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The climate cooling and vegetation changes in the Miocene/Pliocene are generally well documented by various proxy data. Some important ecosystem changes occurred at that time. Palaeobotanical evidence suggests that the Sahara desert first appeared in the Pliocene, whereas in the Miocene North Africa was green. In the present study, we investigate the Late Miocene climate response to the appearance of the Sahara desert from a climate modelling sensitivity experiment. We compare a model experiment, which includes a full set of Late Miocene boundary conditions, with another one using the same boundary conditions except that the North African vegetation refers to the present-day situation. Our sensitivity study demonstrates that the introduction of the Sahara desert leads to a cooling and an aridification in Africa. In addition, we observe teleconnection patterns related to the North African desertification at around the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. From our sensitivity experiment, we observe that the Sahara contributes to a cooling in Central Asia and in North America. As compared to hypsodonty data for Central Asia, an increased aridity is underestimated in the Sahara experiment. Finally, we observe that the introduction of the Sahara leads to a cooling in the northern high latitudes. Hence, our sensitivity experiment indicates that the appearance of the Sahara desert is one piece to better understand Late Cenozoic climate cooling being most pronounced in the high latitudes.  相似文献   
A numerical application to the extreme cases of high and low degree of ionization of the binary collision theory of Burgers (1960) and the multiple collision theory of Shkarofsky (1960) shows very good agreement in the values of the magnetic tensor components for solar electrical conductivity. It is pointed out that the inclusion of ion motions in Burgers theory favors its use in the future evaluation of the solar thermal conductivity tensor.The research reported in this paper was sponsored by the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, AFSC, under Contract F19628-70-C-0192-P00001, but the report does not necessarily reflect endorsement by the sponsor.  相似文献   
Talc-garnet-kyanite-quartz schist occurs in an eclogite-bearing terrane in the Precambrian of Western Tasmania. It is argued that this rock was formed at a pressure of ? 10 kb and a temperature of 600°±20° C. Chemical zoning in the garnet and talc preserves evidence of increasing temperature during growth of the major minerals.  相似文献   
Summary Trapped sea-water in R?rholtfjorden, Telemark, Norway, was discovered in 1951 by?smund Ystad who was a student at the Department of Limnology, University of Oslo. The lake was investigated continuously from August 1951 to July 1952, and the results are found inYstad [12] andStr?m [8, 9, 10, 11]. On 25 February 1971 some water samples were taken from R?rholtfjorden to supply the information from the lake, and if possible record changes in the water for the last 20 years. The tables contain chemical data, pH, temperature and oxygen content. The trapped sea-water is also compared with original sea-water with the same chloride content. It is difficult to say anything about changes in the salt-water because of uncertainty regarding the depth measurements. But a so-called semi-stagnation (Str?m [8]) was not observed (Fig. 3). It is possible that about one meter of the trapped sea-water has been lost during the last 20 years because of the removed semi-stagnation.
Zusammenfassung Im R?rholtfjord, Telemark, Norwegen, wurde 1951 von?smund Ystad, Universit?t Oslo, ?gefangenes? Meerwasser entdeckt, welches dann von August 1951 bis Juli 1952 kontinuierlich untersucht wurde. Die Resultate sind beiYstad [12] undStr?m [8, 9, 10, 11] publiziert. Im February 1971 wurden erneut Proben aus dem Fjord genommen, um eventuelle Ver?nderungen w?hrend der vergangenen 20 Jahre festzustellen. Es wurden chemische Daten sowie pH, Temperatur und O2-Gehalt aufgenommen. Das ?gefangene? Wasser wurde auch mit Originalmeerwasser derselben Salinit?t verglichen. Wegen der Ungenauigkeit der Tiefenmessungen ist es schwierig, etwas über Ver?nderungen auszusagen. Indessen wurde eine sog. Semi-Stagnation, wie sieStr?m [8] beschreibt, nicht beobachtet (Fig. 3). M?glicherweise ging etwa 1 m des ?gefangenen? Wassers zufolge des Verschwindens jener Semi-Stagnation verloren.

Résumé De l’eau de mer ?captivée? dans le R?rholtfjord, Telemark, Norvège, fut découverte en 1951 par?smund Ystad, étudiant en Limnologie à l’Université d’Oslo. Des expériences avec l’eau de ce lac ont été poursuivies continuellement d’ao?t 1951 à juillet 1952 et les résultats ont été publiés parYstad [12] etStr?m [8, 9, 10, 11]. Le 25 février 1971, de nouveaux échantillons d’eau ont été prélevés dans le fjord pour étudier si, dans les 20 dernières années, d’éventuels changements étaient survenus. Les tableaux présentés contiennent les données chimiques, ainsi que le pH, la température et le taux d’oxygène. En plus, l’eau ?captivée? est comparée avec l’eau de mer originale, au même taux de salinité. Il est difficile de s’exprimer sur les changements survenus dans l’eau, à cause de l’incertitude concernant les mesures de profondeur. Cependant, on n’a pas observé une dite semi-stagnation comme l’a décriteStróm [8] (fig. 3). Il est possible qu’environ un mètre de cette eau ?captivée? se soit perdue, durant les 20 dernières années, par la disparition de la semi-stagnation.
