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The upland planation surface in the Piedmont of central New Jersey consists of summit flats, as much as 130 km2 in area, that truncate bedding and structure in diabase, basalt, sandstone, mudstone and gneiss. These flats define a low‐relief regional surface that corresponds in elevation to residual hills in the adjacent Coastal Plain capped by a fluvial gravel of late Miocene age. A Pliocene fluvial sand is inset 50 m below the upland features. These associations suggest a late Miocene or early Pliocene age for the surface. To assess exposure age and erosional history, a 4·4 m core of clayey diabase saprolite on a 3 km2 remnant of the surface was sampled at six depths for atmospherically produced cosmogenic 10Be. The measured inventory, assuming a deposition rate of 1·3 × 106 atoms cm−2 a−1, yields a minimum exposure age of 227 000 years, or, assuming continuous surface erosion, a constant erosion rate of 10 m Ma−1. Because the sample site lies about 60 m above the aggradation surface of the Pliocene fluvial deposit, and itself supports a pre‐Pliocene fluvial gravel lag, this erosion rate is too high. Rather, episodic surface erosion and runoff bypassing probably have produced an inventory deficit. Reasonable estimates of surface erosion (up to 10 m) and bypassing (up to 50 per cent of total precipitation) yield exposure ages of as much as 6·4 Ma. These results indicate that (1) the surface is probably of pre‐Pleistocene age and has been modified by Pleistocene erosion, and (2) exposure ages based on 10Be inventories are highly sensitive to surface erosion and runoff bypassing. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Vessels found contaminated with biofouling non-indigenous marine species are predominantly removed from the water and treated in vessel maintenance facilities (i.e., slipways, travel lifts and dry-docks). Using pre-fouled settlement plates to simulate a vessel’s removal from the water for treatment, we demonstrate that a range of mobile organisms (including non-indigenous marine species) may be lost to the marine environment as a consequence of this process. We also determined that different levels of biofouling (primary, secondary and tertiary) and emersion durations (0.5, 5 and 15 min) affected the abundance and composition of mobile taxa lost to the marine environment. Primary biofouling plates lost 3.2% of total animals, secondary plates lost 19.8% and tertiary plates lost 8.2%, while hanging duration had only minor effects. The results suggest that removing vessels contaminated with biofouling non-indigenous marine species from the water for treatment may not be as biosecure as is currently recognised.  相似文献   
The Pitt River is a meandering river channel linking the Fraser River estuary and Pitt Lake. The lake acts as a temporary reservoir for tidally diverted Fraser River flow. Stage level can fluctuate 2 m in Pitt River and as much as 1.2 m in Pitt Lake on a tidal cycle. Stage data from three locations in the system, used in conjunction with velocity measurements (profiles and tethered meter), revealed large tidal and seasonal variations in discharge. Calculations indicate that during the flood, basal shear stress peaks earlier in the cycle and reaches higher values than during the ebb. Thus, sediment moves farther forward on a flood flow than it moves back on the succeeding ebb. An upstream movement of sediment in Pitt River from the Fraser River is indicated by: (1) the identical mineralogy of the two rivers, (2) a decrease in median grain size from the Fraser to Pitt Lake, and (3) a predominance of flood-oriented bedforms in the river channel. A delta, 12 km2 area, has accumulated at the lower (draining) end of the lake. Studies of the river channel using hydrographic charts revealed regular meanders (λM = 6100 m) and evenly spaced riffles and pools which appear to be scaled to the strongest flow, winter flood current (2400 m3/s). The winter flood is thus considered to be the effective discharge. Meander point bars are accreting on the ‘upstream’ side indicating deposition by the flood-oriented flow. The three dimensional geometry of the large-scale bedforms which cover the sandy thalweg of both river and delta channel was determined by echo sounding and side-scan sonar. Three distinct sizes (height/spacing = 0.8 m/10–15 m; 1.5 m/25–30m; 3m/50–60 m) of large-scale bedforms (sand waves) were found; their linear relationship of height vs. spacing on a log-log plot suggests a common genesis. Their occurrence by size does not appear to be related to depth of flow but rather to their position in the channel with respect to large scale features which alter flow.  相似文献   
