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for the mm-wave range. Our detectors are based on a novel resonator design, and are suitable for ground-based astronomical observations in the 143 GHz atmospheric window. The measured optical Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) at 0.3 K is $\sim 10^{-16}~\text{W}/\sqrt{\rm Hz}$ under a 300 K background load. This is equivalent or better than the performance of the best current bolometric detectors for the 140 GHz atmospheric window, limited by atmospheric noise in the best available sites. We also describe which improvements can be introduced to reduce the NEP of our detector, for lower background applications (narrow band or space-based). 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Benno Plöchinger 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1984,73(1):293-304
Zusammenfassung Beiderseits des Salzach-Quertales finden sich zahlreiche Hinweise, daß im Tithon permotriadische Gesteinsmassen mit Hallstätter Fazies aus ihrem triadischen Becken (Vorriff) Sedimentationsraum heraus nordwärts in den Plattformbereich einglitten. Zu diesen synsedimentär in den tithonen Anteil der Oberalmer Schichten (Kimmeridge/Tithon/Berrias), einem Tiefseesediment, eingebrachten Massen können die Schollen der Hallstätter ZoneHallein-Berchtesgaden und östlich von Golling gezählt werden.Der als Turbidit gewertete Barmsteinkalk (submember der Oberalmer Schichten) begleitet die Gleitmassen in der sedimentären Kontaktzone und führt in seiner vielfach grobklastischen Ausbildung triadische Komponenten der Hallstätter und Berchtesgadener Fazies sowie auffallend viel Komponenten aus oberpermischem Haselgebirge und malmischen Flachwasserkalken. Man darf annehmen, daß im triadischen Vorriffbereich ein Salzdiapirismus zur Tiefschwellenbildung und Sedimentation der Hallstätter Fazies Anlaß gab und daß es dann im Tithon sowohl zu Schlamm- und Trübeströmen als auch zu einer Hallstätter Großschollenbeziehungsweise Deckengleitung in das malmische Tiefseebecken kam. Gleichzeitig könnte die Berchtesgadener Decke begonnen haben, von Südrand der Plattform nordwärts zu gleiten.Jüngere, zur Austroalpinen Phase erfolgte Eingleitungen von Hallstätter Schollen, wie sie im Gebiet der Roßfeld- und Weitenaumulde vorliegen, sind durch den unterlagernden Turbidit der olisthostromreichen Oberen Roßfeldschichten (Hauterive) und den Turbidit der Grabenwaldschichten (Unterapt) altersmäßig fixiert.
On both sides of the transverse Salzach valley there are numerous indications, that during Tithonian times Permotriassic rockmasses of Hallstatt facies type slided from their Trissic basin (forereef) area northwards into the platform area. The outliers of the Hallstatt zone in the areas of Hallein-Berchtesgaden and east of Golling can be interpreted as such rock masses which synsedimentarely took place in the Tithonian part of the Oberalm Beds (Kimmeridgian/Tithonian/Berriasian), a deep sea sediment.The Barmstein Limestone (submember of the Oberalm Beds and interpreted as a turbidite) accompanies the sliding masses in the sedimentary contact zone. This frequently coarse clastic Barmstein Limestone contains Triassic components of the Hallstatt and Berchtesgaden Facies as well as obviously much components of the Upper Permian Haselgebirge and Malmian shallowwater limestones. It is therefore allowed to suppose, that in the Triassic forereef area a salt diapirism caused the formation of a submarine rise, the sedimentation of Hallstatt Faciès, and subsequently, during Tithonian times, the occurence of mud-flows, turbidites and slidings of large Hallstatt outliers, respectively the transport of the Hallstatt nappe into the Malmian deep-sea environment. Simultaneously the Berchtesgaden Nappe may have started to slide northwards from the southern edge of the platform.The age of younger sliding occurences of Hallstatt outliers during the Austroalpine Phase can be fixed in the area of the Roßfeld and Weitenau basin by the unterlying turbidite of the olistostrome rich Upper Roßfeld Beds and the turbidite of the Grabenwald Beds (Lower Aptien).
