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During geothermal power production using a borehole doublet consisting of a production and injection well, the reservoir conditions such as permeability k, porosity φ and Skempton coefficient B at the geothermal research site Gross Schoenebeck/Germany will change. Besides a temperature decrease at the injection well and a change of the chemical equilibrium, also the pore pressure p p will vary in a range of approximately 44 MPa ± 10 MPa in our reservoir at ?3850 to ?4258 m depth. This leads to a poroelastic response of the reservoir rocks depending on effective pressure p eff (difference between mean stress and pore pressure), resulting in a change in permeability k, porosity φ and the poroelastic parameter Skempton coefficient B. Hence, we investigated the effective pressure dependency of Flechtinger sandstone, an outcropping equivalent of the reservoir rock via laboratory experiments. The permeability decreased by 21% at an effective pressure range from 3 to 30 MPa, the porosity decreased by 11% (p eff = 6 to 65 MPa) and the Skempton coefficient decreased by 24% (p eff = 4 to 25 MPa). We will show which mechanisms lead to the change of the mentioned hydraulic and poroelastic parameters and the influence of these changes on the productivity of the reservoir. The most significant changes occur at low effective pressures until 15 to 20 MPa. For our in situ reservoir conditions p eff = 43 MPa a change of 10 MPa effective pressure will result in a change in matrix permeability of less than 4% and in matrix porosity of less than 2%. Besides natural fracture systems, fault zones and induced hydraulic fractures, the rock matrix its only one part of geothermal systems. All components can be influenced by pressure, temperature and chemical reactions. Therefore, the determined small poroelastic response of rock matrix does not significantly influence the sustainability of the geothermal reservoir.  相似文献   
Ultramafic rocks and gabbros are exposed in the southern Puna (NW Argentina) in tectonic association with continental arc-related Ordovician (volcano) sedimentary successions and granitoids. The origin of this mafic rock suite has been debated for three decades as either representing an Ordovician terrane suture, primitive Ordovician arc-related rocks or relics of the pre-Ordovician basement in tectonic contact with the Ordovician retro-arc basin successions. We present the first U–Pb ages of primary and inherited zircon from gabbros of this mafic–ultramafic assemblage. LA-ICP-MS analyses on cores and rims of these zircon grains yielded a concordia age of 543.4 ± 7.2 Ma for the gabbroic rocks. Other analysed zircons have Mesoproterozoic, and Early Ediacaran core and rim ages indicating that the magmas also assimilated Meso- and Neoproterozoic crustal material prior to final crystallization. The mafic rocks witnessed higher metamorphic grade than associated Ordovician rocks, which are unmetamorphosed or only affected by anchimetamorphism. The gabbros are mostly tholeiitic and enriched in Zr, Th, as well as other incompatible elements and have εNd t=540Ma ranging from 1.3 to 7.4 with most of the values between 5 and 7. 147Sm/144Nd ratios show evidence of weak crustal contamination. The mafic rocks do not reveal any affinity to mid-ocean ridge basalts in their geochemistry but point instead to an emplacement in an active plate margin arc environment. Chromites from ultramafic rocks show typical Ti, Al, Cr#, Fe3+ abundances found in magmatic arc rocks. The formation of the gabbros and the associated ultramafic rocks in the southern Argentine Puna is related to the evolution of the margin of the Pampia terrane, including the Puncoviscana basin, during the Late Neoproterozoic and earliest Cambrian. In contrast to previous interpretations, the rocks predate the Ordovician evolution of the Central proto-Andean active margin. Consequently, interpretations assuming these rocks to represent an oceanic terrane suture of Ordovician age have to be dismissed as much as all palaeotectonic models that define Ordovician terranes in the Central Andes based on assumption that the ultramafic rocks and gabbros exposed in the southern Puna mark plate boundaries.  相似文献   
The seagrass Syringodium filiforme was examined in an ecological analysis of plant nutrient requirements and nutrient resource availability. Assessment of the sediment geochemistry in a San Salvador Island seagrass bed indicated that phosphorus was not readily accessible to the plants. Ammonium regeneration in the fine-grained carbonate sediments was high, and interstitial concentrations averaged ca. 100 μM while phosphate replenishment to interstitial water was low, and concentrations were generally less than 2 μM. Analysis of the seagrass leaf tissue content (C : N : P = 1390 : 47 : 1, atomic wt) suggested that nitrogen and phosphorus were both depleted relative to carbon. However, this high N : P for S. filiforme and the low concentration of phosphate available in the interstitial water established the likelihood that plant acquisition of phosphorus was limited. The finding of high root biomass relative to leaf biomass in these seagrass beds corroborates this evidence by depicting a method of plant adaptation that increases nutrient absorptive root surface area.  相似文献   
