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A new dinosaur tracksite was discovered in a steeply inclined sandstone layer of the Middle Jurassic Sanjianfang Formation in the Shanshan area of the Turpan Basin. The site is the first record of dinosaur footprints from Xinjiang Province in northwestern China. More than 150 tridactyl theropod dinosaur footprints are preserved as positive hyporeliefs on the lower bedding plane of a fine-grained sandstone body. Most of the footprints are isolated and appear to be randomly distributed. Some show well defined phalangeal pads, heels and rarely indistinct impressions of the distal part of the metatarsus. Two distinct morphotypes are present: a larger type with relatively broad pads shows similarities to Changpeipus and Megalosauripus, and a slightly smaller, slender and gracile type which is similar to Grallator, Eubrontes and Anchisauripus. In both morphotypes, digit III is the longest with a length between 11.4 and 33.6 cm. A single imprint shows prominent scratches, probably formed during slipping of the track maker.  相似文献   
鄱阳湖产银鱼的繁殖生物学   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈国华  张本 《湖泊科学》1990,2(1):59-67
本文记述了鄱阳湖产太湖短吻银鱼(Neosalanx tangkahkeii taihuensis)、乔氏短吻银鱼(Neosalanx jordani)、雷氏银鱼(Reganisalanx brachyrostralis)等三种银鱼的成熟年龄、繁殖时期、生殖群体的体长、性比、生殖力、卵的特征等繁殖生物学资料,并记述了太湖短吻银鱼性腺成熟系数的周年变化、太湖短吻银鱼和乔氏短吻银鱼的产卵生态条件等。近二十年来鄱阳湖银鱼产量急剧下降的主要原因是产卵场遭到了严重破坏。银鱼生命周期仅一年,繁殖力强,认为加强繁殖保护、合理安排捕捞时间是恢复鄱阳湖银鱼资源的关键措施。  相似文献   
金龙山金矿床位于南秦岭造山带的复理石褶冲带中,赋矿围岩为碎屑岩-碳酸盐建造,矿化明显受地层岩性与韧-脆性构造发育程度的控制。矿床稀土元素地球化学研究表明,地层岩石、矿石和热液矿物的轻重稀土分异程度和特征参数基本一致,表明成矿流体应主要来自于赋矿地层。铅同位素研究表明,地层岩石、矿石和热液矿物均具有较高的放射性成因的铅同位素组成,且均落入南秦岭造山带的泥盆系范围内,暗示铅也主要来自赋矿地层。对前人已有的碳-氧-硫-氢同位素组成和流体包裹体数据综合分析表明,碳和氧应主要来自海相碳酸盐的溶解作用,硫主要来自海相硫酸盐的热化学还原反应;从成矿早阶段到晚阶段,成矿流体的δ18O及δD值向大气降水线"漂移",指示成矿流体以盆地建造水和变质水为主,在晚阶段有大气降水加入。金龙山金矿床与卡林型金矿床的矿床地质-地球化学特征相似,应属于卡林型金矿床,其形成于秦岭造山带陆内造山作用过程中,多层次陆壳叠置加厚的地球动力学背景,是陆内碰撞造山作用的产物。  相似文献   
对出露东秦岭金堆城大型斑岩钼矿床北部的老牛山黑云二长花岗岩和金堆城含矿斑岩利用单颗粒锆石激光探针LA-ICP-MS定年技术进行了UPb精确定年和岩石地球化学对比研究。LA-ICPMS锆石UPb测年得到老牛山黑云二长花岗岩和金堆城含矿斑岩锆石加权平均年龄值分别为146.35±0.55Ma和140.95±0.45 Ma,与前人多次获得的金堆城钼矿床的辉钼矿Re-Os模式年龄141±4~127±7 Ma下限值一致,显示成矿与成岩同时或略滞后于岩体,成岩成矿发生于侏罗纪-白垩纪的同一成岩成矿系统中,与发生于1  相似文献   
Four megabeds (I to IV) were recognized throughout the Cerro Bola inlier, a glacially influenced depositional area of the Carboniferous Paganzo Basin, south‐western La Rioja Province, Argentina. Such anomalous thick beds are associated with the collapse of an unstable basin margin after periods of large meltwater discharge and sediment accumulation. Failure of these previously deposited sediments triggered mass flows and associated turbidity currents into the basin. Megabed I is up to 188 m thick and was deposited during a transgressive stage by re‐sedimentation of ice‐rafted debris. Also part of the transgressive stage, Megabeds II, III and IV are up to 9 m thick and are associated with a dropstone‐free period of flooding. Megabeds were subdivided into three divisions (1 to 3) that represent a spectrum of flow properties and rheologies, indicative of a wide range of grain support mechanisms. These divisions are proposed as an idealized deposit that may or may not be completely present; the Cerro Bola megabeds thus display bipartite or tripartite organization, each division inferred to reflect a rheologically distinct phase of flow. Division 1 is a basal layer that consists of clast‐supported and matrix‐supported, pebble conglomerate, rarely followed by weak normally graded to ungraded, very coarse‐ to coarse‐grained sandstone. This lower interval is interpreted to be the deposit of a concentrated density flow and is absent in bipartite megabeds. Division 