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The accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), wavelet-ANN and wavelet-ANFIS in predicting monthly water salinity levels of northwest Iran’s Aji-Chay River was assessed. The models were calibrated, validated and tested using different subsets of monthly records (October 1983 to September 2011) of individual solute (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, SO4 2? and Cl?) concentrations (input parameters, meq L?1), and electrical conductivity-based salinity levels (output parameter, µS cm?1), collected by the East Azarbaijan regional water authority. Based on the statistical criteria of coefficient of determination (R2), normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSC) and threshold statistics (TS) the ANFIS model was found to outperform the ANN model. To develop coupled wavelet-AI models, the original observed data series was decomposed into sub-time series using Daubechies, Symlet or Haar mother wavelets of different lengths (order), each implemented at three levels. To predict salinity input parameter series were used as input variables in different wavelet order/level-AI model combinations. Hybrid wavelet-ANFIS (R2 = 0.9967, NRMSE = 2.9 × 10?5 and NSC = 0.9951) and wavelet-ANN (R2 = 0.996, NRMSE = 3.77 × 10?5 and NSC = 0.9946) models implementing the db4 mother wavelet decomposition outperformed the ANFIS (R2 = 0.9954, NRMSE = 3.77 × 10?5 and NSC = 0.9914) and ANN (R2 = 0.9936, NRMSE = 3.99 × 10?5 and NSC = 0.9903) models.  相似文献   
Hydrogeologic framework of the Maku area basalts, northwestern Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Maku area in northwestern Iran is characterized by young lava flows which erupted from Mount Ararat in Turkey. These fractured volcanic rocks overlie alluvium associated with pre-existing rivers and form a good basalt-alluvium aquifer over an area of 650 km2. Groundwater discharge occurs from 12 large springs, ranging from 20 to 4,000 L s?1, and from some extraction wells. Permian and Oligo-Miocene age limestones along the northern boundary of the Bazargan and Poldasht Plains basalts are intensively karstified and groundwater from these high lands easily enters the basalt-alluvium aquifers. The transmissivity of the basalt-alluvium aquifer ranges from 24 to 870 m2 d?1, indicating heterogeneity. Groundwater of the aquifer is a sodium-bicarbonate and mixed cation-bicarbonate type and the concentration of fluoride is higher than the universal maximum admissible concentrations for drinking. In order to determine the chemical composition and identify the source of the high fluoride concentrations in the groundwater of the basaltic area, water samples from the springs, wells and rivers were analyzed. The results indicate that the high fluoride water enters the study area from the Sari Su River.  相似文献   
Of particular concern in the monitoring of gas injection for the purposes of storage, disposal or improved oil recovery is the exact spatial distribution of the gas volumes in the subsurface. In principle this requirement is addressed by the use of 4D seismic data, although it is recognized that the seismic response still largely provides a qualitative estimate of moved subsurface fluids. Exact quantitative evaluation of fluid distributions and associated saturations remains a challenge to be solved. Here, an attempt has been made to produce mapped quantitative estimates of the gas volume injected into a clastic reservoir. Despite good results using three accurately repeated seismic surveys, time‐delay and amplitude attributes reveal fine‐scale differences though large‐scale agreement in the estimated fluid movement. These differences indicate disparities in the nature of the two attributes themselves, which can be explained by several possible causes. Of most impact are the effects of processing and migration, wave interference effects and noise from non‐repeatability of the seismic surveys. This subject highlights the need for a more careful consideration in 4D acquisition, amplitude processing and use of true amplitude preserving attributes in quantitative interpretation.  相似文献   
