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The dynamics of co-orbital motion in the restricted three-body problem are investigated by symplectic mappings. Analytical and semi-numerical mappings have been developed and studied in detail. The mappings have been tested by numerical integration of the equations of motion. These mappings have been proved to be useful for a quick determination of the phase space structure reflecting the main characteristics of the dynamics of the co-orbital problem.  相似文献   
Summary A number of field and laboratory tests have been carried out on more than 15 coal seams of compressive strengths ranging from 19 MPa to 44 MPa to evolve methods which would help in the selection of suitable coaling machines for hard coal seams. The effect of physico-mechanical properties on cuttability were studied in the laboratory for all these coal seams to identify the relevant parameters affecting the specific energy of coal cuttability. These data were subjected to regression analysis to find the best fit for estimation of laboratory specific energy of coal samples on the basis of simple laboratory and field tests for the strength parameters. Field studies were also conducted over a large number of active mechanized coal faces to study in situ cuttability along with the geo-mining conditions of the site. The field and the laboratory data so generated were correlated and an attempt is made to establish a relationship for estimating the field specific energy for a particular capacity of coaling machines by considering the geo-mining domain of the field in totality.  相似文献   
Summary Early Miocene calc-alkaline igneous rocks from the easternmost segment of the Periadriatic fault system can be subdivided into two series of different alkalinity: (1) Volcanics which occur in the vicinity of the Velenje-Rogatec Line range from high-alumina basalt via low-K and medium-K andesites to medium-K dacites. (2) In the Pohorje Mountains mafic rocks are lacking. A high-K tonalitic pluton crystallized at pressures of about 0.7 GPa as indicated by Al-in-hornblende barometry and accessory magmatic epidote. Rapid exhumation of the tonalite during dextral transtension along the Periadriatic fault system is indicated by tonalitic pebbles in Helvetian (?) clastic sediments. High-K andesitic to dacitic volcanics are interlayered with, and dikes cut, the clastic sediments.Compositional variations shown by the volcanics from the Velenje-Rogatec Line are consistent with fractionation of the observed phenocryst assemblages (olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, titanomagnetite). Substantial fractionation of plagioclase is indicated by decreasing Sr/Nd and Sr/Y values and increasing negative Eu anomalies with increasing SiO2. All samples have chondrite-normalized HREE > 9.6 and low (Tb/Yb)n ratios (1.29–1.08). With increasing SiO2, the abundances of HREE and Y (18 to 39 ppm) increase and those of Sc (32.5 to 20.9 ppm) decrease slightly. These features, together with low Hf/Lu and Zr/Y values (10.1–5.7 and 5.7–3.6, respectively), rule out garnet as a major fractionating phase. Since (La/Yb)n values (3.24–6.59) do not increase with SiO2 and chondrite-normalized REE patterns do not show concave-upward shapes, fractionation of amphibole was probably insignificant. Although Rb/Cs values ( 18) are generally low, a significant contribution by continental crustal materials to the magmas by an AFC process is suggested by negative correlations of Nb/U(7.16 to 3.14) and Nb/Th(2.14 to 0.87) values with SiO2, as well as by low Hf/Ta(7.8–3.4), and in part also by K/Rb (340-71) and Zr/Rb (5.0–1.7) values.Rocks from the Pohorje Mountains have high abundances of U. Values of Nb/U and Nb/Th are low (3.55 to 1.85 and 1.27 to 0.64, respectively) and are negatively correlated with SiO2. These features, in combination with high values of Ba/Nb (56 to 93), Ba/La (23–30), and Rb/Cs (19–56), as well as with previously published 18O values ( 9) for the tonalite indicate a substantial contribution of the continental crust to these magmas. High Sr abundances (455 to 984 ppm) and moderate negative Eu anomalies suggest that fractionation of plagioclase was of minor importance. Although the rocks have relatively low Sc (9.3 to 3.8 ppm) and Y (21 to 14 ppm) contents, low (Tb/Yb)n values (1.67–1.14) indicate that garnet was not a major fractionating phase. Instead, fractionation of amphibole is a viable mechanism to explain the combination of high (La/Yb)n (21.8–13.1) and low (Tb/Yb)n.
