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李建通  李柏  杨洪平  刘晓阳  张玲  郭林 《气象》2015,41(2):200-211
文章在"黄河淮河流域暴雨洪水预报系统"项目试验整理的高密度地面雨量站网数据和雷达连续采集体积扫描数据基础上,首次提出了对稠密雨量站网数据科学分组的方法,并采用分组数据对雷达-雨量计联合校准的10种方法进行了多参数的客观检验和评估。研究表明:(1)雨量站分组方法科学合理,可以满足评估的要求;(2)集成法估测区域降水量好于其他非集成的8种方法;(3)雷达对不同降水强度的估测精度具有三段式分布特征;(4)50~100 km为雷达估测降水的最佳区间,150~200 km区间的估测精度最差;(5)通过时间累积,可以提高各种估测方法区域降水量估测的精度和稳定度。  相似文献   
海底管道是海洋石油开发的重要设施之一,对其进行断裂安全评估是非常重要的。介绍了结构失效评估图(FAD)技术,详细阐述了BS7910:1999规范中三个不同等级的断裂评估方法和疲劳评估方法。通过断裂评估方法,能够对不向受力状态下的含焊接裂纹管道进行断裂评估,得到管道任何位置的极限裂纹长度;通过疲劳评估方法,能够对受复杂动荷载的含焊接裂纹管道进行疲劳评估,得到管道在此种受力环境下的疲劳寿命。  相似文献   
Multiple source rock assemblages were deposited in the sedimentary provinces in South China in geologic history,and some of them were destructed by and some survived against multiple tectonic movements.Therefore,multiple sources,mixed sources,and uneven distribution of sources occurred in the marine sedimentary basins in South China during the late stage of hydrocarbon pooling.Epidiagenesis of the marine carbonate reservoirs and its modification to reservoir poroperm characteristics determined the formation and the scale of natural gas pools.The exploration practices show that the large to medium gas fields mainly occur in areas with high-quality reservoirs.Detailed study of the paleo-oil accumulations and typical oil and gas reservoirs reveals that the basins experienced multiphase superimposition and modification,leading to the distribution of the Paleozoic paleo-oil accumulations and bitumen in the peripheral areas.The phenomenon that oil and gas production concentrates in the Sichuan basin indicates that the overall sealing conditions of a basin determine the oil/gas potentials and the scale of oil and gas production.This is a critical factor controlling the accumulation and distribution of gas in the marine sequences in South China.The early oil and gas pools in the Yangtze platform left billions of bitumen in the peripheral areas due to the destruction of seals.Since the Himalayan,"late-generation and late-accumulation" gas pools represented by the gas pools in the Sichuan (四川) basin were formed in the marine sedimentary sequences in South China as a result of the change of the sealing conditions.Current gas discoveries appear to be "paleo-generation and paleo-accumulation" gas pools but actually are "late-generation and late-accumulation" gas pools.These patterns of hydrocarbon pooling clearly depict themselves in western Sichuan basin and Weiyuan (威远)gas field.It is revealed that the gas pools in the Sichuan basin were mainly formed as a result of hydrocarbon phase change (thermal cracking of oil to gas),miscible migration,and dynamic equilibration since the Himalayan.A large number of gas pools were formed in the Himalayan and the gas pools in the marine sequences are characterized by late pooling; this kind of gas fields/pools are controlled by:(1) effectiveness of modification and superimposition of the marine basins,(2) effectiveness of the source rocks,(3) effectiveness of the overall preservation conditions,and (4) effectiveness of plays.