Wetlands are significant sources and sinks for arsenic (As), yet the geochemical conditions and processes causing a release of dissolved arsenic and its association with the solid phase of wetland soils are poorly known. Here we present experiments in which arsenic speciation was determined in peatland mesocosms in high spatiotemporal resolution over 10 months. The experiment included a drought/rewetting treatment, a permanently wet, and a defoliated treatment. Soil water content was determined by the TDR technique, and arsenic, iron and sulfate turnover from mass balancing stocks and fluxes in the peat, and solid phase contents by sequential extractions. Arsenic content ranged from 5 to 25 mg kg−1 and dissolved concentrations from 10 to 300 μg L−1, mainly in form of As(III), and secondarily of As(V) and dimethylated arsenic (DMA). Total arsenic was mainly associated with amorphous iron hydroxides (R2 > 0.95, α < 0.01) and deeper into the peat with an unidentified residual fraction. Arsenic release was linked to ferrous iron release and primarily occurred in the intensely rooted uppermost soil. Volumetric air contents of 2-13 % during drought eliminated DMA from the porewater and suppressed its release after rewetting for >30 d. Dissolved As(III) was oxidized and immobilized as As(V) at rates of up to 0.015 mmol m−3 d−1. Rewetting mobilized As(III) at rates of up to 0.018 mmol m−3 d−1 within days. Concurrently, Fe(II) was released at depth integrated rates of up 20 mmol m−3 d−1. The redox half systems of arsenic, iron, and sulfur were in persistent disequilibrium, with H2S being a thermodynamically viable reductant for As(V) to As(III). The study suggests that rewetting can lead to a rapid release of arsenic in iron-rich peatlands and that methylation is of lesser importance than co-release with iron reduction, which was largely driven by root activity.  相似文献   
The cation exchange equilibrium has been investigated by hydrothermal experiments at 700 and 800°C at 200 MPa. To avoid equilibration problems of conventional exchange experiments, we synthesized amphiboles with an excess fluid allowing exchange between solid and fluid during the experiment. The exchangeable cations Na and K were provided as excess 1 to 2n chloridic solution. These exchange syntheses can be described by the reaction equation with (aq) for hydroxides and chlorides in aqueous solutions and ( s ) and ( p )?=?start and product fluid. The amphiboles grew in presence of the exchange fluid and adjusted their stoichiometry in equilibrium with the fluid phase. The solid products consist of more than 99% amphibole (Na,K-richteritess) with traces of diopside and quartz. The amphiboles are up to 1?mm long and often ≈ 40 μm thick. Detailed EMP- and HRTEM-observations show that they are chemically homogeneous and structurally wellordered. The experimental results give consistent phase relations in the reciprocal ternary system Na-richterite–K-richterite–NaCl–KCl. We analysed the product fluid with AAS- and ICP-methods. The Na-K distribution coefficients between fluid and amphiboles of the richterite–K-richterite join are close to unity at 700°C and 800°C at 200 MPa. Small systematic deviations are explained by a symmetric solution model for the A-position of the amphiboles. Using ideal mixing for H2O-NaCl-KCl fluids, a mixing model for the system richterite–K-richterite is presented. We suggest that the composition of richterite solid solutions can be used as a sensor for NaCl/KCl-ratios in metamorphic fluids.  相似文献   
Numerous studies investigated the influence of abiotic (meteorological conditions) and biotic factors (tree characteristics) on stemflow generation. Although these studies identified the variables that influence stemflow volumes in simply structured forests, the combination of tree characteristics that allows a robust prediction of stemflow volumes in species‐rich forests is not well known. Many hydrological applications, however, require at least a rough estimate of stemflow volumes based on the characteristics of a forest stand. The need for robust predictions of stemflow motivated us to investigate the relationships between tree characteristics and stemflow volumes in a species‐rich tropical forest located in central Panama. Based on a sampling setup consisting of ten rainfall collectors, 300 throughfall samplers and 60 stemflow collectors and cumulated data comprising 26 rain events, we derive three main findings. Firstly, stemflow represents a minor hydrological component in the studied 1‐ha forest patch (1.0% of cumulated rainfall). Secondly, in the studied species‐rich forest, single tree characteristics are only weakly related to stemflow volumes. The influence of multiple tree parameters (e.g. crown diameter, presence of large epiphytes and inclination of branches) and the dependencies among these parameters require a multivariate approach to understand the generation of stemflow. Thirdly, predicting stemflow in species‐rich forests based on tree parameters is a difficult task. Although our best model can capture the variation in stemflow to some degree, a critical validation reveals that the model cannot provide robust predictions of stemflow. A reanalysis of data from previous studies in species‐rich forests corroborates this finding. Based on these results and considering that for most hydrological applications, stemflow is only one parameter among others to estimate, we advocate using the base model, i.e. the mean of the stemflow data, to quantify stemflow volumes for a given study area. Studies in species‐rich forests that wish to obtain predictions of stemflow based on tree parameters probably need to conduct a much more extensive sampling than currently implemented by most studies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Black shales of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in southern China (Huangjiawan mine, Zunyi region, northern part of the Guizhou Province) host regionally distributed stratiform polymetallic Ni‐Mo‐platinum group elements (PGE)‐Au phosphate‐ and sulfide‐rich