Résumé Des deux côtés de la vallée transversale de Salzach, ou trouve de nombreux indices de ce que, au Tithonique, des masses rocheuses permo-triasiques de facies Hallstatt ont glissé de leur bassin triasique (un rif adventif) vers le Nord dans le domaine de plateforme. Parmi cette contribution synsédimentaire à la fraction tithonique des couches d'Oberalm (Kimmeridgien/Tithonique/Berriasien), un sédiment de mer profonde, on peut figurer les blocaux de la zone de Hallstatt Hallein-Berchtesgaden et à l'Est de Golling.Le Calcaire de Barmstein (un sous-membre des couches de l'Oberalm) considéré comme turbidite, accompagne ces glissements dans la zone de contact sédimentaire et contient, parmi ses constituants grossiers, des constituants, triasiques des facies de Hallstatt et de Berchtesgaden, ainsi que, chose surprenante, de nombreux autres provenant de Haselgebirge du Permien supérieur et de calcaires d'eau peu profonde du Malm. On peut admettre que, dans l'espace du rif adventif triasique, un diapirisme salin occasionna la formation d'un seuil profond et la sédimentation du Faciès de Hallstatt, et qu'alors il en a résulté au Tithonien, l'arrivée dans le bassin profond du Malm, aussi bien des apports de boues et des courants de turbidités, que des glissement de blocaux, voire même la nappe de Hallstatt. Simultanément il se peut que la nappe de Berchtesgaden ait commencé à glisser à partir de la bordure méridionale de la plateforme vers le Nord.Des glissements plus jeunes de blocaux de Hallstatt, survenus lors de la phase austroalpine, comme il en existe dans la région du synclinal de Rossfeld et de Weitenau, sont datés par la turbidite sous-jacente des couches supérieures de Rossfeld, riche en olithostromes (Hauterivien) et par la turbidite des couches de Grabenwald (Aptien inférieur).
, ( — Vorriff) . ( — — ) ( — ) . , , ( ) , . , , , , . . , , , (), , ( ).相似文献
Light‐adapted eyes of two freshwater gastropods with similar habitat preferences (Latia neritoides (Gray 1850) and Ancylus fluviatilis (Müller 1774)) were compared with each other in relation to optics, anatomy, and ultrastructure. Individuals of L. neritoides not only possess significantly larger eyes than similarly sized A. fluviatilis, they also have a more voluminous layer of photorecep‐tive membranes and appear capable of discerning at least some crude shapes. The eye of A. fluviatilis, on the other hand, has a very shallow retina which is so closely apposed to the lens that it can be little more than an indicator of light and darkness. Both types of eye are generously endowed with screening pigment granules and exhibit no signs of light‐induced damage. Although the lenticular F‐values for L. neritoides (1.78) and A. fluviatilis (1.74) alone are hardly indicative of an adaptation to a dark environment, the greater amount of photic vesicles and the substantial development of muscle fibres in the eye of L. neritoides suggest that the latter can adjust its vision more rapidly to changing light levels than that of A. fluviatilis. Since L. neritoides (but not A. fluviatilis) has the ability to secrete a bright green luminescent mucus, a faster accommodation system would serve the species well. There is, however, no proof that in Latia bioluminescence alone has been responsible for the development of a more capable eye. Most of the differences between the eyes of L. neritoides and A. fluviatilis can be explained by the distinctly greater nocturnal activity of L. neritoides in combination with the ability to produce bright light in the latter species. 相似文献
Benno Ber 《Journal of Arid Environments》1996,33(4):417-423
Soils of different vegetation types of the Saudi Arabian Gulf coast, dominated by mangrove, salt marsh and desert plant communities have been analysed for their soil profiles, texture, salinity, pH, water content and ionic concentration (Ca2+, Cl−, K+, Na+, SO42−). The results show some important relationships between soils and plants. Special emphasis was given to the dominant intertidal plantsAvicennia marina, Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Salicornia europaea, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Halopeplis perfoliata, Limonium axillare, the terrestrialZygophyllum qatarense, and non-vegetated sabkhas. 相似文献
Gilian Schout Benno Drijver Mariene Gutierrez-Neri Ruud Schotting 《Hydrogeology Journal》2014,22(1):281-291