There is still considerable uncertainty about precipitation at high elevation in mountain terrain due to the relatively few in situ measurements available and to the particular variability of the parameter. In this study, several spatialization techniques were tested, some for climatological time scale and others for daily fields, for precipitation over the western Alps for the period of 1990–2012. The study domain and period were chosen for the quality of available in situ observations and density of the network. First, a weather-type classification was established with a technique based on canonical correlation analysis combining large- and regional-scale data. The spatialization techniques applied for the climatological time scale were adapted from the Aurelhy method which uses elevation and principal components of the topography as predictors. The spatialization techniques applied to daily fields were based on kriging of daily rain gauges and used the climatological fields as predictors. This study aims to validate the advantage of using the climatology of the weather type of the day as predictor for daily fields over a monthly climatology. The climatology of the weather type of the day seems to demonstrate some small improvement.Finally, annual means over the period of 1990–2012 were produced using several methods, including some from accumulation of daily fields and others from the spatialization of in situ station means. Precipitation at high elevations and vertical climatological gradients were particularly scrutinized. Annual means based on sums of daily fields seem to have better performances.This paper only presents results for precipitation but temperature was also analysed.  相似文献   
A better understanding of stormwater generation and solute sources is needed to improve the protection of aquatic ecosystems, infrastructure, and human health from large runoff events. Much of our understanding of water and solutes produced during stormflow comes from studies of individual, small headwater catchments. This study compared many different types of catchments during a single large event to help isolate landscape controls on streamwater and solute generation, including human‐impacted land cover. We used a distributed network of specific electrical conductivity sensors to trace storm response during the post‐tropical cyclone Sandy event of October 2012 at 29 catchments across the state of New Hampshire. A citizen science sensor network, Lotic Volunteer for Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, and Stage, provided a unique opportunity to investigate high‐temporal resolution stream behavior at a broad spatial scale. Three storm response metrics were analyzed in this study: (a) fraction of new water contributing to the hydrograph; (b) presence of first flush (mobilization of solutes during the beginning of the rain event); and (c) magnitude of first flush. We compared new water and first flush to 64 predictor attributes related to land cover, soil, topography, and precipitation. The new water fraction was positively correlated with low and medium intensity development in the catchment and riparian buffers and with the precipitation from a rain event 9 days prior to Sandy. The presence of first flush was most closely related (positively) to soil organic matter. Magnitude of first flush was not strongly related to any of the catchment variables. Our results highlight the potentially important role of human landscape modification in runoff generation at multiple spatial scales and the lack of a clear role in solute flushing. Further development of regional‐scale in situ sensor networks will provide better understanding of stormflow and solute generation across a wide range of landscape conditions.  相似文献   
The CASES-99 experimental data are used to analyze turbulence behaviour under a range of stable conditions using an adaptive method based on Hilbert spectral analysis. The characteristic scales of intrinsic mode functions vary between different stratifications. The second-order Hilbert marginal spectra display clear separation between fine-scale turbulence and large-scale motions. After removing the large-scale motions, the statistical characteristics of the reconstructed signals confirm the distinction of different stratifications in the fine-scale range. The correlation coefficient analyses reveal that the Hilbert spectral analysis method separates turbulence from large-scale motions in the stable boundary layer.  相似文献   
Woodlark Island, the largest above‐sea portion of the Woodlark Rise, has an exposed basement of pre‐Miocene (?Cretaceous‐Eocene) low‐K tholeiitic basalt and dolerite, and minor sediments. The basement is unconformably overlain by Early Miocene limestone and volcaniclastic sediments and later Miocene high‐K volcanics and comagmatic intrusives. Pleistocene to Recent sediments partly blanket the Tertiary sequence. Basement low‐K tholeiites vary only slightly in composition and are interpreted as ocean floor or possible marginal basin material. The high‐K suite appears to be chemically similar to late Tertiary to Recent high‐K igneous rocks of mainland Papua New Guinea. It includes porphyritic hornblende‐, clinopyroxene‐, biotite‐ and magnetite‐bearing shoshonite, latite and toscanite, and intrusive equivalents that range from olivine normative to strongly quartz normative compositions (S1Q2 46% to 75%). Computer mixing models indicate that separation of the pheno‐crysts in the shoshonites, particularly pargasitic hornblende, is a feasible mechanism for producing the more silica‐rich monzonites and latites.