ores. These are confined to a ≥0.2‐m thick ore horizon composed of mineralized bodies of algal onkolites, phosphate nodules, and sulfide and shale clasts in a mineralized phosphate‐ and organic matter‐rich matrix. Compared to footwall and hanging wall shales, the ore bed is strongly enriched in Ni (up to 100‐fold), As (up to 97‐fold), Mo (up to 95‐fold), Sb (up to 67‐fold), Rh (up to 49‐fold), Cu (up to 37‐fold), Pd (up to 33‐fold), Ru (up to 24‐fold), Zn (up to 23‐fold), Pt (up to 21‐fold), Ir (up to 15‐fold), Co (up to 14‐fold), and Pb (up to 13‐fold). Even footwall and hanging wall black shales are significantly enriched by Mo (21‐fold) and Ni (12‐fold) but depleted in Cr in comparison to average Cambrian black shale. Organic matter is represented by separate accumulations dispersed in the rock matrix or as biotic bitumen droplets and veinlets in ore clasts. Similar organic carbon (Corg) values in an ore bed and enclosing footwall and hanging wall shales of little mineralization indicate that metal accumulation was not controlled only by biogenic productivity and organic matter accumulation rate. Evaporitic conditions during sedimentation of the basal part of the Niutitang Formation were documented by an occurrence of preserved Ni‐, V‐, Cr‐, and Cu‐enriched phosphate‐rich hardground with halite and anhydrite pseudomorphs on the paleosurface of the underlying Neoproterozoic carbonates. Neoproterozoic black shales of the Doushantuo Formation are characterized by increased metal concentrations. Comparison of metal abundances in both hardground and Doushantuo black shales indicate that black shales could have become a source of metal‐rich hardground during weathering. The polymetallic Ni‐Mo‐PGE sulfide‐rich ore bed is interpreted to represent a remnant of shallow‐water hardground horizon rich in metals, which originated in a sediment‐starved, semi‐restricted, seawater environment. During the Early Cambrian transgression an influx of fresh seawater and intensive evaporation, together with the hydrothermal enrichment of seawater in a semi‐restricted basin, resulted in the formation of dense metalliferous brines; co‐precipitation of metals together with phosphates and sulfides occurred at or above the oxic–anoxic sediment interface. Metal‐enriched hardground was disintegrated by the action of waves or bottom currents and deposited in a deeper part of the anoxic basin. Contemporaneously with the formation of a polymetallic Ni‐Mo‐PGE‐Au sulfide ore bed, economic sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX)‐type barite deposits were forming in a stratigraphically and geotectonically similar setting. The results of geochemical study at the Shang Gongtang SEDEX‐type Ba deposit indicate that concentrations of Ag, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, Zn and other metals decrease from top of the barite body toward the hanging wall black shale. Lower Cambrian black shales of the Niutitang Formation above the barite body also display similar element abundances as Neoproterozoic black shales of the Doushantuo Formation, developed in the footwall of the barite body. But the geochemical composition of the sulfide layer is different from the Ni‐Mo ore bed, showing only elevated Pb, Cu, Ni and Mo values. It is suggested that hydrothermal brines at Shang Gongtang might have leached metals from footwall Neoproterozoic sequences and became, after mixing with normal seawater, an additional source of Ag, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sb, Zn, Ni, PGE, V and other metals.  相似文献   
An anomalous reduction in forest growth indices and temperature sensitivity has been detected in tree-ring width and density records from many circumpolar northern latitude sites since around the middle 20th century. This phenomenon, also known as the “divergence problem”, is expressed as an offset between warmer instrumental temperatures and their underestimation in reconstruction models based on tree rings. The divergence problem has potentially significant implications for large-scale patterns of forest growth, the development of paleoclimatic reconstructions based on tree-ring records from northern forests, and the global carbon cycle. Herein we review the current literature published on the divergence problem to date, and assess its possible causes and implications. The causes, however, are not well understood and are difficult to test due to the existence of a number of covarying environmental factors that may potentially impact recent tree growth. These possible causes include temperature-induced drought stress, nonlinear thresholds or time-dependent responses to recent warming, delayed snowmelt and related changes in seasonality, and differential growth/climate relationships inferred for maximum, minimum and mean temperatures. Another possible cause of the divergence described briefly herein is ‘global dimming’, a phenomenon that has appeared, in recent decades, to decrease the amount of solar radiation available for photosynthesis and plant growth on a large scale. It is theorized that the dimming phenomenon should have a relatively greater impact on tree growth at higher northern latitudes, consistent with what has been observed from the tree-ring record. Additional potential causes include “end effects” and other methodological issues that can emerge in standardization and chronology development, and biases in instrumental target data and its modeling. Although limited evidence suggests that the divergence may be anthropogenic in nature and restricted to the recent decades of the 20th century, more research is needed to confirm these observations.  相似文献   
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