High-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) is an important technique for energy conservation. A controlling factor for the economic feasibility of HT-ATES is the recovery efficiency. Due to the effects of density-driven flow (free convection), HT-ATES systems applied in permeable aquifers typically have lower recovery efficiencies than conventional (low-temperature) ATES systems. For a reliable estimation of the recovery efficiency it is, therefore, important to take the effect of density-driven flow into account. A numerical evaluation of the prime factors influencing the recovery efficiency of HT-ATES systems is presented. Sensitivity runs evaluating the effects of aquifer properties, as well as operational variables, were performed to deduce the most important factors that control the recovery efficiency. A correlation was found between the dimensionless Rayleigh number (a measure of the relative strength of free convection) and the calculated recovery efficiencies. Based on a modified Rayleigh number, two simple analytical solutions are proposed to calculate the recovery efficiency, each one covering a different range of aquifer thicknesses. The analytical solutions accurately reproduce all numerically modeled scenarios with an average error of less than 3 %. The proposed method can be of practical use when considering or designing an HT-ATES system. 相似文献
Csar A. Zen Vasconcellos Dimiter Hadjimichef Moiss Razeira Guilherme Volkmer Benno Bodmann 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2019,340(9-10):857-865
The predictions of General Relativity suggest a universe in which, as we follow time backward, the hotter and the more dense it was, and the more rapidly it was expanding and that, around 13.7 billion years ago, at the extreme gravitational regime of its evolutionary process, the density, temperature, and expansion rate of the universe would start off as infinite. The General Relativity prediction of a singularity in the early universe would impose a limitation to our understanding of the cosmos and gravity, implying loss of logic and of formal consistency and predictability, making it impossible to impose initial conditions. These extreme conditions of the initial state of the universe are very far from our experimental possibilities, and presently, theoretical models allow only speculations about the avoidance of physical singularities or about the physical conditions that circumvented this drastic consequence of General Relativity. Speculations aside, in this study, we follow an analytical line in which we apply the tools of singular semi‐Riemannian geometry to push the limits of General Relativity beyond the Big Bang singularity. 相似文献
Kristina Sundbäck Per Nilsson Claes Nilsson Benno Jönsson 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1996,43(6):689-706
The microscopic community of a microtidal sandy sediment on the Swedish west coast was studiedin situat two depths (0·5 and 4 m) on four occasions (January, April, August and October). Biomass of microalgae, bacteria, ciliates and meiofauna, as well as primary and bacterial productivity, were quantified. Meiofaunal grazing on algae and bacteria was measured simultaneously by radiolabelling intact sediment cores. Autotrophic biomass dominated the microbial community at both depths and on all sampling occasions, accounting for 47–87% of the microbial biomass. Meiofauna contributed 10–47%, while bacteria and ciliates together made up less than 6%. The microflora was dominated by attached (epipsammic) diatoms, but occasional ‘ blooms ’ of motile species occurred. Vital cells of planktonic diatoms contributed to benthic algal biomass in spring. Primary productivity exceeded bacterial productivity in April and August at both depths, while the balance was reversed in October and January. Meiofauna grazed between 2 and 12% of the algal biomass per day, and between 0·3 and 37% of the bacterial biomass. Almost an order of magnitude more algal (17–138 mg C m−2) than bacterial (0·1–33 mg C m−2) carbon was grazed daily. At the shallow site, primary productivity always exceeded grazing rates on algae, whereas at the deeper site, grazing exceeded primary productivity in October and January. Bacterial productivity exceeded grazing at both depths on all four occasions. Thus, meiofaunal grazing seasonally controlled microalgal, but not bacterial, biomass. These results suggest that, during summer, only a minor fraction (<10%) of the daily microbenthic primary production appears to enter the ‘ small food web ’ through meiofauna. During spring and autumn, however, a much larger fraction (≈30–60%) of primary production may pass through meiofauna. During winter, meiofaunal grazing is a less important link in the shallow zone, but at sublittoral depths, algal productivity may be limiting, and meiofauna depend on other food sources, such as bacteria and detritus. 相似文献
S.J. Benno Brenninkmeyer 《Marine Geology》1976,20(2):117-128
A new instrument — an almometer — has been developed which measures, instantaneously and continuously, changes in the vertical density distribution of sediment. The almometer consists of two acrylic cylinders, one contains a fluorescent lamp, the other 64 photo-electric cells placed at 1 - or 2-cm intervals. These two tubes are anchored perpendicular to the bottom 30 cm apart.The amount of sediment that can be measured ranges from 10 to 500 g of sediment per liter of water. Calibration shows that differences in sediment size or mineralogy have little effect on the concentration resistance relationship if the size mean is within the sand range and the sediment is not monomineralic. 相似文献