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据塔斯社1988年6月27日至8月6日发自东京的电讯报道:日本的本州岛地区地震活动频繁,强度为日本气象厅7度烈度标度的1至  相似文献   
根据对地壳和地幔所有构造层进行的综合观测,苏联已经完成了对地球深部的新研究。苏联地质部长科兹洛夫斯基在会见塔斯社记者时说,这些研究工作对许多国家的专家也具有重大的科学和实际意义。这位部长还说,新型的地球物理仪器,技术手段和先进的钻探工序为研究工作的成功提供了主要保证。部长首先介绍了科拉半岛(苏联国土欧洲部分的北部)和萨阿特雷(外高加索)超深井的试钻情况,这些超深井已提供了关于地球深部的构造和所发生过程的丰富资料;然后他又介绍了苏联2000年以前在辽阔国土上进行深部  相似文献   
苏联科学院通讯院士、地质矿物学博士古宾对不同地区(其中也包括塔吉克斯坦)的地质构造及其沿断层发生的孕震运动进行了半个多世纪的研究,确定了人们过去还不知道的地震能量与地震构造(地壳块体)尺度和类型之间有规律性的数值关系。这种综合性关系被称为古宾地震构造规律。这个规律不仅能导致建立预报地震各种不同要素的新(原则上)方法,而且还能导致绘制出完全新的、反映许多要素的地震区划图(标出可能  相似文献   
Organic-rich (18.2%) Monterey Formation diatomite from California was studied. The organic matter consist of 94% bitumen and 6% kerogen. Biological markers from the bitumen and from pyrolysates of the coexisting asphaltenes and kerogen were analyzed in order to elucidate the relationship between the various fractions of the organic matter. While 17 alpha(H), 18 alpha(H), 21 alpha(H)-28,30-bisnorhopane was present in the bitumen and in the pryolysate of the asphaltenes, it was not detected in the pyrolysates of the kerogen. A C40-isoprenoid with "head to head" linkage, however, was present in pyrolysates of both kerogen and asphaltenes, but not in the bitumen from the diatomite. The maturation level of the bitumen, based on the extent of isomerization of steranes and hopanes, was that of a mature oil, whereas the pyrolysate from the kerogen showed a considerably lower maturation level. These relationships indicate that the bitumen may not be indigenous to the diatomite and that it is a mature oil that migrated into the rock. We consider the possibility, however, that some of the 28,30-bisnorhopane-rich Monterey Formation oils have not been generated through thermal degradation of kerogen, but have been expelled from the source rock at an early stage of diagenesis.  相似文献   
Hibbs BJ  Darling BK 《Ground water》2005,43(5):750-763
Intermontane basins in the Trans-Pecos region of westernmost Texas and northern Chihuahua, Mexico, are target areas for disposal of interstate municipal sludge and have been identified as possible disposal sites for low-level radioactive waste. Understanding ground water movement within and between these basins is needed to assess potential contaminant fate and movement. Four associated basin aquifers are evaluated and classified; the Red Light Draw Aquifer, the Northwest Eagle Flat Aquifer, the Southeast Eagle Flat Aquifer, and the El Cuervo Aquifer. Encompassed on all but one side by mountains and local divides, the Red Light Draw Aquifer has the Rio Grande as an outlet for both surface drainage and ground water discharge. The river juxtaposed against its southern edge, the basin is classified as a topographically open, through-flowing basin. The Northwest Eagle Flat Aquifer is classified as a topographically closed and drained basin because surface drainage is to the interior of the basin and ground water discharge occurs by interbasin ground water flow. Mountains and ground water divides encompass this basin aquifer on all sides; yet, depth to ground water in the interior of the basin is commonly >500 feet. Negligible ground water discharge within the basin indicates that ground water discharges from the basin by vertical flow and underflow to a surrounding basin or basins. The most likely mode of discharge is by vertical, cross-formational flow to underlying Permian rocks that are more porous and permeable and subsequent flow along regional flowpaths beneath local ground water divides. The Southeast Eagle Flat Aquifer is classified as a topographically open and drained basin because surface drainage and ground water discharge are to the adjacent Wildhorse Flat area. Opposite the Eagle Flat and Red Light Draw aquifers is the El Cuervo Aquifer of northern Chihuahua, Mexico. The El Cuervo Aquifer has interior drainage to Laguna El Cuervo, which is a phreatic playa that also serves as a focal point of ground water discharge. Our evidence suggests that El Cuervo Aquifer may lose a smaller portion of its discharge by interbasin ground water flow to Indian Hot Springs, near the Rio Grande. Thus, El Cuervo Aquifer is a topographically closed basin that is either partially drained if a component of its ground water discharge reaches Indian Hot Springs or undrained if all its natural ground water discharge is to Laguna El Cuervo.  相似文献   
Green-lipped mussels, Perna viridis, were exposed to 0, 0.3, 3 and 30 micrograms l-1 (nominal concentrations) B[a]P under laboratory conditions over a period of 24 days. Mussels were collected on day 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24, and the levels of DNA adducts and DNA strand breaks in their hepatopancreas tissues monitored. Mussels exposed to 0.3 and 3 micrograms l-1 B[a]P showed marked increases in strand breaks after 1 day of exposure. DNA strand break levels in these mussels remained high and significantly different from the control values until day 3 for the 0.3 microgram l-1 treatment group, and day 6 for the 3 micrograms l-1 treatment group. This was followed by a gradual reduction in strand breaks. After 12 days, the levels of both groups had returned to the same level as that of the control. No increase in DNA strand breaks was observable in mussels exposed to 30 micrograms l-1 B[a]P in the first 12 days of exposure, but a significant increase was observed from day 12 to day 24. Increasing B[a]P concentrations resulted in elevated DNA adduct levels after 3-6 days of exposure, but this pattern of dose-related increase disappeared after 12 days. These results indicate that a better understanding of the complex interactions between exposure levels and durations is crucially important before DNA adduct levels and DNA strand breaks in P. viridis can be used as effective biomarkers for monitoring genotoxicants in marine waters.  相似文献   
This paper proposes and tests a method of producing macrofauna habitat potential maps based on a weights-of-evidence model (a probabilistic approach) for the Hwangdo tidal flat, Korea. Samples of macrobenthos were collected during field work, and we considered five mollusca species for habitat mapping. A weights-of-evidence model was used to calculate the relative weights of 10 control factors that affect the macrobenthos habitat. The control factors were compiled as a spatial database from remotely sensed data combined with GIS analysis. The relative weight of each factor was integrated as a species potential index (SPI), which produced habitat potential maps. The maps were compared with the surveyed habitat locations, revealing a strong correlation between the potential maps and species locations. The combination of a GIS-based weights-of-evidence model and remote sensing techniques is an effective method in determining areas of macrobenthos habitat potential in a tidal flat setting.  相似文献   
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