Climate impact of high northern vegetation: Late Miocene and present   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Late Miocene belongs to the late phase of the Cenozoic. Climate at that time was still warmer and more humid as compared to today, especially in the high latitudes. Corresponding to the climate situation, palaeobotanical evidences support that vegetation in the high northern latitudes changed significantly from the Late Miocene until today. To quantify the climate impact of this vegetation change, we analyse how vegetation in the high northern latitudes contribute to climate evolution. For that, we perform climate modelling sensitivity experiments for the present and for the Late Miocene (Tortonian, 11–7 Ma). For our present-day sensitivity experiment, we introduce the Tortonian vegetation in the high northern latitudes. For our Tortonian sensitivity experiment, we introduce the modern vegetation on the same grid cells. In the Tortonian and in the present, the modern vegetation leads to a strong cooling of the northern extratropics (up to −4°C). Nevertheless, the meridional heat transports remain nearly unchanged in both cases. In general, the vegetation impact on climate is similar in the Tortonian and in the present. However, some exceptions occur. Due to the Tethys Ocean in the Tortonian, temperatures decline only weakly in eastern Europe and western Asia. In the Tortonian climate, temperatures on the Sahara realm rise (up to +1.5°C), while the temperatures do not change remarkably in the present-day climate. This different behaviour is caused by a stronger and more sensitive hydrological cycle on the Sahara region during the Tortonian.  相似文献   
Following Appalachian orogenesis, metamorphic rocks in central Newfoundland were exhumed and reburied under Tournaisian strata. New zircon fission‐track (ZFT) ages of metamorphic rocks below the Tournaisian unconformity yield post‐depositionally reset ages of 212–235 Ma indicating regional fluid‐absent reheating to at least ≥220°C. Post‐Tournaisian sedimentary thicknesses in surrounding basins show that burial alone cannot explain such temperatures, thus requiring that palaeo‐geothermal gradients increased to ≥30–40°C/km before final late Triassic accelerated cooling. We attribute these elevated palaeo‐geothermal gradients to localized thermal blanketing by insulating sediments overlying radiogenic high‐heat‐producing granitoids. Late Triassic rifting and magmatism before break up of Pangaea likely also contributed to elevated heat flow, as well as uplift, triggering late Triassic accelerated cooling and exhumation. Thermochronological ages of 240–200 Ma are seen throughout Atlantic Canada, and record rifting and basaltic magmatism on the conjugate margins of the Central Atlantic Ocean preceding the onset of oceanic spreading at ~190 Ma.  相似文献   
Arne Walther 《GeoJournal》1990,22(2):210-210


3rd International Energy Forum in Hamburg, Germany, 22–23 November 1990Meeting of leading experts to discuss the role of the Energy Industries in the Europe of the Future  相似文献   
When chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood is removed from service and turns into waste, the contents of Cu, Cr and As remain high due to the strong fixation of CCA in the wood. This high content of toxic compounds presents a disposal challenge. Incineration of CCA-treated waste wood is not allowed in Denmark; instead, the wood is to be land-filled until new methods for handling the wood are available. Since the amounts of CCA-treated wood being removed from service is expected to increase in the years to come, the need for finding alternative handling methods is very relevant. In this study, the usefulness of Electrodialytic Remediation was demonstrated for handling of CCA-treated waste wood in pilot scale. The electrodialytic remediation method, which uses a low-level direct current (DC) as the cleaning agent, combines electrokinetic movement of ions in the wood matrix with the principles of electrodialysis. It has previously been shown that it is possible to remove Cu, Cr and As from CCA-treated wood using electrodialytic remediation in laboratory scale, but until now, the method had not been studied in large scale. The pilot-scale plant used in this study was designed to contain up to 2 m3 wood chips. Six remediation experiments were carried out. In these experiments, the process was up-scaled stepwise by increasing the distance between the electrodes from initially 60 cm to finally 150 cm. The remediation time was varied between 11 and 21 days, and phosphoric acid and/or oxalic acid was used to facilitate the desorption of CCA from the wood. In the most successful of the experiments carried out, the concentration of CCA in the wood was reduced by up to 82% for Cr, 88% for Cu and at least 96% for As.  相似文献   
The Pillara Zn–Pb deposit is the largest of several known Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits in the Lennard Shelf of the Canning Basin. Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic measurements are reported for 294 specimens from 23 sites in mineralization and its carbonate host rocks from the deposit as well as on 15 artificial specimens of zinc and lead concentrate and of tailings. Pyrrhotite carries the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) in nearly all specimens. The ChRM postdates most faulting as shown by breccia tests and most minor regional tilting as shown by the degraded fit on tilt correction. The mean ChRM direction for all sites is D=20.6°, I=–27.5° (N=23, 95=5.3°, k=34.1), yielding an age of 358±5 Ma (2) that is similar to the comparable age of 354±8 Ma (2) for the Kapok MVT deposit. Host rock diagenesis with attendant secondary remagnetization yields an age of 361±5 Ma (1) and the MVT mineralization with a primary chemical remanent magnetization gives an age of 356±3 Ma (1), co-eval with a published Rb–Sr sphalerite age of 357±3 Ma. Interpretation of this temporal data suggests that the MVT deposits of the southeastern Lennard Shelf originated during extension, probably in response to rift-related topography-driven fluid flow.Editorial handling: C. Brauhart  相似文献   
Experimental data combined with data from natural rocks have been used to calibrate a geothermometer based on the distribution of Fe2+ and Mg between coexisting garnets and phengites. The pressure effect on the K D -value appears to be considerable. The calculated thermometer is expressed as $$T(K) = \frac{{3685 + 77.1P(kb)}}{{InK_D + 3.52}}.$$ The use of this \(K_{D_{(FeO/MgO)} }^{ga + ph}\) geothermometer on eclogites with low Fe2O3 content, gives P-T values which are in good accordance with those obtained by other methods. The problems that arise when Fe3+ is present in larger amounts, are discussed.  相似文献   
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