Aji-Chay River is one of the most important surface reservoirs of northwest of Iran, because it passes through Tabriz city and discharges to Urmia Lake, one of the largest permanent salty lakes in the world. The main objectives of the present study are to evaluate its overall water quality and to explore its hydrogeochemical characteristics, including the potential contamination from heavy metals and metalloids such as Co, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr, Al and As. For this purpose, 12 water samples were collected from the main river body and its tributaries within Tabriz plain. The Piper diagram classified water samples mainly into Na–Cl and secondary into Ca–HCO3 and mixed Ca–Mg–Cl types, denoting a profound salinization effect. The cross-plots showed that natural geochemical processes including dissolution of minerals (e.g., carbonates, evaporites and silicates), as well as ion exchange, are the predominant factors that contribute to fluvial hydrogeochemistry, while anthropogenic activities (industrial and agricultural) impose supplementary effects. Cluster analysis classified samples into two distinct clusters; samples of cluster B appear to have elevated electrical conductivity (EC) values and trace metals concentrations such as Co, Pb and Cd, while SiO2 and Zn are low in comparison with the samples of the cluster A. The main processes controlling Aji-Chay River hydrogeochemistry and water quality were identified to be salinization and rock weathering. Both are related with geogenic sources which enrich river system with elevated values of Na+, Cl?, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, SO4 2? and EC as a direct effect of evaporites leaching and elevated values of Pb and Cd as an impact from the weathering process of volcanic formations. According to the US salinity diagram, all of the water samples are unsuitable for irrigation as having moderate to bad quality.  相似文献   
A detailed hydrogeological investigation was carried out in the Tabriz plain in Iran using conventional hydrogeological field investigations and hydrochemistry. The study was carried out because the aquifers are of particular importance as they are more or less the only source of water supply available to the rural population and for agricultural and industrial activities. Analytical and numerical methods were applied to the constant rate pumping test data from the Tabriz airport and the Tabriz Power Station well fields. Two types of aquifers of different water quality were identified in the study area: an unconfined aquifer that extends over the plain and confined aquifers that are found in the deeper layers of the multilayered sediment terraces of the Aji-Chay River course. Therefore, the central part of the Tabriz plain contains both unconfined and confined aquifers, while close to the highlands, there is only an unconfined aquifer. There was evidence of minor leakage in the confined aquifers when the numerical method was used for analysis. The groundwater in the area can be identified by three main geochemical facies: Na-Cl, Ca-HCO3, and mixed Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4. The processes responsible for the hydrochemical evolution in the area fall into five categories: dissolution of evaporate minerals, precipitation of carbonate minerals, evaporation, ion exchange, and anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   
Successions of FIAs(foliation inflection/intersection axes preserved within porphyroblasts) provide a relative time scale for deformation and metamorphism.In-situ dating of monazite grains preserved as inclusions within garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts within the foliations defining each FIA from such successions provides a rigorous approach to grouping ages that formed over extended periods of deformation and metamorphism.Matching age and FIA progressions confirms the suitability of this approach pl...  相似文献   
Intrusion of quartz‐monzodioritic igneous bodies of Oligocene age into Eocene lithic crystal tuffs and trachy‐basalts resulted in the occurrence of a widespread argillic alteration zone in the Jizvan district (northern Iran). Mineralogically, the argillic alteration zone includes minerals such as kaolinite, quartz, smectite, pyrophyllite, muscovite‐illite, alunite, rutile, calcite, feldspar, chlorite, hematite and goethite. Therefore, the non‐CHARAC behaviour for trace elements in the argillic samples is reflected in the non‐chondritic Y/Ho and Zr/Hf ratios and the irregular REE patterns, which appear related to the tetrad effect phenomenon. The chondrite‐normalized REE distribution patterns indicate both concave (W‐shaped) and convex (M‐shaped) tetrad effects in the argillic samples. Based on the field evidence and the results from geochemical studies, it can be concluded that the samples from the argillic alteration zone having high fourth tetrad effect values (>0.30) were developed in the fault and breccia zones. The results indicate that factors such as preferential scavenging by Mn‐oxides, crystallization of clay minerals, fluid‐rock interaction, overprint of hypogene mineral assemblage by supergene ones, and the structural control, have all played an important role in the occurrence of tetrad effects in samples of the argillic zone in the Jizvan district.  相似文献   
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