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Evidence of rifting and continental break-up to form the S Neotethys is found within the volcanic-sedimentary Koçali Complex. This is a folded, thrust-imbricated succession that includes lavas, volcaniclastic sediments, pelagic carbonates, radiolarites and manganiferous deposits. Interbedded ribbon cherts contain radiolarians of Late Triassic to Late Jurassic age. The lower part of the succession of Mid?-Late Triassic age (Tarasa Formation) is dominated by enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB). The overlying Late Triassic to Mid-Jurassic interval (Konak Formation) is characterised by intercalations of ocean island basalt and E-MORB. Taking account of structural position, the basalts erupted within the outer part of a continent–ocean transition zone. Continental break-up probably occurred during the Late Triassic (Carnian–Norian). Early to Mid-Jurassic lavas and volcaniclastic sediments record volcanism probably after continental break-up. In addition, the Karadut Complex is a broken formation that is located at a relatively low structural position just above the Arabian foreland. Pelagic carbonates, redeposited carbonates and radiolarites predominate. Radiolarians are dated as Early to Mid-Jurassic and Late Cretaceous in age. The pelagic carbonates include planktic foraminifera of Late Cretaceous age. The Karadut Complex resulted from the accumulation of calcareous gravity flows, pelagic carbonate and radiolarites in a relatively proximal, base-of-slope setting. After continental break-up, MORB and ophiolitic rocks formed within the S Neotethys further north. Tectonic emplacement onto the Arabian platform took place by earliest Maastrichtian time. Regional interpretation is facilitated by comparisons with examples of Triassic rifting and continental break-up in the eastern Mediterranean region and elsewhere.  相似文献   
In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of steerable filters as a method of delineating the boundaries of subsurface geological structures. Steerable filters, generally used for edge detection on 2-D images, have the properties of band pass filters with certain directions and are applied to many image processing problems. We first tested the method on synthetic data and then applied it to the aeromagnetic data of İskenderun Basin and adjacent areas.İskenderun Basin is located in the Northeastern Mediterranean where African–Arabian and Anatolian plates are actively interacting. The basin fill records a complex tectonic evolution since the Early Miocene, involving ophiolite emplacement, diachronous collision of Eurasian and Arabian plates and subsequent tectonic escape related structures and associated basin formation. Geophysical investigations of the tectonic framework of İskenderun Basin of Turkey provide important insights on the regional tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. In this study we show geological structures, which are responsible for the magnetic anomalies in İskenderun Basin and enlighten the structural setting of the Northeastern Mediterranean triple junction using steerable filters. We obtained a magnetic anomaly map of the region from the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration as raw data and then evaluated this by steerable filters. We determined the magnetic anomaly boundaries for İskenderun Basin by using various types of steerable filters and correlated these to drilling data and seismic profiles from the Turkish Petroleum Corporation. The result of the steerable filter analysis was a clarified aeromagnetic anomaly map of İskenderun Basin. The tectonic structure of İskenderun Basin is divided into regions by an N–S trending oblique-slip fault defined by the steerable filter outputs. We propose a new tectonic structure model of İskenderun Basin and modify the direction of the East Anatolian Fault Zone. In our model, East Anatolian Fault Zone cross-cuts the basin as a narrow fault zone and continues towards the Cyprus arc.  相似文献   
Two gravity cores (CAG-3 and C-15) from the tectonically active, 1,276-m deep Çınarcık Basin of the Marmara Sea each include three sandy turbiditic mud units (1 mm–2 cm thick) with sharp basal contacts. The high benthic foraminifer content of these units suggests that the sediments were transported by turbidity currents from the upper slope region. These units represent the thin edges of turbidites thickening towards the subsiding north-eastern part of the basin, and contain quartz, detrital calcite, intact shells and shell fragments, smectite, pyrite framboids, muscovite, biotite, epidote and garnet. Their clay fractions are more enriched in smectite than those of adjacent layers. AMS 14C ages (957±43 a.d. and 578±31 a.d.) of two upper and middle turbiditic units in core C15 overlap with the historical İstanbul-Thrace (intensity=10) and İstanbul-Kocaeli (intensity=9) earthquakes of 26 October 986 and 15 August 553, respectively. This overlap, together with sedimentological characteristics, strongly suggests that the turbiditic units are related to the tectono-seismic activity of the North Anatolian Fault. The age of the lowest turbiditic unit in core C-3 was found to be 6,573±87 a b.p. (calendar) by AMS 14 C. In terms of chronostratigraphic relationships and lithological composition, the turbiditic units in core CAG-3 cannot be correlated with those in C15. This can be explained by gravity-controlled sedimentation causing wedging out of turbidites towards the edge of the basin.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Neogene evolution of north-Western Anatolia based on geological data collected in the course of a new mapping program. The geological history of the region, as recorded by the Neogene sedimentary and magmatic rocks that overlie the Paleozoic-Triassic basement, began after a lake invasion during the Early Miocene period with the deposition of shale-dominated successions. They were accompanied by calc-alkaline intermediate lavas and pyroclastic rocks ejected through NNE trending fractures and faults. The Lower-Middle Miocene successions were deformed under a compressional regime at the end of the Middle Miocene. The deposition of the overlying Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene successions was restricted to within NE-SW trending graben basins. The graben bounding faults are oblique with a major strike-slip displacement, formed under approximately the N-S extension. The morphological irregularities formed during the Miocene graben formations were obliterated during a severe erosional phase to the end of the deposition of this lacustrine succession. The present E–W graben system as exemplified from the well-developed Edremit graben, postdates the erosional phase, which has formed during the Plio-Quaternary period. © 2001 Éditions Scientifiques et médicates Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