Untermiozäner, kalkalkaliner Post-Kollisions-Magmatismus entlang des östlichsten Segmentes des periadriatischen Störungssystems (Slowenien und Kroatien)
Zusammenfassung Untermiozäne Kalkalkali-Magmatite aus dem östlichen Bereich des Periadriatischen Lineaments gliedern sich in zwei Serien unterschiedlicher Alkalinität: (1) Entlang der Velenje-Rogatec-Linie treten High-Al-Basalte, Low-K- und Medium-K-Andesite und Medium-K-Dazite auf. (2) Im Pohorje-Gebirge, wo basische Magmatite fehlen, kristallisierte ein High-K-Tonalit bei Drücken von ca. 0.7 GPa (Al-in-Hornblende-Barometer, magmatischer Epidot). Gerölle dieses Tonalits in einer untermiozänen (Helvet?) klastischeu Abfolge belegen eine schnelle Heraushebung des Tonalits durch dextrale Transtension im östlichsten Bereich des periadriatischen Lineaments. Eingeschaltet in die klastischen Sedimente sind andesitische bis dazitische Pyroklastika und Laven sowie diskordante dazitische Gänge, die alle der High-K-Serie angehören.Die chemische Variation innerhalb der Vulkanitserie von der Velenje-Rogatec-Linie läßt sich durch Fraktionierung der Einsprenglingsminerale Olivin, Plagioklas, Klinopyroxen, Orthopyroxen und Titanomagnetit erklären. Abnehmende Sr/Nd- und Sr/Y-Werte und zunehmende negative Eu-Anomalien mit steigendem SiO2 weisen auf eine bedeutende Plagioklas-Fraktionierung hin. Alle Vulkanite besitzen hohe Gehalte an schweren Seltenen Erden (chondritnormiert > 9.6) und geringe (Tb/Yb)n-Werte (1.29–1.08). Mit zunehmendem SiO2 nehmen die Gehalte an Yb(2.02 bis 4.30 ppm) und Y(18 bis 39 ppm) zu, während die Sc-Gehalte (32.5 bis 20.9 ppm) nur geringfügig abnehmen. Diese Charakteristika, zusammen mit geringen Hf/Lu- und Zr/Y-Werten (10.1–5.87 bzw. 5.7–3.6), schließen Granat als wesentliche, fraktionierende Phase aus. Da die (La/Yb)n-Verhältnisse (3.24–6.59) nicht mit SiO2 korrelieren und die chondritnormierten SeltenenErden-Muster keine nach oben konkaven Formen aufweisen, spielte die Fraktionierung von Amphibol keine wesentliche Rolle. Trotz geringer Rb/Cs-Werte ( 18) wird eine beträchtliche krustale Kontamination der Magmen angenommen. Für einen AFC-Prozeß sprechen negative Korrelationen von Nb/U(7.16–3.14) und Nb/Th(2.14–0.87) mit SiO2 (bei steigenden Nb-, U- und Th-Gehalten), geringe Hf/Ta-Werte (7.8–4.3) und teilweise auch geringe K/Rb- (340-71) und Zr/Rb-Verhältnisse (5.0–1.7).Die Magmatite des Pohorje-Gebirges weisen hohe U-Gehalte sowie geringe Nb/U-und Nb/Th-Verhältnisse auf (3.55–1.85 bzw. 1.27–0.64), die eine schwache negative Korrelation mit SiO2 zeigen. Zusammen mit hohen Ba/Nb-(56–93), Ba/La-(23-30) und Rb/Cs-Verhältnissen (19–56) sowie bereits publizierten 8O-Werten ( 9) weisen diese Eigenschaften auf einen beträchtlichen Anteil assimilierten Krustenmaterials in den Magmen hin. Hohe Sr-Gehalte (455–984 ppm) und relativ geringe negative Eu-Anomalien machen es unwahrscheinlich, daß während des AFC-Prozesses in der Unterkruste wesentliche Mengen an Plagioklas fraktioniert wurden. Obwohl die Gehalte an Sc (9.3–3.8 ppm) und Y (21–14 ppm) relativ gering sind, scheidet Granat aufgrund der geringen (Tb/Yb)n- Verhältnisse (1.67–1.14) als dominierende Fraktionierungsphase aus. Die Kombination von hohen (La/Yb)n- Verhältnissen (21.8–13.1) und geringen (Tb/Yb)n-Verhältnissen deutet eher auf Amphibol als wichtige, fraktionierende Phase hin.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   
A broad sample of computed realistic equations of state of superdense matter with a quark phase transition is used to construct a series of models of neutron stars with a strange quark core. The integral characteristics of the stellar configurations are obtained: gravitational mass, rest mass, radius, relativistic moment of inertia, and red shift from the star's surface, as well as the mass and radius of the quark core within the allowable range of values for the central pressure. The parameters of some of the characteristic configurations of the calculated series are also given and these are studied in detail. It is found that a new additional region of stability for neutron stars with strange quark cores may exist for some models of the equation of state.  相似文献   
