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Within the ‘glimmerite’ nodules occurring within kimberlite pipes we recognize the MARID suite consisting of varying proportions of mica, amphibole, rutile, ilmenite and diopside. Banding of some specimens is interpreted as cumulate layering. All specimens were deformed either before incorporation into the host kimberlite or during intrusion. Compared with minerals in peridotite xenoliths, the MARID ones are lower in Al2O3 and Cr2O3, but richer in total iron. The MARID micas, amphiboles, diopsides, ilmenites and probably rutiles contain substantial Fe2O3 indicative of oxidizing conditions. The amphibole is potassic richterite. Micas of the megacryst suite in kimberlite have less total iron and Fe2O3 than micas of the MARID suite. We suggest that the rocks of the MARID suite crystallized under oxidizing conditions from a magma, chemically similar to kimberlite, within the higher parts of the upper mantle: the presence of amphibole restricts the depth to less than ~ 100 km. A xenolith containing olivine and orthopyroxene as well as minerals similar to but not the same compositionally as MARID-types is interpreted as a metasomite, possibly representing wall-rock of a magma body from which MARID-suite rocks crystallized.  相似文献   
The paper provides a brief overview of recent advances in selected areas of mountain climate research. It addresses the contrasting vertical precipitation gradients in the Alps and in central Asia, snow line in the Alps, orographic precipitation in North America, the Mesoscale Alpine Programme wind studies, automatic weather stations in mountains, satellite remote sensing of glacier changes, and temperature change at high elevations. The evidence for altitudinal differences in the temperature response to recent warming is discussed.  相似文献   
Eddy-correlation measurements of the oceanic \(\hbox {CO}_2\) flux are useful for the development and validation of air–sea gas exchange models and for analysis of the marine carbon cycle. Results from more than a decade of published work and from two recent field programs illustrate the principal interferences from water vapour and motion, demonstrating experimental approaches for improving measurement precision and accuracy. Water vapour cross-sensitivity is the greatest source of error for \(\hbox {CO}_2\) flux measurements using infrared gas analyzers, often leading to a ten-fold bias in the measured \(\hbox {CO}_2\) flux. Much of this error is not related to optical contamination, as previously supposed. While various correction schemes have been demonstrated, the use of an air dryer and closed-path analyzer is the most effective way to eliminate this interference. This approach also obviates density corrections described by Webb et al. (Q J R Meteorol 106:85–100, 1980). Signal lag and frequency response are a concern with closed-path systems, but periodic gas pulses at the inlet tip provide for precise determination of lag time and frequency attenuation. Flux attenuation corrections are shown to be \(<\) 5 % for a cavity ring-down analyzer (CRDS) and dryer with a 60-m inlet line. The estimated flux detection limit for the CRDS analyzer and dryer is a factor of ten better than for IRGAs sampling moist air. While ship-motion interference is apparent with all analyzers tested in this study, decorrelation or regression methods are effective in removing most of this bias from IRGA measurements and may also be applicable to the CRDS.  相似文献   
A dynamical model for the late-Quaternary global variations of 18O, mean ocean surface tempeature , ice mass I, deep ocean temperature , and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration , is constructed. This model consists of two diagnostic equations (for 18O and ), and three prognostic equations (for I, , and ) of a form studied extensively in previous articles. The carbon dioxide equation includes forcing by a representation of the Milankovitch earth-orbital radiation effects, and contains a basic instability that drives a free oscillation of period near 100,000 years. The system is constrained to conserve mass and energy, contain physically plausible feedbacks including a system time constant no greater than 10.000 years, and be robust (i. e., structurally stable in the presence of expected noise levels and uncertainties in values of coefficients). Within the limits of these constraints, coefficients are chosen such that (i) the solution gives a good fit to the observed SPECMAP 18O variations, and (ii) the ice mass variations are qualitatively similar to the 18O variations. The predicted long term variations of sea surface temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide are in reasonably good agreement with the limited observational evidence available for these quantities, while the predicted variations of deep ocean temperature remain to be verified when paleoclimatic estimates of this quantity become available. The relative contributions of ice mass changes and surface water temperature changes to the variations of 18O at any time are given by the model.  相似文献   
