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利用trackRT实时定位模块对GPS连续站数据进行处理,得到测站的实时动态位移,精度水平方向约为1 cm、垂向约为2 cm;利用其RINEX模拟模块trackRTr对2011年日本Mw9.0地震的1 Hz GPS数据进行模拟实时处理,与事后处理结果较为一致;分析卫星轨道星历和基线长度对解算精度的影响,结果表明基线长度对解算精度影响较大。  相似文献   
Geological and geophysical evidence is presented for a newly discovered, probable remnant complex impact structure. The structure, located near Bow City, southern Alberta, has no obvious morphological expression at surface. The geometry of the structure in the shallow subsurface, mapped using downhole geophysical well logs, is a semicircular structural depression approximately 8 km in diameter with a semicircular uplifted central region. Detailed subsurface mapping revealed evidence of localized duplication of stratigraphic section in the central uplift area and omission of strata within the surrounding annular region. Field mapping of outcrop confirmed an inlier of older rocks present within the center of the structure. Evidence of deformation along the eastern margin of the central uplift includes thrust faulting, folding, and steeply dipping bedding. Normal faults were mapped along the northern margin of the annular region. Isopach maps reveal that structural thickening and thinning were accommodated primarily within the Belly River Group. Evidence from legacy 2‐D seismic data is consistent with the subsurface mapping and reveals additional insight into the geometry of the structure, including a series of listric normal faults in the annular region and complex faulting within the central uplift. The absence of any ejecta blanket, breccia, suevite, or melt sheet (based on available data) is consistent with the Bow City structure being the remnant of a deeply eroded, complex impact structure. Accordingly, the Bow City structure may provide rare access and insight into zones of deformation remaining beneath an excavated transient crater in stratified siliciclastic target rocks.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the relation between income and emissions in the period 1970–2008, for all world countries. We consider time-series of CO2, SO2 and GWP100, and use Vector Autoregressive models that allow for nonstationarity and cointegration. At 5 % significance level, income and emissions are found to be driven by unrelated random walks with drift (respectively by a common random walk with drift) in about 70 % (respectively 25 %) of cases; in the remaining cases the variables are trend-stationary. Tests of Granger-causality show evidence of both directions of causality. For the case of unrelated stochastic trends, we almost never find income driving emissions, as predicted by a consumption-function interpretation. These causality results and the absence of a common trend challenge the main implications of the Environmental Kuznets Curve, namely that the dominant direction of causality should be from income to emissions, and that for increasing levels of income, emissions should tend to decrease.  相似文献   
Energy levels, electric dipole transition probabilities and oscillator strengths in five times ionized silicon have been calculated in intermediate coupling. The present calculations were carried out with the general purpose atomic structure program superstructure . The relativistic corrections to the non-relativistic Hamiltonian are taken into account through the Breit–Pauli approximation. We have also introduced a semi-empirical correction [term energy corrections (TEC)] for the calculation of the energy levels. These atomic data are used to provide semiclassical electron-, proton- and ionized helium-impact linewidths and shifts for 15 Si  vi multiplet. Calculated results have been used to consider the influence of Stark broadening for DO white dwarf atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   
We briefly review the recent advances that have been made on the front of pulsating subdwarf B (sdB) stars. The first family of sdB pulsators, the EC 14026 stars, was discovered a few years ago and consists of short-period (~100?200 s) p-mode variables. The second type of pulsating sdB’s consists of the PG 1716+426 stars, a group of variables showing long-period (~1 h) g-mode pulsations. The existence of the latter was first reported less than a year ago. While the two types of sdB pulsators differ markedly in their observational characteristics, we recently found a unifying property in the sense that the observed modes in these objects are excited through the same driving process, a classic kappa mechanism associated with the radiative levitation of iron in the stellar envelope.  相似文献   
Development of a Jurassic volcano-tectonic rift basin in the southern Andes created a setting in which thick, rhyolitic volcaniclastic sequences accumulated in submarine environments and were penetrated by hypabyssal intrusions during or shortly after deposition. In the Ultima Esperanza District of southern Chile, extensive masses of peperite were produced when rhyolite magma underwent quenching, disruption, and commingling with wet, unconsolidated sediments during intrusion at shallow levels beneath the sea floor. The peperite forms discordant intrusive masses with volumes of up to several cubic kilometers, in which large, widely spaced, coherent rhyolite feeder pods are surrounded by, and grade into closely packed and dispersed peperite. Closely packed peperite consists of tightly fitting clasts separated by sediment-filled fractures. In dispersed peperite, the sediment forms a matrix surrounding large masses of fractured rhyolite and smaller more widely separated rhyolite clasts; evidence of in situ quench fragmentation is well preserved on both outcrop and thin-section scales. Thin sections show that clast margins and, in some cases, entire small clasts underwent cooling-contraction granulation, releasing shards of quenched rhyolite and fragments of phenocrysts into the adjacent sediment.Interaction between magma and wet sediment was non-explosive and involved fluidization of the host sediments, creating space for the intruding magma and causing pervasive injection of highly mobile sediment along thermal contraction cracks in quench-fragmented rhyolite. The ability of the magma to undergo complex intermixing with large volumes of sediment, with widespread preservation of in situ fragmentation textures, is interpreted to reflect a relatively low magma viscosity, presumably caused by retention of volatiles in the magma at the ambient pressures involved.Beds of redeposited peperite within the rift-basin fill indicate that some of the intrusive peperite masses reached the sea floor, undergoing slumping and mass flow. The peperites were thus an important local source of coarse-grained debris during the evolution of the basin.  相似文献   
Disaster vulnerability: Scale,power and daily life   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The author gratefully acknowledges the stimulation over a number of years of his co-authors in a project about to appear in 1994 under the title,At Risk: Natural Hazards, People's Vulnerability and Disasters, Routledge, London & New York — Piers Blaikie, Terry Cannon, and Ian Davis.Earlier versions of this paper were discussed by session on disasters organized by Tony Oliver-Smith at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis, March, 1992 and at the Famine and Food Systems Study Group of the International Geographical Union, convened at Tufts University, July, 1992, by John Field and Hans Bohle. My thanks as well to colleagues who participated in these two discussions.  相似文献   
An earlier investigation by the Kansas Geological Survey in central Kansas studied the movement of nitrate from fertilizer through soil into the groundwater. Nitrate concentrations in soil water were measured on samples collected at three locations during a three-year span, from sets of lysimeters buried at different depths. Although patterns seemed apparent in the resulting measurements, no statistical analyses were performed to test their significance; this re-study of the data uses analyses of variance to test for differences in nitrate concentration attributable to time and to depth in the soil. The mean nitrate concentration of samples collected in the first year of the experiment was significantly higher than the means of second and third year samples at all three locations, perhaps reflecting the confounding influence of a previous flooding experiment. ANOVAs of depth across years determined few significant differences in nitrate concentration with depth. The wintertime gap in measurements and unequal sampling through time precludes formal time-series analyses, but graphs of concentration versus time show that peak concentration occurs at later times with increasing depth, and that maximum concentration decreases with depth. These statistical analyses support the conclusions from the original investigation.  相似文献   
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