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to apply a statistical (information value) model using geographic information system (GIS) to the Chencang District of Baoji, China. Landslide locations within the study area were identified using reports and aerial photographs, and a field survey. A total of 120 landslides were mapped, of which 84 (70 %) were randomly selected for building the landslide susceptibility model. The remaining 36 (30 %) were used for model validation. We considered a total of 10 potential factors that predispose an area to a landslide for the landslide susceptibility mapping. These included slope degree, altitude, slope aspect, plan curvature, geomorphology, distance from faults, lithology, land use, mean annual rainfall, and peak ground acceleration. Following an analysis of these factors, a landslide susceptibility map was produced using the information value model with GIS. The resulting landslide susceptibility index was divided into five classes (very high, high, moderate, low, and very low) using the natural breaks method. The corresponding distribution area percentages were 29.22, 25.14, 15.66, 15.60, and 14.38 %, respectively. Finally, landslide locations were used to validate the results of the landslide susceptibility map using areas under the curve (AUC). The AUC plot showed that the susceptibility map had a success rate of 81.79 % and a prediction accuracy of 82.95 %. Based on the results of the AUC evaluation, the landslide susceptibility map produced using the information value model exhibited good performance.  相似文献   
开展地电阻率深井观测系统对地面已知干扰源的抗干扰能力测试,对测试结果进行量化研究,分析地表电磁干扰对地电深井观测的影响程度,期望为将来地电深井方法的研究提供帮助.  相似文献   
陕西强连阴雨天气个例的综合分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
利用T213客观分析资料,对陕西2003年8月24日~9月7日强连阴雨天气过程的综合分析表明,连阴雨发生在欧亚稳定的环流形势下,乌拉尔山阻塞高压的建立和稳定使东亚中纬度纬向环流得以长时间维持。偏北、偏西、偏强的西太平洋副热带高压,不仅使冷空气受阻于秦岭山脉附近,同时其外围的偏南气流也为雨区提供了丰富的水汽,而乌拉尔山阻塞高压的崩溃引导冷空气大举南下,西太平洋副热带高压的东移南退则预示着持续的降水天气的结束。东亚合成环流的垂直结构表明,连阴雨期间秦岭邻近地区始终处于锋区中,并存在低空辐合、高空辐散的垂直结构。水汽条件分析表明连阴雨期间水汽的输送主要在对流层底部。热力学条件分析显示连阴雨期间河套始终为高潜热能区和位势不稳定区,偏南气流对热量的输送与高潜热能的维持有密切的关系,而低层偏东气流的加强促使了潜热能的释放,并导致了秦巴山区强降水天气的产生。  相似文献   
应用单多普勒雷达资料反演风场作暴雨中尺度分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
针对2002年6月23日发生在安徽西部的一次暴雨过程,以有限的探空资料作为大尺度背景场,应用合肥CINRAD-98D多普勒雷达资料,通过准四维变分分析方法进行反演,获得了不易被常规探测到的中小尺度三维风场,由此分析了引起强降水的中尺度天气系统。指出暴雨中心位于风速切变的下方,同时上空也伴随辐合中心,以及正涡度极大值。分析结果表明,变分法是一种较为准确的从雷达资料中提取三维风场的方法。利用雷达资料反映中尺度天气系统,同时又加入大尺度的背景场作为基础,两者相互弥补,能较真实地反映实际天气状况。在气象预报中有效地应用多普勒雷达资料,有助于研究更为细致的中小尺度天气系统结构,而且也可为中小尺度数值预报模式提供准确的初始场。  相似文献   
李俊峰  柏晶菁  王淑婧 《地理科学》2021,41(6):1039-1049
基于专利合作数据和实地调研数据,借助UCINET对安徽高沟镇电缆产业集群创新网络进行量化分析,揭示镇域传统产业集群创新网络的构成与演化特征,并运用多维邻近性理论探究其演化机理.研究表明:①产业集群创新网络是由网络主体、网络联结和网络结构三大要素构成,要素之间相互联系、协同发展;②镇域传统产业集群创新网络形成时间久,经历...  相似文献   
吴瑞华  白峰 《现代地质》1998,12(1):143-148
摘 要 Mong Hsu 红宝石原石具有独特的暗蓝至紫色的核心色带‚即黑心。这种黑心可以借 助热处理法加以去除‚从而改善其颜色。通过对 Mong Hsu 红宝石化学成分及可见光谱的研 究‚阐明了其颜色成因与化学成分的关系‚分析了蓝紫色调的形成机理‚这些均为红宝石的 热处理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
渤海的海冰数值预报   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
白珊  吴辉碇 《气象学报》1998,56(2):139-153
根据渤海气候和冰情特点,在已有海冰模式研究基础上,提出模拟海冰增长、消融和漂移的动力-热力学模式。模式冰厚分布由开阔水、平整冰和堆积冰三要素表示。该模式已与数值天气预报模式、大气边界层模式、潮流模式联结,并于1990年到1996年在国家海洋环境预报中心进行渤海和北黄海冰情预报。其数值预报产品包括冰厚、密度集、冰速、冰外缘线、冰脊参数、局地冰厚以及接近石油平台的冰漂移轨迹等,传送到国家海洋预报台和渤海石油公司等有关用户。为了客观评价模式和检验预报结果,在逐日预报后进行统计检验。本文概述渤海冰情、卫星遥感应用、冰模式及其预报结果和检验。  相似文献   
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