We propose that an international ‘Low-Emissions Technology Commitment’ should be incorporated into the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiation process in order to promote innovation that will enable deep decarbonization. The goal is to accelerate research, development, and demonstration of safe, scalable, and affordable low-emissions energy technologies. Such a commitment should be based on three elements. First, it should operate within existing UNFCCC negotiations so as to encourage developed states to offer directed funding for energy research as part of their national contributions. Second, pledges should be binding, verifiable, and coordinated within an international energy-research plan. Third, expert scientific networks and participating governments should collaborate to design a coordinated global research and technology-demonstration strategy and oversee national research efforts. To this end an Intergovernmental Panel on Low-Emissions Technology Research might be established. This proposal offers some insurance against the risk that the political impasse in international negotiations cannot be overcome. The higher costs associated with low-emissions alternatives to fossil fuels currently creates significant economic and political resistance to their widespread adoption. To breach this impasse, a mechanism supporting accelerated energy research is needed that seeks to reduce future abatement costs, share experience and ‘learning-by-doing’ in first-of-a-kind demonstrations, and thus facilitate future widespread deployments. These actions will also assist in addressing inequalities in energy access.

Policy relevance

Over the past decade, global fossil-fuel use and associated carbon emissions have risen steadily, despite the majority of nations agreeing, in principle, to work to limit global warming to less than 2?°C above pre-industrial conditions (IPCC, 2014 IPCC. (2014). Climate change 2014: Mitigation of climate change. In O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, E. Farahani, S. Kadner, K. Seyboth, … J. C. Minx (Eds.), Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pp. 11415). Cambridge and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from http://mitigation2014.org/report [Google Scholar]). Accelerated research, development, and demonstration of low-emissions technologies will be required for successful and economically efficient decarbonization of the global economy, but how can the current deadlock be broken? The UNFCCC does not contain adequate mechanisms to promote increased investment in research, so climate-governance institutions are not capturing the gains that could be achieved through a globally coordinated approach. Here, we outline reform proposals that would enhance both the economic effectiveness of global abatement efforts and the political feasibility of accelerated innovation.  相似文献   
Landscape discontinuities such as forest edges play an important role in determining the characteristics of the atmospheric flow by generating increased turbulence and triggering the formation of coherent tree-scale structures. In a fragmented landscape, consisting of surfaces of different heights and roughness, the multiplicity of edges may lead to complex patterns of flow and turbulence that are potentially difficult to predict. Here, we investigate the effects of different levels of forest fragmentation on the airflow. Five gap spacings (of length approximately 5h, 10h, 15h, 20h, 30h, where h is the canopy height) between forest blocks of length 8.7h, as well as a reference case consisting of a continuous forest after a single edge, were investigated in a wind tunnel. The results reveal a consistent pattern downstream from the first edge of each simulated case, with the streamwise velocity component at tree top increasing and turbulent kinetic energy decreasing as gap size increases, but with overshoots in shear stress and turbulent kinetic energy observed at the forest edges. As the gap spacing increases, the flow appears to change monotonically from a flow over a single edge to a flow over isolated forest blocks. The apparent roughness of the different fragmented configurations also decreases with increasing gap size. No overall enhancement of turbulence is observed at any particular level of fragmentation.  相似文献   
Laboratory experimentation on whole-rock ‘Rock-Eval’ pyrolysis has shown that the characterization of organic matter through the use of a modified van Krevelen diagram, in which the hydrogen and oxygen indices are substituted for the atomic H/C and O/C ratios, produces questionable results. The hydrogen and oxygen indices have been found to be strongly affected by both matrix mineralogy and level of organic enrichment. It appears, therefore, that although the modified van Krevelen diagram maybe useful for tracing evolutionary pathways as organic matter matures, it can be very misleading when used to assess kerogen type.  相似文献   
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