The distribution and nutritional profiles of sub-tidal seagrasses from the Torres Strait were surveyed and mapped across an area of 31,000 km2. Benthic sediment composition, water depth, seagrass species type and nutrients were sampled at 168 points selected in a stratified representative pattern. Eleven species of seagrass were present at 56 (33.3%) of the sample points. Halophila spinulosa, Halophila ovalis, Cymodocea serrulata and Syringodium isoetifolium were the most common species and these were nutrient profiled. Sub-tidal seagrass distribution (and associated seagrass nutrient concentrations) was generally confined to northern-central and south-western regions of the survey area (<longitude 142.60), where mean water depth was relatively shallow (approximately 13 m below MSL) and where sediments were comprised primarily muddy sand to gravelly sand. Seagrass nitrogen and starch content, the most important nutrients for marine herbivores, were significantly correlated with species and with the plant component (above or below ground). For all seagrass species, the above-ground component (shoots and leaves) possessed greater nitrogen concentrations than the below-ground component (roots and rhizomes), which possessed greater starch concentrations. S. isoetifolium had the highest total nitrogen concentrations (1.40±0.05% DW). However, it also had higher fibre concentrations (38.2±0.68% DW) relative to the other four species. H. ovalis possessed the highest starch concentrations (2.76±0.12% DW) and highest digestibility (83.24±0.66% DW) as well as the lowest fibre (27.2±0.66% DW). The high relative abundance (found at 55% of the sites that had seagrass) and nutrient quality characteristics of H. ovalis make it an important source of energy to marine herbivores that forage sub-tidally in the Torres Strait. There were two regions in Torres Strait (north-central and south-western) where sub-tidal seagrass meadows were prevalent and of relatively higher nutritional value. This spatial and nutritional information can be used by local agencies to manage and to protect the ecological, economic and cultural values of the sub-tidal seagrass ecosystems and associated fisheries of the Torres Strait.  相似文献   
Summary The Indian summer monsoon, one of the earth's most vigorous and energetic seasonally occurring weather events, influences the global atmospheric circulation. Its onset, duration, and intensity are governed by large- and meso-scale geophysical processes, such as surface solar heating and air-sea interactions. In this paper, using innovative combinations of satellite sensor data, we investigate some of these fundamental processes which are closely tied to clouds and control the monsoon system's evolution. The study, which focuses on the monsoon period of June, 1979, examines the low-frequency variability of clouds and their effects on air-sea processes through an analysis of the complex influence clouds play on the surface heat and water budgets. First, the effects of clouds on both the solar and longwave components of the surface radiation budget are assessed using a cloud radiative forcing parameter. While the effects of clouds on the long-wave irradiance act in a manner opposite to their effects on the shortwave irradiance, only a partial compensation is found to take place and the net effect results in a maximum cloud forcing of 60 Wm–2 in the southwestern Arabian Sea. Second, employing satellite-derived precipitation and evaporation estimates, the paper analyzes the net surface fresh water budget variability around the monsoon onset. This budget is important in that fresh water affects the upper ocean density distribution and, consequently, the thermohaline circulation. Two regions are found to dominate the analysis: the western Arabian Sea, where evaporation is dominant by more than 10 mm day–1, and the eastern Arabian Sea, where precipitation is dominant by more than 10 mm day–1. Thus, a strong zonal gradient of fresh water at the surface is established during the monsoon. The last topic investigated is the intraseasonal variability of convection as analyzed using a cloud parameter indicative of deep convection. Cloud oscillations of 30–50 days, associated with the different phases of the monsoon, are found to propagate northward in the eastern Indian Ocean and eastward in the Bay of Bengal. Our analysis not only supports the hypothesis that the 30–50-day oscillation is driven by deep convection but also, and more importantly, suggests that the ocean thermal forcing is modulated by 30–50-day oscillations through cloud-induced surface radiative forcing. Although the results presented are limited in scope and preliminary because of the diffculty in quantifying the accuracy of the parameters examined, they do demonstrate: 1) the role of clouds in modulating the surface heat and water budgets, 2) the advantage of using combinations of multi-sensor and multi-platform satellite observations to quantify interrelated surface heat/water budget processes, and 3) the potential to examine the intraseasonal variability of air-sea interaction processes associated with the monsoon, even though these processes are not directly measurable from space.With 6 FiguresB. DiJulio passed away in September 1990.  相似文献   