Warm and hot spring water as well as soil gas radon release patterns have been monitored in the Aegean Extensional Province of Western Turkey, alongside regional seismic events, providing a multi-disciplinary approach. In the study period of 20 months, seven moderate earthquakes with M L between 4.0 and 4.7 occurred in this seismically very active region; two earthquakes with magnitude 5.0 also occurred near the study area. Seismic monitoring showed no foreshock activity. By contrast, hydro-geochemical anomalies were found prior to these seismic events, each lasting for weeks. The anomalies occurred foremost in conjunction with dip-slip events and seem to support the dilatancy and water diffusion hypothesis. Increased soil gas radon release was recorded before earthquakes associated with strike-slip faults, but no soil radon anomalies were seen before earthquakes associated with dip-slip faults. Geochemical anomalies were also noticeably absent at some springs throughout the postulated deformation zones of impending earthquakes. The reason for this discrepancy might be due to stress/strain anisotropies.  相似文献   
In this study, domestic wastewater was used as the electrolyte. The work was carried out with an up-flow tubular reactor, made of stainless steel that was used as cathode, while the anode electrode material was aluminum and varying values of flow regime (25, 50, 75 and 100 mL/s for continuous system), initial pH value (5, 6, 7 and 7.8) and current intensity (10, 15 and 20 A) were applied. For domestic wastewater with natural pH, the effluent pH was >9 in the batch system, while in the continuous system the pH was 8–8.5. Likewise, while the effluent temperature was up to 60°C in the batch system, it was at most 35°C in the continuous system. However, the energy consumption values in the continuous system were considerably lower compared with the batch system. At a current intensity of 10 A, 80 kWh of energy per unit volume was consumed in the batch system, while it was 50 kWh for the continuous system. The present results show that the batch system can be used for small wastewater streams whereas the continuous system can be used for large wastewater streams for domestic wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
Two isolated metamorphic accretionary complexes of Jurassic age, the Refahiye and Kurtlutepe metamorphic rocks, crop out as tectonic slices within the coeval suprasubduction-zone ophiolite at the southern margin of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey), close to the ?zmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture. The Refahiye metamorphic rocks are made up of greenschist, marble, serpentinite, phyllite and minor garnet amphibolite, garnet micaschist and metachert. The whole unit was metamorphosed under garnet-amphibolite-facies conditions and strongly retrogressed during exhumation. The Kurtlutepe metamorphic rocks consist of subgreenschist-facies metavolcanics, metavolcaniclastics, marble, calc-phyllite, and minor serpentinite and metachert. Metabasites in the Refahiye metamorphic rocks are represented by four distinct geochemical affinities: (i) cumulate “flavor,” (ii) alkaline oceanic island basalt (OIB), (iii) enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB) and (iv) tholeiitic island arc basalt (IAB). On the other hand, the Kurtlutepe metavolcanic rocks display only tholeiitic to calc-alkaline island arc geochemical affinities. The metabasic rocks with OIB affinities were interpreted as parts of the accreted oceanic islands, and those with E-MORB affinities as parts of accreted ridge segments close to oceanic islands and/or plume-distal mid-ocean ridges with a mantle previously metasomatized by plume components. The metabasic rocks with IAB affinities might have been derived from the overlying suprasubduction ophiolite and/or arc domain by a number of tectonic or sedimentary processes including tectonic slicing of accretionary complex and overlying fore-arc ophiolite, juxtaposition of the magmatic arc with subduction zone by strike slip faults, submarine gravity sliding and debris flows or subduction erosion. However, totally recrystallized nature of the metabasic rocks together with field relations does not allow any inference on the processes involved. The Kurtlutepe metavolcanic rocks might represent collided and accreted oceanic island arc with the subduction zone. Attempted subduction of an intraoceanic island arc may also explain the magmatic lull during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous in the Eastern Pontides.  相似文献   
The Karakaya Complex within the Early Mesozoic Cimmerian Orogeny in northern Turkey represents the remnants of the Palaeotethys. It includes slivers and/or mega-blocks of slightly metamorphic basic volcanic rocks associated with fossiliferous sediments as well as hypabyssal and intrusive rocks with basaltic-andesitic to ultramafic compositions. They display two distinct compositional groups; namely alkaline and variably tholeiitic. The alkaline basalt samples are more akin to oceanic-island basalts (OIB) with relatively enriched trace element characteristics together with strong partitioning in HREE ([La/Yb]= 5.8–16.2), suggesting that garnet is present as a residual phase in the source of those basalts. The variably tholeiitic samples apart from diabases display E-MORB characteristics; being relatively depleted compared to the alkaline counterparts and less fractionated REE patterns ([La/Yb]= 2.1–3.6). The diabases, on the other hand, are distinctively different with a significant negative Nb anomaly (Zr/Nb = 28.9–43.4) and flat REE patterns ([La/Yb]= 0.8–1.4), suggesting their generation above a supra-subduction zone, probably a back-arc basin. These results may suggest that a mantle plume-related magmatism associated with extensional oceanic system should have been installed within Palaeotethys during Middle-Late Triassic time, which was then incorporated into subduction–accretion prism forming the final picture, that is, “the Karakaya Complex”.  相似文献   
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