The low‐K tholeiitic basement rocks of Woodlark Island are inferred to be part of an ophiolitic slab en echelon with the Papuan Ultramafic Belt, thrust over equivalents of the Cretaceous Owen Stanley Metamorphics or, in part, onto existing oceanic crust. High‐K igneous rocks on Woodlark Island appear to form an eastward extension of a province of calcalkaline to shoshonitic volcanic and intrusive rocks, which stretches from Mount Lamington to the Louisiade Archipelago. Late‐middle Miocene high‐K magmatism at Woodlark Island is consistent with the observation that activity commenced earlier in the E and became progressively younger westwards towards mainland Papua New Guinea. Periodicity in the magmatism was apparently synchronous with major rifting episodes that formed the Woodlark Basin. The data on the Woodlark Island high‐K suite support the currently accepted. concept of delayed partial melting of a mantle source previously modified by the introduction of water and LILE from an earlier subduction zone (Johnson et al., 1978b).  相似文献   
Despite its harsh environmental conditions, terrestrial Antarctica contains a relatively large microbial biomass. Natural abundance carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures of organic materials in the dry valleys indicate mixed provenance of the soil organic matter (SOM) with varying proportions of contributions from lichens, mosses, lake-derived algae and cyanobacteria. Here we employed two complementary analytical techniques, biomarker measurements by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and solution-state 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, to provide further information at a molecular-level about the composition and possible source of SOM in the Garwood Valley, Antarctica. The predominance of branched alkanes and short-chain lipids in the solvent extracts indicates that the primary contribution to the SOM was microbial-derived. Chemical structures in the NaOH extracts from soils were also dominated by amide, peptides, and a CH3-dominating aliphatic region that were characteristic of microbial signatures. Furthermore, the SOM in the Garwood Valley contained compounds that were different from those in the cyanobacteria-dominated mat from a nearby lake (including monoethyl alkanes and enriched side-chain protons). This observation suggests that easily degradable carbon sources from the nearby lake did not dominate the SOM, which is consistent with a fast turnover of the mat-derived organic matter found in the valley. This study highlights the important role of native soil microbes in the carbon transformation and biogeochemistry in terrestrial Antarctica.  相似文献   
We present RHEA, a compact and inexpensive single-mode spectrograph which is built to exploit the capabilities of modest-sized telescopes in an economic way. The instrument is fed by up to seven optical waveguides with the aim of achieving an efficient and modal-noise-free unit, suitable for attaining extreme Doppler precision. The cross-dispersed layout features a wavelength coverage from 430–650 nm, with spectral resolution of R ~75,000. When coupled to small telescopes using fast tip/tilt control, our instrument is well-suited to sensitive spectroscopy. Example science cases are accurate radial velocity studies of low to intermediate-mass giant stars with the purpose of searching for giant plants and using asteroseismology to simultaneously measure the host star parameters. In this paper we describe the final instrument design and present first results from testing the internal stability.  相似文献   
Consider radar ranging of a distant galaxy in a Friedman–Lemaître cosmological model. In this model the comoving coordinate of the galaxy is constant; hence, the equations of null geodesics for photons travelling to the distant galaxy and back imply Here, τe, τr and τo are, respectively, the times of emission, reflection and observation of the reflected photons, and a (τ) is the scalefactor. Since the Universe is expanding, a (τ) is a monotonically increasing function, so the return traveltime, τo−τr, must be greater than the forward traveltime, τr−τe. Clearly, space expands, and on their way back, the photons must travel a longer distance! This paper explains why this argument for the Expansion of Space (EoS) is wrong. We argue that, unlike the expansion of the cosmic substratum, the EoS is unobservable. We therefore propose to apply to it – just like to the ether – Ockham's razor.  相似文献   
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