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Denghai Bai  Maxwell A. Meju   《Tectonophysics》2003,364(3-4):135-146
Magnetotelluric (MT) geophysical profiling has been applied to the determination of the deep structure of the Longling–Ruili fault (LRF), part of a convergent strike-slip fault system, underneath thick Caenozoic cover in Ruili basin in southwestern Yunnan, China. The recorded MT data have been inverted using a two-dimensional (2-D) nonlinear conjugate gradients scheme with a variety of smooth starting models, and the resulting models show common subsurface conductivity structures that are deemed geological significant. The models show the presence of a conductive (5–60 Ω m) cover sequence that is thickest (1–1.5 km) in the centre of the basin and rapidly pinches out towards the margins. A half-graben structure is interpreted for the Ruili basin. This is underlain by about 7–10 km thick upper crustal layer of high resistivity (>200–4000 Ω m) that is dissected by steep faults, which we interpret to flatten at depth and root into an underlying mid-crustal conductive layer at about 10 km depth. The mid-crustal layer does not appear to have been severely affected by faulting; we interpret it as a zone of partial melt or intracrustal detachment. The MT models suggest SE directed thrusting of basement rocks in the area. The Longling–Ruili fault is interpreted as a NW-dipping feature bounding one of the identified upper crustal fragments underneath Ruili city. We suggest that MT imaging is a potent tool for deep subsurface mapping in this terrain.  相似文献   
提出了一种新的圈闭地质评价的方法,试图从控制油气成藏的主要因素及其相互关系出发,动、静态相结合,针对具体地质情况,建立不同层次结构的概念模型和数学模型,以对圈闭进行客观的地质评价。  相似文献   
两种桩体材料复合地基性状的对比研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
通过生石灰搅拌桩和CFG桩的室内力学试验和复合地基现场载荷试验,结合数值分析结果,对这两种桩材的复合地基性状进行了分析研究,并对复合地基的设计计算提出一些新的观点。  相似文献   
We analyze the characteristics of different floating datums for static corrections and discuss the methods for determining them. The effect of different floating datum corrections was studied using theoretical model experiments, resulting in the conclusion that the velocity obtained after the floating datum correction with the minimum static correction errors depends on the velocity of the layer below the low velocity layer (LVL) lower boundary and is not related to topographic relief and LVL structure. For the real data processing case, wave equation numerical model experiments were conducted which resulted in a new method for calculating objective functions based on the waveform and modifications to the calculation equation for minimum static correction errors to make the method suitable for real data static correction processing using inhomogeneous velocity models with lower velocity boundary relief. Real data processing results demonstrate the method's superiority.  相似文献   
臧玉珠  杨园园  曹智 《地理研究》2019,38(3):713-724
城市和乡村是连续统一体,乡村地域系统在城市化和工业化的带动下不断发生着转型与重构。探索乡村转型发展路径,总结成功经验模式,对促进乡村可持续发展乃至实现乡村振兴具有重要意义。城市郊区地处城乡交错带,相比农村腹地,乡村转型具有独特优势。本研究以华明镇为例,详细阐述了以城镇化整理路径实现乡村转型发展的典型模式。研究发现,华明镇乡村转型以“三整合”为标志,通过实施宅基地换房,建设现代农业产业园和工业园区,改革集体经济,创新金融服务,整合社区服务组织,实现了生产要素的优化配置,促进了村庄“人-地-业”协调发展。但是,以城镇化整理为主导的乡村转型模式,会造成传统乡村聚落的消失,需要强大的财政支持与政策体系支撑,仅适应于非农化水平较高的乡村地区,应审慎对待,不能盲目推进。  相似文献   
