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In this paper we discuss the main-phase evolution of intense magnetic storms, associated with the passage of different interplanetary magnetic structures. It is shown that their evolution, driven by intense magnetic fields in the sheath region just behind interplanetary shocks, evolves faster (implying physically different magnetospheric configurations) than that associated with intense magnetic fields in the ejecta itself and in corotating streams. The estimated ring-current injection rate for the main phase of intense magnetic storms caused by sheath fields is ∼10 times greater than the estimated injection rate for N–S magnetic clouds. Based on these results, we propose storm-intensity criteria for several classes of the driving interplanetary structures. The time necessary to reach a Dst/SYM index threshold level is an important parameter for a space weather forecast.  相似文献   
The NASA DS1 spacecraft encountered Comet P/Borrelly on September 22, 2001 at a distance of ∼2171 km on the sunward side of the comet. The flyby speed was ∼16.5 km s−1. Using high temporal resolution (50 μs) absolute electric field amplitude measurements from a ∼1 m dipole antenna, new features of plasma clouds created by cometary dust impacts have been detected. The pulses have 1/e exponential decays of ∼650 μs duration, exponentially shaped overshoots with rise times of ∼2 ms, and exponential-shaped overshoot decay times of ∼10 ms. Assuming a plasma temperature of 104 K, these pulse features have been explained as plasma cloud space charge effects from the electron, proton and heavy ion portions of the clouds passing the antenna. Complex pulse shapes were also detected. These are believed to be due to either plasma cloud scattering off of the spacecraft, or to secondary impacts. Small electric pulses of duration 10-15 ms of cometary origin were detected but are presently unexplained. The electric component of the plasma wave spectra at closest approach had an f−2.4 power law shape from 10 Hz to 1 kHz. The electron cyclotron frequency was approximately 1 kHz. One possible explanation of the wave spectrum is that whistler mode waves associated with phase steepened cometary plasma waves are dispersed, leading to the broad spectrum. Finally, based on the present results, a new type of low-cost, large-area dust detector is proposed.  相似文献   
We experimentally identify mirror mode (MM) structures in the Voyager 1 heliosheath data for the first time. This is done using the magnetic field data alone. The heliosheath MM structures are found to have the following characteristics: (1) quasiperiodic spacings with a typical scale size of ~57 ρp, (2) little or no angular changes across the structures (~3° longitude and ~3° latitude), and (3) a lack of sharp boundaries at the magnetic dip edges. It is demonstrated that the pickup of interstellar neutrals in the upstream region of the termination shock (TS) and quasiperpendicular TS plasma compression are the causes of MM instability during intervals when the IMF is nearly orthogonal to the solar wind flow direction. Concomitant additional injection of pickup ions (PUIs) throughout the heliosheath will lead to further MM amplification. MM structures in planetary magnetosheaths and interplanetary sheaths are discussed for comparative purposes. Multiple sources of free energy are often involved.  相似文献   
Dayside near-polar auroral brightenings occur when interplanetary shocks impinge upon the Earth's magnetosphere. The aurora first brightens near local noon and then propagates toward dawn and dusk along the auroral oval. The propagation speed of this wave of auroral light is 10 km s-1 in the ionosphere. This speed is comparable to the solar wind speed along the outer magnetosphere. The fundamental shock-magnetospheric interaction occurs at the magnetopause and its boundary layer. Several physical mechanisms transferring energy from the solar wind directly to the magnetosphere and from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere are reviewed. The same physical processes can occur at other solar system magnetospheres. We use the Haerendel (1994) formulation to estimate the acceleration of energetic electrons to 50 keV in the Jovian magnetosphere/ionosphere. Auroral brightenings by shocks could be used as technique to discover planets in other stellar systems.  相似文献   