The Southeast Basin of France is the thickest onshore French sedimentary basin which contains locally as much as 10 km of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediment. Basin development occurred in several stages between late Carboniferous and late Cretaceous times. Partial tectonic inversion took place during two compressive events, the so-called ‘Pyrenean’ and ‘Alpine’ phases of late Cretaceous-early Tertiary and late Tertiary ages respectively. They are separated by an intervening stretching event of Oligocene age, which further south resulted in the opening of the western Mediterranean oceanic basin. As a result of this complex tectonic history, structural traps were difficult to image on the seismic data shot during the first phase of exploration prior to 1980. Oil and gas natural seeps, and shows in several wells, indicate that some petroleum systems are, or have been active, at least in some places.The present erosional western margin of the basin is more or less superimposed on the initial Triassic-Jurassic margin. Margin subsidence and Tertiary inversion are discussed using regional sections on which the polyphase history of the entire basin is well shown. These sections are located on three major segments where the Mesozoic margin is either partly preserved (Ardèche), or has been partly inverted in late Tertiary times (Vercors-Chartreuse), or has been completely inverted in early Tertiary times (Corbières-eastern Pyrenees). 1-D ‘Genex’ basin modelling on the Ardèche segment, and 2-D ‘Thrustpack’ structural-maturity modelling in the Vercors-Chartreuse segment are used to further assess the remaining petroleum plays.  相似文献   
Libyan Desert Glass (LDG) is a SiO2-rich natural glass whose origin, formation mechanism, and target material are highly debated. We here report on the finding of a lens-shaped whitish inclusion within LDG. The object is dominantly composed of siliceous glass and separated from the surrounding LDG by numerous cristobalite grains. Within cristobalite, several regions rich in mullite often associated with ilmenite were detected. Mineral assemblage, chemical composition, and grain morphologies suggest that mullite was formed by thermal decomposition of kaolinitic clay at atmospheric pressure and T ≥ 1600 °C and also attested to high cooling rates under nonequilibrium conditions. Cristobalite contains concentric and irregular internal cracks and is intensely twinned, indicating that first crystallized β-cristobalite inverted to α-cristobalite during cooling of the SiO2-rich melt. The accompanied volume reduction of 4% induced the high density of defects. The whitish inclusion also contains several partly molten rutile grains evidencing that at least locally the LDG melt was at T ≥ 1800 °C. Based on these observations, it is concluded that LDG was formed by high-temperature melting of kaolinitic clay-, rutile-, and ilmenite-bearing Cenozoic sandstone or sand very likely during an asteroid or comet impact onto Earth. While melting and ejection occurred at high pressures, the melt solidified quickly at atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   
A new inversion method for seismic reflection data is based on impedance concepts and uses transformations to reduce the essentially non-linear problem to a linear eigenvalue formulation without approximation. A set of reflection data has been inverted using this method. The characteristic impedances of the layers so determined are compared with log data from a reference borehole.  相似文献   
Trace element characteristics of seven coesite-bearing eclogitic xenoliths from the Roberts Victor kimberlite demonstrate that this suite of eclogites originated as gabbroic cumulates in oceanic crust that was subsequently subducted. All but one of the garnets show positive Eu anomalies, accompanied by a flat heavy rare earth pattern, which is atypical of garnet, but characteristic of plagioclase, arguing for a considerable amount of plagioclase in the protoliths. Forward modelling of the accumulation of liquidus minerals from primitive komatiitic, picritic, and basaltic liquids suggests that at least some of the eclogite protoliths were not derived from basaltic parental liquids, whereas derivation from either komatiitic or picritic liquids is possible. The reconstructed eclogite bulk rocks compare favourably with oceanic gabbros from ODP hole 735B (SW Indian Ridge), even to the extent that oxygen isotopic systematics show signs of low-temperature seawater alteration. However, the oxygen isotope trends are the reverse of what is expected for cumulates in the lower section of the oceanic crust. These new findings show that δ18O values in eclogitic xenoliths, despite being sound indicators for their interaction with hydrothermal fluids at low pressure, do not necessarily bear a simple relationship with the inferred oceanic crustal stratigraphy of the protoliths.  相似文献   
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