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柏江湘  米贤武  李德俊 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6205-6212
用一种全量子理论方法研究了波导、光学微盘腔与三能级量子点耦合系统的动力学过程,求出其耦合后的透射模和反射模的解析解. 由于微腔表面粗糙引起反向散射,在微腔内形成两简并回音壁耦合共振模,其耦合率为β;量子点的两激发态分别以耦合率g1,g2与回音壁耦合共振模产生耦合. 在实数空间里,得出透射光谱和反射光谱的数值解,这些三能级模型结果比二能级模型结果更接近真实光学微盘腔系统,能更好地显示耦合系统的动力学特性.  相似文献   
人居环境系统内部的耦合协调是保证人居环境均衡发展的基础。基于“人类-居住-支撑-自然-社会”5个子系统,构建人居环境系统耦合协调发展评价指标体系,将2个系统间的容量耦合模型扩展运用到人居环境5个子系统中,综合熵值法、GIS空间分析以及地理探测器对辽宁省2005~2016年人居环境系统耦合协调度的时空演化特征与驱动力进行探讨,阐述人居环境系统内部协调性。研究表明:2005~2016年辽宁省人居环境系统内部的耦合度与耦合协调度整体呈缓慢浮动上升趋势;辽宁省人居环境耦合协调度呈分散格局,并且呈现从中间向两侧递减的“屋脊”式格局和“双核结构”;东西方向上,空间演变趋势由倒U型逐渐向一字型演变,南北方向上由斜线型向“L”型演变。全省出现了中耦合低协调区、中耦合过渡协调区、高耦合低协调区、高耦合过渡协调区、高耦合高协调区5种类型区。空间分异驱动力主要包括人的需求、经济发展、住房、互联网发展等。  相似文献   
基于空间计量模型的中国城市化发展与城市空气质量关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜磊  周海峰  柏玲 《热带地理》2019,39(3):461-471
采用中国289个地级及以上城市2016年的空气质量指数(AQI)和夜间灯光数据,运用空间滞后模型,从空间溢出效应视角出发探究了城市化发展与空气质量之间的定量关系。从空间滞后模型的估计结果来看,城市空气污染存在显著的空间溢出效应,周边地区空气质量的下降会导致本地空气污染情况加重。在城市发展过程中,城市经济发展水平的提高,引致的城市建设用地的扩张使得空气质量不断恶化;政府管制力的加强对空气污染的治理起到了促进作用,而居民环保意识和城市技术创新水平的提高有利于空气质量的改善。此外,PM2.5质量浓度的上升导致空气质量恶化。公路货运量在统计上与空气质量的关系不显著。从研究结果来看,协调城市发展与空气质量的关系以及加强空气污染防治的联防联控机制,是未来空气污染治理工作的重点。  相似文献   
自 1992年起云南天文台开始了在云南省西北部的天文选址。丽江高美古最终被选择作为未来中国地基天文光学观测的新址点。并且 ,在国家科技部 ,云南省政府 ,以及中科院的支持下 ,2m级天文望远镜项目在 2 0 0 0年 12月获得立项。在文中 ,我们简要的介绍了高美古台址的情况 ,并给出了 2 .4m望远镜的详细情况 ,以及其他相关情况。  相似文献   
Due to the bird's eye view of remote sensing sensors, the orientational information of an object is a key factor that has to be considered in object detection. ...  相似文献   
天山乌鲁木齐河源冰川与空冰斗辐射气候的计算结果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白重瑗 《冰川冻土》1989,11(4):336-349
提要 在朝向、坡度和山体遮蔽度影响下,与水平面相比朝北冰川和朝南空冰斗在太阳偏角为15°,0°和-10°时的平均太阳辐射能量损失分别是40.6%和21.0%。1号冰川东支夏季消融期内自然冰雪面辐射场内辐射平衡各分量平均日总量值受地形因素和反射性能的控制而显示出由西北侧向东南侧逐渐降低的带状分布规律。晴朗少云天气下的总辐射和有效辐射的垂直梯度分别是14.52Wm~(-2)/100m和2.77Wm~(-2)/100m。  相似文献   
空间数据的拓扑关系及其自动生成   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文讨论了空间数据的拓扑关系,对地图的基本图形元素作了更准确的表述;详细介绍和讨论了自动生成空间数据拓扑关系的原理和方法,重点研究和探讨了并列和嵌套的面域拓扑关系。本文所述的方法适用于多种复杂的空间实体关系。  相似文献   
To investigate the solubility and the sites of incorporation of hydrogen in olivine as a function of point defect concentration, two-stage high-temperature annealing experiments have been carried out. The first annealing stage (the dry preannealing stage) was conducted at a total pressure of 0.1 MPa, a temperature of 1300° C and various oxygen fugacities in the range 10?11–10?4 MPa for times > 12 h. In these heat treatments, the samples were buffered against either orthopyroxene or magnesiowustite, or they remained unbuffered. The second annealing stage (the hydrothermal annealing stage) was performed at 300 MPa and 900–1050 ° C under a hydrogen fugacity of ~ 158 MPa for 1–5 h. Infrared spectra from the annealed samples revealed two distinct groups of bands. Group I bands occurred at wavenumbers in the range 3450–3650 cm?1, while Group II bands occurred in the range 3200–3450 cm?1. The hydrogen solubility associated with Group I bands is proportional to f O 2 to the 1/6 power for samples preannealed in contact with orthopyroxene, to the 1/3 power for samples preannealed in contact with magnesiowustite, and to the 1/13 power for samples preannealed in the absence of a solid-state buffer. The hydrogen concentration for Group II bands varies with f o 2 to the 1/3 power for opxbuffered samples, to the 1/2 power for mw-buffered samples, and to the 1/3 power for unbuffered samples. The dependence of hydrogen solubility on oxygen fugacity and orthopyroxene activity suggests that hydrogen is incorporated into the olivine structure via association with point defects. The presence of two distinct groups of absorption bands indicates that hydrogen is associated with two distinct lattice defects. The following point defect model for the mechanism of incorporation of hydrogen in olivine is consistent with these results: Hydrogen ions responsible for the Group I bands are associated with doubly charged oxygen interstitials, while hydrogen ions responsible for the Group II bands are associated with singly charged oxygen interstitials. Furthermore, the infrared bands observed in naturally derived olivines are present in spectra from our hydrothermally annealed crystals. Thus, the mechanisms of incorporation of hydrogen in olivine under geological conditions are the same as those operative under laboratory conditions. The maximum solubility reached in these experiments was ~ 360H/106Si, which corresponds to ~ 0.002 wt% of H2O. This value is a lower bound for the solubility of hydrogen in olivine under upper mantle conditions.  相似文献   
朱令人  王海涛 《内陆地震》1990,4(4):310-318
从信息论原理和分形几何学的观点出发,采用多种方法,分析研究1988年澜沧—耿马7.6级地震前地震活动的信息、信息熵和分维的变化特征表明,地震前1—2年内,中、小地震活动的信息熵、缺信量和容量维、信息维出现明显的低值变化过程,反映了地震前兆的减熵、降维特点,从一个侧面反映了大震前,一定区域内中、小地震活动的时空变化从无序向有序的演化过程。  相似文献   
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