The solar irradiance in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) spectral bands has been observed with a 15 s cadence by the SOHO Solar EUV Monitor (SEM) since 1995. During remarkably intense solar flares the SEM EUV measurements are saturated in the central (zero) order channel (0.1–50.0 nm) by the flare soft X‐ray and EUV flux. The first order EUV channel (26–34 nm) is not saturated by the flare flux because of its limited bandwidth, but it is sensitive to the arrival of Solar Energetic Particles (SEP). While both channels detect nearly equal SEP fluxes, their contributions to the count rate is sensibly negligible in the zero order channel but must be accounted for and removed from the first channel count rate. SEP contribution to the measured SEM signals usually follows the EUV peak for the gradual solar flare events. Correcting the extreme solar flare SEMEUV measurements may reveal currently unclear relations between the flare magnitude, dynamics observed in different EUV spectral bands, and the measured Earth atmosphere response. A simple and effective correction technique based on analysis of SEM count‐rate profiles, GOES X‐ray, and GOES proton data has been developed and used for correcting EUV measurements for the five extreme solar flare events of July 14, 2000, October 28, November 2, November 4, 2003, and January 20, 2005. Although none of the 2000 and 2003 flare peaks were contaminated by the presence of SEPs, the January 20, 2005 SEPs were unusually prompt and contaminated the peak. The estimated accuracy of the correction is about ±7.5% for large X‐class events. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
The overall multi-layer structure of the magnetic field profile observed by Ulysses across a broad solar wind tangential discontinuity can be reproduced fairly well by means of a kinetic model. Such a simulation provides complementary information about the velocity distribution functions, which are not always available from the plasma experiment due to the low time resolution inherent in plasma measurements. The success of such a simulation proves that the kinetic model can be used as a realistic basis for further studies of the structure and stability of solar wind tangential discontinuities.  相似文献   
Boundary layers occurring in the magnetosphere can support a wide spectrumof plasma waves spanning a frequency range of a few mHz to tens of kHz andbeyond. This review describes the main characteristics of the broadband plasma waves observed in the Earth's low-latitude magnetopause boundary layer (LLBL), in the polar cap boundary layer (PCBL), and the possible generation mechanisms. The broadband waves at the low-latitude boundary layer are sufficiently intense to cause the diffusion of the magnetosheath plasma across the closed magnetospheric field lines at a rate rapid enough to populate and maintain the boundary layer itself. The rapid pitch angle scattering of energetic particles via cyclotron resonant interactionswith the waves can provide sufficient precipitation energy flux to the ionosphere to create the dayside aurora. In general, the broadband plasma waves may play an important part in the processes of local heating/acceleration of the boundary layer plasma.  相似文献   
The sun was very active in the declining phase of solar cycle 23. Large sunspot active regions gave origin to multiple flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) activity in the interval 2003–2005. On November 2004, the active region AR 10696 was the origin of dozens of flares and many CMEs. Some events of this solar activity region resulted in two large geomagnetic storms, or superstorms (Dst??250 nT) on November 8, peak Dst=?373 nT, and on November 10, peak Dst=?289 nT. It is the purpose of this article to identify the interplanetary origins of these two superstorms. The southward-directed interplanetary magnetic fields (IMF Bs) that caused the two superstorms were related to a magnetic cloud (MC) field for the first superstorm, and a combination of sheath and MC fields for the second superstorm. However, this simple, classic picture is complicated by the presence of multiple shocks and waves. Six fast-forward shocks and, at least, two reverse waves were observed in the period of the two superstorms. A detailed analysis of these complex interplanetary features is performed in this work.  相似文献   
中国低丰度大型岩性油气田形成条件和分布规律   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
邹才能  陶士振  谷志东 《地质学报》2006,80(11):1939-1951
我国低丰度岩性油气田具有很大的资源潜力和储量规模,在中、古生代地层均有广泛的分布,具备良好的油气地质背景和成藏条件,是未来油气勘探的重点领域,其形成条件及富集规律不明.本文在大量统计分析和地质研究的基础上,探讨了低丰度大油气田的形成条件、分布特征、富集规律和未来的勘探领域.研究指出了低丰度大型岩性油气田形成的几个地质背景:大面积高丰度烃源岩;平缓的构造格局;稳定的沉积背景;大规模的沉积体系;建设性成岩环境.系统分析了油气田形成控制因素和分布规律:1陆相(或海陆交互相)大型三角洲平原—前缘主河道砂体、海相高能相带(台缘礁滩、滨岸砂体)是大型岩性油气藏的有利分布区;2次生溶蚀相、白云岩化相、风化淋滤相、绿泥石薄膜胶结相和TSR相等建设性成岩作用是优质储层及大油气田分布的有利区;3古地形(古隆起、斜坡、起伏带、鼻隆等)、断裂(层/褶/坡/陷/块)带、构造反转带、裂缝发育带和地层剥蚀尖灭带是大型油气田形成的有利构造条件和富集地区;4低丰度大型岩性油气田的分布和富集普遍受控于构造、沉积和成岩三因素控制的“甜点”.研究成果可为寻找油气勘探的后备领域和储量接替提供理论基础和科学依据.  相似文献   
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