A novel hybrid approach for earthquake location is proposed which uses a combined coarse global search and fine local inversion with a minimum search routine, plus an examination of the root mean squares (RMS) error distribution. The method exploits the advantages of network ray tracing and robust formulation of the Fréchet derivatives to simultaneously update all possible initial source parameters around most local minima (including the global minimum) in the solution space, and finally to determine the likely global solution. Several synthetic examples involving a 3-D complex velocity model and a challenging source-receiver layout are used to demonstrate the capability of the newly-developed method. This new global-local hybrid solution technique not only incorporates the significant benefits of our recently published hypocenter determination procedure for multiple earthquake parameters, but also offers the attractive features of global optimal searching in the RMS travel time error distribution. Unlike the traditional global search method, for example, the Monte Carlo approach, where millions of tests have to be done to find the final global solution, the new method only conducts a matrix inversion type local search but does it multiple times simultaneously throughout the model volume to seek a global solution. The search is aided by inspection of the RMS error distribution. Benchmark tests against two popular approaches, the direct grid search method and the oct-tree important sampling method, indicate that the hybrid global-local inversion yields comparable location accuracy and is not sensitive to modest level of noise data, but more importantly it offers two-order of magnitude speed-up in computational effort. Such an improvement, combined with high accuracy, make it a promising hypocenter determination scheme in earthquake early warning, tsunami early warning, rapid hazard assessment and emergency response after strong earthquake occurrence.  相似文献   
AfterthereportofdinosaurfootprintsintheEarlyCreta ceousin 2 0 0 0 (Lietal.,2 0 0 0 ) ,wefollowedtounearth ,investi gateandresearchthefootprintswiththesupportofNationalNat uralScienceFundationandStadholderFundofGansuProvince.Atpresent ,therearetentracksitesabout 2 86fo…  相似文献   
WMO第八届阳江国际探空比对辅助遥感综合试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第八届阳江国际探空比对辅助遥感综合试验为分析探空仪系统在高空出入云的温湿特性,评估高层云红外辐射对温度传感器的影响以及湿度传感器的系统偏差提供有力帮助。通过试验,还评估了国产X波段双偏振雷达与毫米波云雷达的优缺点和性能差异,以及国产多普勒激光雷达、微脉冲激光雷达的探测性能和应用能力,在改进微波辐射计温湿反演算法、X波段偏振雷达参数的云中粒子相态模糊逻辑识别算法,以及多普勒天气雷达风场反演、云分类算法、高空业务测风算法等方面开展广泛研究并取得一定进展。试验还利用先进的各类遥感设备对阳江热带地区的云、局地对流以及海陆风系统的结构进行了观测和分析,取得了较好的研究结果。  相似文献   
白超英  曲延军 《内陆地震》1990,4(4):351-355
1990年6月14日苏联斋桑7.3级强震发生在重力异常梯度带的拐弯处;强震前存在明显的M_s≥3.5级地震围成的空区;空区走向为北西西向,与斋桑强震发震构造走向一致,长轴约170km。1990年2月14日4.0级地震可视为信号震。最后初步讨论了阿勒泰活动区的地震趋势。  相似文献   
While the high-temperature exhumation process in the Dabie Mountain has been well documented, the low-temperature exhumation of this area since Cretaceous, especially since Late Cretaceous, is relatively less studied. Low-temperature thermochronology provides one of the important approaches to solve this problem. Based on the data of fission track and (U-Th)/He analysis of apaptites and zircons from the granitoid and metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Mountain, this paper applies Mancktelow’s and Braun’s methods to estimating the exhumation rates and to drawing the regional differential exhumation pattern since Cretaceous, especially since Late Cretaceous by taking into consideration factors such as heat transport, heat advection, topography and heat production, which could influence geothermal field in the shallow crust. Since Cretaceous, the exhumation rate (0.08-0.10 km/Ma) in the region around Tiantangzhai and in the south of Tanlu fault zone is larger than the rate (0.04-0.07 km/Ma) in other areas of the Dabie Mountain. The regional differential exhumation pattern might be related to the push-up effect caused by differential strike-slip movement along NNE-trending faults.  相似文献   
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