2 is represented by a mud‐rich sandstone matrix with dispersed granule to pebble‐size crystalline and mudstone clasts. It also includes fragments of sandstone up to boulder size, as well as rafts of cohesive muddy material and wood fragments. Division 2 is interpreted to be a result of debris‐flow deposition. A debrite‐related topography, resulting from the freezing of high yield strength material, captures and partially confines the succeeding upper division 3, which fills the topographic lows and pinches out against topographic highs. Division 3 is rich in mudstone chips and consists of very coarse‐grained, dirty sandstones grading upward to siltstones and mudstones. It is interpreted to be a deposit of a co‐genetic turbidity current. Spectral gamma ray and petrographic analyses indicate that both debrite and co‐genetic turbidite have high depositional mud content and are of similar composition. One of the megabeds is correlated with an initial slump‐derived debris flow, which suggests that the mass flow becomes partitioned both at the top, generating a co‐genetic turbidity current and, at the base, segregating into a concentrated density flow that seems to behave as a gravelly traction carpet.  相似文献   
The Island Park-Mount Jackson series in the Yellowstone volcanic field, Wyoming (USA), is a suite of rhyolitic domes and lavas that erupted between the caldera-forming eruptions of the Mesa Fall Tuff (1.3 Ma) and the Lava Creek Tuff (0.6 Ma). Combined zircon U/Pb geochronology, Raman spectroscopy, oxygen isotopic and trace elemental compositions document storage conditions of these magmas between consecutive supereruptions. Based on comparison with co-erupted melt compositions and textural criteria, four zircon compositional groups are identified that record different stages along a continuous magmatic evolution from trace element-poor rhyolite at high temperatures to extremely fractionated rhyolite where zircon trace elements are highly enriched (e.g., >?1000 ppm U). These latter zircon domains are dark in cathodoluminescence images and show broadened Raman peaks relative to near-endmember zircon, indicating that substitution of non-stoichiometric trace elements into zircon leads to distortion of the crystal lattice. Some of these zircon domains contain inclusions of U-Th-REE-phases, likely originating from coupled dissolution–reprecipitation of metastable trace element-rich zircon in the presence of a fluid phase. Rhyolite-MELTS simulations indicate that at the conditions required to produce the observed enrichment in trace elements, a fluid phase is likely present. These findings illustrate that zircons can be assembled from a variety of co-existing magmatic environments in the same magma reservoir, including near-solidus volatile-rich melts close to the magmatic–hydrothermal transition.  相似文献   
运用水化学方法,通过对祖厉河这一黄河上游重要支流的多次实地考察和采样,结合区域水文地质条件,对祖厉河流域水体盐分的空间变化特征进行分析,并揭示流域水体的演化过程。结果表明,流域水体TDS普遍较高,总体以咸水为主。水中阳离子以Na~+为主,阴离子则以Cl-、SO_4~(2-)为主。水化学类型方面,源区地下水以Mg-Ca-Na-HCO_3型水为主,河水则以Na-Mg-Cl-SO_4型水为主。流域内水体盐分主要来源于阳离子交替吸附作用、上游地下水淋滤地层盐分后以泉的形式向河流排泄以及河流径流过程中侵蚀两岸高盐分土壤或含盐地层。径流过程中,当地干旱的气候环境使水体进一步蒸发浓缩,这是流域内水体TDS进一步增高的外在水化学演化过程。总之,由于多种来源的盐分,特别是源区高TDS地下水排泄、流域内强烈的土壤侵蚀以及干旱的气候条件等多重作用过程,是祖厉河TDS显著增高失去水资源功能的主要机制。  相似文献   
北秦岭西段冥古宙锆石(4.1~3.9Ga)年代学新进展   总被引:2,自引:13,他引:2  
2007年王洪亮等报道在北秦岭西段火山岩中获得一粒年龄为4079±5Ma的冥古宙捕虏锆石。之后,对这一发现开展了深入的调查研究,我们除利用SHIMP技术方法对原4079Ma的锆石进行验证外,新获得了两粒~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb年龄为4007±29Ma和3908±45Ma捕获的变质成因锆石,表明早在4.0Ga已经有变质作用的发生,这或许说明在冥古宙时期地球已经具有相当规模和厚度的地壳。同时开展的岩石学研究表明,蕴含古老锆石的母岩属于火山碎屑熔岩类而不是火山熔岩。  相似文献   
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